Burned Out

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The entire village was in a full blown panic mode. One minute, they were all partying the night away and having a fun time, and the next they were completely freaking out. Branch noticed the whole village in a panic, but he didn't know what was happening.

Branch: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Guys, what's happening?!

Cooper: TRUST FALL FAIL!!!!!!!

Branch didn't know what that meant, he pushed his way through the panicking Trolls to find the source of their freak out. He suddenly realized what got them so worked up when he saw an unconscious Troll near the punch table, Poppy.

Branch: Oh no...!

He knelt down beside her and put his ear over her chest, thankfully, she still had a strong heartbeat. He felt her forehead with his hand, no fever. But she was out like a light, no wonder the other Trolls were so worked up.

Viva: What's going on?

Viva gasped when she saw her little sister unconscious instead of having fun at this party. Branch stood up and picked up Poppy, cradling her in his arms.

Branch: She's okay, I think she's just exhausted, probably partied too hard.

Viva: That sounds like her.

Branch: Um...keep things running here, I'm gonna take her home.

Viva nodded and smiled, watching as Branch took Poppy back home, she completely trusted him with the care of her sister. She would be fine.


Branch made his way to Poppy's pod avoiding attention from the other Trolls, he gently laid her down in her bed and tucked her under her bed sheets. He couldn't believe that she had gotten burned out, she usually had a lot of energy...maybe even too much energy for the most part.

Branch: I guess even queens have their limits, huh Poppy?

Poppy moaned in her sleep, but didn't move much. She must've been exhausted, she had been planning this party all week, but Branch never once thought that she would get completely burned out.

Branch: I'm so sorry this happened, but you do need to rest, love. Parties aren't as fun if you're not rested.


After maybe about 2 hours, Poppy started to rub her eyes, she sat up in her bed sleepily and looked around.

Branch: Hey, you're awake.

Poppy turned to Branch who had just put his scrapbook away, he stood up from the beanbag and gave her a light hug.

Poppy: Branch...? What happened...?

Branch: You fainted at the party, Poppy, but it was nothing serious, you were just tired.

Poppy: Oh...

Poppy looked down and hugged her knees feeling ashamed for worrying everyone.

Branch: What's wrong?

Poppy: How is everyone?

Branch: Well...I think they overreacted when they saw you faint...but that's just them. Viva was a little shocked too, but I told her you just needed to get some sleep. She's taking care of everything right now.

Poppy: Okay...I'm sorry if I worried you...

Branch: Not your fault...I was definitely worried when I saw you passed out near the punch table, but after I checked on you, I calmed down.

Poppy got up from her bed and climbed onto Branch's lap, her head on his shoulder. He was a little surprised by that sudden gesture, but he let it slide, this was Poppy after all.

Branch: Can I ask you something?

Poppy: What is it?

Branch: Why were you so tired? This was probably the first time you burned out at a party?

Poppy: I don't know...I guess maybe it was just the stress of planning this party...or that it took me a week because I had a few late nights.

Branch: How late?

Poppy: Close to 1 in the morning...

Branch: Oh Poppy...

Now it all made sense, she basically rushed her regular planning routine, even sacrificing her sleep hours to make this party happen. While Branch admired her dedication to the village, he did also worry about her avoiding to look after herself.

Poppy: I know I should've gotten more sleep, but I really wanted this party to happen...I couldn't let everyone down.

Branch: Hey...

Poppy looked up at Branch and he cupped her cheek with his hand.

Branch: You're a good queen, Poppy, and I can tell you're very dedicated to everyone, but dedication to yourself is just as important, okay?

Poppy: I-I know...

Branch: I understand you wanted to make everyone in the village proud, but don't forget to tend to your needs too. Even if the party happened on a later date, I'm sure everyone would understand, you're the queen after all. And if you ever need help, you have me and your family to back you up.

Poppy blushed feeling a little embarrassed about her behavior, she definitely knew that Branch was right, and she felt rather stupid for ignoring herself and what she really needed.

Branch: You okay?

Poppy: Yeah, sorry, you're right. I'll try not to make that mistake again.

Branch: Hey, everyone makes mistakes, you just have to own up to them, okay? Even queens make mistakes.

Poppy nodded her head and gave Branch a quick kiss on his lips and hugged him. At this point, she didn't even care about the party anymore, she just wanted to be next to him; the Troll that loved her the most.

Branch: Y'know, despite this little setback, I actually had a good time tonight. I love seeing you in your prime at parties.

No reply.

Branch: Poppy?

Nothing. Branch looked over at Poppy and his heart almost melted, she was once again sound asleep, her head resting comfortably on his shoulder like a pillow. She looked absolutely precious whenever she slept and Branch just couldn't resist her. He gave her a light kiss on her cheek and laid her back down on her bed tucking her under her covers. He was absolutely infatuated with her, and she was finally getting the sleep she missed out on.

Branch: Sleep tight, my sweet Poppy, I love you so much. I'm right here if you ever need any support, or just a pillow to cuddle with.

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