Chapter 39: Scott the Berserker

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The berserker holds Chris Argent up in the air by his neck.  He struggles to be free but, the Berserker was far too strong for him. 

Peter slowly makes his way towards him, "Unfortunately, while I promised Kate I wouldn't kill you,"  The Berserker lets go of Chris as Peter stands in front of him.  He rubs his neck, glaring at Peter.  Peter grabs behind Chris's neck, forcing him to look at him, "I also can't let you leave."  He shoves a bar deep into Chris's side till it impales the wall behind him. 

Chris screams in agony, gripping the bar as blood seeps out from his wound.  Chris tries to move the bar, but blood covers his hand, making it slippery.

Peter stops him, "No, no, no, no, no.  Allow me."  He smiles and bends the bar in half, the movement caused horrible pain for Chris, making him scream again.  Chris looks down and sees the bar bent inhumanly, realizing there was no way he could escape.  He looks up at Peter, glaring at him in anger.

"Now you rest here for a while.  You've had a hard time, for a very long time."  Peter smirks and pats Chris's cheek.  Chris was too weak to even move.  All he could do was lean on the wall for support and the bar that kept him impaled. 

"Wish me luck.  I got a date with a very beautiful elemental."  He chuckles evilly and walks away. 

Chris pants out a painful breath, shock forms on his face, "Josie."  He gasps.


Mason throws a video game on Liam's bed as Liam sits with his head down. 

"I know something's going on."  Mason states.  Liam sighs, he wanted to tell him so badly, but how would Mason react to this?  He can even barely handle it himself. 

"I know you don't want to talk about it.  But you're still my best friend."  Mason sits down next to Liam on the bed. "And, um considering the fact that the last good friend I made turned out to be a professional killer, I'm thinking that I don't have too many options for new ones.  So when you're ready to talk, talk.  Until then, I know I can kick your ass at at least one of these games."

Liam chuckles and looks up at Mason.  Mason nods at the game he brought and Liam picks it up, looking over it. 

"Never played this one."  He admits. 


Scott groggily wakes up.  He looks up and sees he's passing by light bulbs. He squints in confusion.  Last thing he remembers was making love to Josie on the couch...and....then....he realizes he's being carried.  He looks down and his eyes go wide.  A berserker carries Scott up in the air and throws him across the room.  Growling and snarling at him. 

Kate and Josie fought on the other side.  Kate gotten a few good hits, but Josie was better.  She kicks Kate in the face, causing her to fall on to the floor.  Kate roars in anger at her and tries to swipe at her.  The berserker paces over to Josie and picks her up her neck.  Choking and pounding on his hand, she feels him throw her across the room and against the wall. 

"Ah!" Josie cries out in pain. 

Kate and Scott fought till Kate won him over.  Scott leans on the wall, exhausted from the battle, blood dripping from his lip.  He tries to get up again, till he saw the berserker hold Josie and places the tip of his bone knife against her throat.  Josie tries to call her powers but Kate drags her claws against Scott's skin.  So she backed down, looking over to Scott with worry.  He carefully looks her over, pissed off seeing her lip busted up with blood dripping down her chin.  The side of her head scraped and bruised.  He looks up at Kate, glaring at her with anger.

"What do you want from us?" He groans out.

"I want a little bit of insight, Scott."  Kate says simply.

"To what?"  He asks, confused.

"My family.  The Argent family has been around for over 400 years.  A powerful, wealthy, aristocratic family of werewolf hunters.  But yet somehow, in less than a year, this great family is decimated by a teenage boy."  She snarls.  Kneeling down and tilting her head at him, "So my question is simple.  What the hell is so special about Scott McCall?"

Josie whimpers softly, groaning in pain from the tug the Berserk as he grips her hair. 

"You want me?"  He gives Kate a hard look.  "Take me.  Just me." 

Kate chuckles and shakes her head, "No, we're all going." 

Kate stands up straight, "We're all going to church!"  She cheers mockingly.

She looks over at Josie and tilts her head at her, "You know, Scott.  I always wondered what you see in her.  But, now I see it.  She's so much like Allison.  Isn't she?" 

Josie glares at her, how dare she say her name!

"You could never move on, could you?  Not from your first love."

