Chapter 4: Is this a sign?

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(Fizgig up above ^^^^)
Scott and Stiles stood nervously in front of Sheriff Stilinski as he paces his office.  Then, finally he sits on the edge of his desk in front of them, facing them. 

"I want you to be honest with me."  He points at both of them.  "Absolutely and completely honest.  Have you been time traveling?" 

Stiles shakes his head in confusion, "Hang on, what?"

"Because if time traveling is real, you know what? I'm done.  I'm out."  Sheriff flings his arms around in frustration.  "You're gonna be driving me to Eichen House." 

"We found him like that."  Scott says.

"Where?  Swimming in the fountain of youth?!"  Sheriff exclaims.

"No.  We found him buried in a tomb of wolfsbane in an Aztec temple in Mexico underneath of church in the middle of a town that was destroyed by an earthquake."  Stiles simple says.

Scott closes his eyes in realization that Stiles just blabbed more than he should have. 

"You told me you were camping!" Sheriff says accusingly. 

"Yeah, we Mexico."  Stiles points out, guilt covering his face.

Sheriff was pointing at Stiles in such anger, it's amazing that steam wasn't pouring through his ears, he couldn't even get a word out. 

"Derek's been aged backwards.  He can't remember anything."  Scott changes the subject.

"We just need to talk to him." Stiles says.

Sheriff sits back on the edge of his desk, "Yeah, well, so far he's not talking to anybody.  Besides the girl he came with." 

Scott looks and sees Derek chatting with Josie.  She was laughing as she was trying to show him how to sign.  He was in shock to see Derek laughing as well.

"Dude, Derek's laughing." Stiles says, shocked as Scott was. 

He watches Josie holding Derek's hand, showing him a sign.  Scott felt jealous a little.  He frowns at himself.  Why would he be jealous?  Josie lets go of his hand and Derek does a sign that has her cheering.  Scott chuckles at the sight, she looked so cute. 

"We should talk to him."  Stiles snaps Scott out of his trance. 

Scott clears his throat and awkwardly sighs, "Yeah.  Let's go talk to him."

After spending 15 minutes convincing Derek they should trust him, they finally got him on their side.  They were about to leave, but Derek stops them.

"We should at least give Josie a lift.  She did help me out." He says, gesturing at her. 

"No way.  I don't have any room." Stiles says, throwing his hands up.

"That's your jeep right?" Derek points out.

"Yeah, but we don't have time to make pit stops."  Stiles says, shrugging. 

"Derek, it's ok.  I can call my mom.  I need to go find Fizgig and make sure he's ok."  She says getting up and grabbing her bag.

"Who's Fizgig?"  Scott asks. 

"Her dog.  Deputy Dumb-ass over there kicked him when he was trying to protect her from him."  He motions at Haigh who was on his computer, frowning.  Obviously hearing everything.

"You kicked a dog?" Sheriff looks over at Haigh, furious at him. 

"He bit me!" He shows his bandaged hand. 

"You grabbed me!" Josie points out. 

"We should help her at least.  I owe her that much."  Derek says. 

Scott was about to say something but he hears something coming.  Panting, whimpering, a dog collar shaking.  Scott walks out and sees a black and white husky coming to towards the sheriff station.  Sniffing the ground.  Derek and Stiles follows him. 

"That's Fizgig."  Derek says.  Derek lets out a loud whistle and beckons Fizgig to come. 

Whimpering, Fizgig limped quickly towards him and barks when he sees Josie.

She gasps when she sees him, "Fizgig! Come here boy!"  She calls out. 

When he reaches her, he collapses on the pavement, whimpering. 

Scott frowns and feels around, wincing when he feels a broken bone, "His rib's broken.  We should take him to Deaton. He's a local vet." 

Derek turns to Josie, "We're gonna take him to the vet.  His rib is broken." 

Her heart broke.  Her best friend was hurt cause of that cop. 

She gets up and goes back into the police station.

"Stiles, put him in the jeep.  I'll see where she's going."  Scott says.  Stiles tried to protest but Scott was already gone.

"What?"  Haigh rolls his eyes as Josie stands in front of his desk.  Panting in anger.

"Are you stupid or what?  Hey, kid, you need to get your retarded girlfriend a leash."  He growls. 

"I'm deaf, you dick!" She growls. 

"Ok, ok.  Enough."  Sheriff throws his hands in between them.  "Haigh, I'm docking your pay for injuring her pet.  Parrish told me exactly what happen, and evidence says the same.  So, next time, let go of the girl."  He says.

"Should have shot the flea ridden mutt."  Haigh mutters but Josie caught that. 

She starts signing furiously at him then moves towards Scott.

"What the hell did she say?" Haigh gestures at Josie.

Parrish's jaw dropped in shock, "Uh, I don't think my vocabulary is that colorful." 

"Why you little..." Haigh gets up towards Josie quickly but Sheriff pushes him back and Josie and Scott take off running out the door.

Josie walks towards the jeep but feels Scott pull her back gently, "What exactly did you say to him?"  He asks. 

Giggling slyly, "I don't think I can repeat that.  Just signing it made me blush." 

Scott chuckles and walks with her towards the jeep. 

"Scott, this is a bad idea."  Stiles protests.

Derek carefully places Fizgig into the jeep and pets his fur gently.

"We can't just not help. Derek trusts her more than us also. She could help us with him. Look, remember he said he's been having trouble controlling? Look at him, he seems to be more in control when she's around. And...this might seem strange, I feel a lot more in control too. Ever more than when I was with Alison." He says. Wincing a little when he says her name.

Stiles look at how calm Derek seemed talking to Josie, he didn't even seem like his stiff, gruff self. He looks almost normal.

