Meeting Viva and Clay

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If Vacay Island had been a glorious, sunny and warm paradise of a place to live, this location that the Trolls found themselves in was sure a stark contrast to that.

As soon as Rhonda's side door compartment had opened up, they were met with the sight of a dark, eerie-looking landscape, that stretched as far as the eye could see. A sense of foreboding hung in the air, and sent a shiver down Branch's spine as he made himself step out of the caterbus. Poppy was not far behind him, and she hovered close by, much to his relief. He did not like the looks of this place one bit, and he would rather have his girlfriend near rather than wandering off.

John Dory sauntered out next, a pep in his step after still riding off the high that performing on Vacay Island gave him. Though, he quickly squashed the energy, after seeing the way the land before them looked. He too got a look of concern – this spooky place was nothing like the relaxing beach haven that they were at before!

Last to come off of Rhonda was Spruce, along with a very annoyed Tiny Diamond. The reason for the glittered Trolling's annoyance became quite clear when the purple-haired Troll carefully climbed out of the caterbus... toting Tiny on a baby carrier!

"That's it, there we go," Spruce was cooing softly with each step down the stairs he took, making Tiny frown even more each time.

"Come on, purple rando!" he cried, not remembering Spruce's name and too angry at that moment to care. "I don't need this! I can stay on the bus by myself!"

"Uh, a baby unsupervised? Yeah, I don't think so," Spruce said resolutely, finally reaching the ground.

Tiny tsked. "I'm not gonna be unsupervised – Rhonda's gonna be with me!"

John Dory nudged Spruce. "He's got a point, Rhonda's watchful and smart, aren't you, girlie?" He rubbed his caterbus's belly, and she purred happily in response.

Spruce gave a dry laugh. "Yeah, smarter than you, that's for sure," he muttered.

JD heard and perked. "What?"

"You heard me!" the purple Troll said. "What made you think it was a good idea to bring a baby on this trip?"

"I didn't bring him, he wanted to come!" John Dory attempted to clarify.

"Yeah! The green rando's right," Tiny piped up, glad to have help on his case (and also not quite remembering John Dory's name, either). "And besides, I'm a man!"

Spruce was astonished to hear this. "A man? Bro, being one years old makes you nowhere near a man."

"I, for your information, am one and a half," Tiny grumbled. "And need I remind you that I do in fact have a learner's permit?" He pulled it out of his hair to show Spruce the "Adultsy McManface" license.

"That's a fake!" Spruce exclaimed.

"Is not!" Tiny argued.

"Yes it is!" Spruce shot back.

"Is not!" Tiny shouted again.

"It is."

"Is NOT."

Spruce was surprised to find that the last "is not" had not come from Tiny, but instead from John Dory. He gave his older brother a look and JD shrugged.

"Hey man, I thought it was a little sketchy at first to let a baby drive, but this little dude has proved he can do it."

"Yes! Thank you!" Tiny Diamond shouted, stretching up from his strapped place on Spruce's chest and giving JD a high five.

Spruce shook his head and narrowed his eyes at John Dory. "Sometimes I wonder how we all survived having you as our oldest brother."

"Bro, your diapies were changed, you were fed, and you were looked after – and you're here, alive and well now, am I right?" John Dory shrugged the matter off and nudged Spruce again, trying to get his younger brother to see things his way.

Spruce just sighed and turned his attention to Tiny. "I'm gonna have to have a talk with your father when we get back, young man," he said, making sure to put an emphasis on Tiny's preferred adjective. When Tiny ignored him and just crossed his sparkly arms, Spruce shook his head. Now that he himself was a father, he was more aware of things in regards to children – and one thing he knew was that this journey was going to be filled with perils that a baby probably shouldn't be exposed to! Ah well, nothing could be done about it now, but, if he could help it, Spruce was going to ensure that Tiny stayed strapped to him on the carrier at all times, just as a precaution.

