Chapter 53

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Hana brought Namjoon out to the patio through the back door of the house. She led him straight away to one of the sun loungers near the swimming pool. The area was well-lit and far enough from her family's ears so that the talk they would have would be private. Namjoon knew he had taken her by surprise when he put marriage as an option to make the threat stop. He knew that was abrupt and he was also a bit hurt when she turned it down as quickly as the suggestion came out of his mouth.

Namjoon took a deep breath and took in the sights before him. Hana told him about her family members in general but she never showed him pictures of them. He knew back then it stemmed from her fear of being rejected because she was adopted when he didn't care about that. When he was escorted in a chauffeured car at the stadium to get to Hana's family house – courtesy of her grandfather, he knew her family weren't just an average one. The security check at the main gate was just as tight as his apartment in Hannam-dong. The house, even if it was not a mega-mansion like the ones he saw around in Beverly Hills, was not that far from it.

The backyard was well lit and the sky was so clear that he could see the stars shining across the Milky Way. There was a small pavilion that housed an outdoor barbecue pit. The curved swimming pool with another section for a jacuzzi was one of their main features near the pavilion. There were sun loungers nearby for those who wanted to lie down under the sun and there was also a cozy swing nearby. Namjoon knew Hana loved the sun a lot and preferred to be outdoors when she could.

Namjoon went to the swing and put his hand on top of the seat. "Was this the swing that you told me about?"

Hana smiled at him. He knew she was remembering their conversation about it. "I could sit in it for hours losing myself in any books that I was reading. I even spent a lot of time talking to you in it."

"I could understand why," he replied. "How are you feeling?" he asked her with concern.

Hana exhaled heavily. "It's not every day that you were driven in a police cruiser after seeing a gruesome accident that was caused by a falling spotlight, then going home just to find out that you're a murder target. That's a whole lot of things to process."

Namjoon pulled her in his arms and held her tight. "I won't let anything bad happen to you," he promised.

Hana pulled back, looking at him. "I know you wouldn't. It's just the same for me."

Something was bothering her as her gaze changed. "What's with that look? I know I might not like whatever is in your mind right now," Namjoon asked her sceptically.

"That accident made me realise that someone could get seriously hurt when I'm being targeted. Oh Sunmi got her foot crushed because of some bad execution of the plan. The same thing might happen to anyone nearby when I'm around."

He knew where that thought would lead. "Stop there. I know where you are going with that. You're afraid that someone might get hurt because of you."

"Especially when that someone is you."

"Did you just forget that you were also targeted by fans because of Taehyung?"

"That's different. They love you guys but they don't kill," Hana countered.

"Oh Sunmi collaborated with someone who wanted you gone. There's no difference."

Hana sighed heavily. "This is just so messed up. I've never suspected her."

"Neither did I."

"Now I feel like I have this invisible bull's eye behind my back but I know I can't be over paranoid about everyone. That would be crazy. Not all of them are out to kill me."

"That's why we need to nab that nephew as soon as possible and put him behind bars," Namjoon said with conviction. "If you're thinking of going away far from me because of that, stop. I'm not going to let you do that. I could protect you better when you're near."

"Namjoon, be real. I can't be that close to you when you're on your tour," Hana said again. "Not many people know about us and the situation could be tricky. You dropped marriage as a solution for that," Hana said.

"Was that so bad that you refused it straight away?"

"That would be the solution in some of the romance novels and dramas. That doesn't apply to our life. It's not something that I would do in the spur of the moment and I know you don't too. You don't know how messed up a person's head could be and there could be a lot of contingency plans? What if after we got married, he got crazy and went for you to make me pay for it?"

"You read too many books," Namjoon commented.

"That could happen."

"Have faith in me. I know how to protect myself and you too. Your family won't sit still and let anything happen to you. So, that could be a solution."

"You're putting me in a very difficult position," Hana said exasperatedly. "Don't get me wrong. I would love to say that - one day when we don't have any murder threat to fuel that proposal. There's still a lot of things that we need to get sorted before that and I don't think we're ready for that yet," Hana started.

"Why?" Namjoon knew Hana was getting frustrated with the situation and so did he.

"What is marriage to you?" Hana asked.

"A union between two people who are in love, bonded by a promise to be together with each other."

