6: Secret goodbyes

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Elisa's P.O.V

My smile’s an open wound without you…and my hands are tied to pages inked to bring you back.

The sun rays radiated my own skin as I hear the leaves dance in the gentle wind. I blinked my eyes slowly, adjusting my eyes in the radiation of the sun.

My eyes blinked, I saw a silhouette of a girl. She has a long wavy hair, her skin complexion was tanned... Just like a goddess.

When my vision became clear, I opened up my eyes again for the last time, seeing my bestfriend standing next to me, her face was quizzed.

"Why did you sleep her Eli?" She asked me instead of saying good morning.

I stretched my arms up the sky and then looked at her and just plant a smile on my face. I hugged her and kissed her cheeks.

"Good morning Sophia," I greet, she sighed. Her hair was now falling down on my shoulder, I suddenly felt her arms on my waist too. "Good morning too Elisa."

Pain outdid my body, maybe the pain passed away as I talked to Patrick. Patrick. I will see him soon!

"Hey baby.." I greet to the tummy of Sophia, she was smiling at me now.

"I love you so much baby. I'm sorry mommy had to leave you, but I assure you you're in a good hands yeah?" I sniffed, Sophia teared up.

"Take care of yourself baby, and please, remember me huh?" I asked the tummy and hugged it, Sophia rubbed my back.

*Dingdong* (the doorbell)

"Hello?" I heard someone knocked on the door, Sophia and I exchanged glances and I immediately ran to the door. As I said earlier, Patrick made me feel alive.

"Patrick!!!" I yelled as I engulfed him into a big hug. I really miss his bear hugs :'(

Patrick did the same thing for me, he kissed my cheeks and my forehead. "Good morning princess!" He cheered, I heard footsteps coming from my back. I glanced and then I saw Sophia standing there, her hair was tied in to a bun.

"Hey Patrick!" She greet as she formed her hands in to a fist bump. Patrick did the same thing.

"Come on guys, let's get inside!" I cheered, they smiled.

I spread the door wide open, letting everyone in. I hugged everyone of them, specially Pete. Pete happened to be my guy best friend.

"So, Elisa. About the outing, can we go too?" Joe shyly asked as he roamed his hands to his bunned curly hair.

"Why are you eavesdropping curls?" I chuckled and then I rolled my eyes.
"It was supposed to be a secret!" I chuckled, all of them answered too. Sophia pat my back and then she pointed the kitchen. I nodded my head. "Joking, I was supposed to surprise you guys. But you did surprise me!"

Everyone laughed, Patrick dropped his adventurer bag and he revealed his many snacks --- the snacks that we both love, but then I am forbidden to eat it.

"Hey guys! Let's have coffees!" Sophia cheered, her eyes were illuminated with the spark of the coffee.

"Thank you Soff," Joe said, Sophia blushed. I smiled and slumped down in the couch, intertwining my hands with Patrick. Its not that I'm getting clingy or whatever. I just missed the guy and I will miss the guy.

All of them settle down in the living room, waiting for us to be prepared. I will take them to my resort and I really need to prepare this special thing for tonight.


Pete's P.O.V.

I seriously need to talk to Elisa for something private, I need her to know something important.

I was about to knock on the door when sobs sprouted up in Elisa's room, I listened to them.

"Sophia, I love you so much, please, make the last plan. Just make it for me, for my happiness." Elisa said. For her own happiness?

"But what if the thing doesn't go to the real plan?!" Sophia stormed I suddenly backed off.  I glanced in to the living room, the three guys get together too well.

"I assure you, it would go to the plan okay?"

Plan? What plan?

This is pretty odd. I need to see something. But I need to act that I know nothing.


Sophia's POV

When my system calmed down, I surrendered to Elisa's plan. I will take her life by pushing her in to the sea, let go of her until she finally felt her inner peace.

My head was swelling like I'm about to burst. My tummy craves on something that I don't really like. Maybe this is the effect of the coffee. I need to lessen the intake.

Elisa and I go down the room, laughing at certain things so that the boys wouldn't be suspecting. Elisa grabbed her summer shades and then looked at Patrick in a 'how-do-I-look' look.

"Wow Elisa! You look like a summer goddess!" Andy praised Elisa's appearance, I smiled.