Branch and Poppy in the meantime had not really paid much mind to the conversation behind them. Their focus was set more on navigating through the land, the two of them uncertain as to what exactly they were supposed to be looking for. Branch, fully shifting gears into survivalist mode, was on high alert. Any sound made his ears twitch, and any movement made his eyes flicker. So far, surrounding them were large, thick trees, leafless and tall. There was also several of what looked to be abandoned structures of some kind, standing quite intimidatingly as well. None of them really caught their eye in particular... that was, until they reached one that made them nearly jump right out of their skins.


A booming voice made the Trolls halt right in their tracks. Light suddenly flooded the dark scenery around them, illuminating a tall edifice that was adorned with a spooky-looking clown head at the top. There was a deep red pathway leading up to it almost looking like a tongue, and the entrance itself looked like the throat of a great beast that was preparing to gobble them up!

A simultaneous scream resonated from all five Trolls, and they huddled close, frightful whimpers escaping their now-trembling selves. It was all the sound they could manage for those few seconds, and the demanding voice was not having it.

"WELL?!" it boomed out again.

Suddenly, before he knew it, Branch was shoved out ahead of them by John Dory. He gave his older brother a look that read "Really?!"

"I don't have to play leader all the time, you know," he whispered back with a nervous chuckle, and then ducked behind Spruce.

Spruce waved Branch off too. "I'm with child, dude," he said, hoping that toting Tiny Diamond would be good enough of an excuse.

Seeing the look of fright on Poppy's face is what finally made Branch follow through though. He gave his girlfriend a nod, hoping to look reassuring, and then swallowed, approaching the massive clown structure.

"We're here looking for our brother!" he shouted up to it, his hands up and out in an attempt to show that he meant no harm.

"IS THAT RIGHT?" the voice boomed, sounding even louder this time, and Branch stumbled back. He recovered quickly, however, and planted his feet firmly in the ground. He was here on a mission, and he was not going to let whoever was trying to scare them stand in his way!

Suddenly, there was a flash of movement, and out of the tunneled entrance came what looked to be like a big yellow hairball. It rolled down the red pathway, tumbling in nearly the same way that a golf ball would, and then stopped. That's when Branch and the other Trolls came to realize that it was not just some random hairball. The hairball was in fact another Troll, evident after the said Troll untucked herself from the armadillo-like cocoon she'd put herself in.

The Troll's golden hair stood tall on her head, wavy and wild in an appealing sort of way. She was pink skinned with piercing fuchsia eyes that drew attention due to the surrounding pink-and-gold makeup on her cheeks and lids. A leotard covered her figure, with a bright purple star in the center. Upon her shoulders was a dark green cape whose texture looked very grass-like in appearance. Her legs were clad in a pair of snug-looking leg warmers, a dark magenta shade with pink diamonds in the center, stitched with a yellow accent.

She glared at the group with a fierceness that made them feel even more unnerved. Was she unfriendly? Was this her turf? What was she going to do to them?

But then, suddenly, her emotions shifted gears.

"Oh my gawsh... helloooOOO!" she squealed, a smile breaking out across her pink face and her hands waving around excitedly. "My name is Viva! It is sooo fantastically amazing to see other Trolls!"

The Troll, Viva as it seemed she called herself, bounced happily up and down with lots of energy. She let out a little giggle and then swooped down from her perch on the red pathway towards the group, scooping John Dory, Spruce, Branch, and then Poppy in for quick little greeting hugs.

Poppy grinned when the happy pink Troll wrapped her arms around her and gave her such a tight embrace that it lifted Poppy right up off the ground. This Troll sure seemed like a lot of fun!

Viva was thrilled. "Ohhh, this is so great! We hardly ever get anybody coming around here... and we haven't had any new Trolls in years!!" She screeched happily again and gave Poppy another hug.

The Pop Queen giggled. "Wow, that's great then! I guess it's a good thing we came!"

