Playing the Part

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At this rate, Poppy was going to get a bruise on her arm from how many times she had been pinching it.

The way she saw it, she had to. This moment was unreal to her, and she wanted to be extra sure that she wasn't stuck in another perfect dream. She'd had plenty of dreams like this before, where she was there, a young tween girl, frolicking around with the five cute boys that made up her favorite band. But each time she pinched herself, she would not wake up in her bed in a swoon. She would still be standing there, tingling with joy, because nearly all five of the boys that she'd dreamed about were actually right there... just a few paces away!

Holy cupcakes and sprinkles... Poppy thought, as it hit her once again. BroZone is actually here!!!

She couldn't believe that her dream really was true! Well, at least somewhat true. For one, the boys did not resemble the way they looked in her dream. There was a good twenty-year age gap between the boys she saw in her dream, and the men that stood before her now, taller and older. Age wasn't the only difference, though. So was appearance.

John Dory still very distinctly wore his shades right above his head, though the rims of the goggles were a light green instead of orange. And while he still had a vest, it was a snow coat instead of the hair-matching turquoise one he was known to have on.

Spruce, the second eldest, also had a vest, though it was black and white, and decorated with a flowery pattern that perfectly gave off that island-vibe, a good thing, too, since Vacay Island was indeed his home! His purple hair had been smoothed down to a flowing, surfer-ish mane that extended well past his shoulders and blew elegantly in the wind.

Clay was nearly unrecognizable when she'd first seen him. He'd thinned out and grown tall, and had a mop of wild, unruly lime-green hair instead of the old yellow that he'd had when he was a teen. To top it off, he'd ditched the vest look entirely and traded it in for a style that consisted of a glittery green cardigan sweater, and wristbands to match.

And then, of course, there was Branch – "Bitty B" – the 'baby' of the group, who was certainly no baby anymore! Her boyfriend had come along on the journey in his usual outfit of choice, the leaf green vest and brown patchwork shorts. His blue was not as vibrant as it had been when he was little, but it was still there, looking as handsome as ever, and he was still a teensy bit short compared to the other brothers (though she wouldn't point that detail out to him).

The only one missing from the squad was Floyd, the second youngest BroZone brother, who much to her dismay, had been unjustly captured. She had to wonder what he looked like now, since everybody else looked different. Regardless, she couldn't wait to meet him! But, there was only one itsy bitsy problem that was keeping her from meeting him – and that was the obvious fact that he was captured, by some strange creatures from the sound of it. The way that John Dory had described them, they were tall and limby, green-haired with pale skin and eyes that looked too large for their faces.

Poppy creased her eyebrows in worry. It was obvious to her that not everybody was friendly, despite her desire to believe it was true. I mean not all Trolls were friendly, she reminded herself. Barb wasn't at first... She recalled the World Tour and how one of her now closest friends had behaved at first. In the back of her mind, she was hoping that the pair of siblings who had captured Floyd would be able to change for the better, too. But, for the time being, it was going to be a battle of the bands, with the ultimate goal of achieving the most perfect Family Harmony in order to free Floyd from capture. The Family Harmony, of course, had to be accomplished with harmony among the family, as the name suggested, which was something that had to be worked on. Given that the band had broken up from an explosive argument, it was obvious that there perhaps was a significant lack of harmony.

But not to worry! Poppy thought to herself. That's why they're here – they're going to perfect the harmony, get back into the groove of things like they were when they were at the top of their career, and then become best friends again!! Poppy could hardly wait to see it happen!

Her eyes flitted over to the boys, who were taking a few warm-up stretches to prepare for the routine. She had to stifle a laugh watching John Dory, trying to reach down to touch his toes but hardly able to even get his arms past his knees before he was giving up with exhaustion. Spruce fared no better, but instead of embarrassing himself with trying like JD did, he did a couple of simple yoga-like poses, extending his arms out and trying not to look silly doing so. Clay, on the other hand, looked like he was quite in his element. Alongside being known as 'The Fun One' of the group, Poppy remembered hearing how he was their unofficial choreographer. It was no wonder his stretches looked the most natural and practiced, like he knew what he was doing as he held a split and stretched his arms down toward the end of one long leg. Branch was also a bit athletic, too, his Bergen-survivalist past making him able to pull off a few stretches with ease. But still, by the look on his face, she could tell he was feeling a bit awkward about it. In fact, now that she took a look, they all looked a bit awkward, like they weren't really sure about this, and definitely not sure if they would be able to flow together in the same way they used to.

