I've got you

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Poppy's POV:
I'm looking up at the moon, trying to remember how Branch told me to know what time it is using  it, but I can't remember. Suddenly, Creek comes into the light.

"Your precious Branch has 10 minutes left before you're gone forever. Tick tock, Branch. Tick tock."

Creek leaves me alone again, and the fear REALLY starts creeping in now.

"Come on, Branch! Hurry up."

Branch's POV:
We finally made it to the tunnels. I look up at the moon and realize we only have 10 minutes left.

"So, which tunnel is it, Branch?" John Dory asks.

"Why are you asking me?"

"Um, because you're the only one out of all of us that went through the tunnels before."

"Ok, so here's the thing. I may or may not remember which tunnel it is because I was chasing a cloud with a sharp stick when I went through last time."

Everyone just stares at me with a .______. expression on their faces.

"It's a long story."

Suddenly, Viva's face looks like she remembered something.

"Wait, guys! I think I know how we can figure out which tunnel will lead us to Poppy!"

"How?" Spruce asks.

"When we were little, probably too little for Poppy to remember, our mom taught us a song. She said that if we ever lost each other, we could sing it, and the other one would find us. So, what if I try singing it, and if Poppy remembers it and starts singing, we can figure out which tunnel she's in."

"That's actually not a bad idea, Viva." I say.

"Ok, give me a sec."

Viva walks up to the tunnels, and starts singing.

💛"There's always gonna be someone tryna tear you down
Mocking you for your mistakes, oh-oh
There's always gonna be someone messing your head around
Watching you to see you break, so
Don't you let em call you out
Brush away the shame and doubt
Remember what you're all about and then
Show 'em who you are
Show 'em that you're strong
Show 'em that you know where you belong
Open up their eyes, force 'em all to see
Let 'em know you are and you'll always be
Unbreakable, unbreakable
Unbreakable, unbreakable, yeah"

Poppy's POV:
I'm sitting there sad when I suddenly hear someone, singing? I listen closer and recognize that voice. Viva? She's singing to find me! I don't know how, but I remember the song. I join in to make it easier for her.

💖"There's always gonna be someone saying you're something less"💖

On the other side of the tunnels...

Viva suddenly hears a voice.

"That's Poppy!" Branch says. "Keep going!"

Viva keeps singing as they walk through the tunnel they heard Poppy's voice in.

💛"Let 'em talk, you know your heart, oh-oh"💛

💖"There's always gonna be someone calling you second best"💖

💛"Shut 'em down, don't fall apart, no
Don't you let 'em in your head"💛

💖"Doesn't matter what they said"💖

💛💖"Get up on your feet instead, and then
Show 'em who you are
Show 'em that you're strong
Show 'em they've been seeing you all wrong
Open up their minds, throw away the key
Tell 'em that you are and you'll always be
Unbreakable, unbreakable, yeah"💛💖

Viva hears Poppy's voice getting louder as they keep moving forward in the tunnel. She knows they're almost there.
💛"You define yourself, oh (hey, yeah)"💛

💖"You and no one else
Show 'em who you are"💖

💛"Show 'em that you're strong
Show 'em that you've known it all along"💛

Viva sees the end of the tunnel, and who does she see? Poppy, right in front of her. Viva runs to her, still in song.



Viva grabs Poppy's hands as they sing.

💛💖"Open every door, own your destiny
Live as if you are what you were
And you've been and you'll always be
Unbreakable, unbreakable
Unbreakable, unbreakable

Viva and Poppy put their foreheads against each other's, feeling so happy they found each other.

"How did you guys find me?" Poppy asks.

"Viva said she knew a way, so we let her use it. And I guess it worked." Clay says, putting a hand on Viva's shoulder.

Suddenly, Creek steps into the light.

"Well, well, well. Look who finally showed u-" he stops abruptly when he sees Viva and the boys.

"Wait, who are you guys?"

"I'm her sister!" Viva yells.

"And we're her future brothers-in-law!" Floyd says.

"Wait, you both have siblings? There's more of you guys to deal with!? Aw great!" Creek says sarcastically.

"Face it, Creek. You're no match for us. I have the throne, it's less than 24 hours, and we're here. Give me back my fiancé!" Branch yells.

"On second thought, I think I'll keep Poppy a little longer!"

Creek grabs Poppy from the tree and wraps his arm around her neck, and brings them close to a cliff.

"Promise me I'll have the whole kingdom for myself, or Poppy's gone."

"Branch, don't do it!" Poppy says.

Branch looks at Poppy. Seeing the girl he loves so close to death, he can't take it.

"Yes, I promise. You'll have all of trollstopia for yourself. Just don't hurt her!" Branch yells.

"Good call."

Creek slowly moves away from the cliff. Branch slowly moves towards him with the throne.

"Oh come on and give me the throne!"

"Okay, okay! Here."