"I knoooow, you're telling me!" Viva chirped. "What's your name?"

"Poppy," Poppy replied, beamed. "Queen Poppy, actually."

"Nice, a queen! I gotta say, you do look as fabulous as one!" Viva complimented.

"Oh! Well, thanks, you too!" Poppy blushed. Then she took a better look at the pink Troll. "Ooo, I just love your legwarmers!"

"Aww, thank you! But don't sell yourself short, girl, yours are awesome, too!" Viva exclaimed, pointing down at Poppy's blue-and-green striped ones.

"And your hair is amazing!" Poppy blurted out, admiring the wild, wavy locks of gold that framed some of her face.

"Thankies again!" Viva said, tucking a few loose strands back into place, and not missing a beat in complimenting Poppy back. "Yours is such a pretty shade of pink!" Viva grinned as she admired Poppy's hair above her crown, pulled back in a high ponytail. But then, she got a pensive look on her face, like she was trying to figure something out, working to calculate something in her head as though it were a tough math equation. For the first time since meeting her, Viva toned down a bit and spoke slowly. "Poppy, you did say you were a queen, right?"

"Uh-huh!" Poppy said, wondering what Viva was getting at and hoping that she hadn't been too braggy when revealing her royal status.

Viva spoke even slower now. "Is your dad... King Peppy?" she asked, tentatively.

Poppy blinked in surprise. "Uhh... yeah!" That was a little strange. How did Viva know that King Peppy was her father? They had just met!

Suddenly, Viva gasped, her jaw dropping and her fuchsia eyes growing wide. "Noooo, WAAAAY!" she screamed. She clutched onto Poppy's hands and looked right at her, nearly unable to breathe. "Poppy, I'm your SISTER!!"

The words shook Poppy right down to the core. She was beyond stunned, gaping at the Troll before her. "My... my WHAT?!"

"Your SISTER!!" Viva cried out again, laughing and crying at the same time. "Your twin sister! We're sisters, Poppy!!"

Poppy's shock wore off, thanks in part to Viva's grand enthusiasm, and the Pop Queen squealed in delight, jumping up and down with Viva, hugging the Troll and bursting with joy.

Meanwhile, the boys witnessed the entire scene – from the start of Viva's hug fest, to her and Poppy's girl talk that eventually led to the overjoyed squawking that were doing now – and were not sharing the same emotions. In fact, they were very, very confused.

"Ooookay..." Branch drawled, exchanging a glance with John Dory, who shrugging his shoulders in a "beats me!" kind of gesture. The blue Troll couldn't even wrap his head around the explanation Viva gave Poppy, mostly because a lot of it was interrupted with a bunch more shouts and squealing from both girls. It also didn't help that he still felt a little out of sorts from the dizzying spin of a hug that Viva had given him just moments before. Oh well, he supposed he could ask later. Besides, it looked as though this Troll was telling the truth. Anyone with two eyes could see that Poppy and Viva looked strikingly similar, from their pink-toned skin, their fuchsia eyes, and nearly identical bubbly mannerisms. Geez... was this how Poppy felt when John Dory came to the wedding? Branch asked himself, shaking his head to clear it. It dawned on him that his world now embodied TWO Poppys. Practically.

While Spruce stood there, cocking his head and trying to figure out what just happened, Tiny Diamond huffed. "Come on!" he cried. "Am I the only one without a long-lost sibling?! Branch got the two randos who are here and the other two we still have left to find, and Poppy got the golf-ball girl. What's next? Does Rhonda have a long-lost caterbrother or something?!"

Spruce noticed Tiny's worked up attitude and began to bounce the carrier up and down. "Easy does it, little guy, just chill, 'aight?"

Tiny scoffed and mumbled under his breath. "I'd 'chill' more if you let me out of this ridiculous thing!"

After another minute or so, Branch, who had gathered his bearings, approached Viva, realizing something of what she'd said before.

