Chapter 13: Liam the Beta

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Wasn't long till the cops got on the roof to investigate the incident. Sheriff Stilinski watches the helicopter shine it's spotlight on the roof of the hospital. He sighs and looks around, seeing Sean Walcott dead on the ground with a huge hole in his back from the axe.

He gestures at Parrish to come, "Hey, let's get everyone off the roof." He leans closer just for Parrish to hear. "And see if you can stall the ME for five minutes." Parrish gives him a weird look, "I've got an expert of my own coming to take a look." Sheriff adds.

"You have an expert on teenage cannibals?" Parrish asks, not believing a word.

"Five minutes, Parrish." He asks again, giving him a 'trust me' look.

Parrish sighs, not liking it but does as he is ordered to. With the roof cleared but Sheriff looks around.

Standing near the edge, Derek appears, "Hey."

Sheriff spots him, "Uh, I guess you've been there long enough to hear we need to be quick about this." He walks to stand next to Derek as he looks at the body of Sean. "Scott said he caught himself a wendigo." He couldn't believe he just said that.

"Cannibalistic shape-shifters. But I haven't heard of them in Beacon Hills for a long time. Must have been well-hidden." Derek says. Suddenly, he stops and looks at a blood stain at the edge of the roof. "How many people did Scott say were up here?" He asks.

"Just Sean, Josie, and the axe-murderer who apparently has no mouth. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" Sheriff asks.

Derek frowns in confusion, "There was someone else. Someone young. And male."

"You can smell his fear?" Sheriff asks.

Derek nods and turns to the Sheriff, "And his blood."

"By the way, Scott says he needs to talk to you later...something about Josie. Apparently, something happened when they were here." Sheriff says.

"What happened?" Derek asks, concerned.

That kinda surprised Sheriff, "He didn't say, but whatever it was, it managed to put her into shock, according to Stiles. If that didn't..." He points at Sean's body. "I don't know what did."

Derek nods, "I'll talk to them soon."


Stiles and Scott walks through Scott's house, "Like I said, I told my dad everything I could." Stiles says

"But you didn't tell him about Liam?" Scott asks

"You barely told me about Liam." Stiles scoffs.

They both stopped and see Josie lying on the couch, sleeping peacefully.

"She's finally asleep." Scott says.

"Is she ok? She looked really scared earlier." Stiles asks.

Scott sighs and runs his fingers through his hair, "I don't know. I called my mom about what happened and she talked to Josie's mom. Explaining as much as she could and that Josie will be staying over here till morning. Her mom didn't like it so much, but at the same time, she sounded relief in a way. Saying how she's glad she has friends to hang on to. Just not liking she's staying at her possible boyfriend's house."

"What exactly happened?" Stiles asks. "And, 'boyfriend'?" He stutters. Scott opens his mouth to explain but, Stiles mutters and waves it off.

Scott's brows lifted as tries to think, "Honestly, I don't even know. She was fighting Sean and I was trying to pull Liam off the ledge and when I rush to help her..." He stutters for a simpler explanation, "The wind blew him away." He says simply.

Stiles squints in confusion, "What?"

"I think Josie made the wind blow him away from her. It was like...watching dust tornadoes dance around her. He was literally thrown 10 feet away from her by the wind." Scott says.

"What is she, an air bender or something?" Stiles exclaims.

"I have no idea. And neither does she. We need to talk to Peter, as much as I hate to admit but, he seems to know more than us." Scott says. Scott goes to the lien closet and grabs another blanket, he gently places it over here, making sure she's warm enough. The shock really knocked her out. He kisses her gently over her lips, breathing in her scent.

"Ok, back to Liam." Stiles says and pulls him away. "What did you do with him anyway?" He asks as they head for the stairs.

"He's upstairs." Scott says.

"Doing what?" Stiles scoffs.

Scott was hesitant with his answer, "Lying down."

Stiles gave him an unbelievable look and both took off upstairs.

Scott pulls back his bathtub curtain and shows Liam wrapped up with duct tape and his mouth taped up. Liam was trying to talk, nodding his head at Scott to Stiles. Practically begging them to let him go. Stiles shakes his head in disbelief and shuts the curtains.

They both sit on the bed, Stiles pats his knees, "So you bit him."


"And you kidnapped him."


"And brought him here."

"I panicked."

"Yup. This isn't going to end with us burying the pieces of his body out in the desert, is it?"

They hear Liam cry in the bathroom.

"As a reminder, this is why I always come up with the plans. Your plans suck." Stiles say sarcastically

"I know." Scott says. "Which is why I called you. So, what do we do?" He asks.

Stiles sighs and tries to think.


Scott and stiles takes him out of the tub and sits him down on a chair. They both stand in front of him and Stiles leads,

"Liam, we're going to take the tape off your mouth. If you scream, it goes right back on. If you talk quietly, it stays off. Got it?" He asks.

Liam eyes them both and nods, "Okay." Stiles says and nods at Scott. He does it again and Scott had no idea what he meant. Stiles rolls his eyes and rips the tape off of Liam's mouth. Wincing with him. He throws the tape away and faces Liam.

"Okay, Liam, now you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight.  And more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Do you understand?" Stiles says.

"Not really." Liam gives him a confused look.

"Good. That's good." Stiles mutters.

"I don't understand either." Scott shakes his head.

"Maybe you should tell him." Stiles says, as he looks a Liam but points at Scott.

"Tell me what?" Liam asks.

