8: Love, Selfish Love

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Elisa's P.O.V

Coz I've always been stronger than that, always weighing the world on my back, this is love, selfish love.

Am I being selfish enough if I would like to hug Patrick for the last time? Would it make me feel burden if I would just rapaciously kiss him til my last breath? Or it is the one who will like to kill me earlier than I am expecting?

His face was just a pure bliss of heaven. His eyes was the mirror of his emotions, the one that mirrors his character. His lips were the poison that I'm still tempted to taste, and then his voice was the venom that will slowly take my life away from my body.

The picture of his smile couldn't be replaced by any of those kids who just ate their first candy, replaced by those girls who just met their idols, because its just simply loving. Simply adorable and he won't even exert so much effort in doing it. He's effortlessly beautiful in my eyes that I could just die for.

When those lips claimed mine, I swear I just saw the gates of heaven opening in front of me. The warmth of his breath, the way that he kissed me wasn't rough, just as gentle as he is.

I loved the guy for anything in the world. I couldn't just trade him for my career, I couldn't trade him for my life. I wish I could prolong my life in order to spend my whole life with the guy who was just running away now, he's hiding in the place that were not able to see each other.

I have nothing to confess, at all. I never keep a secret to anyone that will make their life so miserable except for my death I guess.

I have planned this before, but I never thought that I would be this vulnerable when it comes to leaving Patrick. Patrick, my baby, and also Sophia. I don't know why does it have to come at this point that I need to make a scene, make my own death and leave the world. I've been so tough, I have many scars but I'm not afraid for the world to show it, but why I don't deserve the longest life? I mean, I have many imperfections but I learned how to deal with it. I learned how to make everything fine in my eyes, I don't judge people! I didn't fight with anyone as long as I remember, and I never make a hiss out of something not important. I also never thought of cutting my life short but why I have to go?

I mean, they wanted to end their life now, I need to start it now! I need to prolong it just to save my future. I'm in love and I cannot just leave it behind, I can't just fade with the way that bubble bursts after making someone happy.

I can't accept the fact that the people that made me who i am have to cry over me. I can't accept the fact that I just have a short period of time, I can't have my life. I was trapped in to a body that was so weak, cannot defend herself and fight over something.

Patrick started to run as well as Joe and Andy. Sophia drift away in to the place that I just instructed her a while ago, I sighed in relief.

I stepped on the sands, fast enough as I hear my heartbeat tick. The sand embraced my little fingertips and then I looked back. The landscape of my family, my loved ones. Its now nothing. They ran away from me.

I swear I could've restrain myself from crying, but the tears won't hold back theirselves. I ran in to the woods where Sophia was hiding, this is the cue. The cue that my life would've cut short, for everything that I think will be the safest for me.

As I ran in to a split seconds, I peeked in to the place where Patrick was hiding. I smiled as I saw again his purest smile, I wish that I can just stop the time and make it mine again, it was mine. Was. Past tense. Because even now that I can see him, I could imagine that he could smile like that again even though I'm away. Even though I'm watching him from afar.

"Come on guys! I'm done counting! I'll start catching you guys! If I get anyone first, you've got to order me two dozen of pizzas!!!" Pete yelled, I hide from the shrubs. I slowly look at Patrick's direction, my hands wrapped in my lips and then I immediately gave him a goodbye kiss.

I ran in to the spot where Sophia was hiding, I placed a stick in the shrub and then she grabbed it, she popped her head up and then ran away with me as we ran in to the woods.

As we ran away from the place where the guys was visible, the grass became taller. It used to be under my feet and then it just happened to grow as we walk further.

"Elisa, are you really sure about this?" She asked me as she started to scratch her itching skin, the grass started to gave her itchy sensation that also tingles in my skin. I tried so hard to cover anything but then I suddenly got wounds from the grass. Its actually itchy and stingy at the same time. And it's not working to just ignore it because its getting deeper and deeper until we reach the middle part.

"Elisa, are you still fine? Do you want me to cover you?" Sophia asked, I vigorously shook my head no. I mean, she have a baby in her womb and she need to make it more careful, specially I don't want to harm any of them. I love them so much that I can't really bear to see her running with me, getting her soft skin wounded with many stabs.

"What? Are you insane? No! I can handle myself, we need to run fast away from them. The sun is near its setting and we need to rush in to the sea. Besides, the baby... He need to be safe." I defended, I ran in to the tall grasses and then I burst in to the beautiful landscape. I stopped walking, they can't find us here. I knew that.

"So, were here now Sophia," I uttered as I look in to the beautiful waves crashing in to the sands.

"Wow, this is beautiful!" She mumbled and hugged her. My blood stained her skin, I wiped it away as she doesn't notice it. I walked in to the sands, my eyes landed in to my traces. Its so small and I bet they won't notice it.

"So, Elisa, how are we supposed to make the float?" Sophia asked me as I stare at the waves, its opposing my direction. I mean, I'm going away, but the waves will make me come back here.

"Let's forget about the float." I said as I look in to the other direction, I saw a silhouette of someone in to the sands because of the strong radiation of the sun. I sighed and act like I don't notice it and looked at Sophia who was now sitting down in the sands.

"Because I still want to spend the sunset with you." I sat down next to her, looked through the sands through my peripheral vision.

"Uhhh okay.." She said and then she looked at the sands, she hopped in the water and splashed herself.

I looked back in to the shadow, the shadow is now gone. It went in to differen location I think?

"Sophia!" I yelled as a hand snaked on my mouth, I am wiggling myself to escape but he never let me go.

As she called my name, a handkerchief wrapped around my nose, causing me to be nauseous degenerative enough to fight back. As I made my last breath, everything went black.



Patrick's POV

"Come on Patrick! I see you!" I heard Pete yelled, I smiled. I know I'm not good in hiding, specially when Pete was the one who supposed to find us.

I moved out from the shrubs, relocating myself so that Pete would never get a chance to see me. I also want to find where Elisa and Sophia was hiding.

"Gotcha!" Pete yelled as I popped in to his direction where he was standing. Pete was surely intelligent enough to use his mind. Joking. He was really good. I admit it.

"Bring me two dozens of pizza!" He cheered as he made his silly dance that just made me roll my eyes.

"Sure, I am defeated." I sighed just to make him comfortable, he laughed.

"Whatever you say Stump!"he obnoxiously laughed as he pat me on my back, I smiled.


"You ready for your death Elisa Yao?"

(Thank you for reading!)

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