Chapter 4

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     Branch lay in his bed after the whole 'dragon incident', the little troll looking up at the wooded ceiling in pure despair...

     Why did no one believe him? Why did they never believe him?

     With a long sigh of sorrow, the young troll covered up his face with his hands to try and hide his shame...

     "Hey..." a sudden voice said from a few feet beside him...

     Curios about who was talking to him, Branch peaked through his fingers, instantly seeing River standing in his door way...

     "Here to make fun of me like everyone else?" Branch grumbled as he sat up, turning his back to the older troll in anger...

     "Nope..." River replied in a comforting tone, slowly walking towards the young boy to sit on the bed beside him. "I just came to talk..."

     "I really did shoot down that Night Fury..." Branch muttered under his breath, not even looking up at the blacksmith sitting beside him. "And I understand why the others don't believe me... why they think I'm a nuisance to society... why they never want me around... but... but not him... He's my dad... he should trust me. He should believe in me. But... he doesn't... he never has..."

     "You know how your father is..." River stated softly, placing a gentle hand on the young boy's shoulder. "All he asks of you is to stay inside during the attacks... to stay safe... so why? Why do you do the things you do? Why do you go after the dragons against everyone's wishes?"

     Finally, Branch looked up at the blacksmith, tears sparkling in the little troll's crystal blue eyes...

     "I... I just want him to be proud of me..." the young boy muttered softly before lowering his head in despair once more...

     "Listen to me, Branch..." River instructed, gently lifting up the blue troll's chin so that he was looking him in the eyes. "He may not show it... but Thorn does love you."
"Yeah right," Branch scoffed, pulling away from the older troll's comforting grasp. "I'm nothing in his eyes. Just a worthless runt who can't do anything right..."

     River looked at him sympathetically, actually feeling bad for the young boy...

     "Here..." he finally said softly before pulling something out of his blue and green hair.

     Branch looked up at him once more as the blacksmith held out a little pocket knife...

     "What's this?" the little troll asked, slowly taking the knife from him to look at.
"It symbolizes strength," River informed. "It has been passed down for generations, and now... I'm giving it to you..."
"Why? I have no strength..." Branch sighed sadly. "You said so yourself..."

     He tried to hand the knife back to it's true owner, his head low in shame, but River refused to take it, gently pushing the little troll's hand away...

     "You may not have strength here..." River said, gesturing at Branch's arm, the young boy paying close attention to what the older troll was telling him. "But you have unlimited strength in here," the blacksmith continued, pointing to Branch's heart...

     Branch couldn't help but smile slightly at those words, the young boy looking down at the little knife that sat in his hand...

     "Thanks, River," he said softly, actually feeling much better now.

     River smiled at him, and then stood, placing his hand back on the little troll's shoulder.

     "You'll do great things one day, Branch," he assured. "Never forget where your greatest strength lies..."

     And with that... River turned away from the little blue troll before walking out of the room...

     Branch continued looking down at the knife for a few more moment before then looking out the window...

     "I'll show everyone..." he whispered softly, closing his hand securely around the knife. "I'm not as weak as they think..."

     Quickly, the little troll jumped to his feet, running out of his room without a second thought... he would make everyone proud...

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