10. The Midnight

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Vienna woke up from her deep sleep. She looked around and noticed that the spot next to her was empty. Tristan must have left early. She looked at the clock. She shook her head and murmured. "Doesn't he ever sleep?" It was quite early morning. She got up and got changed. She thought maybe she could get some work done in her personal office as neither the kids or Tristan were around. Vienna walked to her office next door to her bedroom where she worked from home. Vienna rolled her eyes as she saw a note attached to the door. She sighed. His note did not surprise her. She was used to getting written notes here and there. He ruled the household with discipline, efficiency and rules.

Vienna took off the note from the door and started reading it with a deep voice trying to imitate Tristan's voice "Our children are at the Rossi mansion for a kids' party the whole day. You will take today off... You slept late last night so you need to rest ... Go back to bed and get some sleep..." Vienna threw the note on the floor and said in her normal tone "For the love of god Tristan..."

Vienna opened the door and entered the office. "You are not here, lucky for me to stop me..." He worked hard but he did not want her to work as hard. He demanded she took time off. This was typical Tristan.

Vienna walked to her desk and saw another note on the desk. She read it out loud in Tristan's voice "Go back to bed... Dont work too hard"

Vienna threw the note away and sat down behind her desk as she murmured under her breath "Damn it Tristan. Why cant you stop being on my case all the time about working too hard and resting enough?"

Vienna shook her head and got on with her work going through files and writing notes.

The phone rang shortly after. She picked up her phone. "Hello. Vienna Rosario is speaking...."

Tristan's voice came from the other side of the line "You mean to say Dr O'Neil is speaking..."

Vienna jumped on her seat. "Oh... Tristan... Hi... I didnt think you will call my office..."

Tristan said "You thought wrong... Why are you in your office when I specifically asked you to take the day off?"

Vienna said "Come on Tristan... I am not tired... I can get some work done."

Tristan said "Didnt you see any of my notes?"

Vienna said "I did actually... I chose to ignore them... I have work to do..."

Tristan asked "Is that so?"

Vienna said "Yes... I have piles of work on my desk ...."

Tristan said "You are ahead of schedule Vienna... You have finished piles of work already.... Have you had breakfast at least?"

Vienna sighed "Tristan... I really dont have time for this... I have to hang up and do some work..."

Tristan said "Answer the question Vienna..."

Vienna asked "What question?"

Tristan said "So I take it as a no then. You haven't had breakfast..."

Vienna said "Tristan... I wasn't hungry... I really need to do work... I need to hang up now..."

Tristan asked " Its not a wise decision if you hang up on me... You are in so much trouble already.... Are you sure you want to hang up on me?"

Vienna said "Trouble or no trouble... I need to get back to work... I will talk to you later... Bye..." And as Vienna was putting the phone down, Vienna imitated Tristan's voice. "Are you sure you want to hang up on me?"

Vienna froze as she heard his dark chuckle from end of the line. She froze. She had heard him. She put the phone back on her ear "I am sorry Tristan....You heard that?"

Tristan said "Apology is not accepted... "

Vienna sighed "Tristan... Come on... Fine... I will have some breakfast now before I do more work.... Are you happy now?"

Tristan said "Am I happy? I am always happy... I am married to you..."

Vienna sighed "Of course...."

Tristan said "Either way, you are going to pay for ignoring my notes and mocking me Vienna... And cherry on top, you introduced yourself as a Rosario... You need to be reminded who you belong to... I will deal with your mischief when I see you later on..."

Vienna asked "Wait..." But it was too late. He had cut off the line. Vienna said to herself ""Damn it... I am in so much trouble now...."

Vienna slowly got up from her seat and walked to the fridge in the room and opened it. She sighed "Tristan... Why do you play like this? You don't play fair..." She then took out a bottle of chocolate milk and some cookies she had baked the other day. She closed the fridge door and walked back to her desk. She had breakfast while she worked.

Hours later, the phone rang in her office. Vienna picked up the phone and said "Dr O'Neil speaking." She didnt have the energy to argue with Tristan if it was him on the end of the line.

Viggo's voice came at the other end of the line "Hello Vienna... You work at a Rosario hospital... You dont have to introduce yourself as Dr O'Neil you know..."

Vienna smiled "Its great to hear your voice.. How are you?"

Viggo said "I am great. I am in Italy... I am on standby following Vincenzo's plans for now... I called to check on you and wanted to say don't worry... Ok Vienna..."

