Chapter 11

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Poppy and Branch looked around the area where the large dome was. Apparently, there was a lot more going on there than around the city. Maybe this was where they had the most parties?

Poppy: Whoa...

Tiny: Music to my ears!

Barb: I hate this place...

Spruce: Oh yeah! This looks like the perfect place for a BroZone tour!

Branch: Guys, focus!

Barb: Whatever you say, captain party pooper!

Branch sighed and rolled his eyes.

Poppy: Uh guys...? We've got company.

Poppy pointed at the entrance of the large dome, there were security guards and loud music playing from the interior. Sounded like quite the party...very inviting.

Branch: Oh great...just what we needed, a group of tough guys blocking the entrance.
Now what?

Clay: No worries, Bitty B, I got this!

Clay put on his sunglasses and walked up to the security guards.

Branch: Oh what's he doing?

The guards glared at Clay in suspense.

Clay: 'Sup, fellas?

?: Name.

Clay: Name's Clay, businessman in Putt Putt Village, boyband performer, I'm sure you've heard of me. It'd be a shame if you didn't.

One of the guards looked at a list.

?: Nope, not on the list.

Clay: What?! You can't be serious! Someone pinch me, I've gotta be dreaming!

?: Listen, pal, not on the list, not getting in! Adios!

Clay: Oh, I see how this is gonna be. Keeping me and my buddies out here while my girlfriend's in there waiting for us! She's worried sick and she's been waiting for hours!

?: Did you say...girlfriend?

Barb: This is painful to watch...

John Dory: Sure hope he knows what he's doing...

Tiny: Ooh, I gotta get a load of this!

Tiny took a video camera out of his hair and started recording.

Clay: Yeah, my girlfriend can vouch for moi, she's royal, you know.

?: R-Royal?!

Clay: Yeah, and she can buy this whole place and have it demolished if she found out what you creeps have been doing with her boyfriend and his pals!

?: Uh...

?: G-Go right in!

Clay: Yes!!! I-I mean, pleasure doing business with you, gentlemen.

Branch: ...What did I just witness?

Spruce: What has that body snatcher done with the real Clay?

Poppy: OUTTA MY WAY!!!!!!!

Poppy sprinted towards the entrance shoving the security guards to the ground.

Branch: Poppy, wait!

Everyone else followed from behind.

Tiny: Oh, we're running now?!

Poppy: I'm coming, Viva!!!!!

Branch: Poppy, stop!

Branch quickly stopped his wife grabbing her arm and slowing her down.

Poppy: WHAT?!?!?!

Branch: We don't even know where to look, this is place is huge! Look at it!

Everyone looked around the interior of the large dome, it was like being in a night club, there were a lot of lights flashing and numerous disco balls and dance floors. The place was packed and so many trolls were dancing like there was no tomorrow.

John Dory: Awesome...

Riff: Gnarly...

Barb: Barf.

Poppy: Oh...I see what you mean now...this place is like a zoo. Viva could be anywhere.

Everyone suddenly heard coughing nearby and one of the vents opened up, Floyd and Destiny both stepped out.

Branch: Floyd?!

Floyd: Oh good, you guys are already here!

Branch: Where've you been?

Destiny: Guilty!

Poppy: Oh hi!

Floyd: Guys, this is Destiny, she really helped me out. She knows this place like the back of her head.

Destiny: Over and under! You're Poppy, right?

Poppy: Yeah, I am.

Destiny: Flo over here told me you guys need help finding your sister.

Poppy: We do, we figured that she was probably here, but this place is like a jungle.

Destiny: No worries, I think I've got a pretty good idea. Just out of here. Come on, Flo.

Destiny led the group through the wild party, luckily, no one suspected anything.

Spruce: So Floyd...welcome to the club.

Floyd: W-What do you mean?

Spruce: Looks like you got yourself a soulmate.

Floyd: Wait, what?!

