Chapter 7

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A wonderful picture of the St.Thomas, USVI.

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon as plane touched down in St.Thomas.

I couldn't contain my excitement as I saw the vast of ocean from my window. There was even a cute little playground next to the airport.

"Calm yourself. I know it your first time visiting here."

I smiled at him. "I guess I'm a little kid in a candy store."

But it wasn't the one thing that sparked my curiosity. I was dreaming that I've arrived at the hotel and I was in shock of that person's appearance and everything went blank. I could hear someone calling a name though.

We finally stepped out of the plane and arrived at baggage claim to claim our luggage. The sound of steel bands smoothed my soul. The warm sun hits my skin.

I better take some good photos before heading into the hotel.

As we drove in a taxi, Jayden had his cam recorder as he filmed the construction worker fixing roofs that were torn off.

"We had a storm over six years ago. A Category Five. We were lucky to receive the outerbans and flooding others weren't so lucky. "

The driver had his front mirror adjusted as he caught my face.

"But, we're growing back to be better and stronger than ever."

It was nice to see people have a backbone in certain situations like this. Others tend to leave everything behind because they can't live under horrible circumstances which is understandable.

We finally arrived at the hotel that will stay for a couple of days. It was four maybe a five star. And it has entire view of St. John.

Geez, I guess I'm going have to think up really good present for mom on Mother's Day.

We got out and grab our stuff from the back. There wasn't even a entrance as we step inside. I can't even imagine what feels like to stay in a luxurious place.

"It's magnificent."

As we head to the front desk, a voice rang in my ear.

"Hey, Sun. Could help me out with the luggage?"

My heart stop for a spilt second. I nearly drop my bag on the ground.

Sun. Sun is here?! Wait a minute, that's who I was going meet?!

I shook my head. I didn't want to believe he's here. This was just me hallucinating.

"Val...Valentine. It really is you."

His words were too good to be true. As turn my attention to him. He was all wearing black and white stripe shirt, long fitted jeans and his hoodie jacket with boots.

He was speechless as I was. I didn't how to react as tears started to fall on my face.

I wasn't hallucinating at all. He is here in the flesh.


We arrived in the Virgin Islands early than expected. I wanted to rest from the two hour flight. But, Baker insisted that we should explore after we check in. Plus, he found some new information on Korman.

At first glance, it was nice. There were a lot of cruise ships as we pass. And there was an old red building that looked like fort to fend off enemies in the past.

After the long drive, we arrived at the hotel. I jumped out of the car to check our reservation.

I looked over at the front desk. A woman named Morgan greeted me with a smile. Or was her name Cammie.

"Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to our hotel. My name is Morgan. How can I be of assistance today?"

"Good afternoon. My name is Sun. My brother and I booked a reservation."
I replied.

"Sure thing. Give one second, Mr. Sun."

My eyes wandered around the scenery. No wonder people come down to the Carribean over the winter time.

"Hey, Sun. Could you help me with the luggage?"

As I turn around to respond, I saw a familiar face right in front of me. A face I thought I would never see again.

Valentine was here. And she was rather shocked to see me here. Or rather shock  that she hasn't seen me in so long.

"Val...Valentine. It really is you."

I saw the tears on her face. I took a step forward while she took a step back.

Why is so afraid of me all of sudden? I reach out and touch her shoulder. But on reaction, she swatted it away and was about to hit me with her bag.

Luckily, I was too quick and caught it. But, Val pulled away and then ran off.

"Val...Val, wait!!"

I practically ran after her and found her curled up sitting on bench at the far end. She was definitely crying.

I had the urge to comfort her. But, I think would kick in the balls rather than a slap to the face.

I sat quietly at the other far end of the bench.

I scratched my head thinking about all the times we had.

Then, Val spoke.

"I didn't think I would see you in a place like this." She responds.

I could already hear her voice cracking.

"Well, my brother and I...or mostly my brother decided that I needed a break from work." I lied.

"Oh, I see."

I took a glance as she was getting up and wiping the tears.

"Val, I'm really sorry for what happened-"

"Sorry?! That's all you can say?! Sun, we 've been friends when we're kids. We laugh, play, and many other things. How can you just up and leave without saying anything!"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Of course you wouldn't understand. You wouldn't even understand how I felt. I searched for you and even went to your apartment but you were nowhere to seen."

Val shook her head. Her emotions of sadness and anger swelled up in her and I didn't blame her.

"Val, please give me another chance."

"Sorry, but your apology is four years overdue."

She walked back before looking back at me. "I hope you enjoy your time here. Tell your parents I said hello."

As she was gone, my fists slammed down on the bench. Was this my punishment for being a dick head? For letting my vengeance ruining our friendship?

I look up at the sky praying for some guidance. I want to explain to her the whole story.  But at the same time, she could be Korman's next victim.

I don't think my heart could take that.

I sighed at my situation and headed back to the front desk. Today was not a good way to start a vacation.

The night began to fall as I lay on my bed watching the waves roll by. My mind was on Val. She probably make arrangements for flight back to Atlanta.

"I need fresh air."

And to think what my next plan of action. Baker really did gave me some good information. Apparently, Max was troubled kid growing up. His father was  abusive and his mother was a drug addict.

Moreover, at the age of ten, he slaughtered his family with no remorse.  Police tried put him in a medical facility.  They said he was deemed unstable.

Ever since then, he has been evade the cops left and right and killing other people along the way.

Damn, I want to feel sorry for him. But that doesn't excuse him for what he has done.

I grab my card key and took a walk on the beach.

I stumbled across a restaurant by the pool. There was music and lively dancing. Out of the corner of my, there was the guy Val was with.

Was he her boyfriend? If he was here. Then, it's best not to cause anymore problems than it already has.

"Hey, you!!" He yelled at me. He seemed pretty all round guy as I got a good look.

"You must be Sun. I'm Jayden. Sorry, that had to butt in to your conversation with Val."

"No. No, not at all. How's she?" I ask.

"She didn't want to come out. Even when I told her that this place serves some good lobster."

"Listen, I don't know what happened back there. But are you least willing to tell me what caused your friendship like this."

I bit my lower lip.

"Trust me. My life is little complicated. You won't even believe what I had to go through."

"Then, let's talk about it. The food is all on me and the drinks. How about it?"

Jayden seems pretty comfortable. Yet, I can't believe him for now. I had some true issues when was seven. Dad promised me a present. And I didn't get what I wanted.

"All right, Jayden.  But just so we are clear. I don't drink. I get drunk too easily. "

Jayden laughed. "Well then, I call for us a table, my friend."

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