"And it's not something that we should take lightly. On my part - we're at the early stage of our relationship despite our years of friendship. We're doing great so far. Both of us are travelling a lot and we're adjusting ourselves to the distance and all that. From my standpoint about you, you're now at the peak of your career and marriage is a big step that would affect your career. The timing is just off," Hana reasoned.

"I just wanted you safe."

"So do I," Hana agreed. "And that can't be the main reason for matrimony. That pressure of doing that because of the situation we're entangled in. It's something that should come naturally, not because of us being forced into it. Honestly speaking, no one is."

"But your great-grandmother is commanding that nephew to do so with you."

"Not my great-grandmother," Hana corrected. "And I don't even need to follow their crazy plan."

"That guy thought differently when he has a lot to lose," Namjoon reasoned. "Other than keeping you safe under lock and key, I don't know what else to do," Namjoon said, running his fingers through his already tousled hair.

"Lock and key, huh?" Hana waggled her brows. "My, I never peg you for one that would have that kind of adventurous idea," she joked to lighten up the moment and Namjoon just gave her a droll stare, knowing that she wanted to end the talk about her safety.

"It's better with me than with him, don't you think?"

"Dude, he's not even on my list."

"Excuse me? You have a list?" Namjoon's eyes narrowed.

"Are you seriously going to pull out that jealous boyfriend question now?" Hana looked at him in disbelief. "You know what I mean."

"Fine. Since marriage is out, the security guys will stay," Namjoon said sternly.

"Now I'm feeling like royalty or something with all the security people around me," she complained.

"Welcome to my world," Namjoon replied. That was what he had to go through after his group shot up to international fame. He couldn't go anywhere without being followed. He didn't know what transpired between Hana's grandfather and the upper management so he was given the green light to go to Anderson's house.

"The security that you have around you could rival the President of the United States. I wonder, how did you get here?" Hana asked.

"That's for me to worry. The security in this area itself is no joke. You told me before your family is 'comfortable'. I'd just figured it out that you meant financially comfortable and that's a lot for people who live in this area. Why did you work a lot of part-time jobs when you were in college when you didn't actually have to?"

"I just want to make my own mark in the world, learning about people from all walks of life. I don't want to piggyback on my family's name just because I got lucky that I was adopted by them. These are all my parents' hard work. Not mine," Hana replied.

"I have a feeling that you're not being truthful," Namjoon prodded.

"I am," she defended. "I'm just fortunate that I could live here with them and I'm not taking anything for granted."

He understood her then. Despite the care and love she received from her family; she was still insecure about her status about being adopted. He knew that came from her overhearing the conversation between Rachel and her mother. The confrontation between her and her grandfather's mother didn't help either. Despite her bravado, deep down inside, he knew she still felt that she could be abandoned for something that she couldn't control. "Hana, you're talking as if you're an outsider. They're your family and they really love you. I see no pretence in the living room," he said.

"I know. I love them too but now I feel like I'm burdening them with all this," she replied quickly. "My life could be much worse if they didn't take me in and now," Hana turned away from him as she walked to the edge of the pool. "I'm making all of them worry because I was nosy about my grandpa's family. This may not have happened if I hadn't met Kang Yon, but I can't undo all that. God knows how much money you and my grandpa have spent on my security just because I can't keep my mouth shut," Hana looked down at the reflection in the pool.

"It's bad for us Koreans to talk about money," Namjoon responded candidly. "But that's something I could work for. There's no other you and you're more valuable than that. If I lose you... damn. I'm going to hunt him myself."

"Don't. I don't want you to get harmed in the process."

"I'm not a weakling. Don't you trust me to take care of it?"

"Don't twist my words back. I know you have the resources to do so and you made sure I was fine all the time. I wanted you to be safe just as much as you want me to be safe too."

"I already messed up tonight at the stadium. I'm not going to let that happen again," Namjoon promised. He counted his blessings for the perp botched attempt to kill her. There would not be going to a next time.

"I never thought I would make her like me with my answers. If I knew she disliked a scaredy cat, I would act like one," Hana said out of the blue. Namjoon knew she was referring to the Joo matriarch.

"You would be horrible at it," Namjoon concluded for her. "You could never let anything unjust go by without any response."