Vienna said "I cant stop worrying... I know blood ties between Rosarios and O'Neils is the only thing stopping a violent war... Power struggle is real and I cant deny there has been always a fight for dominance and power between Vincenzo and Tristan... I am not too surprised at the tensions between Rosarios and O'Neils... But this time it sounds so serious ... It seems like a different game is playing out..."

Viggo said "Your house arrest would end soon... It will depend on your husband's co-operation with Vincenzo's demands...."

Vienna said "Vincenzo is not innocent in this..."

Viggo said "He is not innocent but its your husband who initiated talks for the deal on the table... He is the one who wants something he cant have..."

Vienna said "According to him there is nothing on this earth he cant have if he wants to have it... Same as Vincenzo's philosophy..."

Viggo said "Well... He could not have you if you said no to him... Having you as his wife is one thing that could be denied to him and he couldn't do anything about it...."

Vienna was so glad Tristan was not around to hear this. She said slowly "Viggo... You cant talk like this...."

Viggo said "Why not?"

Vienna said "Please don't say this again... He wont like it..."

Viggo said "I know he wont like it... I would say it again..."

Vienna said "He would not let you get away with saying something like this...."

Viggo said "I never stand down... Its a Rosario trait... He can bring it on..."

Viggo said "Anyways... I need to go... I just found the time to make a phone call but I dont know when is the next time I can call... Take care of yourself..."

Vienna said "Bye Viggo... You take care too." She put the phone down. She missed her twin brother big time but this was life. She carried on working but she was hoping at the back of her mind that things could get resolved soon. At least Tristan wasn't home to hear anything within this conversation. What if he did. Hell could break loose. Anyone questioning his marriage was a dead human walking.

Vienna looked at the clock and noticed the time. She couldn't believe what time it was. It was almost dinner time. She had spent a very long time working. She needed to go eat something or Tristan was going to find out. She stood up and turned. She gasped as she came face to face with Tristan.

Vienna said "Hi.. Erm... Tristan... You are back..."

Tristan smiled and kissed her cheek and took a step back. Tristan then put his hand on his hips "Yes... I came back... I knocked but you were too busy talking to Viggo to notice me enter..."

Vienna said "Oh... I expected you at dinner time..."

Tristan said "It is dinner time..."

Vienna said "Oh.... Of course... It is dinner time..." She smiled nervously.

Tristan said "What did Viggo say over the phone.... He troubled you with something he said..."

Vienna's heart suddenly started beating fast. Very fast "He didn't trouble me..." She took a step back but her desk was behind her.

Tristan took a step forward and leaned closer to Viennas as he stated "I am the judge of that..."

Vienna gulped and gripped the edge of the desk as she said "All is well Tristan.... Don't judge him guilty... please"

Tristan leaned closer and kissed her lips deeply and passionately and then pulled away. "Vienna... He doesnt deserve you as his sister... If he was anyone else I would have killed him by now... He breathes because he is related to you..."

Vienna shook and felt chills running down her spine. Tristan had a dark side. A very dark side. She knew he was telling the truth. This was who he was. But he loved her and she loved him.

Tristan stated "Let's go have dinner... We can talk about this later." Tristan then kissed her lips again and Vienna felt her husband's pair of strong arms grabbing her and lifting her. She closed her eyes at his gentle touch.

Vienna then opened her eyes and saw herself being held by Tristan bridal style. His stare was looking deep into her soul and she fought the urge to look away.

Tristan said "I am going to take you to our bedroom to get changed and then we can go out... But do you have any idea how much trouble you are in from this morning?"

Vienna sighed and responded honestly "Yes... I do... Thats why I chose not to hide from you and stayed in this office working waiting for you to come home... I could hide in the attic or the basement.... You know... I didnt want to make you wait long to see me...."

Tristan said "Wise choice Dr O'Neil... But you had no where to run and hide... Let's face it... I am the master of this house... I would have found you at our house... Did you write an apology letter?"

Vienna said "Tristan... You don't accept apologies.... You don't forgive nor do you forget..."

Tristan said "Let me be the judge of that here.... I do accept apologies from you.... " Tristan's eyes went to the desk and chuckled as he spotted a note in the corner of the desk addressed to him. He then turned to her and said earnestly "I forgive you..." He then kissed her lips and pulled away staring into her eyes "How can I refuse an apology like this?"

Vienna said "So all my sins from this morning are forgiven?"

Tristan nodded "Of course..."

Vienna took a breath of relief. She asked "If I am not in trouble, then can you put me down now Tristan?..."