Josie frowns in confusion, what was she talking about?

Kate smirks at her, "Oh, he didn't tell you that him and Allison were knocking boots way before you?" 

Josie gasps softly and looks over to Scott in confusion.  Scott glares at Kate then looks at Josie softly, "I was going to tell you, but it always made you upset to talk about Allison.  Josie, this was before we met.  When Allison moved here, I fell in love with her."  Josie's heart cracks.  She shouldn't be this upset for a past tense but she was.  "We were dating for almost a year, till her family found out about me.  We broke up." 

Josie sniffles, feeling her heart break at those words. 

"And you know what, Josie?  He still loves her...even when he's with you."  Kate snarls.

Scott shakes his head, "She'll always be my first love, but I love Josie more than anything.  She's my mate."  Scott looks back to Josie, "Josie, I love you.  Just you.  I don't love Allison like that anymore.  I love her as a friend.  I'll always miss her.  But, you are my future.  Please, believe me." His voice cracks. 

Josie didn't know what to think anymore, she looks down sadly, sniffling.  Scott's heart broke at those sounds. 

Kate roars against Scott's face then paces over to Josie, holding a syringe in her hand.

"No!!" Scott shouts, but it was too late, Kate stabs Josie with the syringe.

Gasping in shock and pain, Josie looks up at Kate, feeling herself going out of consciousness.

"Sorry, sweetie, but can't have you spoiling the trip with your forecasts, can I?"  Kate snickers. 

Josie fought to keep her eyes open, but it was too hard.  She looks over at Scott, tears falling slowly from her eyes.

"Josie, stay awake.  Please, stay awake!  Please!" He shouts.

Josie couldn't, she slowly closes her eyes, barely hearing the faint screams from Scott. 

Kate smirks, but it quickly drops when she sees the mate's mark on her neck, she shoves her hair off her neck, snarling softly.  She slowly turns to look at Scott, "You marked her?"  She scoffs.  "Normally, I would say good going, Scotty.  But, I don't think he will like it."  She says.

Scott frowns in confusion, who was HE?


"Everything's fine." Stiles assures Liam as they rush into the locker room, preparing for their annual game.  "I got a text from him this morning and he said he might be a little late." 

"Well, how late is late? Is he always late? We're playing Devenford Prep again and this time it's an actual game.  He shouldn't be late."  Liam protests in panic. 

"Who shouldn't be late?"  Coach Finstock overhears their conversation. 

Stiles and Liam looks over to Coach, stuttering in panic.  Stiles nods at Liam to answer.

"Scott and Josie."  Liam stutters.

"They might be slightly late."  Stiles adds.

"Slightly late is still late.  What are they doing?"

Stuttering again, looking at each other awkwardly.

"They're doing something that's going to make them slightly late."  Stiles says.

"What could Scott and Josie be doing right now that's more important than playing in the first game?" Coach asks confused. 

Everyone looks at him awkwardly, everyone knew except Coach, "Oh, Coach."

"Hope Josie is giving it to him good." One Jock exclaims.

"Must be that good since he's late."  Another laughs along with others.

Coach's brows shoots up in surprise, now catching it. 


Pretty soon, it was game time.  As the bleachers begin fill up, Liam and Stiles take their seats on the bench, preparing for the big game.  Liam looks around for Scott and Josie.  Kira sat next to Liam, frowning at Liam in confusion.

"They're still not here."  Liam says.

"Who's still not here?"  Kira asks.

"Has Scott and Josie talked you?"  He asks Kira.

Kira shakes her head, "No, but it's not unusual.  I'm sure they're fine." She says. 

Liam looks down, worriedly and Stiles notices that.

"Okay, what's really going on? Are you nervous about the full moon? It's not for another 24 hours."  He says.

Liam looks up at the moon, barely full, but close to it. 

"Liam, you're gonna be fine."  Kira says, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Okay? Just try not to rage out on anyone."  Stiles says.

"You're not worried?"  Liam asks.

"Okay, I'm mildly concerned.  Mildly."  Stiles gets out his cell and texts Scott.  'How late you gonna be?  Very worried.  Very.'

Liam catches the texts and now he was worried, "We're gonna lose without him." 