"Same goes to you Sophia. I like your cami," Joe said to me that made me feel embarrassed. I don't really take compliments unless Elisa would be the one to say it.

"Thank you," we said in unison, we burst into laughter. Elisa hugged Patrick and have a short peck on his lips, they look so cute!

"So? Let's go?" Patrick asked as he wrapped his arms around Elisa, Joe and the other guys was in my back.

I chose to be silent, the plan is really bugging me. The wishes aren't easy to grant at all but I guess, it will end up in a good thing for Elisa. While for us, it's not.

We have 2 cars to take. The one was Joe's and one's mine.

"Okay, so how we would divide this?" Andy asked, Pete smirked.

"Sophia should go with us!" Pete interjected, I rolled my eyes just to insist. Joe, Pete and I? We can't get together easily! Ugh. Things will be awkward.

I shot Elisa a 'please-help-me' look but she smirked. "Joe! You should take Sophia in the shotgun seat!" Elisa cheered, I frowned.

Pete carried me like a sack and bring me towards the car. I whined so much, but they won't listen. In the end, I just end up listening in to super rock music.

Joe's now driving the car. At first, I really thought that this will be so boring. But then, Joe and Pete tried to crack up jokes, sometimes they imitate Patrick or someone.

And now, Joe's talking about their own band.

"So, we will release a new album!" He cheered and my eyes automatically dilated.

"Wow! That's so good! What's the title?" I asked them, Pete just rolled his eyes.

"Still not thinking about it, because we're still recording." Pete sassed I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, that's great. Now take this to your grave." I said as I punched his shoulder, he laughed.


"Wait," Joe paused, Pete and I looked at him.

"Take This To Your Grave sounds good to me!" Joe remarked, I laughed.
"Why Joseph? Wanna have some too?" I asked him.

"No thanks Sophia!" Joe interjected I glared at him. " I mean, take this to your grave sounds good to be a album title! Look, what if someone died and they love our album?"


"Hmm. Sounds like a plan to me." Pete smirked as he hit Joe's shoulder, motioning him to follow my car that was driven by Patrick.


Is this really a joke? Or my mind is actually mocking me now? Ugh.

Grave. Died. Plan. What's next?

I shut my eyes as I felt my heart stabbed. I suddenly feel this urge that I wanted to vomit, but I have to hold it.

"Hey Sophia, what's happening to you?" Pete asked, I smiled.

"Nothing Pete, I'm feeling dizzy." I said as I shut my eyes again.

I tried my best to calm down the whole ride and thankfully, it happened. After we reached our destination, I stretched my hands to the air.

I smiled as I saw Elisa giggling with Patrick. I love the two of them so much.

The breeze that was coming from the ocean was so welcoming. I really want to feel warm and this cozy, and thankfully, I think I saw the right place.


Elisa's POV

"Patrick, come here, i want to listen to the song that you just wrote!" I cheered as I opened our cottage, I jumped in to my bed and looked at him .

"Sure. Wait." He said as he strapped the guitar in his shoulder.

(Please listen to HOMESICK AT SPACE CAMP if you have one 😁)

'Landing on a runway in Chicago/

and I’m grounding all my dreams/

of ever really seeing California,

because I know what’s in between

is something sensual

in such non-conventional ways.

Tonight the headphones will deliver you the words that I can’t say.

Tonight I’m writing you a million miles away.

Tonight is all about “We miss you.”

And I can’t forget your style or your cynicism,

somehow it was like you were the first to listen to everything we said.

My smile’s an open wound without you…and my hands are tied to pages inked to bring you back.'

Patrick looked at me, tears built in my eyes. Tonight is really about we miss you. And we will miss you.

'These friends are, new friends are golden.' Patrick stopped playing with his guitar, he dropped the guitar and kissed me in my lips passionately.

"How was the song?" Patrick chuckled. I fixed my hair and laughed.

"Very good. So much good that it made me cry." I sniffed, I will miss you Patrick.. So much.

I hugged Patrick and sobbed in to his shirt.

(Thank You for reading!
Some author's note before you pass this chapter. The song, the album. And anything hasn't attached to the real story 😁😁 yeah because this is a fiction story <3 and then if you were confused, please tell me what part are you confused about and I will answer it with all of my best. <3 love you so much, Chey. )

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