Chapter 54

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Hana went through her work as if the incident that happened at the concert venue two weeks ago didn't happen. She went to meetings and stage set up as usual, providing her interpretation service when needed.

At least she tried to think that way.

She knew she was extra careful looking up at the lighting at the concert venue, hoping that it wouldn't fall on her head when she was walking under it. She avoided being alone with a staff, making sure there was always a crowd nearby. She was being paranoid as she looked at the other staff, thinking who else might be crazy enough to join hands with Hwang Dong Min. Hana still couldn't bring her mind around the fact that Oh Sunmi trying to get the heavy spotlight to fall on her. How did Hwang Dong Min manipulate Oh Sunmi to do that?

Hwang Dong Min.

He's friendly, good-looking and looks absolutely normal throughout Hana's interaction with him. Who would have thought that he had a sinister plan to get her killed because of the inheritance that he might or might not get in the future? Hana wondered what would happen if she did die due to unnatural death within that time frame. Would the share go to him too or would it be forfeited? If it did, then her death would be for nothing.

She knew she couldn't just rely on the security set up by Namjoon and her grandfather. She was not just going to go down without a fight but that would be quite difficult if the person was a coward who was relying on other people to get the deed done. Any romantic novel she read might have the guy in the same situation trying to woo or force the woman in question to marry that guy in order to get the money, but no. He just wanted her dead. At least that's what her grandfather's investigator said. Something didn't add up.

It was a depressing thought and she knew she couldn't stop thinking about it. There were so many things that she wanted to do, goals that she wanted to accomplish and places that she wanted to go.

And then there's Namjoon.

She sighed. How she badly wanted to say yes when he proposed to her but she knew it was not for the right reasons. She didn't want Namjoon to feel trapped just because he felt that he had to do it just to save her. She's not a person who wanted a proposal on bent knees with romantic ambience, rose petals everywhere. She never even thought about how that would happen. She just had a notion of growing old with someone she loves. She practically had a blank canvas waiting to be shaped by itself when it happened.

Before the incident, her heart would skip a beat whenever she saw him, knowing that he was the person that she loved and the feeling was mutual. She saw him in his work mode, with his charisma oozing out. He didn't demand attention nor was he controlling when he was wearing his leader cap. The way he thinks differently makes him stand out more, making him irresistible. He had his klutz moments and she found that endearing. Now, she just felt like her heart would burst out from her chest knowing that she could just change her title if she would only say yes.

Darn him for putting that idea in her head.

She didn't know what happened back then when she returned home with her dad from the police station but it was obvious that Namjoon had won her family over. Her mom was always asking about him whenever she called Hana up.

It was a nice and comfortable night when Hana decided to take a walk in the park near the hotel. It was warm, a sign that Spring was ending and Summer would come in a few more weeks. Namjoon and his members were scheduled for a meeting and Hana was free. It was getting stifling inside the hotel and she wanted to go out. That was not before she sent a text to the security team informing them about it. Another long sigh went out.

She missed going out without people looking after her. The security personnel were discreet, making sure they weren't that visible. They were not too near for comfort, but they were there. She felt like she had no privacy left and she was counting the days that the threat would stop and she would be free again.

She was walking along the path when she saw a familiar figure taking pictures near the lamppost. His hoodie was up but after months of working with him, Hana could recognise his gait anywhere. Wasn't he supposed to be in the meeting tonight, too?

"Taehyung-ssi, what are you doing here?" Hana asked, deciding to call him after making sure there were no other parkgoers around them.

Taehyung turned abruptly, caught by surprise by Hana's voice. "Noona, what are you doing here?"

"I asked you first. You're supposed to be in the meeting instead of here," Hana said.

"And you weren't supposed to go out alone at night, especially after what happened," Taehyung returned.

"Speak for yourself. You shouldn't be here alone either."

"You shouldn't either."

"I'm not alone," Hana gestured behind her.

Taehyung turned his head towards the direction before looking back at her. "I don't see anyone."

"You weren't supposed to, but rest assured they're there - courtesy of Namjoon," Hana huffed.

"I would do the same if I was him," Taehyung commented. "I'd better go now."

Hana's lips thinned. After that day, Taehyung was not himself. He was abrupt, less chatty and only talked when he was asked. Before, he would be hounding her for language classes, but now, he was making up excuses not to. Hana didn't say much about that. It wasn't her place to be demanding why for the sudden change. It was all up to him and she didn't want to force anybody to do what they didn't want. After a while, she saw that she was not the only person that he tried to distance himself from. It was as if he was putting a barrier around himself and all the females in the vicinity, not smiling nor laughing much unless he was with his group members. That even looked forced too.

