Chapter Two: Dreams

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Branch POV:
Once Poppy and Cooper left, I was to lazy to go onto my bed. But before I went to bed, I got a little snack. I laid into my real bed, which was really comfy. I took of my leaf like vest, and threw it onto my bed. I tucked myself into the big blanket, and fell asleep.

I woke up, just while I was falling from my grandma pushing me. "Grandmaaaaaaaa!!" I yelled. And once I felt the ground everything turned black. I woke crying, from the news I got. "I'm sorry but... Poppy's gone." I was turning grey than getting a darker than ever.

I woke up sweating, basically bathing in my own sweat. I put myself to sleep again.

I woke in a white room, that was infinite, and I yelled, "Hello? Is anyone there?!" "Branch! Is that you?" I turned around to my grandmother. "G-grandma?!" I ran and hugged her. She returned the hug immediately. "How?! Am I?!" "No, your not dead Branch. Just I came to visit you." She had the greatest grin in the world. "I came here to tell you, I'm always here. I could come in your dreams. And I want to catch up with you. I've seen your Adventure. You really like Queen Poppy, huh?" I blushed, from my grandmother. "And Branch, you finally opened up to someone. Thank you." She hugged me. I hugged her back, and had joyful tears. "I have to go Branch. Good bye!" She yelled as she slowly disappeared. "Bye Grandma!" I woke again, checked the time and it was only 3:35. I began to cry happy tears. "I love you Grandma! If you can hear me! I want to see you again!" I yelled. Right after, there was knocking on the door. A walked to my front door, a noise got louder. "Branch! Are you in there?! Are you ok?!" Poppy's voice cried behind the door. I opened the door, and Poppy was going to knock on the door once more, than she feel right on top of me. Her hand crushed mine, making me yell  "Ow!" She shortly after realized that I didn't have my vest on, Poppy began blushing. "Oh I'm sorry Branch!" She shortly after got off of me. "The reason I came over here was to ask you if you were alright? I heard screaming from your house, and I wanted to check on you." She began to curl her hair. Why in the world would she check on me? Her house is next to mine, starting to think about it, she could have had a better house than she does, but she chose to live next to me. Maybe because I'm her friend? "So Poppy? How did you know I yelled? You are my neighbor, but a little away." She began to blush. "Well uh.. you see uh.. I was up doing queen work! Yea! You know, all that queen work! Haha..." She gave a fake chuckle. She looked down, and saw something. "What's that?" She pointed. "Uh that's nothing!" I began to blush. It was secret, but now it's been discovered by the person I NEVER wanted to show it too. Poppy. "P-Poppy that's personal." I muttered. "Well I'm personal so ya!" She opened a wooden trap door. "OHHH!!" She squealed. She climbed down onto a ladder, down into a secret bunker. I climbed down as well, so I could try to hide things the best I could. It was just a small room with a desk, a pen, and a yellow note pad with red lines. A garbage can next to it filled with crunched up papers, a wooden desk chair, a desk lamp, book shelf, two small curtain shelfs, and a box that said "FRAGILE" in bold letters. "Oooooo what's this?" Poppy ran to the FRAGILE box. "Uh I think you should stay away from that...!" I pulled her arm closer to me. She pulled away, and opened the box. "You... you kept them?" She pulled out one of her inventions. "Ummmmm......" I began to blush. A rock fell onto my head, and the last thing I heard was Poppy scream, "BRANCH!!"

I woke up, and Poppy was right in front of me. "Branch! Your okay!" She helped  me up and I hugged her. Once we let go, she kissed me. I was surprised what was going on, but melted right into it. Suddenly, water poured over me.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" I yelled. King Peppy and Poppy was right beside me. "Oh, his alright." She let out a big sigh. It was only a dream, I never kissed Poppy. "What happened?" I asked. "A rock hit you on the head, and you knocked out. Dad, thank you for helping me." She kissed him on the cheek. "Good night Poppy. And you too Branch." Peppy went up the ladder. "Good night King Peppy!" I waved. "Owwwww...." I touched my head, and there was blood. "Branch are you ok?!" Poppy worriedly asked. "Yes I'm..." "B-Branch? Branch!"  "Uhhh I don't feel to well." I closed my eyes, and felt someone pick me up.

Hope you liked it!

Bye! Bye!

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