Floyd started blushing and tugged his bangs.

Spruce: Come on, bro, there's no use denying it, I know that look anywhere!

Floyd: D-Denying what?!

John Dory: Way to leave me hanging, Floyd!

Floyd: What?! But you have Seluna from when we went to the beach for our sleepover! (Check out BroZone Sleepover by BookwormtoWriter)

John Dory: That's different! She and I are just friends.

Spruce: Sure, sure...

Poppy: Guys, please!

Tiny: No no, keep going! I love a good gossip!

Poppy started getting frustrated.

Destiny: Guys, over here.

Destiny pointed at a large door made entirely out of silver and glitter.

Poppy: Viva...

Branch: Poppy, I know you have a lot going on in your head, but don't-

Too late.


Branch: Oh crud...

Poppy barged into the room and saw the disco trolls dancing, but they immediately stopped when they saw her.

Poppy: WHERE'S MY SISTER?!?!?!

Viva: Poppy...?

Viva came into view and for a moment, Poppy has no clue who she was looking at. She saw Viva with her hair dyed and wearing a silver jumpsuit instead of her usual sweater romper and cape. She rubbed her eyes and pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

Poppy: V-Viva...that can't be you, can it?

DJ Slick: You know this chick?

Viva: ...She's my little sister.

Diva: Really?! That's her?!

Poppy: Viva, what's going on? You were kidnapped and-

Viva: Kidnapped? Poppy, I was never kidnapped, I came here on my own.

Poppy: Wait, so you had me worried sick for nothing?!

Viva: Hang on, I was offered a chance to follow my dream, and I took it.

Poppy: Dream?

Viva: Remember what I said at one of the BroZone concerts?


Poppy: Viva! Viva, get up here! We're in the band!


(Flashback ends)

Poppy's heart sank when she recalled that day, she didn't think that Viva was actually serious about that.

Poppy: come you never told me.

Viva: Because you wouldn't understand, Poppy, it's way too complicated.

Poppy: No, what I don't understand is why I'm hearing about this right now and why you just left without giving me a reason...or even a heads up.

Viva: It's complicated, Poppy! You have no idea how long I've wanted this for!

Poppy: But with a group of trolls you barely know?!

Diva: I have no idea what's happening, but this is too good to walk away from.

Stardust: What?

Viva: I've gotten to know them, and they've been nothing but nice to me since I came here!

Poppy: Nice, or just using you?!

Viva: How would you know?! You're just hearing about this!

Poppy: I'm just trying to protect you, Viva! I care about you!!!

Viva: Not enough, apparently!!!

Poppy: How could you say that?! I'm your sister!!!




Poppy: I WANT YOU HOME!!!!!


Poppy immediately went silent. She knew Viva only spoke Spanish when her emotions were high, and there were very high right now. Poppy looked down hugging herself. Viva sighed and turned away so she wasn't facing her little sister.

Viva: Maybe you should just go...

Poppy: W-What...?

Viva: Just go, Poppy, go without me.

Poppy: But...

Viva snapped her fingers and a few guards escorted Poppy out.

Viva: ...Poppy?

Poppy turned her head facing her sister hoping that she changed her mind.

Viva: ...Tell Daddy I love him.

Poppy's eyes filled with tears as she was pushed out and the doors closed. As soon as they were closed, Viva started crying softly wiping her tears.

Viva: ...I'm sorry you had to see that, guys. I hated doing that to her...she's still my sister.

DJ Slick: Hey girl, don't worry 'bout it, now we can get back to the routine.

Viva: Yeah, I guess so...

Viva sighed and put her microphone head set back on.

DJ Slick: And make sure that everything goes according to the master plan.

Viva: Yeah...wait, what was that last thing you said?

DJ Slick: Oh nothing, just...since you're here to stay...

The DJ smirked and pushed a button on the wall and the dance tile Viva was standing on opened up, she gasped and fell right through the trap door screaming in fear.

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