"No, we're not.  We can be just as good without Scott.  Okay? I've been practicing.  Let me tell you something.  I'm getting good. Really good."  Stiles smirks.  Boy, he couldn't have been more wrong. 

Stiles was absolutely terrible on the field.  Tripping, getting hit in the head by the ball, missing shots.  Getting stampeded by the other team and stomped over.

As Stiles lies in the grass, groaning in pain after the other team just slaughtered him, he gets up on his elbows and sees Liam kneeling next to him.

"Yeah.  I'm gonna call Scott again." 


Chris Argent leans limply on the bar, lightheaded from the blood loss.  He had to get out, but how...he was so weak.  He's failed them.  He's failed them all.  From the corner of his eye, he sees a light coming, he struggles to lift his head to see the light.  It was Parrish, with his gun drawn out.

"They're gone."  He says, weakly.

"How long have you been like this?"  Parrish asks as he puts away his gun.

"I don't know."  Chris says.  Parrish looks at the bar, the blood dripping down Chris's clothes and boots.  "Might have blacked out a few times."

"Peter Hale did this?"  Parrish asks.

"You were following him?"  Chris asks, surprised.

"Every day since Meredith Walker."  Parrish says, looking around the bar to figure out a way to free Chris.

"Listen to me."  Chris snaps him out of his thoughts.  "Kate's going after Scott and Josie.  Peter and Kate.  You've got to warn them.  He wants Josie." 

"I can't.  There's no service down here."  Parrish shakes his head. 

"Then just go."  Chris says.

"If I leave right now, you'll be dead by the time I get back.  We're getting you out of here." 


Back at the game, Devenford was murdering Beacon Hills. 

"Come on!"  Coach yells frustrated that his team was losing.

"All right."  Stiles sits on the bench next to Liam. "Neither of them are answering.  I gotta go see what's going on." 

"You're leaving? What are you going to tell Coach?"  Liam asks, panicking a little.

They both look over to Coach who was yelling, cursing and throwing things on the ground, "Stupid! Stupid old...!"

"Uh, you don't tell him anything."  Stiles stutters.  "Okay? Liam, you're gonna be okay.  All right?" 

Kira sits next to Liam, "I got benched again."  She groans. 

Liam gets up and moves to the field but stops as he listens in to Stile's conversation with Malia and the Sheriff. 

"Want me to stay here if he shows up?"  Malia asks.

"Yes."  Stiles says as he kisses her and goes off. 

"Liam!"  Coach screams at him, startling him. "Get on the field!"

"Go Brett, go! Whoo!"  Patrons in the bleachers cheered.

Liam tried as hard as he could.  He managed to get the ball but, loses it. He tries to again to steal it back but, he finds himself frozen on the field as he sees a Berserker running with Devenford  Prep.  He starts to pant in fear, he couldn't move.  He could barely hear the coach screaming at him.

"Liam, for the love of God, move!"

The other team makes the score and Liam could only look down in shame. 

Malia watches the game in the bleachers.  Sheriff took off with Stiles so she stayed behind in case Scott and Josie showed up. She barely noticed a figure coming closer to her till he sat down next to her.  Peter.

"So, who's winning?"  he says casually.


The doctor at Eichen House sighs in disappointment, shaking his head.

"Still nothing."  He says as Deaton still lies in the hospital bed, unconscious.  "I think we're going to have to move him to the sixth floor."

"You're not taking him anywhere."  Lydia says from the doorway. 

"Well, unless you're family, I don't think you can make that decision."  The doctor turns towards her.

"We're close enough."  She walks over to the bed and faces the doctors.  "Let me talk to him."

"He's not responding to any stimuli.  We can talk to him, but there's no way of knowing he's actually hearing us."

Lydia licks her lips, "Trust me on this.  He'll hear me."


Liam finally gets the ball again and runs towards the other teams net.

"Come on, Liam." Mason says softly as he watches him run. 

Liam was almost there till Brett slams into him, knocking off his feet.

The crowd groans and winces at the sight. 

Brett and Liam snatch off their helmets, Liam still lies in the grass, glaring at Brett.

"What the hell did you do that for?"

