Chapter Three: During the Night

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Poppy's POV:
I cared BRANCH up from his little secret bunker thing, and he was very light, or I have super strength. I carried him up the ladder, and put him in his bed. I realized that Branch was bleeding on his head. I wanted to wake him, but he looked very peaceful but in pain. I looked around his house, to see if he had medical supplies. I saw a box that had a box that said 'Medical Supplies' on it. "Well, that was a coincidence." I whispered. I opened the box to see A LOT of supplies. "Let's see... we have a bottle of cold medicine, a needle, instant pain reliever, and bandage." I grabbed the instant pain reliever, but it only last for an hour. I also grabbed the bandage. I walked over to Branch to help him out. I opened the packet of instant pain reliever, and it was a small cloth, like a little hand wipe. I softly touched his head with it and he flinched. He yelled "AUgghh!!" He began to start waking up, but I calmed him down and accidentally touched his chest. It felt like it was getting hotter in the room, even though it was 46 degrees outside. Winter was coming soon, and I needed to get my fellow trolls ready. "Shush, its ok Branch. I'm right here for you." I gave a small smile. "Thank you grandma." He had a smile fro ear to ear. Does he think I'm his grandma? I kept putting the instant pain reliever on his head. Once that was done, I also had some gauze, put that on his head, and bandaged that all up. I decided to stay at his house, just in case anything happened. His my best friend, and I don't want anything to happen to him.
I layed down on his couch, and fell asleep.

Branch's POV:
I woke up at 4:28, and felt bandages and gauze on my head. It was still a little blurry, but I was thristy, and got a drink of water. I got a sip, but when I turned around I saw Poppy on the couch. She looked cold, and she only had her dress on. I picked her up and put her in my bed. I tucked her in, trying to warm her up. I went into my bed, trying not to get to close to her, or disturb her. If this happened to one of her other friends, would she do the same thing for them?

Does she care about me that much?

Hope you like this one! Sorry they been so short. Just I have a LOT planned which I think you guys will love! If you want more, go to my Random Crap book. It will have more info on an upcoming big part!

Bye! Bye!

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