Chapter 29

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Namjoon took his attention off the notepad which contained the musings and the lyric he was working on. The sights of the cloud outside the private jet they were flying on gave him a brief reprieve from his train of thought. Before they were able to, he always pictured that using the private service would be better as they could board it whenever it was convenient and they would have the freedom to move around. They were not wrong on that part. Granted, there was a lot of space and legroom on the flight. There was even a bed for them to lie on through the 5-hour flight to JFK if they wanted to. They even had desks but despite that, he still prefers commercial flights better.

The security team had traced some over-enthusiastic fans who went above and beyond to book their seats in the same cabin as they were. Before this, they even booked a room on the same floor as the BTS members and went on to knock on their door just to have a chat. The room on their floor wasn't cheap and the fans were definitely not poor. Due to that, the agency took great measures to rent the whole floor for the BTS and the rest of the staff when they were travelling and rent a private jet when they were able to.

He looked at his watch and smiled. His Casio was his favourite to wear as he travelled but for the time being he had to wear his Patek Phillipe. His mind went to Hana's effort that she pulled for their dinner date last night. It meant a lot to him and he began to ponder if he was able to do something for her when they were on tour. He took out his tablet and checked on his schedule – it was packed to the brim but there was a one day off when they go to France. He had always wanted to go to Champs-Élysées and see the Place de la Concorde and Arc de Triomphe. Maybe they could go out and visit the famous avenue when they were there. Hana specializes in French and he knew she enjoyed going to historical sites. That might work. Before France, they would be going to London, Ireland and Netherlands. It won't hurt to look for the historical sites around both countries too.

The tune he was working on was still playing through his earphones as Hoseok took a seat in front of him with his laptop.

"Namjoon-ah, can I have a minute?" Hoseok asked Namjoon as he positioned his laptop on the desk.

Namjoon took off his earphones. "Sure. What's up?"

"I've done my part last night and I want to know what you think about it," Hoseok said as he passed Namjoon his earphones. "Here are the lyrics," Hoseok passed him his notepad.

Namjoon looked at the notepad, adjusting to Hoseok's scribbling. "It's this one, right?" he asked, pointing to the verse in the middle of the notepad. He knew it was Hoseok's raw notes where he listed down all the rhyming words before making lines out of them. There were also some words he didn't understand. Throughout the years he worked with Hoseok, he knew the scribbling of nonsensical all over the paper meant something and only Hoseok knows what it was. He tried to break some of the code once treating that as one of the puzzles to crack but he stopped midways before he did. Hoseok had his own reasons to do that and Namjoon respected that by giving him his space.

"Yes," Hoseok nodded.

He looked at the ones he can read and started to play the tune on the laptop. He listened attentively to the tune and Hoseok's voice that matched the beat of the tune. He played it again and mouthed out the lyric to the verse. His head automatically bobbed to the tune and his hands went out as he matched it word to word. Hoseok's take on the tune and the lyric never ceases to amaze him and he really celebrates the difference of energy that everyone in the group brought in a song.

"What do you think? Earlier I was thinking if I should use the mumbling and speech style but I want to make it sound like I'm in a drunken slur, you know," Hoseok said sounding unsure.

"Mumble rap won't get the lyric across to the listeners, even if it fits the vibe of this song. I like what you're doing better when you're riding the beat," commented Namjoon.

"What about the direction of it? Does it fit the theme we're aiming for?"

"You put your own experience in it. Perfect to a T," Namjoon nodded.

"Do you think so?" Hoseok asked for assurance.

"I know so. Don't doubt yourself, Hope. Your strength is making your rap go around and sail through the tune smoothly. You really sounded like you live through this line. Let's send this to Kang-nim when we land," Namjoon proposed, referring to one of their resident song producers.

"Cool," Hoseok flashed him his widest smile. "Anyway, I got something else to ask you," Hoseok went closer to Namjoon.

"What about?"

"You look different today. Anything good happened lately?" Hoseok asked.

"It's my birthday. What's not to be happy about today?" Namjoon kept his cool.

"I know it's your birthday but you're different. Glowing kind of different," Hoseok commented.

"It's his big day. Let the guy bask in his moment of getting a year older, Hoseok-ah," Jin said, not lifting his head from the book he was reading. His seat was just across the aisle from Namjoon's so he was able to hear whatever was spoken.

Hoseok was one of the most attentive persons in the group, next to Jin-hyung. He knew one of these days he was going to tell his group members about him and Hana and he didn't know how they would react to the news.

"You got to admit he's different today, hyung. Just look at him," Hoseok waved in Namjoon's direction.

