ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛 -𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕠𝕠𝕗𝕥𝕠𝕡

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The party was plunged into darkness. There was total chaos and people screamed in panic running around wondering what the hell was happening. The only light coming in was from the windows or the balcony, by the light of the moon.
Sooyoung came down to where the party was and looked for Natasha. "Natasha! Natasha!", Sooyoung tried screaming for her best friend through the dark. She paused, realising that it was stupid to run around in the dark and scream and did the smart thing. She gave Natasha a call. "Whoever this is, oops I got 99 problems and you ain't one of them right now so bye!" Natasha was about to cut the call when Sooyoung said "Wait! Nat. As much as I appreciate the random Anne Marie reference, it's me Sooyoung. Where are you?". "I'm up on the roof. You know where it is right? Just use the door at the back of the apartment, behind the kitchen, the stairs lead to the roof imma check what's going on there, come join me" replied Natasha.

Sooyoung agreed and started pushing her way through the people. On the way she bumped into a girl who was coming out of the bathroom. The girl looked very sweet and innocent and stopped Sooyoung. "E-excuse me. May I know what's going on? I've lost my friends and I don't know what to do", said Yeeun. Yeeun desperately wished the girl would help her since she had no idea where her friends were. Sooyoung looked at the girl and decided she couldn't leave her alone and decided to make her tag along. "Hey, don't worry. The power's gone off but I'm going to check what's happened. Would you like to come with me?", asked Sooyoung. Yeeun nodded and started following Sooyoung, up to the roof where it all started.

Taerin was shit faced drunk. She had no idea why she decided to even play beer pong with the asshole and now she regretted it. Especially since the lights went off, Taerin had no idea what she was doing. She was about to pass out, her head was hurting and the screams of the people around her were doing her no good. Just as she was about to give up and sit down, not caring about getting trampled by people, Taerin was startled by someone shaking her rapidly. "Are you stupid? You're lucky I stumbled upon you by accident or you would have been dead meat by now", said Himari.

Taerin giggled and said to Himari, "Are you an angel? Are you here to be my guardian angel?", Himari shook her head while dragging the drunk girl away from the crowd. "No, I'm just a kind stranger who didn't want a clearly drunk girl to get taken advantage of in this chaos. God you need some fresh air", replied Himari. Taerin giggled and kept babbling nonsense. Himari finally found a door at the back of the kitchen and without thinking about where it went, she lead Taerin out through the door, knowing that anywhere would be better than where they were.

"Jieun unnie! Jieun unnie. Wait for me! Where are you going?" Jinae asked Jieun. Jieun held in a sigh of relief at the younger girl's safety and chose to mask her relief with a look of annoyance. "Yes Jinae. What's the matter?" asked Jieun. It was hard to look at her face through the dark, but Jinae could see the faint outline of the elder, and knew she had her attention. "I don't know what to do. It's dark and I can't find the door and there are too many people." said Jinae. "You're the only person I trust here so I thought we should stick together." Jieun was strangely flattered by this and only nodded at the girl. Jinae grinned and told the elder. "Great but there is only one problem. Security won't let people out yet and it's quite suffocating. So why don't we go up to the roof? I know where it is, I overheard the host telling someone. Let's go?" Surprisingly, Jieun agreed and followed the lead of Jinae.

Just as Jina was about to return to her brother who was at the party, the power got cut off. Jina was about to rush into the party but was held back by the other girl on balcony. Jina looked at the girl in surprise and asked her why she stopped her. "I have to find my brother!", said Jina. In a very calm, soothing voice, Hada said to Jina, "I get that you want to look for your brother, but it is a disaster in there. Rather than finding your brother, you might get lost yourself."

Jina had to agree with the girl's reasoning but didn't know what else to do. She said so to Hada and Hada replied "Call your brother, tell him where you are. Ask him to find his way out of the party, meanwhile, we won't ever be able to make our way out the party if we go through there. But I've heard that there is a way to the roof, right here from a door next to the balcony. Let's go up to the roof, where there won't be as many people and make our way down to the lobby from another entrance on the roof?" Jina had to agree that was great advice and so both girls started following the plan.

Haeun was scared. She was terrified to say the least. Just as she had walked away from a potential bitch, the party was plunged into darkness and Haeun was stuck in the middle of the crowd, about to be suffocated. Haeun bumped into another girl, but she didn't know who it was in the dark. Haeun started apologising instantly but was stopped by the girl. "Hey stop apologising. It's dark and you couldn't see where you are. But please could you maybe stick with me a while? My phone died and I am not in the mood to be felt up by horny assholes. You seem sweet. So will you help me out? I'm Amara by the way"

Haeun turned her flashlight towards the girl and was awestruck at her beauty. She nodded dazedly and agreed to help Amara. Amara grinned and said, "Great now we need to figure out where to go." Just as the girls were wondering where to go, they overheard a voice talking to someone on the phone. Upon further inspection, they realised it was the host of the party and overheard her telling someone to come up to the roof. Both girls thought of it at once and turned to each other with grins. Looks like they were gonna be following the host of the party.

Natasha sighed for the umpteenth time as she got off the phone with Sooyoung. She elbowed her way through strangers and finally made her way up the stairs to the roof. On her way there she crossed paths with a disheveled boy running down the stairs. Natasha gave him a look but chose to ignore him. As soon as she reached the top of the stairs, she came face to face with two other girls.

Moon Hana and Choi Seunji stared back at Natasha. After chasing the boy she had been with away, Hana saw another girl who had been on the roof approach her. "What happened here?",asked Seunji. Hana was a little intimidated by Seunji's slightly cold looks, nonetheless she answered her, " I tripped over the wire". Seunji was about to say something when both of them were interrupted by Natasha barging in.

Natasha looks at the girls confused and asks, "What happened here?". "Oh nothing I jus-" Hana was about to say when the door opened once again and two more girls arrived. Haeun and  Amara look at the rest of the girls and everyone is quiet for a moment. "What happened here?" Amara was the first to break the silence and ask. Hana opened her mouth to answer again, when for the third time, the door burst open. In walked Sooyoung and Yeeun and Sooyoung ran to Natasha and hugged her. Yeeun looked at the rest of the girls a little shyly and Sooyoung asked Natasha what happened. Hana opens her mouth, " Well you se-" And once again she is interrupted by the opening of the door. If looks could kill, the four girls who had just walked in through the door would have been dead. Himari finally set Taerin down and tried shaking her to sober her up. Meanwhile, Jieun sent a look of disgust towards Taerin and Jinae grinned at the girls. Seunji looks exasperated and motions for Hana to continue. "I was ju-" At this point, who wasn't expecting this? Yes, once again the door was opened and in walked Jina and Hada. They look surprised at the glares their received. "Great, is there anyone else left to enter. Please go ahead. I'll wait", said Hana annoyed. The girls all looked at each other in awkward silence for a few minutes and Hana finally opened her mouth to speak. "So as I have been trying to say, here's what happened. I tripped a wire."

The girls didn't seem to realise how grave the consequences of a simple tripped wire could be.

Hey guys! Sorry if I'm not updating too frequently I've been a little busy with school but I'll try updating as much as I can! I hope all of you liked this chapter and yayyy the girls have all finally met each other. Anyway omggggg g idle's new comeback! I swear Soojin with short black hair always does things to me. Anyway stay safe and happy and I love you guys! Until the next chapter

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