Tristan said "I will..." He then carried her away bridal style to their bedroom. He put her down on the bed. He then walked to the wardrobe "You need to get changed so we can go out for dinner now. It's chilly outside. You need a coat too..." He then picked a dress for her and a coat.

Vienna asked "Where are you taking me for dinner? "Why cant we have dinner at home?"

Tristan said "I would say yes, but not today Vienna... Its all to do with business.."

Vienna said "Business? What business? Haven't you finished for the day?"

Tristan carried a dress to the bed and placed it in front of Vienna "You have finished for the day... But I haven't... No... We are going somewhere where I can do my work but can spend some time with you too for dinner..."

Vienna asked "Thats unfair... You keep working and I stop? Why does it have to be the end of my working day? Because you demand it..."

Tristan nodded "Yes... Precisely.... What I say goes..."

Vienna narrowed her eyes and laid down on the bed. She put her hands behind her neck and said "What if I dont co-operate with you and dont go anywhere with you today?... Maybe I just want to lay down here and not go out for dinner.."

Tristan said "I forgave your sins from this morning.... Do you really want to push it further with me?"

Vienna asked "How am I pushing you? I just want to stay home and have dinner with you.... Then I can do some work..."

Tristan looked at his watch "Your work has finished for the day Vienna... Don't push me..."

Vienna did not argue with Tristan. She could recognise his tone. He was not messing around. She had no intention of risking his wrath while Rosarios were close to war with O'Neils. She would have argued further any other day day but not that day.

Vienna got changed and made her way outside the house to the car with Tristan.

Once she was seated and the car started moving followed by a few other cars full of bodyguards, Vienna asked "Where are we going exactly? There seems to be a big entourage coming with us..."

Tristan said "We are going to one of my offices that has a bar restaurant on the ground floor. We have dinner at the restaurant and you can watch the music performers on the stage after dinner while I go and do some business on the top floors.

Vienna said "I can do with listening to some music..." 

Tristan said "The kids are still at the Rossi party by the way... They may stay the night there... Do you object to that?"

Vienna shook her head "No... Having a sleep over is a good experience for them.... They get along with the Rossi kids. The Rossi home is one of the very few places where I trust them to behave."

Tristan said "My kids always behave..."

Vienna said "They only behave for you...." She then looked outside the window. Minutes went by with silence.

Tristan said "Why are you quiet? Do you want to talk about your day? Why did you spend so many hours working. Did you even stop to have lunch?"

Vienna whispered "Work is work... I was busy... I wasn't hungry..." She had been occupying herself with work in some ways.  She didnt want to think about the outcome of what happened between Rosarios and O'Neils after the 72 hours ultimatum was going to be up. She wanted to ask Tristan about it but she didnt want to make things worse.

Tristan said "Look at me Vienna..."

Vienna turned to Tristan slowly. 

Tristan asked "Vienna is something bothering you?"

Vienna breathed. "I think about alot of things... I do... But I am ok... I have tried not to think about the relations between O'Neils and Rosarios.... Working helps..."

Tristan said "Vienna, This is how we live... There is no other way around it... I know you can handle the territory that comes with being my wife..."

Vienna said "Tristan... I understand the situation... I am used to it...But I dont want anything to happen to people who I care about... Tensions have never been this high before... I understand this is who you are and this is who Vincenzo is... But... Why do you and Vincenzo have to take it to the extremes this time? We are family...."

Tristan said "We are family... So you have nothing to worry about.... If we werent family I would have handled the situation differently and I bet Vincenzo would have handled the situation much differently too... This situation is as civil as it can be Vienna..."

Vienna nodded "I understand..."

Tristan leaned close and kissed Vienna's lips reassuringly.


Vienna had no idea that Tristan had set up a meeting for her with a college professor who was doing clinical trials on a drug that she was interested in purchasing for use at her hospital.

After having dinner with Tristan, Vienna had sat down that professor.

Vienna was now sitting opposite the professor and having a cup of tea with her as they were watching the music performances. The professor's son was playing in a band on stage so she seemed cheerful and relaxed with Vienna. They had a very good and fruitful conversation. The drug was going to be offered to hospitals in New York and Vienna managed to get a head start. Tristan was quite controlling when it came to her working but he did show he cared. She was definitely going to thank Tristan big time for this. But she had to wait until he finished his business upstairs. She was sitting at the bar restaurant that Tristan owned and attendance was by invitation only that night. Tristan was upstairs doing business. 