"Wait a minute... you mentioned something about 'we' before. Who is 'we'?" he asked.

"OH! I am so sorry for getting so carried away, it happens to me so much sometimes, haha!" Viva laughed. "That 'we' I was talking about is my town!"

"Really?" Branch said, interested. "Are they Trolls, too?"

"You bet your blues they are!" Viva assured with a nudge on Branch's arm. Then she turned in the direction of the clown structure's entrance and cupped her hands over her mouth. "It's A-okay, everybody! Come on out and meet the new guys!"

On cue, there was a rumbling sound that was heard, and soon enough, dozens upon dozens of hairballs of all sorts of colors were popping out from the entrance, bouncing around like ping-pong balls and unrolling to reveal Trolls. Every one of them had the same kind of hairstyle as Viva, though theirs were more toned down, but still very wildly curled and wavy. Their skin matched their hair color, similar to Poppy's, and they all wore cozy-looking cardigans over their bodies, all with the same diamond-shaped design that Viva had on her legwarmers. They were very friendly Trolls, too, though none could match the enthusiasm that Viva had. Still, they gathered around, curious and chattering excitedly to one another about the newcomers.

"Guys! I want you all to meet Poppy and her friends – aka, my SISTER!"

The Trolls were met with shock at first and then they burst into cheers. Viva clapped her hands. "I know, I know, it's awesome, right?!" Then she turned to Poppy and the gang and extended her hands out at her comrades. "Guys, this is Putt Putt Village!"

A chorus of "hi!"s and "hello!"s rang out from the excitable monochromatic Trolls.

If that wasn't hospitable enough, Viva jumped right into action. "Milkshakes to celebrate!" she called out, and in an instant, several large glasses of the frothy dessert were brought out by the Putt Putt Trolls of vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and any other fruity flavor in between. Along with it were large batches of food that were brought out, too, including chili fries, hotdogs, and hamburgers, hot and ready to go. Viva leaped right up to the strawberry glass and sipped the entire drink from the straw in less than two seconds!

Poppy was incredibly impressed by the Troll's feats... but she was also started to get the same sense of overwhelm that the boys were feeling. She sidled up to Branch and spoke in a low voice so that her sister could not hear.

"Is this how people feel when they meet me?" she asked.

Branch hardly hesitated in his answer. "YES."

Poppy felt her cheeks flush in embarrassment. She didn't know how she came off to folks, and always assumed that it was a pretty regular interaction. But meeting Viva and seeing the way she behaved, Poppy realized that it was not the case. Not that she didn't like Viva – Viva was wonderful! Just a little more over the top in the happiness department than she would've imagined.

Ever energetic, Viva jumped down from her milkshake glass and ran over to the group. "Come on, guys! It's all right! Dig in!" she said, whipping napkins around JD's and Spruce's necks, and squirting frosting into Branch's mouth. She leaped over at Poppy, and by the time she landed back on her feet, had given the Pop Queen a brand-new hairstyle! Poppy was in awe.

"Did you just braid my hair?" she asked.

"You're welcome! You look so good!" Viva gushed.

Poppy had to agree. She loves the skillful way she'd interweaved her dark magenta hair and adorned it with cute colorful clippings. "I love it!"

Seeing that the girls were getting distracted again, Branch chose this time to intervene. "Hate to interrupt what's going on here, but uh, we were kinda hoping to find our brother," he explained to Viva, gesturing at himself, John Dory, and Spruce (the latter two of whom were busying themselves by eating a few of the fries that had been offered, so not to be rude).

"Oh, that's riiight, I remember you said that!" Viva said. "Yeah, sorry about the whole kooky-spooky thing going on with the clown and the evil voice and all. All the Trolls who've found us have been real nice, though, like you guys! And we all love golf, too, which is a little bit of a weird coincidence, but I'm not complaining! Golf is awesome, so really that's an added bonus! Sometimes we have had some pretty strange creatures come by here, though – and they're not always so friendly!"

