Chapter 28

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Hana gave one last look around her and checked every nook and cranny of the room hoping that she didn't leave anything behind. She then looked under the bed just for good measure and found a watch just at the edge of the bed. Hana picked it up and smiled. It was Namjoon's. He probably forgot about that when he left hurriedly early in the morning before anyone else was up and about.

Hana looked at the watch and knew she didn't have much time before she had to go. She would be leaving with the rest of the crew on a commercial airline while BTS and some of their managers and the VP will be going on a private jet that was scheduled much later than the crew.

Her phone buzzed, signing an incoming message. She checked on it straight away and her face went gloomy. She was getting messages from an unknown person for days now and it was getting on her nerves. Most of it was a warning for her to keep her distance from the younger BTS members. She rolled her eyes at the childishness of the message and just ignored it. She then received more messages from the same sender. She took a screenshot of it and blocked the number.

It didn't do much as she was still receiving them. Same speech pattern and style, just that it came from a different number. It sounded like delusional fans and she wondered how her phone number was leaked. She planned to do something about it later before it gets out of hand. Hana shook her head and went back to her initial plan. She already wasted precious seconds by blocking the number. She took a picture of the timepiece and sent a message to Namjoon.

Hana: You left your watch and I must leave for my flight now. How can I get it to you?

Namjoon didn't reply right away. He was probably occupied that he couldn't look at his phone right away. Hana wondered if she could just pass the item to one of the managers before she went. She could make up some excuses about him removing the watch during the interview but Namjoon had sharp managers. She looked at the watch again and was glad he was wearing that particular one last night instead of his other expensive watches or she would be in deep trouble. There was no way she was going to carry that around without the risk of dropping it off along the way. In the end, she put it in her backpack as she made her way to the elevator.

Namjoon finally replied to her message after she and the rest of the crew checked their baggage in at the airport.

Namjoon: I have been looking for that since this morning. Where are you now?

Hana: At the airport

Namjoon: Is there anyone nearby?

Hana: No

And he rang her up straight away.

"Sorry, I was in a meeting. Didn't see your message until just now," he started.

"I figured that much. Guess I have to bring your watch with me until the next time we meet," Hana said.

"Can't wait for that. I know I would sound corny but I miss you already."

"I know how that feels," Hana nodded.

"Do you have anything scheduled for tonight?"

"You have a rehearsal after you land, I will be there too. If everything goes as planned, I'm free after that."

"Cool, me too. Let's meet up," he suggested.


"We'll figure that out after that. As for my watch, you can just wear it for safekeeping."

"Dude, you're out of your ever-loving mind. NO."

"Why not?"

"It's all sorts of wrong. I could write a list of why other than the fact it's a man's watch and I have a small wrist. Instead of safekeeping, I might even drop and it would be missing for good. And another one of the most important reasons not to, the crew will know it's yours. Low-key, remember?" Hana rambled.

"Fine. I'll call you when I've reached the hotel later and you can pass it to me then."

"Okay," Hana agreed readily.

"Do you really miss me?"

Hana smiled widely before replying. "Yes, I do."

"By how much?"

"It's unquantifiable by value."

"Same here. Are you okay?" he asked suddenly.

"I'm more than okay. Why?"

"Any soreness or did you find yourself walking funny after last night?"

"Dude!" she exclaimed as she knew where he was heading with that question. 

"I have to work harder then," he sighed dramatically and chuckled.

Hana's lips thinned even if her heart was making a cartwheel. She knew he got the kick out of making her flustered, and she planned to keep her calm. It was good that he wasn't able to see her or she wouldn't be able to pull that off. "Any harder, both of us would end up in a wheelchair."

"Both of us doing it in a wheelchair, huh? Now that's a thought. I wonder if it would wheel off when we're on it even if we put the wheel lock on," he said and Hana knew he purposely misunderstood what she said. Fine. She's not backing out.

"That's hazardous," she replied.

"Depends on where you're doing it."

There's definitely no stopping that man and she's starting to get a headache. "Pray, tell, where would that be?"

"Well, we could explore more," he continued. "The wheelchair would be a tight fit though."

"Kim Namjoon!" Hana whispered fiercely in surrender.

"That's right. I like it better when you call my name," he lowered his voice meaningfully and Hana knew she was turning red. 

"Dude!" the man is incorrigible. 

"I'll see you later. Safe flight, Hana," he replied with a laugh before she could say anything and he ended the call.

Hana looked at her phone in disbelief before putting it in her pocket. He was such a full-blown tease. She swore he could drive her crazy at one moment and turned her into putty the next. She took a deep breath and looked around the bustling airport. The crew were still early for the flight and had a couple of hours before they would finally take off. Some already went in through security while some were still outside hanging around the terminal.

"Boo!" shouted a voice from behind Hana and she screamed in surprise.

"Damn you, Riley!" Hana responded in return and tried to whack the newcomer for surprising her.

"Mom! Hana's cussing again. Give her a time out," Riley said as he hid behind a well-dressed tall woman and a much older man in his late 70s.

"Mom! Grandpa! I missed you like crazy!" Hana said as she hugged her mom and her grandpa happily. "Did you just get here?" Hana asked as she looked at the people she loved.

Her mother, Sarah, was a tall and striking woman with sharp eyes and a warm smile and her grandpa was the image of wisdom and patience that was always ready to answer whatever she wanted to know as she was growing up. Grandpa's Korean gene shone through her facial features but her skin tone was of grandma's side to why Riley had an interesting feature as he was a mix of Caucasian from their dad's side, Asian and Afro-American from their mom's side. He was a handsome guy with their dad's electric blue eyes and Hana remembered she had to fend off girls who called up their house just to talk with him before he had his own mobile phone.

