"Jokes On Love" [Part 2]

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~At Rosiepuff's Pod~

After School, The BroZone Brothers Made It Home After Their Long School Day And Went To Chill For The Rest Of The Afternoon.

Meanwhile, In The Bedroom, Clay Was Reading A Coincidental Love Book For His Current Situation Of His Crush On The New Girl, Bella.

With His Hoodie Over His Head And Blanket Over Him In His Bed, Clay Read To Himself With The Biggest Blush On His Face As He Thought About Bella.

Clay Sighed To Himself, Feeling Ever-So Flustered.
"Hhhh~ 😊🥹"

John Dory Popped Up And Took The Blanket Off Of Clay.

Clay Screamed As He Flinched.

"What's Poppin'"
John Dory Bounced His Eyebrows, Teasingly.

"Not Funny John -.-"
Clay Glared At His Older Brother.

"Hey, Don't Get Mad At Me Just Cause You're The New Butt Of The Whole School~ HA!"
John Dory Laughed To Himself.

Clay Demanded, Feeling Embarrassed.

"Watch It Loverboy, This Is OUR Room"
John Dory Corrected.

Floyd Came Into The Bedroom.
"Don't Worry Clay, I'm Sure This Whole Butt Pimple Thing Will Blow Over"

"I Told Him I'd Pop It For Him"
Baby Branch Shrugged.

Clay Rolled His Eyes.
"The Butt Pimple Thing Is The Least Of My Worries Right Now!"

"Mmmm You Say That, But People At School Were Already Making Posters About It"
John Dory Said.

".______. And My Hatred Grows Stronger.."
Clay Sighed And Slunk In His Bed.

Spruce Came In And Noticed Clay Looking A Lil Down.
"Alright Boys, Out. I Need To Talk To Clay"

Floyd And Baby Branch Frowned, Sadly Walking Out.

John Dory Went To The Door But Turned Around.
"Whoa Whoa Whoa, Hold It There Ab Gut. This Is OUR Room. I'm Not Just Gonna Let-"

"John, It'd Be A Real Shame Of The Photo Of You From The Christmas Party Got Out To The Entire School"
Spruce Smirked In John Dory's Face.

John Dory Gasped In Horror.
"😱....You Wouldn't.."

"Oh I Would 😏"
Spruce Bounced His Eyebrows At John Dory.

John Dory Shut The Door And Ran Away In Terror.

Clay Turned His Head To Spruce.
"Are You Here To Pile On? Cause There's Plenty More Butt Jokes To Make In My Book Of Potty Puns"

"What? No Man! I'm Here To Help You With Your Whole Crush Situation"
Spruce Told Clay.

Clay Scoffed With A Chuckle.
"Oh Pleaseee. How Could You Possibly Help Me?"

"You're Seriously Asking The Heartthrob Of BroZone This?"
Spruce Raised His Eyebrow.

"Yeah Well That Certain Heartthrob Also Made Me Fail The Love Note Strategy"
Clay Crossed His Arms.

"To Be Fair, Wasn't My Fault It Got Back To Our Teacher"
Spruce Shrugged.

Clay Faceplanted Into His Pillow.

Spruce Sat On The Edge Of The Bed.
"C'mon Lil Bro. We Can Do This!"

Clay Shook His Head.
"What's The Use? My Idiotic Self Volunteered To Be Her Buddy In The New Buddy System For New Students, And I'm Already Bombing At That From Telling THE ENTIRE SCHOOL ABOUT MY SEVERE BUTT PIMPLE!!"

"Okay, Listen. You Can't Let One Little Slip Up Ruin The Rest Of Your Chances. I Got Your Back!"
Spruce Insured.

Clay Rubbed His Arm.
"I Just Don't See How I Can Bounce Back From This...I Really Like This Bella Girl, And My Funny Bone Is Tingling Whenever I Think Of Her!"

"The Way I'm Gonna Help You, We'll Make Her Tingle Too"
Spruce Said.