Well, even if they don't believe they can, I believe it! Poppy thought.

Suddenly, JD cleared his throat, swallowing with a bit of uncertainty. "Okay, then," he said, naturally taking charge, "I guess we better get to it!"

"I guess," Spruce mumbled, getting ready. Clay cracked his knuckles and Branch stood a notable few steps away from them, with his arms crossed.

"Wait a second, what song are we doing?" Clay asked, not sure what position to put himself in.

"Err... good question!" JD said, thinking. "I mean, we could always do 'It's Gonna Be Me', right?" he suggested.

"Save that one for one of the songs at the big showdown," Spruce said, putting a hand up. "How about something easier?"

"Easier, like what?" JD asked.

"Hmm... how about 'Sailing'? That one had a lot of simple dance steps," Clay piped up, believing that perhaps something a bit more basic would be good to start with, for the sake of having them rediscover their rhythm with one another again.

Luckily, John Dory saw the logic behind it, too, and he beamed. "Alright, sounds good!" Just to be sure, he peered over at Spruce and Branch.

Spruce gave him a thumbs up, while Branch simply got into position, and gave a nod to show that he was ready. Each of the brothers arranged themselves, ready to give it a go.

Sure enough, they began to harmonize, jumping right into the middle verses of the song.

"It's not far to Never Never Land

No reason to pretend

And if the wind is right you can find the joy

Of innocence again

Oh, the canvas can do miracles

Just you wait and see

Baby believe me, oh

Sailing (takes me away)

Takes me away

To where I've always heard it could be

(I heard it could be)

Just a dream and a wind to carry me

(Soon I will be free)

Soon I will be free, yeah..."

Poppy gushed. They sounded amazing! But, unfortunately, it seemed that despite their vocals being quite on point, things were not looking so pristine in the choreography department. The brothers faltered, either stepping too fast or too slow in comparison to each other, and therefore making themselves stumble more than once. The four finally put a halt in the production after one too many missteps.

"All right, look, I think I know what the issue is," John Dory said. "We're not getting the timing right because we need a fifth brother. We need Floyd."

"Yeah, well, news flash, genius, Floyd's kinda indisposed right now," Branch pointed out, crossing his arms.

"So! We still need someone else," JD retorted, a little embarrassed.

Poppy perked up. Wait. They need someone else. I mean, I'M somebody else, aren't I?? She remembered how well she had flowed with John Dory, Spruce, and Branch when they had sang just for fun on Vacay Island. But they were just being nice to me, Poppy thought. Would they let her join in now? Before Poppy could help herself, she suddenly stepped up, wringing her palms nervously together and offering a tentative smile. "Would you settle for a sister?"

The boys looked at each other, indecisive for a brief second. But then it disappeared a moment later.

"Yeah, sure... why not!" John Dory replied chirpily, waving her over.

Poppy gasped, unable to believe it. This was like a dream come true. Meeting BroZone (or at least most of them), and then being able to actually rehearse with them? She could burst with happiness! The pink Pop queen squealed in delight and scurried over to the brothers, more than ready to join in the choreography. But before she could take her place next to them, John Dory put a hand up to stop her.

"Hold on a second, girly," he said, "If you're gonna sing and dance with us, you're gonna need to look the part. In fact, we all need to!" He reached into his hair, and pulled out some items that made everybody gasp once they recognized what they were.

"Whoa! Wait a minute... is that what I think it is?" Clay asked, his blue eyes wide.

"You bet your cardigan it is!" JD replied, tossing him a couple of the items. Clay caught it and his jaw dropped. Because right there in his hands was a very familiar little yellow vest and white slacks – his performing outfit from when he was a teen!