After having dinner with Vienna, Tristan was sitting in an office drinking whiskey and watching the music performance through the glass windows. He could have a good view from the top floor. He could see the stage and could see Vienna too.

One of Tristan's employees entered "Sir, Alexander Rosario and Stefano Rosario are here.... Would you see them?"

Tristan nodded. 

Minutres later. Stefano and Alexander entered. There were seats oppose Tristan's desk. They silently and cautiously approached his table and took their seats opposite Tristan.

Tristan told his guards who were standing at the door  "Leave us..."

Everyone left leaving Tristan opposite two Rosarios.

Tristan said "Well... I get why he is here. He is the family's top lawyer... But why are you here? You are an action man... An underboss who is an expert in defence and offence.... " He was staring right at Alexander with narrowed eyes. "Shouldn't you be at the Rosario headquarters... Oh... Wait... Are you Stefano's bodyguard? You are... Aren't you? You have wasted a trip Alexander... I will not hurt Stefano... I have no reason to... Not tonight... " He then drank from his whiskey glass."Alexander.... You are wasting your time... Why are you really here?"

Alexander said " I am here because I was ordered to accompany Stefano everywhere tonight... The order is from Viggo..."

Stefano nodded "Viggo ordered for us both to be present..."

Tristan asked "What did Vincenzo order?"

Stefano said "He said to me to come here alone ..."

Tristan said "Here we go... He trusts me not to hurt you... You dont need a bodyguard Stefano..." 

Stefano looked at his watch "I am conscious of the time... Let's get to the point... " He looked up "It doesnt matter who is here and why... We want to get this crisis resolved... We are here to ask for your response to Vincenzo's proposal... You called Vincenzo earlier to give him one last ultimatum before the 72 hours is up... He put an offer on the table I believe... You told him you will think about his request.... We were sent here to get a reply..."

Tristan stated "I will call Vincenzo personally to give him my answer... But I am not sure when I will call him... I know Vincenzo wants you to be present when I call him Stefano... He wants you here so you can make a note of my demands and put them in writing. A record is requested by Vincenzo that I dont object to.... But in my view it's not necessary....  Either way you two are welcome to stay until I am ready to give my response... You may wait downstairs if you wish. I have other business to attend to right now. So is there anything you want to say before you go outside and wait for my decison?"

Stefano said "I do have things to say if it is ok..."

Tristan said "Go on..."

Stefano said "May I be totally honest without possibility of retaliation?"

Tristan said "You may..."

Stefano said "Vincenzo expects you to agree to coming to Rome... If you dont agree to negotiations, there will be high chance of bigger clashes including violence..."

Tristan said "Is that all you have to say? Anything else?"

Stefano said "There is.... I want to ask.... Is there anything the Rosarios can do to make you say yes?"

Tristan shook his head "Wrong question Stefano... Vincenzo has the power to grant my wishes if he signs the deal... He hasn't... So the answer is obvious... I am surprised you are wasting my time this way."

Stefano said "Well... Sorry for asking."

Alexander was looking at Stefano hoping he could fix this. They had to get a yes from Tristan and since he had agreed to see them personally it meant Tristan was close to agreeing to whatever Vincenzo had offered. He knew there was no way Tristan would have agreed to them entering his office if he wanted to send a message to Rosarios that he was not happy.

Stefano asked "So... What time do you think you are ready to respond to Vincenzo's proposal?"

Tristan said "Wrong question again... I told you I have not decided ... I respond when I make a decision tonight... You can assume the answer will be given by midnight..."

Alexander was looking at Stefano with concern now. What if their presence made things worse? But they had to try to do their duty as Rosarios to help the situation.

Stefano asked "Can I be brutally honest with out retaliation?"

Tristan nodded "Go on..."

Stefano said "Why did you agree to meet with me and Alexander tonight... You dont seem interested in initiating a move but you allowed us to come and see you..."

Tristan said "Finally... You asked the right question."

Stefano looked at Alexander who was looking at Stefano with an unreadable expression. They knew they could get some answers.  Stefano and Alexander then looked at Tristan with their full attention on him. 

Tristan explained "My wish is for Vincenzo to meet me on American soil. Not Italian soil... I have made it clear... But I dont rule anything out... I have not made a decision yet... I will decide by midnight as I said..."

Stefano asked "So... What does the outcome of your decision depend on... Midnight is very close..."

Tristan said "Thats an irrelevant question... You dont need to know what influences my decision. Or let me rephrase it... You cant influence my decision and neither can Alexander... Is there anything else you are here to discuss?"

