Chapter 14: Full Moon Party

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Stiles drops a big brown bag and unzips it, pulling out leather cuffs and chains with padlocks. He smiles and holds them out, but Malia stares at him in annoyance.

"I hate full moons." She says.

Stiles sighs, "It's going to get easier. I promise."

"It better." She picks up the leather cuff and exams the damage from the past. "Because this isn't going to hold much longer." She says.

"Well, then let's try and make tonight the last time we have to use these. Besides, we might need them for Liam." He says.

"You guys sure he's going to turn into a werewolf?" Malia asks, worried about the outcome.

"We're not even sure if he's going to live." He starts to put the leather cuff on Malia's wrist and tests it on her without realizing his father Sheriff Stilinski walks by and stops in the doorway with a worried look. "Is that too tight?" Stiles asks.

Malia shakes her head, "No."

Stiles looks and sees his dad, "Hey." He says, like nothing was out of the ordinary till he realizes he's cuffing his girlfriend in front of his dad. "Um That's...This is not what you think at all." He stutters.

Sheriff had a look of exasperation on his face as he holds his hands up, "I don't even want to know." And he walks away.

"There is nothing to know, 'cause I just..." Stiles calls out and his voice trails off in stutters.

"I don't get it." Malia says, confused.

"Told him that." Stiles points out.

Stiles' phone rings and he reaches over to pick it up, his caller ID said Scott.

"What's up?" He answers. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. What?"

Malia looks at Stiles in confusion.

"Josie did what?!" He exclaims.


Later, in Biology, Lydia and Kira were trying to figure out Lydia's math notes. Lydia looks over on her laptop in confusion as she skims through her 'notes'.

"These are your math notes? No wonder Malia's failing." Kira says as she looks over at the notes.

"Um, some of them are my notes.
The rest I think might actually be a code." Lydia says.

"But you don't remember writing it?" Kira asks.

"Not in the slightest." Lydia shakes her head. "But considering my drawing of a tree led us to the Nemeton, I should probably figure out what it means before it tries to kill us." She says, sarcastically.

"Maybe it's like the Enigma Code the Allies used. Remember my dad was a World War II buff? And my mom was, well In it." Kira suggests.

"I think it's a variation on something called the Vigènere Cipher." Lydia pouts her lips as she thinks.

"Do you know how to crack it?" Kira asks.

"With a key." Lydia says. lo and behold, house keys were placed near her face as her mom stands before her. Lydia reaches for the keys but her mom snatches them away.

"Remember the rules. No more than six people allowed in the lake house. Stay out of the wine. And if anything gets broken, it's getting added to your credit card debt." Her mom states.

"Fine. But, mom, we're adding one more person if that's ok. Scott is inviting the new girl, Josie Thompson, is that ok?" Lydia asks.

Her mom was about to say 'no' but Lydia cuts her off, "Please, she won't doing anything wrong and I promise you she doesn't drink or smoke. You know her anyway, we were friends in middle school. Till she moved."

Mrs. Martin looks at her confusingly, "Josie Thompson? Oh! That sweet little girl who is deaf? Well..." She thinks and watches Lydia and Kira's faces turn worried. "OK, she can go too but that's it!" She states. She was about to give her the keys again but took them away, "And lock up the basement. From all the scratch marks I found on the walls, it looked like a pack of wild animals got down there." She says and hands Lydia the keys.

Lydia gives her a forced smile and looks over at Kira worriedly.


Scott, Stiles, and Josie makes it to school, Josie hops off Scott's bike and Stiles gets out of his jeep.

"The water just literately wiggled in the air?" Stiles exclaims as he walks up to them.

Josie read his lips, but it was a little hard since he spoke a little fast. She managed to catch what he said, "More like slither. Like a snake. It was weird. Like how it was with the wind." She says.

"We really need to talk to Peter. Or why not Deaton? He knows as much as Peter does and he's less of a dick. I actually like Deaton more." Stiles says exasperatedly.

They stop and see Liam talking to his friend, Mason, and starts to take off.

"I'll go around and we'll corner him off." Stiles says and takes off.

Scott holds on to her hand as they paced to get to Liam.

They catch up with him as he goes into the school.

"Liam, hey!" Stiles comes out around the corner and gets in front of him.

"We need to talk."Scott says.

"No, you need to back the hell up, okay? All of you." He says.

"Can you just listen for one second?" Scott begs. "Please?"

Liam scoffs and holds his hands out in an impatient gesture that says 'well?'

Scott swallows a hard lump,"Liam," He's hesitant. "We're brothers now."

Liam gives him a weird look like he was crazy, "What?!"

"Oh, God. That's..." Stiles rolls his eyes.

"What are you talking about? We just met and you bit me." Liam looks at Scott and Stiles like they were both crazy.

"The bite...The bite is a gift." Scott tries again.

"Scott, stop. Please stop." Stiles throws his hands up in the air and stands next to Scott, and begins pointing at Liam. "You, you, we're trying to help you, you little runt."

"By kidnapping me?"

"Just to clarify, Scott kidnapped you. Okay? I aided and abetted."

Josie holds a hand up, "And I was passed out. I had no knowledge." She says.

"Liam, I've gone through this before." Scott says. "Something's happening to you. Something big."

Liam shakes his head, "Nothing's happening to me." He rips off his bandage and shows his arm. No bite, no scar. He was completely healed. "Nothing." Then he leaves.

Scott and Stiles both had a worried look, Josie rubs Scott's hand in comfort but he couldn't help but be worried.

"I'm guessing the disappearance of the bite is a bad thing." She says.

Stiles rubs his face in frustration and nods at her, "Defiantly bad."


Around in the middle of school, Scott, Stiles, and Josie met up with Malia, Kira, and Lydia to discuss about the lake house for the full moon tonight.