"No way!" he breathed.

A similar reaction arose from Spruce at the sight of his purple vest and white slacks. "Oh, wow..." he said, sizing up the vest, and not quite remembering it to be that little. All of them had certainly grown since then!

"Oh, Braaanch," John Dory cooed, "lookie what I got for you!" John Dory held up his old pair of shades, the white rimmed glasses with the slight pink tinted lens... as well as a diaper!

Branch gave him a murderous look. "I am NOT going to wear that!" he growled.

"Oh, come on, don't throw shade on the shades!" JD said, observing the white-rimmed glasses. "These used to me mine, you know."

"You know I'm not talking about that!" Branch said.

"Oh, what, the diaper? Come on, how else are we gonna be BroZone without our cute youngest little bro, Bitty B?" JD tried reasoning, teasing Branch with his childhood nickname and pinching his cheek.

Branch took a deep breath, calming himself. If an argument broke out now, among any of them, that would be the end of everything they were trying to work towards. The last time an argument happened, he didn't have to remind himself how that ended. I'm doing this for Floyd. We're doing this for Floyd, Branch reminded himself. Everyone's in good spirits now. Let's keep it that way. And if this is the way that we're going to accomplish the Family Harmony... well, then...

Branch snatched the diaper from John Dory's hands. "Okay, fine!" he said. "Whatever. I'll do it."

"That's a good boy!" John Dory teased, and then playfully punched his brother on the shoulder.

"I really can't believe you kept this!" Clay said, still looking over the small yellow vest in his hands and running his fingers over the puffy material.

"I guess I thought we could use them again one day," JD admitted.

"Not exactly a perfect fit, but hey, it'll still do," Spruce spoke up, adjusting the slightly tight vest better on his body.

JD took the opportunity to slip out of his snow coat and trade it for the turquoise vest he wore. It, too, was small on his body, but he didn't let it bother him. "Ohoho, yeah, still as fly as ever!" he exclaimed, clicking his tongue and striking a quick pose. Then he turned his attention to Poppy. "Oh, yeah! And for you, Madame Poppy..." He handed her the little magenta vest that had belonged to Floyd. "It kinda works out, y'know, since you both have the pink hair and all!" JD pointed out.

"Oh, yeah... you're right!" Poppy giggled, happily slipping her arms into the openings and letting it hug against her. EEEEE! This is the same vest that Floyd wore!! she squealed inwardly, incredibly grateful that she was allowed to even have it loaned to her.

Clay in the meantime had thrust his yellow vest on himself, surprising himself with how glad he was to be back in BroZone gear. Then, he got an idea, and whipped out a couple of cans of hairspray from his hair, spritzing it onto his unruly lime-green waves. If John Dory had said they needed to look the part, then he would make sure that he one-hundred percent did!

Spruce noticed and extended his hand out to his brother. "Ooo! May I?"

Clay gave a curt nod and tossed the cans over to him, the purple Troll catching it midair and spraying his luscious locks. Both Trolls donned themselves with pairs of sunglasses to make themselves look sharp. JD polished his own goggles like he'd done many times in his youth prior to any kind of performance, even rehearsals. Soon enough, the four brothers and Poppy all stood in a stunning row, posing elegantly, impressively, coolly. It didn't matter if their clothes didn't exactly fit the same way, or if Branch's diaper felt like it was beginning to give him bum a rash.

For a second, the youngest member of BroZone actually felt good. No, he felt great! It was just like old times, when he would go onstage and sing with his bros without a care in the world, young and cute, and feeling free.

But then the itching began to get to him.

"Oof!" he complained, trying to adjust the diaper better around his bottom.

"Need this?" Spruce asked, pulling out a bottle of talcum from his hair that he used for his own kids. The sight of the powder being presented to a very flush-faced Branch sent the bunch into hearty laughter. Branch hurriedly swiped the item and mumbled, "I'll be right back," before scurrying off out of their view.

"Don't be too long!" JD called out between laughs. "We've still got a show to do!"

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