I hear that, Branch thought, remembering his own precautions he took in his gray days when he'd set up the complex traps all over his bunker in case Bergens ever found it. He listened as Viva continued.

"Funny though, it wasn't even my idea – a friend of mine thought it would be a really good prank... and he's kinda right! You should've seen the look on your faces!" she giggled.

Suddenly, John Dory and Spruce stopped eating mid-chew, exchanged a glance, and then shared a look with Branch that read "Did she say 'prank'?" And if there was one Troll they knew who loved to do pranks...

"Wait a minute Viva – what friend was this?"

"Oh, he's a great friend! He doesn't joke around as much as he used to, but he's still wonderful! Actually, lemme go get him!"

As Viva scampered away among the crowd of Putt Putt Trolls, Branch was having his doubts. He remembered Clay, and if there was one thing that Clay was known for, it was his boisterous personality. Maybe Viva was talking about another Troll? It was a longshot trying to find Clay anyhow. Even standing there now, he couldn't picture his yellow-haired brother as anything but goofy and silly. He wouldn't believe it unless he saw it for himself. Which, thanks to Viva returning with her said friend, he did.

"Guys, guys! This is Clay!" she chirped, tugging a rather unhappy-looking Troll forward by the arm. He looked almost nothing like the Troll Branch remembered in his youth. He was taller - probably than himself, JD, and Spruce – and had the same wild hair that the other Putt Putt Trolls did. Hair, Branch noted, that was not the mellow yellow it was, but instead a bright lime green. He also had a green cardigan with a diamond in the center, and still sported the same old wristbands that he'd always worn, though the colors were inverted from white-and-yellow to yellow-and-white. "I guess I was wrong, he still tries to be funny – I found him trying to hide from me just now!" Viva giggled.

"Vivaaa," he moaned in complaint. "It's Clayton, not Clay. I've informed you of this before."

Viva was not fazed by his seemingly grouchy demeanor. She blew a raspberry. "Oh, pfft, stop being such an uptight grumpy-poo and meet – uhhh, wait a minute, ha! I don't even know your names!" Viva said, flustered.

Poppy quickly helped with that, wrapping an arm around her sister and gesturing out with the other. "Branch, John Dory, and Spruce!" she said, pointing at each of them.

John Dory nodded. "And we're Clay's long lost brothers," he said, using that same dramatic voice he'd used when he'd crashed Bridget and Gristle's wedding.

Viva blinked. "Ohhh..." Then it seemed to click. "OOOHHHH, Clay was the brother you were looking for?!" She turned to Clay. "That is so COOOL!"

"Is it?" Clay asked, trying to look like he wasn't affected by his brothers' presence, though Branch could still read the surprise that was there. He paused, crossing his arms and looking at the Trolls up and down – first John Dory, then Spruce, then Branch. "Why have you come here? What business could you possibly procure with me?"

Branch raised an eyebrow. What was with all the proper talk? And what was the deal with him wanting Viva to use his full name? If this was another name-change situation like his purple-haired brother who had claimed his new name was "Bruce" when they met him, Branch could roll his eyes in annoyance. Luckily, John Dory spoke up first again. "I don't know what a 'pro cure' is, but we need your help, little bro! We're getting the band back together!"

Clay looked briefly startled. "BroZone?"

"Well, yeah! What other band?" JD asked.

Clay narrowed his eyes. "Why should I?"

"Because the rando's brother is in trouble!" Tiny Diamond piped up from his carrier. Spruce glanced down and gave Tiny a look. "What?"

Spruce shook his head and explained. "He means, that our brother Floyd is in trouble," he said.

"Trouble?" Clay echoed. "What kind of trouble?"

"Trapped-in-a-diamond-that's-sucking-his-musical-talents-away-from-him kind of trouble!" John Dory cried.

Now, Clay didn't shield his surprise. "What?"

"It's really true!" JD blurted.