"What's wrong, Taehyung?" Hana asked him straight up.

"Nothing's wrong," he evaded.

"That might work with anyone else, but not me. Call me nosy but I know something is eating you up," Hana pointed.

"I'm fine," Taehyung said firmly.

"If you say so. Look, if you don't want to talk to me, it's fine. At least talk to someone about it. Someone who can listen and help you because I know you need that a lot," Hana said her piece before intending to continue with her walk.

"How about you?" Taehyung asked.

Hana paused mid-step. "Me? What about me?"

"You look like something's troubling you, too," he said.

At least that was a start. He was talking. "I got a lot going in my mind right now," Hana started. "How do you get used to security people following you around?"

"It comes with the job, though I didn't expect that we would make it this big internationally."

"That was what Namjoon said too," Hana replied. "Anyway, I'd better leave you with your photography. Take care, Taehyung."

"Noona," he called.

"What is it?"

"I'm sorry," he said suddenly.

Hana was thoroughly confused. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

"You were nearly hurt because of me," he looked at her apologetically. "Many people did. I don't know how to make up for that," he looked down.

That was when everything clicked. "My gosh, was that why you gave cold shoulders to all the female staff around?"

"I don't want more people to be harmed because of me," his voice trailed off. "It's hard."

Hana couldn't stand it anymore. His words were slicing through her heart and she finally realized that he was blaming himself for all the incidents that happened to her and the stylists. He had a soft spot for everyone and felt guilty for what Oh Sunmi did.

"Follow me," she took his hand and pulled him to the nearest bench. He was surprised but didn't say anything in return.

"You were not responsible for what happened. Oh Sunmi is a grown woman who is seriously in need of psychiatric treatment. Please don't dump her actions on all of us females nearby. You're beating yourself for what she did and at the same time it was as if you're punishing the rest of us for it."

"No! That's not what I want to do. I thought that if I didn't get too close with any female staff, that wouldn't ever happen again and no one would get hurt."

"But you're hurting yourself in return. That's not the normal you," Hana said.

"I don't know who else around me who's like Director Oh. How am I going to work with the trust issues I have around me, noona? I was only being nice and she thought I was in love with her. I didn't even flirt around."

"You don't. We don't know how her mind works."

"I know I could trust my group members and some people in the touring crew but not the rest."

"I don't either," Hana agreed. "But you have more people who you trust than I do."

"What do you mean?"

"Did Namjoon tell you what happened that night?" Hana asked him.

"He didn't get into detail. He only said that you're in danger because someone thought he could get richer by killing you."

"That's one way to put it. So much drama, huh?" Hana commented.

She hoped that Taehyung wouldn't ask for more detail about it as it was not something to be proud of. She was being a target just because she talked back to the matriarch. Taehyung went silent even if his face showed that he wanted to know more. Hana was glad he didn't say anything after that as she was not in the mood to air out her family's dirty laundry.

"I want to let you in on something," Hana looked up at the sky, thinking that she was having the same problem as Taehyung. "I'm having trust issues after that day, too. You don't know how much I respected Director Oh for her professionalism just to be squashed down by her insensible jealousy. After her, I kept on looking at the people around me, wondering if they were really normal or if they had another agenda lurking around. I'm too afraid to be alone with just one of them even though they did nothing weird," she admitted.

"Does Namjoon hyung know about it?" Taehyung asked.

"He does," Hana answered. He was there when she woke up at night in a cold sweat, rambling about Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, the two-faced Oh Sunmi. He didn't say much as he held her tight and she fell asleep again in his arms.

"Did you consult with anyone after that?"

"Getting professional help when you're travelling a lot is difficult. For now, Namjoon is all I have."

"We have a support counsellor who's with us. Why don't you meet him up?"

"With the trust issue I have now, I don't even want to be alone with him for a consultation."

"That's too bad."

"I know. I just have to keep telling myself not everyone is out wanting to kill me. That's just like John Wick who had a kill order on him, right?" Hana asked, referring to one of her favourite action movies.

"I like John Wick."

"Maybe I'm just as cool as him. Only that I can't even kill anyone with a pencil nor that I had a dog," Hana joked, trying to lighten up the moment.

"You are cool. If I had an older sister, I wish that she's like you."

"You're already like my brother if you don't mind me saying."

"I don't," Taehyung smiled up at her. "You would be one for real when you and hyung get married."

Hana looked at him, stunned by what he said. Did Namjoon tell him about that too?

"Gosh, you look so funny," Taehyung laughed. "I'm not talking about now. I'm talking about the future, whenever that may be. You guys look so good together, so stay together and when that time comes, I'm going to be the best man."

