☾ Chapter Nineteen: Chaotic Movie Night ☾

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~Seven minutes later (8:02 pm)~

Spruce grabbed and put five huge bowls onto the table. "Okay, bros, it's time to make the Ultimate Snack Combo!!"

The BroZone brothers scattered around in the kitchen to get the snacks they need to make a great BroZone Movie Night. After they gathered the snacks, Spruce grabbed five huge bowls and put them on the table.

"Time to put our snacks into each bowl," Spruce said.

"John Dory on the pretzels." John Dory poured the pretzels into each bowl.

"With Clay on Sparkling Water." Clay carried five cans onto the table. "And sugar cookies as a bonus."

"Spruce Bruce on popcorn," Spruce said, winking.

Floyd sprinkled in the raisins. "Floyd on raisins."

Branch carried . "Branch on Candy."

The BroZone Brothers gathered around on the kitchen table, grabbing each of their bowls, going into the living room.

"The Ultimate Snack C-C-C-Combo!" The BroZone Brothers said in unison.

Spruce sat on the couch. "Time to watch a movie."

John Dory grabbed the remote. "And I have the perfect movie that we could watch."


Spruce groaned. "I can't believe we wasted five minutes on the TV remote."

Branch shook his head. "I'm telling you that you might've put the batteries in the wrong way, JD."

John Dory gave him a look. "And why would I make that stupid move, Bitty B? I didn't."

Branch gave him a serious look back. Spruce tried to reason with his older brother, but John Dory didn't listen to him either. Floyd kept opening and closing his mouth.

Clay smirked. "Is the remote broken or something?"

Floyd sighed. "Guys, why don't I take a look—thank you."

Floyd grabbed the TV remote from them as if it was nothing. He checked the batteries and looked all around the remote. He stopped.

"Look what I found." Floyd peeled a piece of tape from the TV remote's sensor.

Spruce gasped and shook his head, knowing who had done it. There was a hush in the living room. John Dory stared at Clay for a minute, who kept laughing at him. And for a moment, Spruce expected his older brother to get angry with Clay, especially when they wasted five minutes of their time with the TV remote. But instead, he smiled and laughed.

"Oh, you got me pretty good, Clay. What a smart way to prank me." John Dory gave Clay a fist bump and they laughed together.


"But Baby, I can't leave you to die. I....I....I love you."


Spruce sniffled. "I can't believe that we're watching this movie."

Floyd's voice trembled as he held onto Spruce. "Oh my......why did I agree to watch this?" 

Branch shook his head. "There's no way his wife's going to survive that."

Clay faced John Dory. "Bro, why did you pick this movie?"

"Now wait a minute, we all agree to watch it remember?" John Dory said.


Surviving Love was the name of the movie. They had already seen the movie trailer and thought it was a pretty good movie, until they found out that it was Rated R.

"So, it's about two lovers who went on vacation to celebrate their anniversary together, but end up getting lost in the Savannah and must survive a rogue lion." Spruce summarized.

"I don't understand why it's Rated R though," Branch said.

"Obvious because of blood and killing...maybe profanity?" Clay said.

"But we Trolls don't use profanity," Branch said.

"Aw, come on, guys, don't tell me that you're scared," John Dory said.

Clay immediately spoke up. "I'm not scared. Let's watch it."

They all said nothing, especially Spruce who he was unsure about the idea of watching this movie, but he got to admit that he was curious about what would happen.

"Guys, the description says "Watch it at your risk", so profanity will be in it," Floyd said. "We are going to the.....forbidden section."

"Forbidden section?" Branch asked.

"That's what Grandma used to call it. We weren't allow to watch movies like that," Spruce explained.

"For goodness sake, we are adults now. We can now watch Rated R movies now," John Dory said. "So, do you guys want to watch this movie or not?"

Spruce nodded. "I'm not sure if I'm ready to get traumatized, but I I'll watch it."

Branch agreed. "I want to watch it to try to enjoy it and also, criticizing the movie too."

Floyd was the last one to answer, though he hesitated a bit about it. After John Dory had took the time to persuade him, Floyd slowly nodded in agreement.

Floyd hesitated, hugging Spruce. "I'm scared...."

~End of Flashback~

Clay was glued to the screen as he continued to eat his snacks, Spruce was getting emotional, feeling touched over the romance between the lovely couple (Denise and Alex), Branch kept criticizing the movie's problems, Floyd held onto his stomach and John Dory had his mouth stuffed with popcorn.

~6 minutes later~

Clay panicked. "JOHN IS CHOKING!!"

Floyd shivered. "THAT SCARE JUMP SCARED HIM!!"