"Liam What happened to you, what I did to you, which I had to do in order to save you," Scott was hesitant, "it's going to change you."

"Unless it kills you." Stiles says. "Shouldn't have said that."

"What?" Liam begins to panic.

"Uh. Uh-oh. Oh-oh. Is he Is he crying?" Stiles asks, in disbelief.

Liam starts to sob.

Scott kneels in front of Liam, "Liam, it's okay. You're going to be all right. You're not going to die."

"Probably not." Stiles kneels next to Scott.

"Stop it."

"Okay, possibly not."

"Would you just help me untie him? Liam? Are you okay? We're sorry about that."

"We're really sorry."

Liam keeps his eyes to the floor and turns to grab the chair and hits Scott with the chair.

Stiles takes cover and Scott is groaning on the floor.

"Liam, what the hell is your..?" Liam goes up to Stiles and punches him in the face. "Ah!"

Liam jumps over them and runs into the hallway but skids to a halt as he realizes his ankle feels better. Like it wasn't broken at all. He shakes it off but turns and sees Stiles and Scott run out of the room, Stiles wincing in pain from the punch as he keeps one eye open.

"Get him." Stiles yells.

They both run and grab Liam. All were screaming as they fall down the stairs into a pile.

Josie jumps awake and sees Stiles and Scott wrestling and Liam takes off through the door.

"Leg! I got him! I got him! I got him, I got him!" Stiles yells but stops when he realizes he's holding Scott's leg. Scott roughly shoves him away and they both sit up to see the front door wide open.

"Your plan sucked, too." Scott's voice was laced with panic.

"What's going on?" Josie asks, voice groggily with sleep. They both look up at her, trying to come up with something, no words came out. She looks at them weirdly and waits for something.


At Derek's loft, the alarm started to go off. Peter walks through the loft and shuts it off, the lights were off, the only light was the moon and city lights shining through the large windows.

"Derek, you here?" Peter calls out as he looks through notes from Braedon. He goes over information based on Kate and Josie. He needed a plan. He needed more about Josie. But, his money was more important. Josie will be next. "Derek!" He yells again.

Suddenly, a loud whooshing sound comes from the shadows. With a loud grunt, Peter feels something pierce his chest. Looking down, he sees a tomahawk sticking out of his chest with the notes attached to it. Gasping, he falls to his knees and on to his back. Emerging from the shadows was the no mouth assassin. He walks slowing towards Peter, hovering over him.

"Derek." Peter whispers.

The no-mouth types on to his text to speech technology and a computer voice speaks, "Don't worry, Peter. Derek's next."


Josie stayed over at Scott's and Stiles went home after they lost Liam. She couldn't sleep much anyway. She couldn't stop staring at her hands. What did she do? Could she do it again? She wonders.

"Hey." A hand touches her shoulder.

She jumps and sees Scott holding two bags. One obviously had clothes and the other, she didn't know.

"Sorry. You startled me." She sighs.

Scott gives her a small smile and sits next to her, "Your mom came by. I told her you were asleep and I made sure she knew you slept on the couch. She looked worried, but I think she trusts me." He says.

Josie smiles, "Who wouldn't not trust this face?" She teases and squeezes his chin. She laughs as he rolls his eyes.

"Are you ok though?" He asks as he gives her a serious look.

She sighs and shrugs, "I don't know. I don't even know what I did. Was that even me? Did I do that?" She asks.

It was Scott's turn to shrug, "Honestly, it looked that way. We will figure something out. I promise." He wraps an arm around her and brings her close to hug her and kiss her forehead. He leans closer to kiss her but she moves away.

"Morning breath." She covers her mouth.

He chuckles, "It smells fine. But, to make you feel better..." He hands her the bags. "Your mom brought you clothes and a tooth brush."

Josie praises her mom, "God bless her." She laughs and gets up to head to the bathroom.

Scott smiles and watches her. His heart swells as he hears her hum happily. Then it jumps when he hears the water going. He mutters to himself, 'I won't think of her naked. I won't think of her naked.' He groans when did.

(Josie's outfit ^^^^^)

After the shower, Josie dries her hair and brushes it. She runs her fingers through her black locks and shakes it. She sighs and reaches to grab her tooth brush. She turns on the water and slabs toothpaste on the toothbrush but as she moves it to the water, the water moved away. Frowning in confusion, she tries again, and the water moved again. She carefully places the toothbrush on the side of the sink and reaches to touch the water. It moved again. Josie's breath starts to pick up as she cups her hands in the water and watches the water fall into her hand, but, it was barely touching her. How come in the shower, she had no trouble but here when she's brushing her teeth, this happens. She carefully brings the water up over the sink. It makes soft gurgling noises and sloshes against her hands. She slowly moves one hand and all of the sudden, it moves in the air falling into her other hand. It didn't spill. She decides to try something. So she concentrates and tries to make the water stand. Like a snake, the water slide up and stood in the air, swirling around like a serpent.

"Oh, my god." She gasps. "Scott!" She calls out.

Scott perks up and runs towards the bathroom door, when he opens it, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Panting in excitement yet fear, Josie holds up the water over the sink, "I have no idea how I'm doing this." She exclaims.

She looks over to him, but when she took her attention off the water, it splashes back into the sink, water getting everywhere.

She gasps and backs away but, water got on her jeans. She laughs in surprise, "That was...weird! But, amazing!" She exclaims.

Scott couldn't get a word out, he just stares at her in shock.

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