Chapter 3: New friends and Old Friends

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Lydia was dozing off on a chair at the animal clinic and slowly begins to wake up.  First thing she sees is Deaton hovering over Derek with an alarmed face. 

"How's he doing?" She gets up quickly and stands on the other side of the table.

"His heart rate is alarmingly high." Deaton says as takes off the stethoscope.

Lydia takes Derek's hands in hers, "He's a lot warmer now." She says, praising the small difference.

Deaton grabs some gloves and a scalpel, "Lydia, I'm going to try something.  I want you to keep holding his hand if that's okay."  Lydia nods and keeps holding on to Derek.  She watches Deaton slice a long deep cut into Derek's arm.  Strangely, the wound began to heal as fast as he was cutting him. 

"That looks like it healed really fast." Lydia says, looking startled as Deaton was. 

"Unusually fast."  He was even more baffled than this morning.  He removes the gloves and throws them away.

"What does it mean?"  Lydia asks. 

"I'm not sure."  Deaton scratches his head.  "Let's try something else.  Grab me a five milliliter syringe.  Top drawer."  He points at the surgical drawers while he grabs something from the cabinets.

When the two of them turned back to Derek, they were faced with a very conscious Derek, half transformed.  Glowing blue eyes filled with anger, confusion, fear.  His canines bursting from his mouth.  Growling lowly at Lydia and Deaton. 

"Derek. Derek, are you all right? Derek? Derek, are you all right? Derek?" Lydia calls out to Derek but it was almost like he couldn't hear her.  Like he couldn't recognize her.  He didn't know where he was, why he was there? 

"Wait. Derek? Derek? Derek? Derek? Derek?" Deaton tries, holding Lydia back, protecting her and holds one arm up in front of him.

Derek covers his ears in frustration and growls at Deaton.  With a swipe of his claws, he strikes at Deaton.  Injuring him and takes off running out the door.


Josie got tired of roaming the town so she decided to take a stroll through the woods.  She smiles at the loving memories she had in these woods with her friends.  It was fun playing hide and seek.  Climbing the trees.  If memory served her correctly, there was a family here.  The Hales.  She never met them but heard weird rumors.  Maybe she could make a friend. 

Josie sees a butterfly and quietly tiptoes to take a perfect shot. 


Josie smiles and watches it fly away.  She always loved the nature.  It was peaceful and homey.  Sighing, she walks farther into the woods then stops when she comes across a gated foundation.  It looks like there was a fire.  This must have been the Hale house.  She wondered what happened.   Trucks were around.  Maybe they were going to rebuild she wasn't sure.  Fizgig whines and bops his head against her leg.  She gives him a pet then lifts her camera and takes a picture. 

She sees from the corner of her eye a young boy walking towards the foundation.  His eyes were filled with shock, sadness.  Lost and broken.  She watches him walk up to the gate with a huge 'No Trespassing' sign and just tears open the gate.  She watches in shock as he just easily opened the gate.  Maybe it wasn't built right.  Who knows.  Josie watches him look around, like he couldn't believe what he was seeing.  Who was he? He drops to his knees and curls up, grabbing a piece of the foundation.  He looked like he was ready to cry.  She looks down and sees Fizgig in attack mode, she suspects he was growling, too.

"Excuse me?" Josie calls out and walks up to the gate. 

He looks up and sees her, scowls then goes back to looking around, "Leave me alone."  Of course, Josie didn't know he said anything. 

"I don't think you're supposed to be here.  Hence the sign."  She points at the sign on the gate.  

He turns back to her, "Just leave me alone, ok?"  He snarls.  That, Josie got.  He eyes her carefully and at Fizgig as well.  Fizgig snarls at Derek then hides behind Josie's legs.

"I would but, you look like you need someone to talk to."  She says as she walks into the gate and close to him.  "Stay, Fiz."

Derek sighs in defeat then looks around, "What happened?"  He asks.  He jolts when he feels a hand on his shoulder. 

"Sorry.  I was trying to tell you I'm deaf, I didn't hear what you said."  She says as she kneels next to him. 

"Oh.  Sorry."  He says, he sniffles a little and rubs his nose, "What happened here?"  He gestures at the foundation. 

Josie sighs, "I don't know honestly.  I just moved here.  I'm Josie." She holds her hand out. 

He eyes her carefully, but he felt he could trust her, "Derek."  He shakes her hand.  "I lived here."  He adds.  

"You lived here?  Are you a Hale?"  She asks. 

He nods, "I just want to find my family."  He says sadly. 

