Fighting For You

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Branch: Help! Someone help me, please!

Branch barged into the Troll Village hospital carrying Poppy in his arms, she was coughing violently and her eyes were closed. Her hair was pinkish gray and she was breathing heavily. A nurse heard Branch and went to ask what was wrong.

Nurse: What happened?

Branch: She needs help, she's sick, and nothing's helping her!

Other medical professionals came strapping Poppy into a stretcher and rushing her to the emergency room. Branch could only watch and hope for the best.


Hours passed, and no word about Poppy, it was getting dark out but Branch was still in the hospital waiting for any news for his beautiful wife. Anything would do, as long as it wasn't bad news. What if she wouldn't make it? What if he was too late? No, he couldn't think like that, he knew Poppy, if anything, she's a fighter, and she can get through anything. He needed some support, he took his iPhone out of his hair and dialed a number.

Viva: Hello?

Branch: Viva, it's Branch, I have bad news for you...


In a matter of minutes, Viva came bursting into the hospital.

Viva: ¿Dónde está mi hermanita? ¡¿Por qué no me llamaste antes?! ¡VOY A ROMPER ALGO SI TENGO MALAS NOTICIAS!

Branch hated when Viva got hysterical...and when she yelled in Spanish. In other words, she becomes Latina when her emotions are high, and they were very high...

Viva: I'm sorry, Branch...I guess I just got really freaked out.

Branch: No, I would've done the same thing...

Viva: I'm glad Dad didn't find out...he probably wouldn't be able to take it...have you heard anything from her yet?

Branch: No...

Viva sat next to Branch putting her arm around him.

Viva: She's a fighter, hermano, she'll get through this. Even so, she still needs someone to fight for her. That's why she has you.

Branch: I guess...but I can't be strong for her forever.

Viva: I know what that's like, Branch. I love Poppy just as much as you do, and it breaks my heart that I wasn't there for her while she was growing up. But it makes me feel more assured that you're there for her.

Branch: How?

Viva: She has someone who can look after her when I'm not around.

Branch blushed a little hearing that from his sister in-law. She was right, he knew Poppy longer and knew her weaknesses. Not that Viva wasn't capable of taking care of her younger sister, but she seemed to approve of their relationship, almost like she entrusted Poppy's life to him.

Branch: ...You really love her, don't you?

Viva: With all of my heart.


The sun began to rise outside, Viva and Branch were both fast asleep in the waiting room, still waiting to hear about Poppy. There still wasn't anything regarding her.

Nurse: Are any of you here for Queen Poppy?

Viva and Branch immediately bolted from their seats, wide awake.

Branch: I'm her husband!

Viva: I'm her sister!

Nurse: Okay, okay, slow down, you two.

Branch: How is she?!

Nurse: Well, the good news is that she'll be okay to go home in a few days. The bad news, she'll have to lay off the red velvet.

Viva: Huh?

Nurse: Severe allergy reaction.

Viva: Oh...

Both Branch and Viva went to Poppy's room, she was fast asleep in her bed, not a care in the world...and thankfully, she was gonna be okay. Branch pulled up a chair and sat next to her caressing her hand.

Branch: You had us all worried, Poppy, I waited so long for you. I'm glad you're gonna be okay.

Viva put her hand on Branch's shoulder and smiled at him.

Viva: The good news is, we know what to expect in the future.

Branch: Yup, I'm confiscating cake at her next birthday party.

Viva: What? No! Well...I'll make a note of that, just only confiscate red velvet so this doesn't happen again.

Branch: Right...

Branch continued stroking Poppy's hand, grateful that she fought through this sudden turn of events. Even if this ever happened again, she was going to fight through is just like she's always done in the past.

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