Chapter 12

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Everyone was surprised when Poppy came out without Viva.

Branch: Love, where's your sister?

Poppy: ...She didn't want to come.

Everyone gasped not believing what Poppy just said.

Clay: Hold it, hold it! You said she was kidnapped!

Poppy: I thought so too, but apparently she came here on her own, she got an invite to make her dream come true and she took it.

Clay froze when he heard that.

Clay: ...I knew all that daydreaming would catch up to her! Now what do we do?

Poppy: I guess we're going home...

Clay: Hold it, what did Viva say? What happened while you were in there?!

Spruce: Clay, it's very simple.

Clay: ...What?

Spruce: You just got rejected.

John Dory and Spruce: Ooooooooooooooh!!!!

Clay: ...Screw you!

Viva: head...

It had been a while before Viva finally regained consciousness, but the space around her was...glittery? That was weird.

Viva: Hello...?

DJ Slick: Oh hey girl!

Viva gasped when she heard DJ Slick's voice, she turned around and saw him standing outside an entrance.

DJ Slick: Took you long enough!

Viva: DJ, what's going on?! Let me out!

DJ Slick:, we're gonna need you to stay here for some time.

Viva: Why?! This wasn't part of the deal, you said you could make my dream come true!

DJ Slick: Did I? I don't remember saying that.

That did it for Viva, she had never felt so angry in her life.

Viva: ¡Idiota! You used me!!!

Viva ran up to the DJ to give him a piece of her mind, but a strange forcefield held her back. She pounded it a few times, nothing.

DJ Slick: Good luck trying to stop me, this force field's impenetrable, chica.

Viva: Why are you doing this?! You said you just wanted to perform for everyone here in your home?

DJ Slick: I never said that, that Saturday night show isn't for entertainment.

Viva: What?! What else would it be for, you ¡¿serpiente?!

The DJ pulled a lever and a hatch door opened, revealing a fancy scepter. He picked it up and smirked.

DJ Slick: Turning the whole forest into my dance floor.

Viva's heart sank.

Viva: Are you serious?! This is ridiculous, you've already got a huge fortune here, why would you want to do that?!

DJ Slick: Payback.

Viva: Huh?!

DJ Slick: The Funk Trolls banished us because we were "Out of fashion!"

Viva: Huh...?

DJ Slick: Exactly! No one listens to disco anymore, no one appreciates how fire it is! What better way to make disco a reality again than turning the whole forest into my personal disco?!

Viva: You're...sick! I think disco's amazing!

DJ Slick: You didn't even know it existed until you met me!

Viva: So?! I got a taste of what it's like, and it may not be as popular as it used to be, but you don't need to be so...drastic about it! Ask my sister, she experienced something similar before she and I were reunited!

DJ Slick: Awwww isn't that cute, you're still thinking about your sister after you kicked her out like a stray dog!

Viva: Kicked her out?! I just told her she needed to understand that I want to make my dream come true!

DJ Slick: But you didn't, you fell for the oldest trick in the book, lady! Using someone's desire against them!

Viva went silent knowing that he was right...she was so blinded by her dream that she didn't see the problem in front of her. She fell to her knees and sobbed silently.

DJ Slick: Oh no worries, I'm sure your sister's already forgotten about you by now, which gives you an even better reason to stay!

Viva: Wha-huh?!

DJ Slick: ...You'll find out soon enough, chica, see ya!

The DJ left, now showing his true colors, literally!

Viva: No, no! Come back here, coward! Get rid of this forcefield and I'll fight you right now!

DJ Slick: Yeah, I don't think so!


Nothing, Viva started to get a little nervous. She was afraid that he was right about Poppy already long gone...her dear sister must've decided to cut ties with, she wasn't like that! But the worse was yet to come, Viva noticed the forcefield getting rather...small. Oh no, was this what she thought it was?

Viva: POPPY, HELP!!!!!

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