Clay Blinked Awkwardly.
"Whoa, I Like Her And All, But That's A Lil Too Foward"

"Not That Kind Of Tingle ._."
Spruce Corrected His Brother.

Clay Took His Hoodie Off His Head.
"You Really Think You Can Help Me Spruce?"

"Hey...What Are Brothers For?"
Spruce Held His Hand Out.

Clay Gave A Grin, Feeling Optimistic.
"Thanks Man"

Both Did Their Handshake Together As They Exchanged Agreement Nods, Ready To Start Their Plans.

Spruce Parted From The Handshake.
"Now, First Things First, We Gotta Get You Two Having A Proper Conversation"



With A Flower In His Hand And His Brother By His Side, Clay Was On His Way To Bella's Pod To Talk To Her.

"Wow...I Can't Believe I'm Actually About To Talk To Bella! In A Proper Way!"
Clay Grinned To Himself.

"Yup, You Totally Got This Dude!"
Spruce Nodded.

Clay Immediately Turned Around To Walk Away.

Spruce Quickly Brought Clay Back In Front Of Him.
"WHOA WHOA WHOAAA COME BACK, You Have Nothing To Worry About! I'll Be Right Here The Whole Time"

Clay Shook His Head And Slapped Himself In The Face.
"You're Right! I Got This!"

The Two Brothers Made Their Way Across The TrollTree, And Over To The Pod Where Bella Stayed In.

Clay Stepped Up On The Doorstep, With A Dorky Smile And Blush.
"Phew, Okay Here We Go.."

"Go Ahead Champ 😌"
Spruce Said Encouragingly.

Clay Slowly Lifted Up His Fist To Knock On The Door, But Kept Resisting To Do It.

Spruce Watched His Brother Resist.
"Knock....Just Knock....Why Aren't You Knocking....Don't You Know How To Knock?"

Clay Replied.

"Chilllll, Just Breatheeee And Go For It"
Spruce Inhaled And Exhaled.

Clay Inhaled And Exhaled, Following After His Brother.
"Alright, Let's Do This"

Clay Lifted Up His Fist, Looking Like He Was About To Knock.

"Uh Huhhhh"
Spruce Anticipated.

Clay Almost Made His Fist To The Door.

Spruce Nodded Rapidly.

Clay's Fist Was An Inch Away From Knocking.

Spruce Hyped Up.

"EEEEEEHHHHHHH.....Hhhhh 😔.."
Clay Frowned And Sighed, Turning Away From The Door.

Spruce Sighed Also, Disappointed.
"Hhhh 😔..."

Spruce Smirked And Quickly Knocked On The Door, And Vanished, Leaving Clay By The Door By Himself.

Clay Blurted Out A Curse Word.

Opening The Door, Bella Answered And Looked Around Her Doorstep To See Who It Was That Knocked.

Bella Blinked Confusingly, And Glanced Around The Area.
"Hello? Hellooooo? Huh"

Seeing No One Was There, Bella Closed The Door And Went Back Into Her Pod.

Clay Dug Himself Out Of The Ground And Spit Out Some Dirt.

Spruce Facepalmed His Face, Seeing How Delusional His Brother Was.


~Back At The Pod~

Coming Inside Annoyed, Clay Marched In With An Upset And Disappointed Look On His Face.

"Well That Was Another Bust!"
Clay Threw The Flower On The Ground.

"Another Minor Slip Up, But We Can Make Up For That!"
Spruce Insured.

Clay Faceplanted His Face Into The Couch In The Living Room.

Grandma Rosiepuff Came Out Of The Kitchen, And Noticed Clay.
"Hey My Peachfuzz, What's The Matter?"

Clay Sat Up And Sighed, With His Ears Down.
"Well, I Got A Crush On This New Girl At School....And I'm Failing Horribly To Impress Her!"