"I'm too opinionated, huh?"

"You're intelligent and that's among the things that I love about you."

"I could say the same about you."

"Oh yes, I know that. I'm a hot nerd," he smiled at her affectionately, knowing the serious part of the conversation was done and she was now more receptive to the options that she had. "So, the security guys around you stay?" he confirmed with her.

"Yes, sure. The moment this is over, they're gone. Deal?" Hana negotiated.

"Hana, you would still be with me even after this end," Namjoon reasoned. "I don't want you to be hounded by my fans when they find out about us."

"Your popularity would dwindle down when they do, especially the local ones," she went sombre again and Namjoon wanted to knock his forehead for saying something that would make her sad. "I know idols who got married lose their fans because Asians don't like the idea of chasing after someone else's spouse. Even if the idol got married, the netizens would love to choose a bride or a groom that fits their bill as a perfect match."

"I couldn't care less about that. If my career is affected by that, I want you to know I have other things that I am already doing besides singing and making songs. Trust me."

"I do. I... if anything bad happens, tell me."

"I will. So, you're really saying no to my marriage proposal?"

"Ask me some other time in the future, just not in front of an audience. Who knows, I would be the one doing the proposal instead," Hana replied.

"Sounds good to me. Will you be proposing tonight?"

"I'll take a rain check on that," Hana responded glibly.

"If that's the case..." Namjoon took her right hand and took the Claddagh ring off. "This is more suitable on your left hand."

"Namjoon!" Hana's eyes went wide as she stopped his hand before it was completely out. "Oh no, you don't! Don't you dare blindside me with that and don't even do that when I'm asleep. That's cheating."

"We're committed anyway," he said unapologetically. "Hana, teenage couples around in Korea wear rings on their left ring finger and it's not such a big deal."

"They're not idols, like you."

"I would love to wear mine here too," he wiggled his empty ring finger.

"Oh no, not yet. This stays here," Hana held to the ring that he wore as a necklace.

"Fine," he pretended to sulk, knowing he didn't succeed in changing Hana's mind.

"Anyway, I think your family is watching us behind the window. We should get in," he suggested.

"If I didn't know any better, they're betting if they're going to plan a wedding anytime soon," Hana grumbled. "Thanks for putting that idea in their head," Hana said sarcastically.

"Anytime," Namjoon took it in stride.

They both went in and were greeted with silence as their eyes were trained on her hands.

"Aw man, that ring is still on her right hand," Riley was quick to point that out. "That's a no, right?

"So, you're not marrying my daughter?" her father asked him.

"I would love to," Namjoon replied.

"When?" her grandfather asked.

"Not today or tomorrow. I didn't say yes, remember?" Hana replied.

"So, you failed to convince her," her mother concluded.

Without saying anything, her grandpa held out his hand to Riley and Riley slapped in a bill in his grandfather's hand.

"Seriously?" Hana shook her head at both and turned to her mother. "Excuse me, I don't plan to be rude but Mom, let us decide on that when it's time."

"Goodbye to wedding plans," her grandmother sighed dramatically. "I was so looking forward to it."

Namjoon just smiled at the bantering.

"Someday, but not now," Hana said.

"Whatever you say, sis," replied Riley, humouring her.

"We don't mind if it's next week. I've nothing on my schedule that weekend," her mother said.

"I know just the right people who could pull that off quickly, no frills spared," her grandmother said giddily.

"Can you guys just stop it?" Hana said exasperatedly. "Grandpa, when you said your contact is making sure that the nephew gets convicted, do you have his full profile?" Hana asked.

"I do. It's in the envelope in the living room."

Namjoon and Hana returned to the hall with the family and Hana took the envelope. "Let's get the guy. It would help if we know who he is and what he looks like so we could be on guard," Hana said. She took the content out and became silent.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon asked with concern.

"Are you sure this is the guy?" Hana asked her grandfather.

"I know you would be surprised. You know him," her grandfather replied. "He resigned after you came back here."

Namjoon was getting anxious at Hana's reaction and her grandfather's cryptic remark. "Let me see that," he took the report and he too was dumbfounded.

It was Hwang Dong Min.

The guy from marketing whom he caught asking Hana out for a date.

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