😏Teen Fiction Results😏

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Hello everybody!

I would like to express my tremendous gratitude to the amazing judges for their stark diligence as well, QueenOfSass8 and awakened_dreams.

Today is a spectacular day, in fact, the teen fiction results are going to be announced at last. 

If you are eager to discover the results, subsequently let's hop up to them without an ado.

First place goes for Empty 

by stormwhitaker

Title – 5/5

It's simple. Poetic. Beautiful. And just perfect!

Cover – 4.5/5

The cover is great, I just think the font could go a little bolder to make it stand out the tiniest bit more. Otherwise its perfect.

Blurb – 5/5

To the point, just giving enough information to make the readers inquisitive about the book. Well written.

Grammar and Punctuation – 9.5/10

Barely found any errors, just a few grammatical stuff probably twice while reading. I think the editing is well done as well.

Writing Style – 10/10

I'd say beautiful. There's literally nothing to make it better, it's already perfectly written. The additions of graphics inbetween is beautiful as well.

Character development – 10/10

The pace of character development is great and the female protagonist is written about perfectly.

Plot/Storyline – 10/10

The flow is perfect and not too nagging. It makes me want to read more and more with each chapter.

Overall enjoyment – 15/15

I just can't wait to read more, it's a beautiful book. I know many cliché's about a girl having a messed up life but this one doesn't make me feel like it's a cliché. It's just a beautiful original story.

Total – 69/70

Second place goes for

Madness of mercy by 4ever_Amazing

Title – 3/5

The title could've been a little more creative because the book seems to be amazing as far as I've read and it'll help gain readers if you make it a little more catchy. But that's still a pretty fine title cause every author has their reason behind the title and I'm sure you do too. J

Cover – 2.5/5

The cover however needs a little work, the image is fine but little overused for book covers on here but I didn't judge based on the image. The fonts do not seem to complement each other very well, the varying colors add up to that. I'd say go simpler on the fonts and colors you choose and as a cover maker myself, I strongly suggest you stick to two fonts.

Blurb – 4.5/5

It's short yet creates curiosity for new readers. Very well written cuts short on giving too much information, which is really good cause it's quite a challenge for many people. Great job on this, just try composing it a little better – the dividers between the quote and blurb could be a little more creative or simplified.

Grammar and Punctuation – 8.5/10

I think the grammar and punctuation, has been pretty well maintained throughout so far. Just a few errors but that can be fixed if you go over it once.

Writing Style – 8.5/10

Your writing is quite spot on. Your character references to Voldemort and the humor is spot on and easily any readers favorite in addition to your well-thought titles.

But there are a few things that can make it better – aesthetics. While these might not be the things that a writer pays heed to sometimes, it's what makes the book more pleasing to read. You could get creative with the separators instead of using dashes, you could use just keyboard symbols more creatively or request it on some graphic stores that you find on here. There are tons. This will just help your book stand out better.

Character development – 9/10

So far so good, the pace of character development is really good. It's hard to judge since it's only the first few chapters but all I can say is, you've got your readers intrigued into reading more so good job.

Plot/Storyline – 9/10

It's a creative storyline with a hint of the bad boy cliché which is going great so far, and the female protagonist is crafted very well. The flow is perfect.

Overall enjoyment – 14/15

It's a well-written book that has a lot of potentials, which I'm sure the author will fulfill in the long run. Definitely looking forward to reading more.

Total – 59/70

Third place goes for 

Salutatorian Wars by JustNicole0001

Title – 5/5

It's unique and definitely piqued my interest.

Cover – 2/5

The cover needs to be worked on. it makes a reader think twice before reading when the cover isn't good. Maybe avoid the font you used, it doesn't give it a look of a book cover.

Blurb – 3.5/5

The blurb ended interesting but I feel like it's too cramped up into a paragraph and contains too much information. It could be streamlined with the sentences a bit and broken apart into paragraphs instead of just one.

Grammar and Punctuation – 8/10

Definitely not bad but still has a few things to edit, punctuations around dialouges especially.

Writing Style – 9/10

The writing style is pretty good actually. It's almost perfect, maybe with the addition of a few italics when necessary would add up to your style.

Character development – 8 /10

Starting off, I definitely thought the male protagonist is one of the cliché guys but I think it's going pretty well now. The characters are evolving pretty well.

Plot/Storyline – 8.5/10

I'm slowly falling in love with it. It takes atleast two chapters for a reader to see the potential and from there its good.

Overall enjoyment – 13/15

Total – 57/70

And the honorable mentions go for

First honorable mention 

falling for my enemy by x_xRhiannonx_x

 Title- 3 

cover 5

 blurb 4

grammar 8 

style 9

character development 7

plot 7

overall 12 

55/70 marks 

Nice work you did! Grammar was awesome, and not with many mistakes. Title was kind of cliché, actually. The plot was kind of different, but wasn't too hooking. Overall it was the kind of the book I'll read just because I started it.Could be better, with a few changes here and there!

Second honorable mention is bitter - sweet by _shere03

Title 4.5, 

cover 4.5, 

blurb 3, 

grammar 9, 

writing style 7, 

character 6.5,

 plot 8, 

overall 13 


I loved your book! It was so sweet. Blurb was kind of long, and with spoilers. Characters could use some improvement. Good job!

And the final honorable mention goes for a thousand summers ago by BoysandBlondes 

Title 4, 

cover 3.5, 

blurb 4.5, 

grammar 9, 

writing style 8.5, 

character 7.5, 

plot 6, 

overall 12.5 


I actually enjoyed reading this book. The style was good, with humour. But I think this was cliché, best friend turns out to be fake and all that. Everything else was good. You should try out some other plot next time! All the best. 

Congratulations to all mesmerizing winners and honorable mentions!

Don't be disheartened if you eventually spot that your work isn't midst the winners or the runner-ups at least! Just because you didn't win, that doesn't render your work horrendous and tiresome. What I would like to advice every awesome writer is to keep writing and never give up for sure!

To all winners and runner-ups, don't forget to DM me, in order to obtain their stickers, whereas the other participants feel free to message your judges for eventual final score and review! :))

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