Wedding planning

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No one's POV:(the next morning)
As the sun shines in through the window, Branch turns around and reaches his arms out to pull Poppy closer to him, but doesn't feel her next to him. Branch gets out of bed to go look for Poppy, and he finds her at the kitchen table with a million different papers surrounding her.

Branch clears his throat, and Poppy looks up at him, smiling.

"Good morning, Branchifer!"

Poppy walks over to Branch and gives him a hug.

"Morning, Poppifer. What is all this stuff?"

Branch signals to all of the papers currently taking up his kitchen table.

"This "stuff" is all of the things we have to plan for our wedding!" Poppy says with a smile.

"Our what? What happened to the whole "chill day with your loving fiancé since you just nearly died last night" thing?"

"Branch we're still doing that. We're just, multitasking."

"You and the multitasking."

Poppy walks over to Branch's side with an entire scrapbook filled with wedding things.

"Okay, so, today you and I both have our fittings with Satin and Chenille, I have my bridesmaids fitting with them, you have your groomsmen fitting with them, I have a decoration meeting with Viva, we both have a cake tasting with Cooper, and we have a venue meeting with Biggie."

Poppy stares at Branch smiling.

"And that's all today?"

"Yup! You on board, Branchifer?"

"Not really..."

Poppy throws a schedule at Branch.

"That's what I like to hear. Now get going to Satin and Chenille's."

"Ugh, fine."

Branch starts to walk out, but Poppy stops him.

"You're forgetting something."

Branch stares at Poppy, already knowing what she wants.

"Fine, quickly."

Branch walks over to Poppy and gives her a quick peck on the lips.

"That's better. Now go before you're late!"

Branch runs off to start his VERY busy day.

All day, Branch is thinking that the things Poppy wants at their wedding vs. the things he wants at their wedding is VERY different. Eventually, Branch can't take it anymore and says he needs a break before walking off into the woods to think.

Poppy's POV:
I look at the time. Branch was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago! I walk over to Satin and Chenille's pod, because that's where Branch was supposed to be before coming to me.

"Hey guys, do you know where Branch went? He was supposed to meet me for venue picking a half hour ago, and I have no clue where he is."

"He said he needed a break and left like 15 minutes ago" Satin says.

"Okay, thanks guys."

I walk out of there, thinking about where Branch could be. I then remember where he always is if he needs a break.

I run into the woods, careful not to cut myself on the loose twigs.

I finally make it to the spot, and I see Branch sitting there, looking at the water flowing down the river. I slowly walk over to him, and I sit down next to him. I see him turn his head to me before turning it back to the water.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing, I just needed a break is all."

"No, I know something is wrong because you only come out to this spot when something's really bugging you, so, what's wrong?" I ask again.

Branch sighs before talking.

"I guess all of this wedding stuff is a little much for me. I mean, I love you so, so much, and I can't wait to marry you, but all of this stuff just isn't me."

I then think about before realizing I have been making everything the way I want it to be, and not even thinking about Branch.

"Oh, Branch. I'm really sorry. I was so focused on making the wedding the way I dreamt it, I completely ignored what you wanted."

"It's okay, you're just excited is all."

"So, where do you wanna get married?" I say, smiling at Branch.

"Actually, what if we got married here? I mean, it's romantic, it's really peaceful, and we both love it here."

"I love that idea."

"And I love you, queen Poppy."

"I love you too, Branch."

I smile at Branch before grabbing him by the vest and kissing him, his arms wrapping around my waist. I smile, so excited to get married.

Hey guys! I can't believe this is the second to last chapter in my 2nd trolls fanfic! I love you all so so much, and I hope u all love the ending next week! My oneshot will be out shortly, so stay tuned!!

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