Stefano leaned back and thought about what to say. 

Before Stefano made up his mind about what to say, Alexander said "From a security point of view I do have questions.... Do you mind?"

Tristan said as he looked at his watch  "I do mind... I have other business to attend to..." He looked at Alexander  "But speak up... I make time for your security questions..."

Alexander hesitated and then spoke  "I want to ask what will happen if you dont agree to the offer by Vincenzo to negotiate on Italian soil... Is there another 72 hour ultimatum? Or is there a war?"

Stefano almost choked. Why did Alexander have to ask that? They should have focused on peace and not talk of war at this stage.

Tristan leaned back in his seat and laughed darkly.

Alexander waited for Tristan who was staring at him with an amused expression. 

Tristan said "You have asked the wrong question. I thought you are here to make the deal work...  But I answer you... I am willing to answer your question...No more ultimatums from me... Vincenzo has given his ultimatum that lasts to midnight... He will declare war if I say no... I thought we are clear about that.... Vincenzo will declare war if I say no. Either way tonight is the night that determines alot..."

Alexander shook his head "Do you want a war?"

Tristan narrowed his eyes "You can have a war if you want one Alexander... All you have to do is ask..."

Stefano said "He didnt mean any offence...."

Alexander said cautiously "I don't wish for war..."

Tristan said "Its tempting to teach you a lesson Alexander.. Its tempting to give you a taste of war just for asking... But I answer you... I want the deal I offered to Vincenzo to be signed... Thats is what I want...."

Alexander said "He wont sign the deal as it stands... There has to be away to stop a war at midnight..."

Tristan said "Maybe... Maybe not... My response will come at midnight. Stefano I know you were sent here to avoid my response being given too close to midnight... Your duty is to prepare the Rosaries for the consequences of my response.... My response comes when I am ready to give my response... Midnight... Stefano,  you can take your leave if you wish or wait downstairs. It wont make a difference... If you stay your safety will be guaranteed... I fight fair... If my answer is negative I have no intention of hurting you... You can return home safely..."

Stefano asked "But what about Alexander's safety?"

Tristan said "I can guarantee his safety ... But not his freedom.... He is fair game..."

Stefano asked Tristan "Why wont you guarantee his freedom? Has he displeased you?"

Alexander said "Its because of my father... Everyone hates my father for his betrayal of Vincenzo... Even though he was forgiven... Maybe I need to leave.... I dont wish to ruin this deal in any way..."

Tristan said "Alexander.... Your absence or presence wont make a difference to the outcome of my decision.... And for the records, I hold nothing personal against you or your father... I dont let people live if they displease me or if I hate them... If I hated you I would have eliminated you by now..."

Alexander and Stefano were surprised at Tristan's remarks.

Tristan continued. "It's the rules of chess. In chess you try to eliminate the ones on top to win... By eliminating worthless pieces like pawns you dont win. You just prolong the win. You eliminate worthy components of the game... You are irreplaceable Alexander... I cant guarantee your safety because you are one of those irreplaceable components in chess. Pawns can be replaced. But not you... As for Stefano, he is irreplaceable too... But he is a lawyer and not involved in a war... He wont be on a chess board for me when there is war... If I go against the Rosarios you are the first component I will capture if you are within my reach Alexander..." He stood up "I will let Vincenzo know my response... You dont need to be here for me to give my full answer..."

Stefano said "We stay till midnight... We hope your answer is going to be positive...  I will call Vincenzo and let him know of this..."

Alexander nodded "Actions have consequences and we accept full responsibility... If it comes to war protocols will be followed. We stay... Where can we wait on these premises?"

Tristan said "If you wish to stay, you can wait downstairs and can use the phone in my offices next door to me to call Vincenzo. I also have no objections to you meeting up with Vienna downstairs. She is watching the music performance."

Alexander and Stefano left Tristan's office. They  had no idea what Tristan was going to decide. They could only hope for the best.


It was close to midnight and Vienna was sitting alone watching the music performance. She was fully aware of the midnight deadline. Stefano and Alexander had told her everything. They were not going to tell her but she insisted. Stefano and Alexander now had gone to make another phone call to Vincenzo and were going to be on standby. This was a critical time. She knew her husband was busy so she had asked guards when she could go to his office to see Tristan. Of course Tristan had allowed her to go up and see him as soon as she had requested. He made time for her always. 

