Chapter 6

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(Sun's POV) ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

I couldn't believe what I saw. I couldn't remember the last time I witnessed something that was so gruesome that made me paralyzed in shock.

I was walking by on the streets still looking for clues when I notice police tape surrounding a florist shop. Onlookers were curious to see what happened.

I decided to investigate the scene and that when I saw a dead person body lying on the ground with the stomach cut open and what looked like a gunshot wound to the forehead. And multiple stab wounds across the body.

It looked identical to how my mother was brutaly murdered. I shudder at the sight of it. Max Korman really is a man of no remorse.

Two women behind me began to gossip as police zipped up the dead body.

"How terrible. This is the fourth one within a month. And such a young lady as well."

"I swear. I'm going to make a crewfew for my children or put them on lockdown. This man is dangerous. I'm surprised that the police hasn't caught the man." Her friend replied.

"To think this happen four years ago. I'm praying for a miracle. "

"I overheard that they caught a suspect related to this case. Or maybe it's a witness?"

I turn away from the scene and headed back. If this prime suspect they got on their hands on seems  like the individual they caught, they sadly mistaken.

As I got to side of the street where the bike was parked, my brother was already there lean on it.

"I'm surprised to find me here." I told him.

"Well, you should know that I know that I had a spare bike hidden in my garage."

"So, you here to drag me back. Because I'm not going to forget whole ordeal ever happened."

"I'm not doing that. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I've been thinking about those four years back wondering how I would've changed it. You know, me being able to save mom, you not witnessing her corpse and protecting you and dad."

I looked down at his hand as balled into a fist.

"I really am a coward."

I immediately punched him in the gut.

He looked back at me.

"Bro. None of this is your fault. Dad risk his life for ours. You just did what had to do. But right now, I don't want you to be involved in this."

"I don't want to see my brother's death all of the news. I'm going to help you."

"Baker, please..."

"I understand your concern but, standing around and fighting like this isn't going to help. Let me help, then the rest is all on you."

I groan in frustration. This isn't what I had in mind. Besides our aunt, he's the closest family I had.

"All right, fine. Just call me if any trouble arises."

"Thank you, Sun."

"And another thing...what is that you got in your back pocket."

"Oh, you mean the pamphlet." He pulled it out revealing three islands on the Caribbean Sea."

"Our mother always wanted to vacation down to Virgin Islands. I had seen her saved enough money for us to go. So, how about it."


"Not maybe. This weekend I've already scheduled a flight and booked a hotel for the two of us."

I immediately looked at him. "I can't focus on that now. Max could be on his next victim."

"That's where I come in. I've known inner parts of Atlanta. I can dig some before we head back."

Now I'm beginning regret my decision. But in end, we came to an agreement. Looks like a trip to the islands for us.

(Valentine's POV) ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Jayden and I were at the police station what looked like we've been sitting here for hours.

"I don't think... or rather believe that Ray would commit murder. Sure, he's rash, but he would never hurt anyone."

I twirled my thumbs around. If only he knew what happened a week back. Then, I really don't know anything about him.

Jayden glances at thumbs as I press them together.

"You okay? You didn't seem so talkative on the way over here."

Before I could even speak, Officer Wade and Ray finally came out of the interrogation room.

Ray's face was mixed of anger and tension.

"Well good news for you guys. This is guy is clean. We throughly check his background for any misconduct and did a finger scan."

"See! I told you officer. It's not in my nature to harm an innocent woman. "

Wade glared at him before looking back at us.

"Sorry for taking your time." he answered.

"It's quite all right. If anything happens, we'll let you guys know." I replied.

After Wade left, it was Jayden's turn to glare at him.

"Damn it, Ray. What happened that would caused you to be interrogated."

"I didn't do shit. I was on my way to work and the police came by my doorstep believing that I'm killer."

"But, why would go through all the trouble doing that?" I questioned.

"I'm not sure. But right now, I'm heading to Santa Barbara. And my flight leaves tonight."

He walks pass us before turn his attention to me. "Sorry. We didn't get to see each other. But, I hope to see you again."

He grins at me and left. I felt very uncomfortable. And by the look of Jayden's face, he wasn't too pleased with this.

"What now? Do you wanna you know go to lunch?"

Jayden didn't answer as he moved to the side and head to the car.

I sat back in the chair and trying to remember my unknown killer. But no matter how hard I try, it always come up as a blank.

Moreover the dreams are more serious whenever I go to sleep.

I need to ease my mind and thoughts otherwise I was going to lose it.

A vacation.

The memories of mom's words echo in my ear.

A trip to the Virgin Islands, huh.

I haven't been to island that is so beautiful. Maybe this is what need to get away from this.

I got out of the station and head back to the car.

Later that rainy night, I was in my room picking out clothes for what I needed to take.

My mother was able to book tickets for me and Jayden. Yep, I said it. My father didn't felt safe for me to go there alone. So, Jayden convinced dad that he should come me. Not that I've a problem with that."

It should be okay. I mean we're stay there for a week maybe even more.

I search through my swimsuits and none of them said welcome to the islands. Maybe I find one when get there.

A small whisper interrupted my thoughts. "Val...Val..."

I ignored it.

"Don't ignore me, Val."

I suddenly felt Sun's hands pressed on my skin. I quickly close my eyes and turning away.

"Val, are you sure you want to forget about me? Because right now, you seem to have doubts on that guy your with."

I didn't have a chance to answer as look back to see Sun completely gone.

Just another hallucination.

I continue to pack my luggage and praying that my past doesn't come following me down to the islands.

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