Branch starts handing it to him, but before he can, something happens.

Poppy nails him in the ribs with her elbow, causing him to lose his grip on her neck. Poppy gets away from him before punching him a bunch of times in the face.

"This is for breaking my heart, betraying me, kidnapping me, and trying to get revenge on the love of my life!" Poppy says between hits. Viva and the boys are cheering her on from the side.

Poppy then grabs him by the shoulders and chucks him over the cliff and into the water.

"That's right! No body messes with Queen Poppy!"

Poppy turns around and realizes everyone went quiet.

"What? I finally got my revenge."

Everyone immediately starts talking at once, but there's one person Poppy really wants to see. She sees Branch behind the rest of them. She slowly walks behind them and up to him.

"Branch, I-"

Poppy doesn't even have time to react before Branch tackles her in a hug. Poppy gladly hugs back, so happy to be feeling the warmth of her love again. Branch suddenly speaks up.

"I thought I was gonna lose you."

"So did I. This is the happiest I've felt in the last 3 days."

They help each other up and start to lean in for a kiss. But as they're about to, they hear a noise of pain coming from Viva.

"Viva, what's wrong?" Poppy asks worriedly.

"I think all the yelling and excitement made the baby wanna come out now." Viva starts breathing very heavily.

"Oh my gosh! Let's get back to pop village!" Poppy says, scared and excited at the same time.

A few hours later, Poppy and Branch are in Poppy's pod. Poppy is pacing back and forth, worried about Viva and the baby.

"You okay, Poppifer?" Branch asks.

"Yup, I'm fine, never been better!" Poppy says as she continues to pace back and forth.

"No, you're not. You get antsy when you're nervous."

"No I don't!" Poppy says.

Branch raises an eyebrow at her. She sighs, knowing he's right.

"Come here." Branch says, signaling for Poppy to come sit on his lap. Poppy does so while Branch cradles her in his arms.

"What's wrong?" Branch asks.

"I'm just really nervous, okay! What if something bad happens to the baby? What if something bad happens to Viva... because of me!?" Poppy says before beginning to cry.

"Don't say that, Poppifer. Nothing bad is going to happen to Viva or the baby. Sometimes things just take a long time, but that's what makes it worth it in the end."

Poppy sits there quietly, thinking about what Branch said.

"I guess you're right. I guess I'm overthinking it a little. You're rubbing off on me!" Poppy says while smiling.

"For our safety, I'll say that's a good thing."

Poppy and Branch smile at each other before leaning in to kiss. Suddenly, the door opens, revealing Clay.

"Is everything okay?" Poppy asks.

"Yes, everything's fine. The baby's here. You wanna go meet it?"

"Umm, does Branch love me!?" Poppy replies.

Poppy runs over to Viva's pod, with Branch and Clay not too far behind her.

Poppy makes it to Viva's pod and slowly and quietly opens the door. And there, lying in her bed, is Viva and her baby.

"Poppy, come meet your niece."

"N-niece?" Poppy asks.

Viva slowly nods her head before signaling Poppy to come over to her. Poppy slowly walks over to Viva and gushes. The baby has pink skin like her mom, with yellow green hair. Her eyes are green like Clay's, but her nose looks just like Viva's.

"Can I hold her?" Poppy asks.

"Of course. She's your niece."

Viva slowly hands Poppy the baby, and Poppy's heart just melts. Branch and Clay are watching nearby, smiling.

"What's her name?" Poppy asks.

Viva and Clay look at each other before saying it at the same time.


"Oh!! That name is perfect for her."

Poppy looks down at Aria sleeping peacefully in front of her. She starts gently bouncing her back and forth so she doesn't get fussy.

"Poppy is gonna be a great mom one day." Clay whispers to Branch.

"Yeah, she is."

A few hours later, Poppy and Branch are back at Branch's bunker, getting ready for bed.

"These past couple of days have been crazy." Poppy says.

"Yes they have. But, all that matters is that little Aria is here, safe and sound, and you're back in my arms." Branch replies.

"I couldn't agree more. But we seriously do need to start wedding planning." Poppy says.

"Eh, it can wait until tomorrow." Branch replies.

"Oh come on! Seriously, Branchifer!? We need to-"

Poppy is suddenly cut off by Branch grabbing her by the face and kissing her. Once they part, they're both smiling.

"Yeah, it can wait until tomorrow." Poppy says.

"That's what I thought. Now, let's get some sleep. You need it." Branch replies.

"Yeah. Goodnight, Branch."

"Goodnight, Poppy."

They fall asleep in each other's arms, happy to be back with each other, safe and sound.

And here it is! I LOVED writing this one! I can't wait to write next week's chapter too! I'm probably not gonna post a oneshot this week bcuz of how long this one is, and I'm going to the movies with my mom later, so I don't have a lot of time to write one! Sorry! But I hope u guys enjoyed this one, and until next week!

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