Chapter 46

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     Chief Tula finished what she needed to do, and then headed back to her tent, but stopped, when she saw Branch sitting outside, gazing at the fire, sadly.

"Hey... you ok?" she asked, walking over to sit next to Branch.

He sighed, lowering his head.

Tula looked at the fire, and then back at Branch.

"You should Probably see this," she said.

He looked up, as Tula pointed at the fire.

     "Fuego," she said.

Suddenly, troll shaped flames popped out of the fire.

Branch watched the flames, as Tula spoke.

"Long ago, we struggled to survive. We couldn't control our hair, like all the other trolls could, leaving us defenseless."

The fire moved to show the Enchanted Forest trolls, being attacked by predators, with no way to defend themselves.

     "That is... until only four where left."

     Four fire trolls stood alone, sadly.

     "They decided that they wouldn't just give up, so they created the four spirits. Earth, wind, fire, and water."

     The fire showed the four spirits being made.

     "Each of the four trolls connected with one of the spirits. If a spirit where to get injured... the troll would get injured. If the spirit died... the troll would die too..."

     All the fire spirit figures disappeard, followed by the four trolls.

     "The same goes for the spirits. If their troll got injured, or died... the same would happen to them."

     "Wait..." Branch said, sort of confused. "But this was like thousands of years ago. How could these trolls still be alive?"
"They're not, but their ansestors are. As soon as they are born, the baby troll connects with its spirit, taking it's parent's place."

     The flames popped back up, showing several generations of trolls being born, and connecting with their spirit.

     Eventually one, a water spirit troll, wondered away from the group.

     "T... that one is leaving..." Branch observed.

     The water spirit troll wondered off into the forest, unaware she was being stalked by a Growl Beast.

     She skipped through the forest, suddenly beginning to hear singing.

     Hearing the voice, she stopped, scared.

     She was about to run back to the village, but stopped. Something about the voice was calling her forewords.

     Her curiosity got the better of her, and she slowly began heading towards the voice.

     As she walked, she finally found who was making the sound. A pop troll was singing, and dancing through the forest, just having fun, as pop trolls do.

     The water spirit troll froze for a moment, not recognizing this type of troll. He was different than she was, and that scared her, but also intrigued her at the same time.

     Slowly, she began to approach the pop troll.

     He noticed her, smiling instantly, happy to be meeting a new friend, but the water spirit troll was hesitant, not knowing if she could trust him.

     Suddenly, the pop trolls eyes went wide, looking at something behind her.

     Confused, she turned around, immediately being hit away by the Growl Beast.

     She slammed into a tree, falling to the ground, unconscious.

     Scared, the pop troll began to run away, but stopped, looking back.

     He couldn't just leave her there to be eaten. She needed help, and he was gonna help her.

     Quickly, he ran back, blocking her from the Growl Beast.

     The Growl Beast roared, slashing it's paw at him, but he quickly used his hair to whip it away.

     Startled, the Growl Beast retreated a bit, and the pop troll whipped it again, and again, until it finally turned, fleeing the area.

     He turned back to the water spirit troll, gently picking her up, and carrying her back to the troll tree, where doctors treated her injuries.

     When she was fully healed, she began to head back home, but something stopped her. Something was holding her back.

     She turned, seeing the troll who saved her waving goodbye, as he smiled, friendly.

     It was him... she couldn't leave him... she knew she was meant to be with him, so she stayed, growing up with the boy.

     As she got older, she had a child.

     That child was the new water spirit troll.

     The happy parents played with their new baby, the ground suddenly beginning to shake.

     Everyone looked up, wondering what could be causing the ground to quake.

     That's when they saw it... a Bergen heading right for them.

     The pop troll walked towards the Bergen, excited to make a new friend, but instead of becoming friends with him, the Bergen scooped him up, swallowing him in one big gulp.

     Mortified, the trolls watched in horror, as more Bergens came.

     They tried to run, but they where quickly captured, a cage being built around the troll tree, to keep them in, and an entire Bergen town being built around them.

     Despite all the danger around her, and her husband now being gone forever, the Enchanted Forest troll protected her baby, making sure he had a happy childhood.

     As the baby grew up, the Enchanted Forest troll did too.

     Branch's eyes widened, as he began to recognize the troll he had been watching for a while now.

     "G... grandma?" he whispered quietly, getting a little closer to the flames.

     The baby grew up, meeting a girl, and having a kid with her. The new water spirit troll... Branch...

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