"He's celebrating," Jin concluded. "It was the same for you on your birthday."

"If you say so, hyung," Hoseok conceded. "Thanks for your input, Namjoon. I'm going to let you get back to your work then," Hoseok said as he returned to his seat.

Jin looked up as Hoseok went and took a seat next to Namjoon. He continued reading his book next to Namjoon. "Hoseok's right by the way," Jin said cryptically.

Namjoon looked at the eldest member next to him curiously. "Right, about what?" Namjoon asked.

"About you glowing. Care to share what's that about?" Jin said as he turned a page, lowering his voice so no one would actually hear their conversation.

Namjoon didn't know if he should pretend ignorance or be honest. Throughout the years they were a group, he and Jin spent a lot of time talking about the group's growth and Jin was the one he shared his problem and worries about being a leader. It was not an easy feat especially when there were 3 older persons than him in the group yet the position went to him. To other people outside their work circle, Jin was someone with a carefree persona who matches Jungkook's aura as the youngest. Jin is the youngest in his family so he carried that personality easily. That was the common thing he and JK shared. What they didn't see was Jin was actually a no-nonsense person with a steel will. He started later in his career as compared to the other members and he wouldn't last that long if it wasn't for his success-driven ambition.

"It's my birthday, hyung," Namjoon answered as he went to his notebook.

"How long is that reason going to work? I have my suspicions but I just want to make sure. It would help to have someone covering for you, once in a while - if you understand what I'm saying," Jin said as he thumbed the lines in his book, not really buying what Namjoon said.

"Hyung?" Namjoon looked at Jin in askance.

"I have eyes. It wouldn't take that long until someone else picked that up. Unless you wanted them to," Jin continued.

"You're talking in riddles, hyung," Namjoon said, pretending not to understand what Jin said.

"There's nothing wrong with that, you know. Both of you are friends anyway. Then again, are you really?" Jin shot Namjoon straight to his core. "I'm not well versed in many languages, but I know the language of love."

"I..." Namjoon was at loss for words.

"Namjoon-ah, if you want to keep it from us for the time being, it's fine. Don't think that a relationship would make you weak. She's someone to be proud of," Jin advised, still looking at his book.

"She is," Namjoon agreed.

"If you think that being a leader meant that you have to be an exemplary figure to us by sacrificing yourself, don't. You're human, too," said Jin. "It's good to have someone who you can share your thoughts with – may it be your dream or your worries."

"How's it working so far with you, hyung?" Namjoon asked Jin. It was no secret that Jin was in a relationship with a non-celebrity and from the looks of it, they were still together. It was due to Jin that their new contract has an additional clause on the personal relationship they might have in the future.

Jin's face broke with a wide grin as he looked at Namjoon. Namjoon had to borrow Hoseok's comment about his face earlier. Jin was definitely glowing. "Loving every minute of it. There are still a lot of things for us to learn about each other but as compared to you, you've known her much longer than I do mine. You're different."

"Well... I don't know," Namjoon commented. "This is the first time we're working in the same place. We have thousands of miles between us before."

"The guy Eddie Kang was referring to before was really you, wasn't it?" Jin asked again, referring to the first time they were introduced to the young VP.

Namjoon's jaw nearly dropped at Jin's question. He wondered how he managed to put that together when he didn't even know he was the one Hana talked about at that time.

"I told you, I have eyes," Jin repeated. "But you were surprised at her admission which I still couldn't figure out why. What went on?"

Namjoon sighed. He knew he was definitely not going to get out of Jin's mild interrogation without giving Jin the information he wanted. "It's complicated."

"You're not busy now," Jin pointed out. "I know you've hit the writing wall before Hoseok came over."

Namjoon's lip thinned. "There's nothing escaping your eyes, right hyung?"

"Only with those who I care - and that meant all of you. So, spill," Jin urged Namjoon. "We have 3 more hours of flight and I could fill up my time with whatever it is in your mind."

Namjoon told Jin about his relationship with Hana from the start and in truth, he felt lighter than he was before. All years of bottling up his feeling for Hana, not knowing how she felt in return and being unable to share with someone else made him feel liberated. Jin was right on one count. He did feel that he has a lot to do to be a leader to the other group members. He didn't feel superior because of it, but he felt that his responsibility was sometimes a burden. He wanted to lead by example even if he felt lacking. "So, that was it," Namjoon ended his recount.

"She must have liked you a lot to reject a guy like Eddie Kang," Jin mused. "No offence, but the guy's good-looking and he looks like old money. Most girls dig that especially when they knew guys like that like them."