"Awwww, My Little Man's In Loveee!"
Grandma Rosiepuff Ruffled Clay's Hair.

Clay Gently Pushed His Grandma's Hands Away From His Hair.

"Okay Okaaay, Well, If You Want, I Can Help You Out"
Grandma Rosiepuff Offered.

Clay's Face Lit Up And Ears Perked.

Grandma Rosiepuff Nodded.

"You For Real?!?"
Clay Smiled Wide.

"Of Course!"
Grandma Rosiepuff Insured.


Grandma Rosiepuff Ran Off To The Kitchen, Ditching Her Grandson.

Clay Slunk Back On The Couch.

Spruce Sat On The Couch Next To Clay.
"Look Man, We Can't Give Up!"

"Seems Reasonable To Now...I Can't Even Talk To Her!"
Clay Replied.

"Then Let's Start Off With Some Small Talk...With My Most Effective Move Ever. It's Top Secret To All Heartthrobs Everywhere"
Spruce Whispered.

Clay Snickered At That.
"Oh Really? And What Is That?"

Spruce Explained To His Younger Brother.
"Tomorrow At School, When You See Bella, Simply Put Your Hand On Her Shoulder And Be Like This.."

Spruce Put His Hand On Clay's Shoulder And Demonstrated.
"......H e y ~"

Clay Blankly Stared At Spruce, Thinking He Was Crazy.
"....I'm Sorry- What?"

"It's The Shoulder Touch!"
Spruce Told Clay.

"Seriously? Sounds Silly, And I Should Know Silly"
Clay Replied.

"C'mon Man! It's Science! It Always Works"
Spruce Said.

"So Go Up To Bella, And Say....h E y"
Clay Tried Do A Smooth Voice.

"No No! Like This, H e y ~"
Spruce Gave A Romantic Stare.

"h e Y"
Clay Tried To Do The Voice Again.

"You Gotta Add The Stare! Like-
H e y ~"
Spruce Gave The Romantic Stare Again.

Clay Attempted Again, Giving A Weird Smolder Stare.
"🍧♪ 𝔥 𝐞 у ☞✎"

Spruce Laughed To Himself.
"You Sure You're My Brother?"

"This Is Ridiculous!"
Clay Pouted To Himself.

Spruce Chuckled And Patted Clay's Back.
"Don't Worry, This Is Gonna Work! Trust Me"


~The Next Day~

In The Hallways Of TrollTree High, All Of The Students Were Walking Down The Halls, To Do What They Had To Do For Their Next Class.

In The Middle Of The Halls, Clay Was Looking Around To See If He Had Seen Bella Anywhere.

"C'mon C'mon C'mon Where Is She?!"
Clay Looked Closely Through The Halls.

Clay Had Accidentally Bumped Into Bella, Who Was Behind Him.

"Oh! Sorry There, Clay. Didn't See You"
Bella Apologized.

Clay Froze Up, As He Felt His Funny Bone Tingling Again From Becoming Lovestruck At Bella.

Bella Waved Her Hands In His Face.

Clay Shook His Head.
"Oh Um! Heyyy Bella! I Was Actually Looking For You"

"Great, I Was Too"
Bella Nodded.

"You Were???"
Clay's Ears Perked Up.

"Uhhh Yeah? You Volunteered To Be My Buddy To Show Me Around The School. Ya Know...The Program"
Bella Reminded.

Clay Remembered As He Nodded.
"RIGGHTTT! Of Course I Remembered! I'll Gladly Show You Around! But I Wanna Say Sorry For The Whole Butt Pimple Thing From Yesterday-"

"Don't Worry It's Okay"
Bella Giggled.

"You Sure? I Didn't Wanna Make You Uncomfy! The Fun Boy From BroZone Should Never Do That!"
Clay Said.

"It's Fineeee, And Yessss I Know You're From BroZoneeee"
Bella Poked Clay's Stomach Playfully.

Clay Blurted Out A Dorky And Loud Laugh.