The lime-green-haired Troll narrowed his eyes even more, and then humphed. "Y'all are playing," he muttered.

"No we're not," Spruce said. "John Dory said he saw it for himself, didn't ya?"

"I sure did," JD affirmed. "And things aren't looking too hot for him if we dillydally for too long!"

"So we need to band together and sing the perfect Family Harmony," Branch concluded, speaking up in support of his older brothers.

"The Family Harmony?" Clay was astounded. "Okay, now I know you're playing for sure! We haven't sung like that in a long time. How are we going to do that again?" He didn't wait for them to respond. He put a hand up and spoke firmly. "The answer is no."

Branch expected this. He himself had been reluctant to go on the journey, and reluctant to believe John Dory as well. But he had agreed to come out of some convincing from Poppy, and also the desire to see Floyd again. Spruce had also been somewhat skeptical as well when he was found on Vacay Island. Thankfully, the song that they'd sang together helped him chill enough to agree to come along. Somehow, though, it looked like Clay was a little more difficult to budge. Viva, however, beat Branch to the punch.

"What? Clay nooo, you can't NOT go! These guys are your family! Just like me and Poppy! I would go and save her if she was trapped in some kind of crazy diamond!" Viva gave her sister a side hug.

Clay scoffed. "But you just met her!" he accused.

"It doesn't matter! Family is family, no matter where you come from or how far apart you guys are," Viva reasoned. "So go! The village and I will still be here when you come back!" she said, playfully fluttering her lashes and not taking notice of how it in turn made Clay blush.

"No," he said, once he'd gathered his bearings.

"If I can make you laugh, you'll go," Viva challenged, rubbing her hands together mischievously.

Clay raised an unimpressed eyebrow at her. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously! As seriously as you've been trying to be, Mr. Grumpy Pants Galore!" she teased, sneaking a quick pinch at his cheek. Then, a comical scene ensued, and the brothers and Poppy could do little more than watch as Viva pranced around Clay and attempted to worm any kind of chuckle or chortle out of him with the antics she was doing, mostly silly faces and sounds. She would scrunch her nose, and do a jig, and blow some raspberries, and stretch and squinch her brows and lips in all sorts of ways in succession.

"Come on, don't be a Super Duper Party Pooper!" she giggled, resorting to poking the lime-green-haired Troll in the arm over and over and over.

He pretended to roll his eyes, but it was obvious he was starting to falter. "Viva," he started to say warningly, though the corners of his lips twitched, as though he were just about to crack a smile.

"What's that? I can't hear you, Mumble Mouth!" she squeaked jokingly, still continuing her silliness.

Finally, the Troll couldn't hold it in anymore. A loud, bumbling laugh escaped Clay, and soon his entire lithe frame was shaking and his blue cheeks were tinted red with mirth. His siblings and Poppy watched, amused, and Viva giggled delightedly.

"Oh, yaaay! You're going!!" she cheered.

"Wh-wait, what?" Clay wheezed, soon cutting the laughter short and straightening back up in order to uphold his 'prim-and-proper' act. He cleared his throat. "Doing something based on a bet is highly immature. This does not count for anything. I am still not going."

"Aw, Clay, but you used to love all that stuff you call 'immature' now!" Viva countered. "And besides..." Her voice got calm and serious. "Do you really wanna risk that you might never see your brother again?"

I've got three others, Clay wanted to blurt out, but somehow he didn't think dark humor was the way to go at that moment. And Viva looked so very concerned over the situation.

"Pretty please?" she asked, clasping her hands together and fluttering her lashes in the way that made Clay's temperature rise up. "With a milkshake and whipped cream and a cherry on top?"