Her heart broke for him, she places a hand over his that he had set on his knee.  He looks at her hand then at her.

"Maybe I can help." She gives him a friendly smile.

He was about to speak till he frowns over her shoulder. She looks over and sees a cop truck pulling up. Good, maybe they can help.

Derek turns back to the foundation and picks at the wood. 

Two policemen exits the truck and heads towards the two of them. 

"Maybe they can help, too" Josie suggests to Derek.  He shakes his head in disagreement. 

"Excuse me, young man, lady?" One calls out. 

"You're calling them young man and lady?" The other scoffs.

"Shut up, Haigh."  The other says then turns back to Derek and Josie.  Josie watches his lips carefully.  "Sorry, but you can't be here." He says.

Josie gets up and brushes the dirt off her, "Sorry, I was just trying to help my friend."  She says, gesturing at Derek. 

The two cops waited for Derek to get up too but he didn't move much. 

"Hey, dumbass." Haigh says. 

Derek looks at him, anger and annoyance written all over his face. 

"You ever heard of no trespassing?"  Haigh continues. 

"This is my house."  Derek says.

"Nobody's been here for years, kid." Haigh hooks his thumbs over his belt.  "Now, get the hell out of here.  You and your little girlfriend." 

Parrish holds his hand up at his friend, telling him to back off, "Haigh.  Maybe a slightly gentler touch?" 

Haigh rolls his eyes and scoffs. 

Parrish looks over at Derek, showing he's not gonna harm him, giving him a friendly face, "Are you all right?  We can help you if something is wrong."  he says. 

Derek looks over at him, sadness taking over again, "What happened to my house?  Where's my family?  Where's my mother?"  He begs.

Josie kneels next to him, "It's going to be ok.  We'll find them.  I promise."  She says. 

"All right, let's go." Haigh roughly pushes Josie away and yanks on Derek's arm to pull him up.  "Now."

"Hey! Haigh, that was unnecessary."  Parrish frowns at his partner. 

Derek snatches his arm out of Haigh's grip and grabs his arm instead, crushing his arm in a tight grip that had Haigh in shock and pain. 

"He just wants to find his family.  You don't have to be a dick." Josie growls out as she gets up. 

"Hold on, just take it easy." Parrish tries to calm Derek and Josie down. 

Derek lets go of Haigh and turns to Parrish. 

"Haigh would you...Don't! Wait!  Haigh, stand down!"  Josie watches in horror as Haigh tasers Derek. 

Derek collapses on to the ground in pain. 

"Why did you do that?!"  Josie gets down on the ground next to Derek.  "Derek, are you ok?"  She asks, holding him close. 

"Ok, you and your boyfriend are going with us."  Haigh says as he roughly yanks her up.

"Ow!  Stop it!  You're hurting me!" Josie cries out.

"Haigh! Let her go!" Parrish shouts at him. 

"Look, rookie!  You only been in town for a few months.  This is how the pros do it.  Now, let's go." Haigh says as he pulls Josie to the truck.

Fizgig snarls from where he sat and takes off running towards Haigh.  He lept at the officer, bitting down on his hand. 

Haigh cries out in pain, "Ah! Get this mutt off me!" He pushes Fizgig off him and kicks him hard in the ribs.  Fizgig cries out and takes off running. 

"Fizgig!  You jerk!"  Josie yanks her arm from his grip but he was holding her way too tight. 

"Shut up!" Haigh pushes her into the truck and shuts the door.  He shakes his hand in pain and looks at the bite. 

"Doesn't look too bad, you shouldn't have done that in the first place.  He was just trying to protect his owner."  Parrish says as he pointing out what just happened. 

"It was just a dumb animal.  Next time I see that dog, I'm shooting it."  Haigh growls out as he helps Parrish carry Derek into the truck. 

Before long, Josie and Derek were in cuffs, sitting on the bench in the police station.  Josie was rubbing her arm and winced in pain.  Worry was filling her heart for Fizgig, she was scared to death where he could be and how hurt he was after being kicked.  She feels a hand on her shoulder and looks over at Derek.

"Thanks.  For trying to help."  He says. 

She smiles, "No worries.  Anyone would possibly do the same." She says.

He shakes his head, "Not for a Hale."  He smirks. 

She laughs, and he chuckles. "Um, I'm sorry about your dog.  I'm sure he's ok." He adds.

She sighs sadly, "I hope so.  He's my best friend." She says.  Josie feels someone coming and sees Parrish making his way over to them. 