Bella Just Stood There, Blinking.

"....Uhm- So Yeah Fun Boy Of BroZone! I Take It You're A Fan?"
Clay Asked.

"Are You Kidding Me?! OF COURSE I AM! I'M LIKE A CERTIFIED BROZONIE! I Have All Your Merch And CDS And Posters And-"
Bella Continued To Talk.

Clay Zoned Out From Bella's Rapid Talk Over BroZone, And Thought This Would Be The Perfect Opportunity To Try The Shoulder Touch.

Clay's Brain 🧠: "Do The Shoulder Touch Now Before She Dips! Wait? Why Am I Talking In My Head Now? OH NO I'M A COMIC BOOM HERO NOW! JUST LIKE JAMES FROND!"

Clay Inhaled And Exhaled, As He Slowly Lifted Up His Hand In Slo Mo Towards Bella's Shoulder.

Clay's Brain 🧠: "Am I Moving In Slo Mo...Or Is That The Wattpad Writer Just Making Me? WHO KNOWS?! AWE DAMN IMMA BLOW THIS! JUST DO IT! C'MON CUDI JUST DO IT!!!"

"I Would Totally Die For Anything Just To Experience A BroZone Concert In Person! They Are My Whole Life!" Bella Finished Talking.

Clay Put His Hand On Bella's Shoulder And Gave The Most Romantic Smolder Face Known To Troll-Kind.

✨️ H e y ~ ✨️

Bella Just Stared At Clay Awkwardly And Didn't Know How To React.


Over By The Water Fountain, Spruce Was Getting A Sip Of Water, Until He Noticed Clay Coming By.

"HEYYYY ROMEO! How'd It Go?"
Spruce Asked.

Clay Leaned Against The Wall.
"Lousy! That Even More Awkward Than The Butt Pimple Outburst!"

"Maybe You Weren't Ready For The Shoulder Touch Method Just Yet"
Spruce Tapped His Shoulder.

"Ya Think?! Now What Am I Gonna Do?"
Clay Put His Hands Over His Face.

"It's Time For My 4-Step Process To See If Bella Digs You!"
Spruce Said.

"....I Choose Life-"
Clay Was About To Walk Off.

Spruce Brought Clay Back And Held Him In A Chokehold.

Clay Couldn't Breathe In The Chokehold.


✨️ B R O Z O N E
P R E S E N T S ✨️


Smell Like A Fresh Prince! 🤴

In The Hallway, By The Lockers, Bella Was Putting Away Her Stuff In Her Lockers, Until She Took A Whiff Of A Certain Smell.

Bella Sniffed The Air.
"What Is-"

Clay Leaned Against The Lockers Smoothly.
"Heyyy Sweetness~"

Clay Was Wearing Some Cheap Smelling Cologne That Spruce Made Himself, As The Smell Came From Clay Looked Green.

Bella Held Her Nose And Mouth From The Smell.

"I Sure Am Baby~ Now Let Me Tell You A Story About My Trip To Bel Air As I Am A Prince Of Smelling Good~"
Clay Bounced His Eyebrows.

Bella Quickly Ran Off To The Bathroom.

Clay Tried To Yell Out.

Spruce Came From Out Of The Locker And Stepped On The Floor.
"Huh- Usually The Ladies Go Crazy For My Homemade Spruce Deuce Cologne"

Clay Sniffed His Hoodie And Almost Gagged.
"AWE MAN! What Did You Use To Made This?!"

"Look At The Back-"
Spruce Handed Clay The Bottle.

Clay Read The Ingredients Spruce Put In The Cologne.

"I Know A Guy"
Spruce Whispered And Winked.

Clay Threw Away The Bottle.
"Next -.-"


Save Your Babe A Seat! 🪑

In The Auditorium, All Of The Students Were Sitting Down, Watching The School Band Play Their Instruments.

Clay And Spruce Sat Next To Each Other, And A Seat Was Empty Next To Clay, Saving It For Bella.