Deep down, Clay really was concerned – the way he'd remembered the magenta Trolling, Floyd had been so shy and innocent in his youth. Regardless if he had outgrown the reserved demeanor, it was still wrong for him to be captured! And the others... John Dory, Spruce, and Branch... they had all bothered to come and were here, seemingly ready to go forth in their plan. Clay didn't want to be trouble... and maybe, they would appreciate his jokes again after all was said and done! He sighed and spoke quickly. "Okay, I'm gonna give it a shot, so – "

"YAAAAAAYYY!!!" Viva screamed in interruption. She threw her arms around Clay and gave him a big hug, bouncing up and down on the spot, all while Clay grew warm and tried to prevent himself from grinning too widely at her contact. She bid her goodbyes to him and his brothers, and then addressed Poppy last.

"My sis, make sure you watch yourself out there. I really, REALLY wish I could come, but I gotta stay here and watch the town. We'll catch up when you come back, all right?"

Poppy nodded. "I'm gonna miss you!"

Viva scooped her up for a tight hug. "I know! I'm gonna miss you, too!" While the sisters embraced, the brothers – now raked up to four out of their five in total – stood a little awkwardly with one another.

"Hey," Clay mumbled to them, sort of waving.

"Hey," Branch replied quietly. His prankster brother had sure changed a bit. But evident by his outburst of laughter, there was still some of that old, lighthearted, fun-loving spunk left inside of him. Still though, the way that he and Viva had interacted with one another got him thinking... Is this the way that folks see me and Poppy??

His brothers didn't voice their opinions on that matter. There was something else on their minds.

"Thank goodness for your girlfriend, bro!" John Dory said. "You and Branch are chopped from the same tree – your girls got you wrapped around their pretty little pinkies!"

Clay's blue eyes widened and his cheeks got flushed. "Who – Viva? She's, um, not my girlfriend..."

"Okay, maybe not," Spruce piped up, "but dude, it's pretty clear you got the hots for her."

Clay did all he could to not die of embarrassment right there and then, so he changed the subject. "What's the deal with Floyd again?"

John Dory was glad to jump in and explain. "Some weirdos trapped him in a crystal that's taking away his music powers, yo!" he shouted. "It's a really crazy story, but I'll tell you more about it once we get back to Rhonda."

"Rhonda?" Clay asked.

"He means the caterbus that I could've stayed inside of!" Tiny Diamond said, frowning up at Spruce.

The purple Troll frowned right back at him. "Keep up the attitude, little man, and you'll go on time out, you hear?"

"What?" Tiny Diamond couldn't believe his ears! Nor could he keep the pout off his face as the Trolls bid a final farewell to Viva and the Putt Putt Trolls.

"Good luck you guys!" Viva called out, her subjects waving as energetically as she was. "Come back and visit soon! And may your path be filled with lots of hugs, and sunshine, and rainbows, and cupcakes, and milkshakes, - "

"And glitter!" Poppy called out.

"And definitely lots of glitter!" Viva agreed with a giggle.

Heading back to the caterbus, Poppy and Branch let the brothers go on ahead, while they exchanged a glance.

"WOW," they both said at the same time, and then laughed.

"Looks like you met your match, huh, Poppy?" Branch remarked.

"You're telling me!" Poppy exclaimed, laughing again and strolling along with a little skip in her step.

Suddenly Branch got a sly look on his face. "So, how come you never told me you had a secret sister?" he asked, nearly saying the same exact words that he'd heard Poppy say when John Dory had first arrived.

"I had no idea!" Poppy giggled. She couldn't believe she had a sister, something that she had always wished for ever since she was a little girl! Her other wish had been to meet BroZone – which was a wish that was still coming true, now that they retrieved Clay. Poppy beamed. She couldn't wait to get to know him better once they got back to Rhonda!


A/N: Spruce's name change to Bruce was something mentioned in the leaked pages of one of the Trolls Band Together activity books.

I left the sister explanation ambiguous because I can't really think of a good enough explanation that satisfied me for HOW they are sisters 0_0

What are your thoughts as to why Viva (and possibly their mother, too) was separated from King Peppy and Poppy?

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