Thursday, June 29th

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11:18 pm



I was the village grump to a troll who shown his true colors. I am known as a survivalist of Troll Village, and also the second-in-command when it comes to making decisions. 

What do I actually do on a day-to-day basis? Well, I tend to spend my days with Poppy, do my daily chores, organize rations and jars, play puzzles, write stories and journal. 

Speaking of journaling, I have at least 23 hours left till I'm done with my first journal. Man, it came by so fast, it doesn't feel like I daily journaled for 6 months, but I DID. 

So, the question is: How do I feel about this upcoming party and my soon-to-be-accomplishment with my first journal? Well, I'm going to write about how I felt before and right now about this topic.


Before (1 hour ago)

(Poppy getting excited for the upcoming party of finishing my first journal)

At first, I was a bit sad about finishing my journal yesterday, and I got back into being a bit sad today while Poppy was so excited about the party that she was squealing, dancing in excitement and blowing airhorns. She decorated my bunker and when we were done, she got into squealing mode again. Afterwards, she took me out to lunch with the rest of my friends and they talk to me about how far I've come with my very first journal. 

Thanks to their support, I felt better about my soon-to-be-accomplishment on finishing my first journal. Many hours passed, other Trolls congratulated me and wished me good luck on writing my very last entry in this journal. From Miss Honey to Synth to Val to cute, adorable Alisha cheered me on, hugging me, cheering me on. It made me feel good to hear from others cheering me on today.


Now (8 hours later)

(Me getting really excited for the upcoming celebration of finishing my first journal)'s my turn to get excited, just like Poppy did before! So, I came by Poppy's pod after dinner to show how excited I was for starting my new journal, and also for Camp NaNo to start at the same time. How exciting does that sound? The kids giggled on how the way I was showing my excitement. Poppy smiled, giggling on how I was doing like a dance in excitement. 

She asked me if I was doing the "Potty" dance and if I needed to go potty. I rolled my eyes but smiled, deciding to play along with this assumption Poppy made as we kept going with this. Oh, yeah, it's our way of doing our usual banter moments together. A few minutes later, I responded to her question, saying no and that I'm just excited for the party she had planned for me. So for an hour, I couldn't help but talk about this celebration and how about the plans that will happen during this party, though Poppy didn't reveal all of it, wanting to make it as a surprise. She also told me about the grand surprise that she has for me, which she knew that I don't like surprises, but when it comes to Poppy, it was so worth being excited about, though at the same time, I was a bit nervous about what the surprise might be while being mostly excited.

Oh my god, how many times I had written "excited"? To be honest, I couldn't stop showing my excitement throughout the day. The more the time comes, the more excited and nervous I am. Anyways, I'm going to go to bed, and hopefully I'll get some sleep because I'm a bit too excited to sleep, but I definitely going to get some sleep.

Tomorrow...the last entry, here I come.

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