What The Future Holds

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Branch looked around his and Poppy's new home, a white colored pod, a little larger than the others in Troll Village. It was decorated with welcoming furnishings such as a shelf and a desk for scrapbooking. There were even pictures hung that they took together. It practically screamed "Home, Sweet Home." Branch looked down at his new wife who was sound asleep in his arms, still wearing her wedding dress.

Branch: Y'know, Poppy, just one year ago I wanted nothing to do with happiness...and I didn't want anything to do with you, either. But...look at us now, we're building our future together, and I can't imagine doing this with any other troll but you.

Poppy moaned a little as if she just heard what he said and cuddled closer to him. He carefully laid her in their bed and covered her with a soft blanket careful not to disturb her. Just looking at her, Branch couldn't help but notice how fragile and innocent she looked when she was sleeping, it was like she was a different troll at night than at day. During the day, she had a lot of energy and was bouncing off the walls...literally! But at night, she was the most precious thing you would ever see, like none of the bad stuff in the world could ever touch her.

Branch: I never thought you would be the one to steal my heart, Poppy...but you're capable of a lot more than you realize. You're beautiful, Poppy, you know that, right?

Poppy began to rub her eyes and she looked up at Branch with a hint of sleep still in her.

Poppy: Branch...?

Branch: Hey.

Poppy: Is the wedding over...?

Branch: Yeah...guess you pushed over the limit with all that dancing.

Poppy giggled a little and took Branch's hand in hers, carefully stroking her thumb over it. Then she gently touched his wedding ring admiring the silver material.

Poppy: I can't believe this is really happening...

Branch: Believe it, Poppy, it's real, and it gets better and better.

Poppy: With you...?

Branch: Yeah...me and the troll that brought me to where I am today.

Poppy blushed and rested her head on Branch's chest.

Poppy: So...what now?

Branch: What do you mean?

Poppy: What now? We're finally here...so where do we go from here?

Branch: Well...from here, it's just the two of us, Poppy.

Poppy: Yeah...Queen Poppy and King Branch...I like the sound of that?

Branch: Wait, really?

Poppy: Yeah...you're gonna make a great king, Branch, you have such a big heart. I know you care about the other trolls just like you care about me.

Branch: Yeah...I do, don't I? I just hope your dad doesn't try to end me at some point.

Poppy suddenly laughed really hard and hugged Branch tightly.

Poppy: My dad couldn't do it even if he tried! He loves you, Branch, he knows you'll make an awesome king!

Branch: I just hope it lasts.

Poppy smiled giving Branch a kiss on his cheek. She went back to stroking his hand.

Poppy: Hey Branch...are you gonna miss being in your bunker?

Branch: ...Yeah, you got me, Poppy, I am. I told my brothers to keep an eye on it while we're here. But with the way Clay takes care of a home...my bunker's probably long gone by now.

Poppy: Oh stop being such a glass half empty troll, your brothers are gonna do great!

Branch: I hope for everyone's sake, you're right.

Poppy: So...about us?

Branch: Yeah?

Poppy: Is this everything you could've ever wanted?

Branch: ...With you, it is

Branch gently cupped Poppy's face and gave her a loving kiss on her lips, Poppy melted into the kiss wrapping her tiny arms around his waist. She then looked up at him with a soft smile.

Poppy: I...I love you, Branch.

Branch: Love you too, Poppy. Forever and always.

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