"You Sure This Will Work?"
Clay Asked.

"No Sweat! My 2nd Step Clearly States That If You Save A Girl A Seat, She'll Definitely Sit Next To You And Then You'll Know That She Likes You!"
Spruce Explained.

"If You Say Soooo.....AH! Here She Comes!"
Clay Flinched At Sudden.

Bella Came Through The Seats In The Auditorium And Came Across The Empty Seat Beside Clay.

"Hey Clay! Is This Seat Taken?"
Bella Asked.

Clay Laughed Weirdly And Dusted Off The Empty Seat For Bella.

Bella Shrugged And Sat In The Empty Seat.

"Way To Go Man! She Definitely Digs You!"
Spruce Nodded.

Clay Noticed Something.

Turning Around, Clat Noticed That All The Seats Were Taken In The Auditorium And That The Seat He Saved Was The Only One Left.

"That Was The Only Seat Left To Sit In! I Need More Proof"
Clay Told Spruce.

Spruce Sighed, Facepalming.
"🤦‍♂️, Next Step.."


Win The Women With A Pen! 🖊

In The School's Library, Bella Was Sitting With Some Other Kids At A Table, Studying And Doing Classwork.

Meanwhile, Clay And Spruce Were Hiding Their Faces In Some Books, Spying On Bella.

"Okay, This Next Step Is A Sure Win! My Process States That When You Ask A Girl For Something To Write With And She Gives You A Pencil, You're Just Friends. But If They Give You A SPECIAL Looking Pen, They Like You!"
Spruce Explained.

"And It Has To Be Special Looking?"
Clay Raised His Eyebrow.

"Never Questioned The 4-Step Process- Now Go!"
Spruce Told Clay.

Clay Nodded And Quietly Walked Over To Where Bella Was Sitting.
"Heyyyy Bella!"

"Hey Clay! What's Up?"
Bella Asked.

"Well, I Kinda Forgot My Pencil And Special Looking Pen At Home, So I Was Wondering If You Have A Spare Writing Utensil?"
Clay Asked Nervously.

"Sure! Let's Seeee...Ooo! Found One!"
Bella Digged In Her Pencil Case.

Clay Stared To Shiver And Sweat From What Bella Would Give Him.

Over By His Table, Spruce Was Pacing Back N Forth, Worried Of What Clay Would Come Back With.

Clay Came Back And Held Up Something Dramatically.

✨️ The
Special Looking
Pen ✨️

"YESSSIR! You Got The Special Looking Pen! She For Sure Likes You Bro"
Spruce Nodded.

"Yeah! Wait- Maybe That Was Her Only Option Left For A Writing Utensil To Give Out! I Need More Proof"
Clay Told Spruce.

Spruce Groaned Frustratingly.
"Uggghhh C'mon Man! You're Lucky We Still Have One Last Step To Try"

Clay Grabbed Spruce's Clothes Anxiously.
"And That Is???"


Serenade The Bae! 🎼

Outside Of The School, All Of The Students Were Waiting On The Courtyard For Their Parents To Pick Me Up.

Bella Waited For Her Dad To Pick Her Up In A Little Corner, With Her New Friends Too.

Toby Slid Over To Bella.
"Yooooo Likeeeee Bella Girllllll, Ya Wanna Like....Hang Outttt Yaaaah Braaaah? 🤙"

Clay Saw This From Distance And Gulped.
"U-Um...You Sure This Step Will Work Spruce?"

"You Questioning The 4-Step Process Again? This Is A Sure Winner! Besides, What Girl Can Resist A Song?"
Spruce Chuckled.

John Dory Groaned, Coming Over.
"And Why Am I Helping You Two With This?"

"Cause You're Our Brother And I Still Have That Christmas Photo"
Spruce Smirked.

"You Steroid Menace To Society -.-"
John Dory Crossed His Arms.