"She's her own person. Honestly hyung, I don't know what she sees in me."

"Don't sell yourself short. You wouldn't be here now if you're not extraordinarily special."

"Same goes for you too, hyung," Namjoon returned the compliment.

"Well, I don't know about that," Jin shook his head. "Congratulations is in order then," Jin said with a pat on Namjoon's back. "Are you going to share the news with the rest? Hoseok was not convinced just now."

Namjoon sighed. "You guys know me so well."

"That's what you get after living together for years. I even know your guys' snoring sound with my eyes closed."

Namjoon laughed. "I wasn't that bad."

"Heh, between you and Jungkook, I could get my ears deaf by the time I wake up if I wasn't using my earplugs. You guys are louder than a tugboat," Jin joked. "I just hope she stays when she found out how loud you snore."

"I don't know, seems like she's a heavy sleeper," Namjoon recalled. "If she wasn't, she never said anything about the snoring."

Jin's eyes went big in response. Namjoon noticed the slip and was about to elaborate before Jin raised his hand to stop him. "You're an adult - no need to elaborate more," he said. "I'm no love guru, but if she's not complaining, she's a keeper," Jin concluded.

"How about you, hyung? How's your  relationship so far?" Namjoon asked.

"She's busy with her master's classes while I'm here with you guys," Jin said.

"Any problem with that?"

"No. I hate to sound like a sappy guy but I'm counting down to the minute that I get back home if you know what I mean," Jin said.

"It wouldn't kill you to admit that you miss her," Namjoon summed that up with a grin.

"You're right. I miss her a lot. There," Jin said at last.

"You're not alone," Namjoon said.

"You would be meeting her in a few more hours. We're not the same."

"For the time being," Namjoon nodded. "Her contract would end in November."

"That's nothing. I have faith that you guys would work things out even after that."

"Thanks, hyung. I have faith in yours too," Namjoon said in return.

"Before this, it was not easy for her to be in this relationship with the cover-ups and secrecy. When the news was out, there was a problem with public opinion and constant scrutiny and she was not used to the attention. I know it gets overbearing sometimes but she never makes it an issue when we're together. We share our problems and we try to make them better."

"That's a sign for you," Namjoon said.

"A sign for me to not take things for granted," Jin nodded. "Anyway, while we're getting on cloud 9, need I point out to you that our resident cat grandpa is having a problem of his own and as surly as an injured bear over there," Jin said as he nodded in the direction of Yoongi.

"I know. I have a feeling something is bothering him. He was checking on his phone a lot as if he was waiting for a call or something," Namjoon said.

"If he has a problem with his songwriting, he would just sleep it off. He wouldn't even bother with his phone," said Jin.

"You're right," Namjoon agreed. "Let's just give Yoongi hyung some space for him to work that out on his own. He will share when the time's right."

"Just like you would with the rest of the members," Jin reminded him. "They will be happy when they know. She's their favourite translator to date."

"She's the only person in her team who was able to interpret without altering what we said and she copied our expressions too which I like the best."

"She's really good at what she's doing," Namjoon said proudly.

"Do you realize she was busier than the other 2 interpreters we have? I swear she's now moving a lot with the higher management in business deals and then she would always be with us if they didn't have any important meetings to attend to."

"She specializes in 4 languages," Namjoon stated.

"That's amazing and scary at the same time," Jin responded.

"Why is that?"

"Amazing that she masters those languages, and scary if she's angry and swears to you in 4 languages. One language is more than enough and I got told off in 2," Jin shuddered as he touched his ears.

Namjoon laughed. Jin's girlfriend isn't just bilingual. She teaches English. "Is that speaking from experience? She uses both languages with you?"

"Only when she's really angry. Good luck to you, my friend," Jin patted Namjoon's shoulder in camaraderie and returned to his place, reading his book.

Namjoon smiled as he looked at the rest of the members in the cabin. Hoseok was occupied with his songwriting and Namjoon knew Hoseok was also working hard with his partner towards the opening of his bakery café in Seoul. Yoongi was in his seat, obviously dozing off with his phone still in his hand after staring outside the window for so long. There's Taehyung, singing along to the video he was watching, and Jungkook was busy editing his videos on his laptop with his camera on the desk. That was what he was into these days and there's Jimin, who was also sleeping in his seat.

He will tell them about Hana one day. They were still new in the relationship and he didn't want them to treat Hana differently. The rest of the members were already acquainted professionally and it was only a matter of time before they would know about it.

If he wasn't caught by them first.

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