John Dory tried to speak. "No I dIdNt—"

He coughed and choked, making noises that frightened everyone, including Spruce who was close to having a panic attack and so did Floyd who held onto Spruce.

Spruce patted John Dory quickly. "DON'T SPEAK!!"

Clay patted him too. "COUGH IT OUT, COUGH IT OUT!"

John Dory continued to cough.

Branch got off the couch. "STAND BACK, I GOT THIS!"

Branch did a method that Spruce was kind of familiar with when it came to helping the person from choking. His youngest brother did this procedure for the next few minutes until John Dory finally coughed out the raisin.

"Phew, I'm okay. Thanks, Bitty B," he said.

Floyd hugged him. "Don't you ever do that again, bro."

"Okay. Next time, I should just take my time on my snacks and not stuff my mouth with it," John Dory promised.

For the next few minutes, there were scare jumps and also profanity (according to Clay, he counted twenty so far) which Spruce shook his head at. But the movie did have a few lightened moments of romance and certain songs played in it that Spruce and his brothers were familiar with.

~20 minutes later~

The sound of someone's stomach grumbles caught Spruce's attention. He had been hearing that noise for the past three minutes so far, wondering who is coming from.

"Wow, are the characters hungry?" Clay asked.

John Dory shrugged. "The lion probably is."

They all chuckled for a moment before they continued to watch the movie. When he heard the noise again, Spruce faced each of his brothers, knowing it wasn't coming from him for sure. He faced Floyd, who sat next to him. He was giving himself a hug and his breathing was loud. His bowl was still filled with snacks.

Floyd groaned. "I...I think I ate too much. My stomach's rumbling a lot and my head kind of hurts."

"Uh oh," Spruce said.

"Maybe you should take a break from the snacks." Branch persuaded.

"Maybe you need to try to go to the bathroom," John Dory suggested.

Floyd hesitated. "Maybe....."

"Or you should let me eat your..." Clay then closed his mouth. "Actually no. Nevermind."

John Dory paused the movie. "Is the movie too much for you?"

Floyd quickly shook his head. "No, the movie's.........different. I'll take a break from eating the snacks." 

"Okay," Spruce, Branch, Clay, and John Dory replied.

Floyd ate another cookie. "Ew, why is it salty?"

"Salt cookies prank," Clay said. "I put some in your bowl."

Floyd swallowed and shuddered. "Ew."

They all looked down at their bowls. Spruce was now concerned on what was in his bowl as he slowly took bites of is cookies.

Spruce faced Clay who continued to eat his snack. Something's fishy about Clay. I don't know what it is, but I feel—AHH!! 

A spider was in his bowl. Spruce jumped and screamed, making his popcorn fly up in the air and onto all of them.

Clay laughed, pulling out a fake spider. "Ha, gotcha!"

"Ha, ha, very funny," Spruce said sarcastically.

~32 minutes later~

Floyd held onto Spruce. "The lion's coming! Hurry, Denise!"

Spruce held onto Floyd. "Send her some positive energy."

Branch held onto Floyd, shaking his head. "She's going to die. I just know it."

John Dory ate a few pretzels. "No, her friend would, plus she's injured. Oh, she cussed."

Clay shushed them. "Here he comes....."

The sound of the lion growling and roaring. It came closer. The BroZone brothers hugged together. The lion roared. The girl screamed. The lion got closer.....


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" The BroZone brothers let out a loud shriek and screamed at the top of their lungs, including Clay who had a high-pitched scream.

Spruce covered his eyes as the black screen showed. A new scene came as John Dory paused the movie and turned on the lights. The living room was a hot mess: Popcorn and crumbs were on the couch to the coffee table to the floor. Spruce faced his brothers: John Dory had his mouth wide open, Branch was on the edge of the couch about to fall off, Floyd held onto the pillow, hiding his face with it, and Clay held out an airhorn with one hand while having his mouth wide open.

An airhorn? This caught everyone's attention as Clay faced them to the airhorn to where he let out a smile. He swallowed, putting the airhorn onto the coffee table.

He was the first one to speak. "Wow. Who knew the airhorn will scare everyone, including me. I pranked myself."

"I-I-I got to go," Floyd got off the couch and ran into the bathroom, holding onto the back of his pajama pants.

Spruce faced Clay. "Wow, you scared us to death, including poor Floyd. You know what happens to him if he gets scared like that."

John Dory sighed. "And please don't tell me that you gave him laxatives."

Clay snickered but then he frowned. "Yeah, I did....when I served him the lemonade. Oh, man, I feel bad now....let me go check on him."

Clay rushed towards the bathroom door, leaving John Dory, Branch and Spruce behind. The three of them sat on the couch in silence. A sudden ringtone came on, which startled the three of them. 

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