Spruce Gave Thumbs Up Towards The Roof Of TrollTree High.

Floyd And Baby Branch Gave Thumbs Up Back, As They Turned On Some Stage Lights They Found.

Suddenly, The Stage Lights Turned On And Shined Down On Clay, Spruce, And John Dory As They Were In A Pose.

All Of The Kids, As Well As Bella, Turned Around To See Some Of The BroZone Members, As If They Were About To Perform.

Clay Spoke Loud To Everyone.

Bella Pointed At Herself.

Clay Signaled And Shouted.

Bitty B Pressed Play On A Boombox Next To Him.

As The Boombox Played A Pop R&B Beat, Spruce And John Dory Started Up A Dance Routine With Clay In The Center.

🎵 The right stuff~ 🎵
Spruce And John Dory Sung In Smooth Voices.

🎵 The right stuff~ 🎵
Spruce And John Dory Stepped Aside For Clay To Take Over.

Clay Joined The Song To Serenade Towards Bella.
🎵 First time was a great time
Second time was a blast
Third time I fell in love~ 🎵

🎵 Now I hope it lasts! 🎵
Spruce And John Dory Sung.

🎵 I can see it in your walk
Tell 'em when you talk
See it in everything you do~ 🎵
Clay Shook His Hips To The Rhythm.

🎵 Even in your thoughts! 🎵
Spruce And John Dory Sung.

🎵 You got the right stuff! 🎵

🎵 Baby! 🎵

🎵 Love the way
you turn me on! 🎵

🎵 Oh! Oh!
Oh, Oh! 🎵
Spruce And John Dory Vocalized In The Background.

🎵 You got the right stuff! 🎵

🎵 Baby! 🎵

🎵 You're the reason why
I sing this song! 🎵

Clay Made His Way Towards Bella In A Smooth Michael Jackson Sort Of Way As He Continued Singing.

🎵 All that I needed
was youuuu! 🎵

🎵 Oh girl,
you're so riiiiight! 🎵

🎵 Said all that
I wanted was youuuu! 🎵

🎵 You made all my
dreams come true~ 🎵
Clay Winked Towards Bella, With A Sparkle In His Eyes.

Bella Was Touched By This But Interrupted The Song.
"Wait! Wait! Hold On!"

The Music Stopped As Spruce And John Dory Paused Their Dancing, As Well As Clay Stopped Singing.

"Clay, You....Like Me?"
Bella Asked.

Clay Blinked With A Blush, Feeling His Funny Bone Tingle.
"Uhhh...I Uh...😳"

John Dory Slapped The Back Of Clay's Head.

Clay Blurted Out To Bella.

The Kids Watching All Blushed.

Bella Held Her Heart.
"Awww Well...I Like You Too Clay!"

Clay's Ears Perked Up And Blushed Even Harder.
"You Do???"

"Mhm, And If You'd Want...I'd Love To Be Your Girlfriend"
Bella Whispered Into Clay's Ear, Holding His Cheek.

G i r l f r i e n d

G i r l f r i e n d

G i r l

F r i e n d

Clay Couldn't Believe What He Heard And Held His Face.
"Everything Is So Clear Now 😦.."

Clay Fainted Out Of Love, Upside Down On His Head, With The Biggest Dorky Smile On His Face.

"That's Right Everyone! I'm Glad To Now Be BroZone's Very Own, Clay, Newest Girlfriend!"
Bella Announced To The Whole School.

The Kids All Cheered For Them.

Bella Announced Also.

The Kids Say Intrigued.

Spruce Tapped Clay's Foot.
"Ya Hear That Romeo?! It Worked! She's Gonna Be Your Girlfriend And Bonus- GIVE YOU A KISS IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL!....Clay?...Clay?"

Clay Was Still Fainted Out Of Love And Had His Big Smile Still On His Face, As His Leg Twitched A Lil, But Feeling Dreamy After Getting His Crush To Be His Girlfriend. 💛

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