"Josie always been like that. Some people easily liked her but when they found out about her being deaf, they started bullying her. Calling her weird and all. Lydia was the only one who got the bullies off her till she moved. People were spreading rumors that she left cause her mom got tired of her or she moved cause of the bullying. I don't really remember much about her." Stiles say.

"She's definitely different. A good different." Scott says. He pats Stiles' back, "Drop us off at the clinic and take Derek to my house. After we get Fizgig checked out, I'm going to go talk to the guy we should have gone to before."

Stiles groans, "Uh, yeah, I hate that guy." He says sarcastically. Stiles gets into the car and jumps when he sees Derek sitting in the front passenger's seat and Scott sits in the back with Josie and Fizgig. "Ok. Riding with Derek in front. Super." He buckles up but stops and turns to look at Josie, "By the way, Fizgig?" He asks incredulous.

"What?" She shrugs. "I was a Jim Henson fan growing up."

Scott smiles at her innocence. She seemed like a child at heart, but more mature than a normal teenager.

He reaches to tap for her attention, "How old are you?" He asks.

She laughs, "Did you seriously ask a girl her age?" She teases.

"Well..." He chuckles awkwardly.

"You never ask a girl her age, Scott." Derek mutters.

"I'm 17." Josie says. "Why do you wanna know?"

"Just curious because you just seem so much more...mature. I mean not that I'm calling you old. I mean, how the way you handled everything. How you...I...."

"Just jump out of the car why don't you?" Stiles rolls his eyes while Derek face palms himself.

Pretty soon, they made it to the vet.  Lydia was already gone with Kira.  Stiles took off with Derek as soon as they got Fizgig out of the jeep. 

Scott held Fizgig down as Deaton exams him. 

Scott rubs Fizgig's head as Deaton wraps an Ace bandage tape around his body tightly.  Fizgig whimpers then licks Scott's face.  Scott chuckles and scratches his ears.  Josie watches and smiles, Fizgig usually never like people.  He was always iffy.  But he seems to connect with Scott.  She loves that Fizgig approves.  Deaton finishes the wrap and beckons her to come to them. 

"So, give it to me straight, doc."  She whines and scrunches her face up while she signs.

Deaton chuckles, "Well, Fizgig is going to be fine.  The deputy didn't kick him hard enough to pierce the lung but, the rib, it is cracked.  Just keep the wrap on him and he should be find within the next few weeks."  Deaton pets Fizgig and Fizgig lets out a soft bark. 

Josie smiles big, "Thank you so much!" She lets out a big sigh of relief. 

After paying the bill, which was a generous amount, Josie begins to leave but Scott stops her.

"I could give you a lift.  I'm pretty sure Fizgig wouldn't want to walk all the way home and it can get dangerous at night."  He suggests. 

Josie smiles, "You're way too sweet, you know that?"  She blushes. 

"Just being a gentleman." He smiles.  He turns but Deaton throws him a set of keys. 

"Take the van.  Get her home safely then do what you need to do." Deaton gives him a 'you know what' look. 

Scott nods and helps Josie get Fizgig into the van.  She gives him her address  and they head on to her place.  They chatted a little on the way, amazed how much they had in common. 

"How can you like music if you're deaf?  Is that ok to ask?" Scott asks hesitantly.

She reassures him,  "If the music is loud enough, I can hear it.  But I can't understand the lyrics.  If the beat is good, or if I'm a fan of the artist, I memorize the lyrics and listen.  If I'm at a party and the music is blasting.  I follow to the feel of the music.  Sometimes if you really pay attention, you can feel the music."  She points at her chest,  "Right here.  But sometimes it hurts.  Literally, the beat makes your heart try to match with it. Not a great feeling." 

"What about driving? Going to movies?"  He asks. 

"I can drive.  Go to movies, but it's gotta have subtitles or closed captioning.  Not a lot of theaters have that.  The AMC does though."   She says. 

"What about phones?" He asks. 

"I text or we have a caption phone.  Or I use Skype to sign." She says. 

"Can I text you?"  He asks bluntly then face palms, realizing that he just asked that.  How mortifying. 

She giggles and nods, "Sure."  She takes his phone out of his hoodie pocket and types in her phone number then puts it back. "There!  Now you can contact me." 

Scott pulls up to Josie's house and gets out to help her with Fizgig.  She opens the door and guides him to Fizgig's bed which was in the living room.  He also had an extra bed up in Josie's room but he didn't need to know that. 

Josie found a note in the kitchen from her mom.  'Jojo, got called in for my first shift.  I'll be home tonight.  Lots of love, mom.'

"Well, mom's at work.  Guess that's good cause she would probably freak at the fact that Fiz is bandaged up and a strange boy is in my house." She teases. 

"I'm sure my mom has given her the good word about me." He tuts.  "Um, your mom doesn't have guns, does she?"  He asks, nervously.

"No, I do though." She laughs. 

Scott chuckles but stops when he realizes that she's serious.

"An old friend of mine gave it to me for protection.  I only used it..."  She swallows bitterly at the memory. "Once."

Scott frowns at the tone of her voice and the sound of her heart.  He was curious to ask but he knew he should keep his mouth shut.  "I should go.  I have to meet up with my friend.  I'll text you."  He holds up his phone and smiles.

"I'll keep a look out for your text." She laughs softly. 

Scott smiles and waves, "Bye, Josie.  Bye, Fizgig."  Scott says.  Fizgig barks at him then snuggles into his bed. 

After he left, Josie lets out a long breath and collapses on the couch. "Oh, my god!  He's so cute, Fizgig!" Josie exclaims.  Fizgig groans in annoyance and farts. 


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