10: The Music Of The Misery

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Patrick's POV

I know it gets hard for you to stay
But do you really wanna throw it all away?

Its been months since the last time I saw Elisa. My life shattered in to pieces specially the day after that, there's no trace left on her. The resort closed because of the incident, and ee keep on searching for Elisa.

There's no single day that I just spent that I just couldn't think about Elisa. I can't hear music,I can't see anything but just her eyes. Her eyes was pleading with the flame inside it, her eyes was bidding me a goodbye that I don't want to hear or to see.

"Patrick," Pete said as he opened the door, his eyes darted on the dirty pile of clothes that i have made. I never thought of leaving my own apartment, I never thought of cleaning it too. I just wanted to drink myself off, nevermind about the world that now wasn't existing in my system.

"Stop drinking! It won't help you for god's sake!" Pete hissed i dont listened to him at all. I just closed my eyes, took the beer in to my hands and then emptied the bottle, threw it somewhere and then it broke as usual.

I darted my eyes in to Pete who was just bottling up his anger. I know that he's pissed off to my attitude but I really do not care now. Elisa just left me. The music is gone, my life is useless.

I was about to stand up from the bed when Pete wrapped his hands on my shoulder, his hands actually stings on my shoulder, I tried to pry it away from me but it only gets stronger. I glared at him, his eyes were fiercer than mine.

I tried to look away with disgust feelings painted on my face, his fist landed on my cheeks. My jaw slacked off. My eyes became blurry, the heat from his fist marked my cheeks and I guess it leaved a mark there.

"You done?" I asked him as he looked away, his fist clenched and his eyes were now just tight shut. I tried to pry his arms away, but he won't let me go.

"Pete. Come on. If you want to punch me just so I can go, do it. I don't want to be left there standing here. If you wanted to punch me, then punch me. There won't be a thing changed by your punches Pete. It only adds my agony." I blankly said, tears subsided my eyes.

Pete punched my stomach, it hurts a little bit but I really don't care now. All I know is ELISA IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. I NEED TO KNOW WHERE I CAN HAVE MY EXIT WOUNDS.

As Pete was now done punching me, my tummy swells but not enough to cover my heart's emotion. Heart cannot control everything that it skipped. Except for if you wanted to die.

"You done? Now this is my turn." I clenched my jaw, I pried Pete's arms in my shoulder and then my fists landed in his chiseled face, his eyes were now shut and his jaw made a gap. His brownish colored cheeks became a pale red, my fist leave a mark. I tried to punch him again but my system don't  want to do it at all. He looked at me like he was expecting for another one but I just sighed.

"Pete, this isn't working okay?" I said to Pete as I tried to stray from his grip. His hands loosen up and then I smiled. I feel my gum started to sore like hell.

"Patrick I'm so sorry," Pete said as he tried to give me a bro hug, I didn't react. I just stare at the complete blankness, his tears planted on my shirt. I sighed as I wrapped my arms in to his back, I feel terrible for punching the guy back.

"I'm so sorry Pete. Its just I'm so devastated when I found out that Elisa was now gone." Pete pat my back, I automatically sobbed harder. Only Pete is the one who could make me feel like this. He is the only one that who could make me feel lighten up, comfortable with his presence and all.


Joe's POV

I bought some goods from the grocery store. When I finished buying what's on the list, I immediately dropped on Elisa and Sophia's apartment, worried enough for Sophia's condition.

Sophia became so weak and vulnerable since the accident happened. Patrick become so devastated and I was about to be like that if Sophia don't woke up from her unconscious body.

I pulled out in the driveway, I parked my car there and rang the doorbell. Sophia isn't answering the doorbell so I hopped in the gate (since it was just a small gate) and then I looked up from Sophia's room. The room was dark, there's no light and no one's moving.

I didn't know what to do so I just picked a small rock from their garden, throw it on her glass window. The pebble clashed on the window making an small sound. I tried to do it again and again until I remembered that Pete told me that I should take the spare key since I was the one who takes care for Sophia for the mean time.

I hopped back to my car and opened some drawers and then I found it. I immediately opened the gate, skipped from the door and then looked at Sophia's room. Come on Soff, open the door and answer me. Don't get me worried.

"Hey Sophia?" I asked as the door flew wide open, I entered the lifeless house as I roamed my eyes around the corners, searching for the girl that I really really like to see.

"Sophia?" I asked as I entered the kitchen, the fridge was unplugged from it's socket, the foods were still there but the ice from the freezer had melt down.

I opened the faucet but the water had run dry from it. I tried to look for the other spots like their attic, their basement but she's really nowhere to be found. I tried to open her room, but it was locked so I tried to smash the door down but it was so strong so I did it over and over again.

"Sophia? It's me! Joe!" I tried to knock it off but its no use. I stormed out from the room and tried to open it with the other way. I pushed myself to open the door and then looked for her when the door was smashed down, she's not in her room.

I tried to look for her clothes in her wardrobe section but then there's none. I tried to open some of her drawers revealing me a clean piece of paper, folded in to four sections.

I opened the paper as it revealed me a smashed handwriting, it says IM SO SORRY, FIND ELISA AND PLEASE TELL ME IF SHE'S FINE. I'M AWAY CAUSE I DON'T WANT TO BE BURDEN TO ANYONE.

ALL OF NEGATIVE THOUGHTS invade my mind as my body slumped down in the ground, tears are now waving in my eyes, signalling me that they are going down.

"Sophia!" I shouted, my heart shattered as I just screamed her name, her face is now planted on my head and i dont really want her to go. I like Sophia that it hurts so much that she was now gone. Like Elisa happened to Patrick.

(Thank you for reading! Have a great day!)

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