"We just did. Your dad sends his love. He has a meeting that he couldn't get out of or he would be here too," Hana's mom said as she held Hana close. "How's my baby doing?"

"Mom, she's older than me and she's definitely not a baby," Riley complained.

"Shut it, Riley. You know mom loves me more than you," Hana stuck her tongue out.

"Nah, she loves me more," Riley answered back.

"Did not."

"Did too."

Sarah rolled her eyes at the squabbling siblings.

"Your grandma can't make it too but she wanted you to finish all of this," her grandfather passed her a container of food, efficiently stopping the ruckus raised by the two.

Hana's eyes lit up as she saw the content. "Apple pie?"

"She baked it for you yesterday. Wouldn't even let me have a bite," Grandpa sulked.

"Dad, knowing Mom, she would definitely make you a healthier version of that pie," Sarah said.

"Doesn't taste the same," he sighed. "You've grown taller, princess," Hana's grandpa said as he patted her head affectionately.

"Grandpa, she's short," Riley jumped in. "She's practically tiny."

Hana rolled her eyes. "And I thought you've grown smarter after you got into college. Don't you have any other insults that show off your maturity? Don't you have any classes today or are you skipping them?"

"I'm free for the morning. I don't want to miss the chance of annoying you while I can," Riley replied.

"Spoken like a bratty little brother that you are," Hana smirked. "There's a café here and I have some time to kill. Let's have a drink," she turned to her mom and grandpa.

They settled down with their choice of beverage and Hana's eyes lit up as her mom uncovered an apple pie in a food container. She scarfed it down happily and went on telling them about the places she went and her life in general without divulging sensitive information that her work entailed. She hadn't seen them for months and she only had an hour to catch up. She gave them a bag full of souvenirs she accumulated throughout her journey from key chains to t-shirts. She was very sure the fridge at home was already full of fridge magnets from her travels.

"How's working with BTS like?" Riley asked.

"Busy but worthwhile. I get paid for travelling and that's the best perk of all. How's your grade holding with your football going on?" Hana asked.

"I aced. You're not the only brain in the family," he said haughtily.

"He barely made it to the dean's list," their mother said.

"But I made it nevertheless," Riley defended. "Did you manage to hook up with any guys along the way?"

"Riley!" their mom admonished him.

Hana nearly choked on her iced americano but managed to hold that in. She realized how sharper her grandpa's eyes had become at her reaction.

"Okay, hook-up sounds vulgar. Tell me if you did because I would love to meet up with that guy," Riley said. Despite his constant need to drive Hana crazy, she knew Riley was protective of her. Even without the age difference, Hana knew Riley would have beaten her ex to a pulp if he hadn't run off to college back then. He was already tall and big for his age.

"You'll be the first one to know," Hana answered him.

"Did you get any boyfriend? There's an abundance of beautiful people in the industry you're working in," Riley rephrased his answer and their mom shook her head. "I'm curious and I know you are, too," he added and looked at their mom defensively.

"Not a Korean guy, I hope. They're just not for you," Grandpa said as he sipped on his tea. Hana saw that one coming.

"Grandpa, you're Korean," Riley pointed that out.

"The more reason for your sister not to get romantically involved with anyone of them," Grandpa replied.

Despite his heritage, Grandpa was always warning his family about relationships with the people from there. He was fine about everyone learning about the culture and even going there and experiencing it first-hand, but never about getting involved with Korean people on a personal level. Friends are fine, love? Out of question. She knew he never spoke of his family nor did he tell anyone why. She asked him a few times about them but he either changed the subject or became tight-lipped instantly. She never asked him anymore after that. The more reason for her to keep her relationship with Namjoon a secret for the time being.

"Grandpa, what did you tell us about not hating something or someone too much?" Hana reminded him light-heartedly.

"Or end up with something you hate forever," Riley added with a regal voice.

"Come on, Dad. She's big enough to think for herself," their mom said. "Don't mind your grandpa. Both your dad and I are happy with anyone you're with. Regardless of their nationality."

"She will end up hurting if she does," Grandpa forewarned.

"So where are you going after this?" her mom asked, diverting the conversation.

"Here and there, all over Cali, NY, Europe and Korea again," Hana answered.

"Whoa, sis. I really envy you," Riley commented. "And all of that is free?"

"Nothing is for free and I have to work myself off. Go and win in your varsity league. You would travel for free, too," Hana advised.

"Will you be home for Christmas?" Grandpa asked.

"I'm not sure about that, Grandpa," Hana replied.

"I thought you said the company's contract ends in November," her mom said.

"And there's also the chance that BH might extend and renew it. I wouldn't know for sure until October."

"Keep us posted," her mom said.

"Always, Mom. Thank you for bringing this apple pie, Grandpa. I was craving for it like crazy and no one does it better than grandma," Hana said. She then looked at her watch. "I have to make my way now."

They hugged each other and said their farewell before she left. Her grandpa hugged her again for a good measure and looked at her worriedly. "Remember what I say, Hana," he said.

"Don't worry, gramps," Hana smiled and saluted at him before leaving the crowd and heading through the gate.

Hana sighed heavily. She knew her grandpa meant well. She also hoped that her grandpa would someday open up and share the reason behind his feeling towards his own people. That was one hurdle that she had to go through. She didn't know what the future will hold or how long the relationship would last but she was not ready to give up on Namjoon anytime soon.

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