ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜 - 𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕦𝕤 𝕦𝕡 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝔻𝕪𝕟𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕖

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"So wait, how did you even manage to trip the wire? What were you doing", asked Yeeun innocently. Jinae saw the smudged lipstick on Hana's face and smirked, "Ooooooooh looks like someone was horny." Hana looked ready to smack the smirk off Jinae's face when suddenly there was a huge bang. It sounded like thunder and all the girls were surprised at the sudden noise and seemed shaken. Just when they thought it was just a normal storm, a bolt of lightning struck the floor just a few feet away from them.

Jina squealed in sudden fear and Hada rushed to hug the girl. Jieun looked shocked at the sudden bang too. Taerin was shaken out of her drunk stupor by the bang and Himari held the girl's hand at the sudden sound. Haeun and Sooyoung quickly hid behind Natasha and poor Natasha was left all alone to face the bang. The others were so shocked at the bolt of lightning that most of them squeezed their eyes shut. They immediately opened them when they heard a shriek of fear coming from Amara.

The girls were shocked to find a man, a really intimidating man standing where the bolt of lightning had struck. A sudden shriek from Taerin made them turn around and see that they were surrounded by a group of 14 men and women. The girls were confused, scared and frankly wondering why most of these men and women were wearing really weird clothes. Only Amara, the local Greek Girl, knew that what they were wearing was clothes from the ancient times in Greece. The men and women looked at the girls with different feelings, some with mild interest, some with anger and disgust, and one odd person who quite frankly looked high.

"HOW DARE YOU FOOLISH MORTALS INTERRUPT OUR GAME?", came the booming voice of the lighting bolt man. The girls flinched almost instinctively and another woman's voice spoke to them, though this voice was soft, yet chilled the girls. "Do you have any idea, any idea at all, what heinous sins you have all committed here today?" The girls nervously shook their heads, mortified at this scolding they were receiving, all of them instinctively kept their mouths shut, knowing these people were powerful, if they were even people at all. "Do you mortals have any idea who you have messed with", said a really scary looking man. When the girls did not respond the scary man shouted again, "Answer me! Do you know who we are?" The girls flinched and hurriedly shook their heads in denial.

The man smirked. A calm looking man, wearing rather odd flip flops looked at them seriously and the girls knew that the revelation this man will make will change their lives forever. "We are above you all. We are the mighty beings you mortals worship, the idols of all your prayers, we...... are the Gods".

Somehow, the people surrounding them radiated so much power, the girls could not doubt them. Amara gasped in realisation when she looked at all the gods and how they looked. Athena looked at her with a smirk and said "Ah, I see one of you has recognised us. Yes, we are the Greek Gods and I am Goddess of Wisdom, Athena." As the lady introduced herself, the girls gasped as suddenly all the gods transformed a bit, each suddenly wearing a unique crown, the grandest belonging to three men. Each crown had a symbol of each god. Athena's had an owl. The rest of them didn't bother introducing themselves, thinking that the girls should know who they are already considering they are, well you know Gods.

"Now, all of you will go into that apartment, sit tight and wait while we decide what your punishment is. Don't even think about escaping, because we will find you, wherever you are.", said lightning bolt man. He motioned towards the door that lead to Natasha's apartment, and sent a lightning bolt inches away from the girls which sent them running towards the apartment. If they had any doubts about whether these gods were actually gods, all their doubts disappeared after seeing the lightning bolt.

The gods went into their own apartment and discussed among themselves, trying to decide how to settle their game once and for all. "So, we will be choosing avatars for ourselves, each of us is given one girl by chit picking, and the girl assigned to us will be partnering up with........ our reinforcements.", said Poseidon just to be sure. "Yes.", replied Athena, "I have already gathered our reinforcements and they shall be here any minute. Artemis, since there are only thirteen girls and since you do not have a reinforcement either, you are in charge of coming up with quests for each pair. Design the journey for them, as they complete one task after another, like a continuation of our video game........... so, let the games begin".

The girls looked around worriedly at each other. Emotions were running high and the girls were all stressed out. Who wouldn't be? Their entire lives had just been uprooted. Somehow the apartment was empty when they all returned and soon Amara explained all there was to explain about Greek gods. Amara was flustered because she wasn't used to explaining things to people, so it took her some time but she managed. By now the girls were super worried and so started the usual pointing fingers and blaming each other. It looked a little like this.

(I'm sorry I couldn't help myself, there are just so many photos of seventeen pointing at each other in anger I just had to add a visual representation of the girls blaming each other lmao)

"Oh my god. You guys I really think they might kill us", said Sooyoung. "Oh no......... they are gonna blow us up like dynamite", said Yeeun. The girls all looked at each other scared out of their minds.

Flashes of the party went through the teenagers' minds. The drinks they drank, the strangers they danced with, the boys they tried to impress. It all seemed so far away now.
"This is all your fault", said Jieun. "Mine? You think this is my fault?", said the outraged Natasha. " Well you are the one who threw the party", said Taerin
"This not her fault you guys. If we are blaming someone, we should be blaming Hana," said Sooyoung. " You really wanna play the blame game? How is this my fault?", asked Hana. "Well if you hadn't wanted to make out with your latest boy toy on the roof, maybe the lights wouldn't have gone and maybe WE WOULDN'T HAVE ANGERED THE FRICKING GREEK GODS WHO WE THOUGHT DIDN'T EXIST", screamed Haeun "Guys please let's not start fighting we should be supporting each other you know" said Jina softly. "Yeah whats happened has happened. Let's not blame each other", said Amara. "Well what are we supposed to do now?"asked Seunji.
The teens looked at each other in deep thoughts wondering what to do.
"We wait". Himari broke the silence. "Wait for what?" asked Hada. "Wait for them to tell us what our punishment is."said Jinae. "Guys I'm scared", said Yeeun.
Just as soon as Yeeun had spoken, there was a bang heard from the apartment upstairs. The group flinched and wondered what was to come through the door next.
What they did not expect was for 13 devilishly good looking boys to enter the apartment they were trapped in.
"Mamma Mia, things just got so much more interesting" spoke Jinae.


Hi yall. I'm so sorry, I know I've been missing for like so long. School has been so tough these days, but I'm gonna try to be more active these days. I hope yall are doing well and you haven't given up on this haha. Anyway, I've been working on some edits tooooooo so like imma maybe put em up as a surprise hopefully yall like em, anyway, I wonder who these devilishly handsome boys areeeee? Take care, I love yall

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