Friday, June 30th (Bye Bye, 1st Journal!)

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10:30 pm

This. Is. It. The very last entry of my first journal. Last journal entry. I can't believe that this is it. The end. The end of my journal! Actually, I have one more page left, which I'm hoping to write later on tonight. It's more of reflecting on what I've learned from writing in this journal. I'm so surprised on how far I've come and how much I've written. Also, will count that there were times where I was almost close to writing in my journal late, around 11:57 pm and 11:58 pm are my two latest ones in my journal. I'm not sure if they were more, but those two were the most memorable ones I read through. So....what did I do today for the last day of June? Well, I took the whole morning of 3 hours to read all my entries in my journal. Yeah, it's like reading a novel...actually, it IS!! There were moments that I laughed at, some of them I cringed, but still smiled most of the time.


Here are the entries were my favorite in this 1st journal:

1. Monday, January 23rd Journal Entry

2. Wednesday, March 8th Journal Entry

3. Saturday, May 27th Journal Entry


Oh, the celebration for my party was such a blast!!! I enjoyed every second of it: Music, Trolls dancing, the food, and most of my Troll friends, including Cloud Guy, came over to my bunker for the party! Oooo, I should mention that my BROTHERS came too!!!

Selfie Time!!!!

There was karaoke night, then we played a few games, and most of my friends congratulated me for being close to completing my journal. Poppy had planned the best party ever, and even Alisha (the Troll I babysat a month ago) danced with me to the "Let's Groove" song.

What a cool, catchy song. And we danced to the "Macarena" song too!

Even King Peppy came around and congratulated me, telling me I could be a good storyteller, which I thanked him a whole lot.Before the party ended, Poppy proposed a toast to me for being at my very last journal entry, which I'm writing it at the moment as we speak. Everyone cheered and held out their blueberry lemonade, making a toast to me. When the party ended, Smidge, Guy Diamond, Satin & Chenille, Biggie & Mr. Dinkles, Cooper, Fuzzbert, and DJ Suki planned to sleepover at my bunker, which I agreed for them to stay over. I also invited Holly, Synth and Val to the sleepover too.

So, while everyone's getting settled in, I'm writing in my journal at the moment in my bedroom about this last entry....I'm not so ready to say goodbye I ready? Oh, no. Doubt has come to play....but...but I'm ready to write that last page of my journal. You may be saying, "Last page??" Yes, even though this is the last journal entry, I still got an extra page left, which I'm going to be using that page to reflect a bit before I go along and use my new journal tomorrow.

Flashback 5 minutes ago: What happened was that after everyone came back for their suitcases and belongings, I announced that I was ready to write the last entry, and everyone got excited as I told them that I will write it in my bedroom, alone, which they all respected me for that. But I couldn't move...I did get emotional a bit...I couldn't move. Poppy came and talk to me as we walked toward my bedroom, telling me that it's going to be okay...and I nodded, thanking her. She closed my bedroom door as I'm just getting ready to write in this last I ready to say goodbye to this 1st journal and move on to the 2nd one? 


11:02 pm

I'm so proud to say that I did it! On my own. All by myself. I remember when I first journaled in this journal, Poppy gave it to me, believing that it would help me with expressing my emotions and feelings. I was doubting about being able to keep it for a long time. I was going to journal for a week, fearing that someone would read it (and I thought it was a true event that happened, but ended up being a prank that Cloud Guy played). And afterwards, I couldn't break apart from the journal. It stuck with me for the past six months, and it's so sad for it to end. But I'm willing to move on with a new journal, which I'm excited to use actually. Thanks to the journal, it got me so connected with my emotions, feelings, and it helped me keep so many fun to embarrassing to funny to lovely moments of this year.

I want to thank Poppy for giving me this black journal, which had helped me. If she didn't give me this journal as a gift, I wouldn't be here to write about all the events that happened to me. She also told me that if I believed in myself about daily journaling, I could do it for a long time if I wanted to. So...what am I planning to do? I plan to write in this 2nd journal and see how far I'll go into this daily journaling, which I'm enjoying it so much! And my new art supplies for this journal too! And I should go back into doing journal prompts too!

I can't wait for the next events that will happen this year. I will continue to daily journal about every single thing that happened to me, and also expressing my feelings. I have learned so many lessons from Poppy, my friends, and myself. The main lesson I can take away from this 1st journal is that it's totally okay to express your feelings. Feelings are important and that journaling can help you out with all that, especially when you're in a bad mood. If I could recommend doing journaling for anyone, I would tell them that they should try it out, even if they try it once a week to twice a week, five times a week, or even daily like I did. I hope by writing in my journal every day and give them advice on it would give inspiration for others to start too.

Okay, I'm around the bottom of the page, so it means that it's time to end it. I'm so ready to end it and start on this new 2nd journal. I'm tearing up a bit...but I'm going to be okay. Okay...thank you so much 1st journal for everything! I will make sure to reread some of the journal entries and refer them in my 2nd one, excited to write and decorate my journal. Thank you for being there for when my emotions and feelings had been all over the place. You will be a place in my heart, and to say on my bookshelf, which I'll be putting you on.

Bye Bye, 1st journal!



Branch closes the black journal, tearing up as he puts on the bookshelf. Poppy comes into his bedroom, opening the door. His back is turn away from her.

"Branch? Are you okay?" Poppy said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He turns around as he frowns, but then he smiles. He nods as the two of them go out of the bedroom to meet their friends.

They face them as Branch takes a deep breath.

"I did it. I finished the last journal entry and I'm so excited to start my 2nd one tomorrow."

"Yay!" His friends said, giving him a group hug, including Poppy too.

"Thanks guys." Branch wiped his face off as his smile grew wider. "Now who wants ice cream?"

All the Trolls cheered as Branch hugs Poppy, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you."

Poppy smiled, tearing up. "Aw, you're welcome!"

The two of them followed their friends (along with Branch's brothers) to the bunker kitchen to treat themselves for ice cream.

The End.


If you guys had read throughout Branch's journal and made it all the way to the end, congrats to you!! I really hope that you enjoyed reading Branch's 1st Journal. I enjoyed posting this every day for you guys and I can't believe that I reached the end!!! 

Again, I hope you guys enjoyed this journal!!


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