"Korean weddings don't have best man nor bridesmaid in it," Hana pointed that out.

"But you're American and you do have that," Taehyung countered. "Anyway, should I tone down my interaction with the other female staff?"

Hana had to tune her head to the constant changing of topics with Taehyung. She should be getting used to it by now after months of working with him. "Taehyung, they are your team and they're responsible for making you look good. They are professionals but they're not robots without any feelings. You just be yourself and just do as you did before. You're not an overbearing pompous star who wanted people to wait on you hand and foot. I have seen some who are like that."

"You did?" Taehyung's eyes widened. "Who?"

"I'm not saying any names so you'd better leave it at that," Hana effectively ended the question. "If it's any consolation, Director Oh wanted to protect you. In my case, someone just wanted me dead, so you're in a way better situation than I am."

"I won't let that happen to you," Taehyung said firmly.

"I don't want me dead either, so let's promise to each other that we both would survive through all this madness and live our life danger-free," Hana held out her pinkie finger.

"Promise," Taehyung linked his finger to hers. "And I promise to be Namjoon Hyung's best man at your guy's wedding."

"Ya! Taehyung-ah!" Hana exclaimed.

Another finger went joining in their already locked fingers. "I promise whatever you guys were promising, too," Namjoon commented as he grinned widely at Hana and Taehyung.

Hana's eyes widened. Did he hear what Taehyung said? "Dude, this is just between Taehyung and me," Hana protested.

"I know, but you know what they say. The more the merrier?" Namjoon replied.

"That's for a party, not for a promise."

"You're supposed to be in the meeting, hyung," Taehyung said.

"You should too but since you're playing hooky, I should too," Namjoon answered.

"I'm not that important. You're the group leader," Taehyung argued.

"Excuse me? You're not important?" Hana said in disbelief. "You guys surely are grounded to the next level. This guy thinks he's not as important as the rest of the members when he is the glue who keeps everyone together - not to mention he's the brainy catalyst in the group," Hana gestured to Namjoon. "While this guy thinks he's not that important when he is the one who baited a lot of new ARMY with his voice, talent and personality. BTS is made of 7, not 1, not 6, but 7," Hana showed 7 fingers to emphasize her words. "Get your head straight, jeez."

"Hyung, is Hana noona always this fierce?" Taehyung turned to Namjoon.

"She has her moments, just don't get onto her bad side," Namjoon advised and Hana just rolled her eyes to both of the men. "The weather is nice. Let's take a walk around the park," he said as he pulled both Hana and Taehyung up from the bench.

"Do I have to? I just want to take pictures," Taehyung started to complain.

"You can take pictures along the way," Namjoon said. "You need the exercise."

"I had enough exercise to last me a lifetime," Taehyung replied. "You should just go ahead and walk with your girlfriend."

"You're doing us a favour by walking together. We won't get caught if there's three of us and a slew of security guys behind."

"Do I have to sit with you when you guys go on dates too?"

"That's a good idea. Why didn't I think of that?" Namjoon joked. "You would be the best smokescreen; people won't even realize we were there."

"Wow, what a way to become the third wheel," Taehyung grumbled.

"Then we should find the fourth wheel so you won't be alone," Hana joined in the banter.

"Tell me when you find her," Taehyung said good-naturedly.

"I'll sure do," Hana promised.

"And you could also tell me about Taehyung being the best man at our wedding," Namjoon added. "Did she say when?" Namjoon asked Taehyung.

"No, but you can start by asking her first," Taehyung waggled his brows mischievously. "I'm taking dibs on being your best man," Taehyung announced.

"You're calling dibs, not taking dibs," Hana corrected, trying to change the topic.

"I already did, she said no," Namjoon admitted.

Hana's eyes went as big as saucers and Taehyung's jaw dropped at Namjoon's confession. Hana smacked her hand on his abs in reflex and he grunted from the force of the hit.

"Hyung, did you actually... and noona..." Taehyung was pointing his finger at Namjoon and then at Hana in surprise.

"I'm going back to the hotel," Hana pivoted her heels and marched her way back. She then stopped and turned back to the men. "Don't say a word to anyone else about what you've just heard," Hana warned Taehyung. "And you..." Hana looked at Namjoon and was lost for words. "Whatever," she just waved her hand and traced her way back.

"I love you," Namjoon called. She wasn't that far yet and his voice wasn't that loud but she could hear him just fine.

Hana just walked ahead and shouted angrily, "Me too!" and heard him and Taehyung chuckle.

"Is that another bad side?" Hana heard Taehyung asked.

"If I answer to that, I'm in deeper trouble."

A wise answer, Hana thought.

Darn that man.

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