Chapter 45

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     Poppy and Branch headed outside, the moon still shining bright up in the sky.

     Tula and Barb where sitting at a fire pit, waiting for them.

     "You two coming or what?" Barb asked, tired of waiting.

     The two trolls walked over, holding hands, as they sat down.

     "Fuego," Chief Tula said, pointing at the fire pit.

     A little ball of fire came running across the dirt, jumping into the fire pit, and growing bigger.

     "You've all met Aqua," Tula said, smiling a bit. "Well... this is her brother Fuego."

     A flame in the shape of a hand came out of the fire, waving to the trolls.

     "H... hi?" Branch said nervously, the three of them waving back.

     "Fuego. Show them what really happened all those years ago," Chief Tula said.

     Little figures popped out of the flames, as if the trolls where watching a movie.

     "Look!" Poppy said, pointing at one of the flame trolls. "That's my dad! And there's us, Branch!" She pointed at a group of trolls standing off together, talking and having fun. "We were so tiny!" Poppy yelled, thinking about how cute they where.

     "Pay attention, Popsqueek," Barb said, suddenly eating popcorn that came from who knows where. "This is getting good."

Flashback Through Flames

     "King Peppy," Chief Tula said, softly, walking up behind him. Peppy turned, looking at her, suspiciously.

"I would like to formally apologize for my behavior yesterday."

Peppy smiled, forgiving her instantly.

"And I would like to apologize for my people building that dam without your permission. It really was supposed to be a gift to stop flooding in your village."

She smiled, but her smile quickly faded.

"About the dam... I'd like to explain to you why I got so upset about it."
"Of course," Peppy nodded.

"Well... it's just that..." She paused, catching sight of Branch, standing over with the rest of the snack pack.

She glared at him, looking suspicious.

Branch was talking to Poppy, laughing, and smiling, but his smile faded, when he noticed Chief Tula staring at him.

He gulped, backing up a bit, as his ears drooped.

Chief Tula turned her attention back to King Peppy, and smiled once again.

"Why don't we go talk in private..."
"Of course," King Peppy agreed. "Trolls!" He turned to the group of trolls, everyone looking at him.

"I will be back in a moment. Please... enjoy yourselves here while you wait."

King Peppy and Chief Tula walked off into the forest together.

Creek's dad watched, suspiciously, and then made his way to follow, sneakily.

Right before they disappeared into the woods, Tula glanced back at Branch, looking at him closely.

Branch slunk away, frightened.

Tula looked away from Branch, leading Peppy into the forest.

"The dam is cutting off the water flow," Tula explained to King Peppy. "Without the water flowing in, our rivers and ponds will dry up."
"Oh..." King Peppy said, feeling bad for what he had unintentionally done. "I promise I will find a way to fix it," he assured.

Chief Tula smiled, appreciating how kind Peppy was being.

"Thank you, your majesty," she thanked, bowing, slightly, before turning to walk away.

Peppy smiled, also turning, ready to fix his mistake.

"King Peppy!" a voice yelled.

He looked up, seeing Creek's dad running towards him, holding a sword.

"Look out!" he yelled, acting as if Tula was about to attack him, but actually she was just walking away, not even noticing the danger coming at her.

Peppy's eyes widen in fear, as Creek's dad shoved him out of the way, pretending to be protecting him.

"AHHHHH!" Peppy screamed, falling down, as he hit his head on a rock, immediately falling unconscious.

Tula heard Peppy's scream, turning to see the bright purple troll running at her.

She gasped, jumping out of the way, but the tip of Creek's dad's sword hit her, slicing her stomach.

"Ughhh!" she groaned in pain, clutching her stomach.

Just then, Brock came to check on the Chief, his eyes widening, as he saw Tula on the ground, Creek's dad standing over her, his sword held high.

"Chief Tula!" Brock yelled, running over to defend his Chief.

He tackled Creek's dad to the ground, another Enchanted Forest troll noticing the fight.

"Their attacking!" she shouted. "Defend yourselves!"

Scared, the Enchanted Forest trolls began attacking the Troll Village trolls.

Brock fought Creek's dad off of him, a boulder, suddenly crashing down on his head, crushing him.

(Just to be clear, the boulder crushed Creek's dad, not Brock)

Quickly, Brock jumped to his feet, running over to Chief Tula.

He could see how much pain she was in, so he took out a sleep root, breaking it open, so the powder fell over her, putting her to sleep instantly, so he could get her to a doctor.


     Poppy watched in shock.

     "We attacked first..." she said quietly.
"Technically," Branch objected. "Creek's dad attacked first. That guys entire family are traitors," he said, shaking his head, as he thought about how Creek sold them out to the Bergens. He was still mad at him about that.

     Poppy stood, walking over to Tula.

     "I am so sorry, we blamed you," she said, softly.

     Tula smiled, rising up to her feet.

     "You are forgiven. Assuming... you can also forgive me."
"For what?" Poppy asked.
"For assuming your whole kind was bad, because of one's mistake."

     Poppy smiled, hugging Tula tight.

     "You're forgiven too," she said.

     Chief Tula looked at her, confused for a moment, and then smiled, hugging her back.

     "Barf!" Barb gagged. "To much mushy stuff. Let's watch more fights on the fire!"

     Tula chuckled.

     "Not tonight," she said, softly. "You all need to get some rest."
"Good idea," Poppy admitted.
"You all can sleep in my tent for the night. There's plenty of room."
"Thank you Chief Tula," Poppy thanked.

     "Now. You all get to bed. I have some stuff I have to attended to."

     She turned, walking away.

     "I'm 'bout to crash for a year," Barb yawned, walking into the tent.

     Poppy walked over to Branch, who was still sitting, staring blankly into the fire.

     "You coming, Branch?" she asked, softly.

     He looked up at her, smiling slightly.

     "I'll be there in a minute," he said. "I'm not really tired. I mean... I was just sleeping for basically an entire day," he chuckled.

     "Ok, then. See you in the morning, Branch."

     She kissed his head, and then headed into the tent.

     Branch sighed looking back into the fire.

     Was Chief Tula telling the truth before? That he was an Enchanted Forest troll? That couldn't be true, right. He grew up, believing he was a pop troll. So... who was he, really?

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