"I'm not sharing my basement." Malia complains.

"Actually, it's my basement." Lydia points out. "And my mom noticed how you tore it up last time."

"All right, she's still learning." Stiles scoffs.

"But, we're going to use the boathouse for Liam." Scott says as he keeps Josie close to him. "It's got support beams. We can chain him to one of them."

"But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us?" Kira asks.

"I  say if it keeps him from murdering someone we chloroform the little  bastard and throw him in the lake." Stiles suggest, sarcastically.

"I'm in." Malia raises her hand.

"We're not killing or kidnapping him." Scott protests.

"Then let's be smarter." Josie suggests.

"We tell him there's a party and invite him." Lydia fills in for her.

"Exactly. Want to get the attention of a freshman, wave a party invite in their face by a hot girl and, boom, trap snared." Josie says.

"So, you're going to ask out a freshman?" Stiles asks Lydia.

"No, I'm done with teenage boys." She says. Stiles looks over to Josie.

She scoffs, "Are you kidding me?" She gives him a wtf look. Scott growls and wraps his arms around Josie's waist. Josie giggles and pats his arms in comfort.

Stiles holds up his arms, "Sorry, I just..."

"But, if we're playing a trick on someone, we'll have to use the trickster." Lydia says as she looks over at Kira.

"Who? Me? No way." Everyone looked at Kira. "Not me." She shakes her head.

"Yes, you." Lydia says, ignoring her protests.

"You know what they call a female fox?" Josie asks, smiling.

"A vixen." Lydia says.

"Me?" Kira asks, incredulous

"You can do it, Kira." Josie places a hand on Kira's shoulder.

"Be a vixen." Lydia smirks. Kira bites her bottom lip, unsure about everything.

Later, the school bell rings and everyone was leaving class. Including Liam and Mason.

Suddenly, Liam stops in his tracks, caught in a web of desire as Kira makes her way down the stairs in front of him.

"Liam." Mason tries to snap him out. "Liam."

But, he couldn't escape her gaze. She gives him a sexy smile as she slowly struts down the steps. But, she misses one and falls in front of him.

Liam gasps, and runs to help her. He gets on his knees in front of her, "Are you okay?"

Kira blows a stray of hair out of her face, "Yeah. Fine." She props on her elbow, trying to look sexy again in front of him. She giggles and smiles, "You want to go to a party tonight?"

Liam raises his brows and looks at her in surprise.


Kira drove Liam to the party, trying to strike a conversation, hoping maybe to distract him, but Liam looked very uncomfortable. Almost in pain. He looks at the radio, annoyed with the volume of the music.

"It's Lydia Martin's lake house. Actually, it's her grandmother's lake house. But she's dead, so it's okay. I mean, it's not okay that she's dead. Unless she was in pain." Kira babbles.

"Can you turn the music down?" He growls. But, the music, suddenly, goes down by itself. He couldn't explain it.

"You want me to turn the music up?" She asks, and turns it up just a little.

"Who'd you say was coming to this party?" He changes the subject.

"Um, Everyone." She says.

(Josie's changes of clothes ^^^^)

Earlier, Josie had to change clothes as she got home. She wasn't sure what would happen anyway and she wanted to make sure she was comfortable and able to run. She had no trouble with asking her mom to stay at Lydia's. She seems to trust Josie and knows she can defend herself. Scott is on her good side and from the looks of what she saw when she first met him, he seems like he really likes her and Melissa has assured her that Scott would never harm her in anyway.

They both finally arrive to the Lake house, Scott helps Josie off the motorcycle and he gets off and takes the helmets.

"I just talked to Kira. She's on her way. She said it's all going fine." He says as he sees their worried looks.

"It's not that." Stiles says. "I have to tell you something. I asked around about Liam. I know why he got kicked out of his last school." He says.

Josie and Scott look at Stiles with worry, "This is going to be bad, isn't it?" Scott says.

"He kind of got into it with one of his teachers." Stiles takes out his cell and starts opening a picture. "And The kid's got some serious anger issues."

"How serious?" Josie asks.

"Well, that's his teacher's car." Stiles shows them a picture of a beaten down car with windows broken and words carved into the side saying 'This is your fault.'

"After he took a crowbar to it." Stiles adds.

Scott and Josie look at each other with worry, but Scott was more worried. More for Josie's safety. Not to mention Kira's.


Kira and Liam finally arrives and everyone waits for them to move inside.

"Where is everyone?" Liam asks as he looks around.

"They're here." She says. She tries to think of something, "It's a small party."

"You said everyone was coming." He says.

"They are...They're late. And we're early." She reaches and pulls his arm to go inside. "So we better hurry. Yay! Party."

They go in and standing in the room was Scott, Josie, Malia, Lydia, and Stiles.

Liam faces Kira and she shuts the door, "Sorry." She looks at him, guilty.

He scoffs and faces Scott and the others, "What the hell is this?"

"Think of it like an intervention." Stiles speaks up. "You have a problem, Liam."

"And we're the only ones that can help." Scott says.

Malia frowns and looks down, feeling something. That's not suppose to be there then she looks over at Josie, "Scott, didn't you say you felt more in control when Josie was near?"

Scott looks at her, "Uh, yeah? Why? We're kinda..." He says pointing at Liam.

"I feel settled. Like....everything is normal. It's like, I'm calm." She says.

Scott frowns and looks at Josie in confusion.

"Josie, move away from Malia for a minute." He says as he pulls her away to stand a few feet away from her. Malia starts to growl lowly and feel the coyote rising.

"Bring her back over here." She says, roughly. Josie runs back over to her and Malia takes a breath of relief.

"What does that mean?" Stiles asks.

"I don't know, but, first things first." He says and faces Liam again who looked at everyone in confusion.

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