Vienna knocked on the door of his office and entered. As she closed the door, she saw her husband playing billiard on the billiard table in the corner of his office. She asked " I hope I am not disturbing you... I know you have been busy with different clients and investors."

Tristan said "The last client walked out the door before you came up here... I am not busy. Even if I was I have time for you... Do you want to play billiard with me?"

Vienna sighed and walked to Tristan "You do need to call Vincenzo and you are playing games right now?"

Tristan said as he hit a ball with his billiard stick "How do you know I am making a phone call to Vincenzo? Did your cousins tell you? I didnt forbid them from telling you but they should know better than to concern you about such matters..."

Vienna picked up a billiard stick and said "May I take a turn? Give me three chances to hit balls..."

Tristan walked and stood behind her "You may have a turn indeed... Its always a pleasure to watch you play..."

Vienna bent over and took aim with the stick. Tristan bent forward behind her and put his hand on hers. "Let's hit a ball together..." He then moved her hand and the stick hit the ball. It was an accurate shot that pushed three balls in hole.

Vienna gasped "Wow..."

Tristan said "Three chances taken and all landed on target."

Vienna put away the stick and turned "You did it on purpose."

Tristan said "Of course I did... I wanted you to myself... I need your touch..." He then kissed her lips passionately and lifted her. He sat her on billiard table.

Vienna pulled away breathlessly "Tristan... What if someone walks in?"

Tristan said "No one will walk in... We have a nice view too while we make out... Its a good thing the windows are see through from this side only..." He then kissed her lips again.

Vienna pulled away after kissing him back "We can finish this at home... Please Tristan... Can we talk about your phone call and devision..."

Tristan sighed. He pulled away. "What do you want to talk about?"

Vienna said "The phone call... Are you going to Rome?"

Tristan said "I dont know yet..."

Vienna gasped "What? Vincenzo wants an answer by midnight... If you have no response he will declare war... I hear he has lost patience ..."

Tristan said "Too bad... I have enough patience for both me and Vincenzo...If he wants a war he can have one... I will make my decision at midnight..."

Vienna searched Tristan's eyes "Please Tristan talk to me... What are you thinking right now?"

Tristan said "I have been thinking....  about you..."

Vienna asked "About me?"

Tristan nodded "Yes.... I mean I always think of you... But you know... Regarding this phone call, you are the centre of my decision making process..."

Vienna shook her head "I dont understand. How am I at the centre?"

Tristan said "You always wanted Nicandro to have a joint communion with Leandro... Now that can happen... If we travel to Rome... The communion can happen in Rome ...."

Vienna asked "It can? Really? ... But would we travel to Rome?"

Tristan said "Anything is possible... The question is... Are you sure you want this? Are you sure you want our  eldest son and Vincenzo's son have a joint communion? Its a special day for our son ... There is no way back if I agree to it..."

Vienna asked "I am confused Tristan... I have many questions... Firstly, has Vincenzo asked for our son to have a joint communion with his son in Rome?"

Tristan said "No... He hasn't... He only has invited us to attend his son's communion in Rome.. Its an excuse to get there and he has asked me to join in further negotiations with him even though I only wish to speak to him on American soil about this deal..."

Vienna asked "I dont follow... So what are you saying? Are you going to accept going to Rome? Are you going to accept attending the communion and the negotiations with him in Rome?" Vienna held her breath. The answer that no one else had he could have right now. She could find out her husband's decision before everyone else... But could she change his mind if his decision was war? She felt a mixture of fear and anticipation. 

Tristan said "I told you Vienna .... I haven't decided... What I decide really depends on you..."

Vienna asked "On me? How?"

Tristan said "How badly do you want this joint communion?"

Vienna said "I always wanted it... Ever since I gave birth around the same time Clarisa did... Clarisa and I always wanted a special bond between our children... Joint communions can do that.... They can have a special bond even if they live miles apart or attend different schools. Special moments for our children is what I want... But I want our children to bond together..."

Tristan looked deep into Vienna's and said earnestly "Then in that case... If it matters so much to you.... I am willing to say yes to Vincenzo's requests when I call him at midnight " He kissed her passionately. 

Vienna pulled away slightly and breathed "Thank you Tristan... Thank you for not going to war..."

Tristan said " I cant make any promises about the outcomes of my negotiations with your big brother in Rome... But I am willing to go if this is something you really want... I cant make more concessions..."

Vienna shook her head "I expect no more concessions..." 

Tristan kissed her on the lips.

Vienna was relieved at least a war was avoided.... For now.

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