Derek leans and rests his elbows on his knees.

"The other deputy thinks I'm an idiot for even asking but I have a feeling if I take these cuffs off, you're going to be ok?"  He says. "And I think you'll help us figure out what happened to your family so that we can get you out of here.  Am I right?"  He specifically asks Derek.

They both nod.

Parrish gets his keys and uncuffs them both. 

Josie rubs her wrist and frowns at the bruise, "In town for more than a day and a half and I'm already arrested."  She mutters.

"Don't worry.  No charges will be filed.  What's your name?"  Parrish asks but Josie wasn't looking so she didn't know he said anything.

Derek catches that and looks at Parrish, "She's deaf." He says.

"Oh."  Then Parrish taps on her leg to get her attention, "What is your name?"  He asks as he signs (I don't know if Parrish can sign, but some cops do.)

Josie breathed a sigh of relief to see another signing, "I'm Josie." She signs back. 

"Josie.  What's your last name?"  Parrish signs. 

"Thompson.  I just moved here.  I was only trying to help.  I was looking around and saw the foundation.  I love taking pictures and thought it was ok.  Then, I saw Derek and he told me he used to live there and he just wanted to find his family.  What happened to the Hale house?"  She signs. 

"What did she say?"  Derek asks. 

Parrish sighs, "Her name is Josie Thompson.  She moved here a few days ago and she was telling me what happened before we got there." 

"The other deputy is an idiot by the way."  Derek adds. 

"Can't argue with that." Parrish chuckles. 

"Parrish, get over here!" Haigh calls out. 

Josie watches them, she couldn't make out what Haigh was saying but she catches Parrish's confusion.

"Derek Hale?"  He looks at the screen. 

An older looking cop walks by and joins them, "Did you say Derek Hale?"  He looks at the screen then at Derek.  He does it again then walks to stand in front of him, really looking at him. 
He almost looked like he knew him, but was confused.

Then two boys run in, stopping at the door, looking at the older cop in guilt and one had a funny look. 


"Stiles?!"  Josie exclaims. 

"Uh, yeah?"  Stiles say in confusion.

"Oh, my god!"  Josie runs and hugs him tight.  Stiles had his arms awkwardly spread out. 

"Uh, do I know you?"  He asks. 

Josie lets go of him, smiling big, "It's me! Josie Thompson?  4th grade, Mrs. Wilson's class.  You fell into a fountain at the mall when you were busy lusting over Lydia Martin?"  Stiles gave her a weird, confused look. 

Sighing exasperatedly, "The weird deaf girl?"  She rolls her eyes.

"Oh! Josie!  Wow! You!" He realizes at last.  "What are you doing here?"  He asks, scratching his neck.

"I just moved back.  I missed you and Lydia.  How are you guys?"  She asks. 

"Well, we're...pretty good.  Um, this is Scott by the way."  He points at Scott behind him who had a look of curiosity, admiration, and  he found himself smiling, a real genuine smile.  He hasn't smiled like that since...since Allison. 

"I'm Scott."  He says, reaching out to shake her hand. 

"Josie." She says, she takes his hand and gasps softly at sparks as they touched.  Shaking it off, she looks at him again.  "Wait, I think I remember you.  We never officially met.  I was more friends with Lydia.  But, I do remember Stiles and I remember he always hanged with you.  It's so good to see familiar faces back in town."  Then Josie just realized.  "Wait.  Scott McCall.  You're mom is Melissa, right?"  She asks.

"Yeah." He says.

"I need to thank your mom so much.  She's part of the reason why we moved back.  She helped my mom score a job at the hospital." She smiles big.

"Oh, really?  Wow, that's awesome."  Scott smiles.  Stiles eyes his smile, he was honestly shocked by it.  His friend was almost happy.  He looked at Josie then back at Scott.  Swaying on his heels and popping his hands together awkwardly.

"As much as I want to watch this love connection go on, but you two, " The sheriff points out to Stiles and Scott. "My office.  Now." He waves them to follow as he paces into the office. 

Josie blushes and pushes back a black strand of hair over her ear.  Scott awkwardly scratches his head and points that he had to go.  Josie laughs and nods.  Scott's heart started to flutter.  That laugh.  Those eyes.  No, he can't get involved again.  It's too dangerous.  But, ugh, he was so confused.  Sheriff Stilinski roughly pulls him into his office and slams the door. 

Well?  What do you think?  Please leave comments of your thoughts.  Please?  I'm begging for a frigging comment here lol.  Lots of love ~Song~

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