Chapter 8

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(Sun's POV)

Unbelievable. Just unbelievable. Here I was making a conversation with Jayden  about my struggle and near the end of it. He started to throw up.

Literally everyone was staring at us. And I told myself I was going to snatch whiskey out of his hands. Thankfully, the waitress gave him water and he went to the bathroom to fix himself.

A perfect night to ruined everyone's appetite.

I drag his half dead body down the hallway and he was still feeling after effects of nearly having five drinks. I never seen a guy take in so many.

His eyes were half open as he came to.

"Whoa. What happened?"

He quickly covered his mouth. I swear if vomit somehow get on my shoes.

"You had too much to drink. And you were vomiting."

He shook his head in embarrassment. If anything if should be the one embarrassed. Thank God Val didn't get to witness this.

"Sorry. Look like I can't take too much alcohol. But, I did remember everything that you told me."

I immediately looked at him. "I may have been wasted. But, I've a good memory. So, you're after Korman. I'm not sure about that name. But, I overheard my witness about him. In all honesty, I would hate to be one of his victims."

"Well at least you got to spend with your father before his final moments."

We're dead silent the rest of the way to his and Valentine's room.

"This may sound silly. But are you and Val?"

"Nope. Well at first glance, she did have crush on me. But, the feeling is mutual."

I turn away as we climb the stairs. In way I relieved. She deserves someone to treasure her. Someone...who doesn't leave her behind.

We finally reached the room and Jayden moved away and open the door.

"Thanks for the talk. I promise I won't speak of this to Val."

I nodded. The more I think about this,  the more I kept thinking...was this the right way to come here? Or was this fate that brought me and Val here?

My phone rang as Baker was on the line. "Where the hell were you?" I answered.

"Sorry. I went to the library not far from here. I got some good intel on our Korman. Mind come on over and check it out."

"I'll be right there."

(Valentine's POV)

My body was feeling cold and wet. I wandered over at feet as it was covered in sand.

I'm at the beach. I slowly got up and already know that I'm not in hotel anymore."

"So, what kind of visions that I'll be seeing this time. For a while now, I get more accustom to these dreams.  Sure I get scared out of my wits most of the time.

So, I must be on island. Is it the island of St. John?

I venture off further onto the beach when I heard screaming in the distance. I followed the sound and what I found was disturbing.

There was blood on the sand. And path lead to a couple being blindfolded and thier hands tied with rope. And they're trembling in fear.

That wasn't the only thing that surprised me. The chest was already cut open and so was his palms.

What kind of torture this is? This sin.

I hear footsteps coming on my left hand side. His appearance came to view as he was wearing a hoodie without any sleeves. His face was covered with a mask and a tattoo was on his shoulder.

Blood stains were all over of body and pants and worse there was a machete in his hand.

I could faintly hear the woman's prayers as he crept closer.

"Do you know why I'm here? Not to see your blood, but there something more meaningful here." He walks toward the water and stop before his feet touched it.

"Please let us go!! We don't have any money to give you!!"

I could literally saw his expression changed as he walked and punched him to the sand and stabbed  him in his thigh.

I tried to hold back a scream as his echo ed in the sky.

"I wasn't finished. And now just made me forget."

My heartbeat raced more at everything he was doing. He was on top of him. Weapon right over cut chest. I look at his girlfriend as tears began to fall.

"Now, pay the price."

The machete pierced his chest in one go. His body became unresponsive after. The killer then stabbed him everywhere. From his abdomen to his ankle.


Anger and sadness sparked within me. How he could do this with no remorse. No emotion.

He pulled off the blindfolded and proceeds to the man's girlfriend. He blood fingers touch her skin.

My hands curl into a fist.

He began sniffing her. "Aw. You smell like a girl that met many months back. She was so beautiful. Why couldn't she accept my love."

Her pleas kept being more desperate. "But your scent annoys me." He drops his weapon and pulls out a gun and proceeds to shoot her through the head.

All the while smiling at his deed.

"I think I finally understand the term 'until death do us apart.' "

He grabs her by the neck and kisses her. I felt sick and disgusted by this revolting human being.

"You taste like death."

And with that I lunged with everything I had. I didn't care that my body pass through him. Son of bitch needs to pay.

I kick, scream, and punch my emotions  and then everything went before I could recognize his face.


I was punching and screaming until I felt strong hands gripping my wrists.

"Let me go. You bastard!!"

"Valentine, stop!! It's me."

My anger stopped as Jayden was holding me down.

"Oh my god. Jayden, I..."

He immediately hushed me. "It okay.  You had a bad dream."

"No. It felt like a nightmare."

" Do you want me to stay with you today? Are you want to tell what happened?"

I paused for a moment. At first glance, I want to explain everything that had happened was real. He was willing to listen to me.

"Actually...I need to take a walk I don't feel so good."

I got out and jump into the shower. As the pelts down at my face, the man's face crept in my mind along with his smile.

"I forgive you. You pay for what you done."



I was at the beach practicing my pushups. I stare at as if Korman was there. The night hadn't gone smoothly as I hoped.

When I got back, Baker showed me a list people that were victims of him. Moreover, the tattoo artist that gave him the snake tattoo was dead.

And to make matters worse, I was listening to the news that a couple, who was vacationing on St. John, was found dead at the beach. And the victim's bodies were almost identical. Police had  shut down the beach to do a full investigation.

There no more for doubt. Max is here on the islands. He has already begun his next move and if I don't stop him...then there's going  trouble in paradise.

I was finishing my planks when I noticed Val walking on the beach. She seemed so sad from where I was standing.

No. I can't see her. Not right now at least. I quickly got and head back before she got the chance to see me.

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