"Because you're afraid.  I can smell it on you from across the field."  Brett says.  "Are you hurt?"


"Are you still alive?"


"Then get up."

Liam angerily gets up on his feet and the referee makes his way to the two of them. "You good to play?"  He asks Liam.

Liam nods.

The referee turns to Brett, "You planning on pulling something like that again?"

"Only if I have to."  Brett smirks and leaves to join his team.


"I told you not to come here."  Malia says annoyingly. 

"If you want to have a clandestine meeting you need to choose a clandestine location."  Peter says casually.

"After what happened with you and Meredith, I'm pretty sure I can do without any kind of one-on-one father-daughter time."

"How about mother-daughter time?" 

Malia's head snaps to look at him in shock,.

"That's right."  Peter smirks, still looking out into the field. "I found our Desert Wolf."

"Is she definitely my mother?"  Malia asks.

Peter slowly looks over to her, "Yes.  But if you want to find her, you're going to have to do something for me.  Something that's come naturally to you for a very long time."

Malia frowns at him, "Do you always have to get something in return?"

"When it's something I can't do on my own? Yes."

Malia licks her lips and asks him hesitantly, What do you want?"

Peter smirks and looks at her with a serious expression, "I want you to kill Kate Argent."


Deep in a dark cavern, the ground covered with the bones of humans who lost their lives to creatures unknown.  Josie lies unconsciously on the ground as bones surrounded her.  She slowly stirs and opens her eyes in the dark, light shined through a large hole in the ceiling.  She groans in pain as she slowly gets up.  Her body ached with horrible pain.  Especially where Kate stabbed her with the syringe.  She looks around in panic as she sees thousands of human bones around her.  She scrambles to get up, avoiding the bones.  She couldn't see anything.  She calls forth the fire inside her and holds her hand up like a torch.  She was alone in a cell, with human bones everywhere.  She pushes the fire away and makes her way to the cell door. 

"Scott? Scott? Scott!"  She calls out for him, hoping he can hear her.


"You okay?"  Brett ask Liam as he sits at his locker after dressing back into her casual clothes. 

Liam looks up at him and shrugs, "We lost."

"But you're okay, right?" Brett asks again.

"Why'd you do that? Why'd you help me?"

"Because of Scott and Josie." Brett says.  "They saved me.  They saved all of us.  Do you know how lucky you are?"

"What do you mean?"  Liam asks.

"Scott's a True Alpha.  That means he didn't get his power because he was born with it. He didn't get it by stealing or killing someone.  He earned it.  You're not strong just because you can lift a lot of weight now.  You're strong because you endure.  Satomi calls it strength of character.  And Josie...she's a true Anchor.  Someone like her only comes once in a generation.  She's meant to protect us...from ourselves.  Together, they are as strong as royalty in our world.  You're basically beta to a king and his queen.  You're lucky to have them."  Brett leaves him to his thoughts.

Liam sighs and looks down, "Then why aren't they here?"


Chris screams in pain as Parrish struggles to bend the bar that held him against the wall.

"Sorry."  Parrish lets go of the bar, panting. "I'm sorry.  I can't do it myself.  It's not bending back and it's not coming out of the wall."

"Leave."  Chris says weakly.

"I can't do that either."  Parrish shakes his head, "I need you to help me.  I know you're hurt and you're tired, but I need you to gather everything you've got and help me."

"I've got nothing."  Chris says softly.

"Grab the bar, sir."  Parrish demands.

"I've got nothing left.  Please, go.  Just go.  You're running out of time."  Chris looks down.

"You know what you need? Adrenaline.  There's two ways to get it.  Fear and anger.  Since you don't look like a guy who's afraid of anything, you need to get angry.  You need to get so angry that your brain lets loose every bit of adrenaline it has left."

"I'm too tired to be angry."  Chris says.

"Okay.  I don't know much about you or what you've been through.  But Lydia told me some of it.  And I know about Allison."  Parrish watches Chris's face scrunch up with emotional pain.  "I know how she felt about Scott.  And I think if she knew what was happening to him she'd be pretty angry.  At least angry enough to try one more time to get the hell out of here.  So whatever trigger you need, if it's Allison, or your sister, or Peter, use it.  Use it right now."

Chris looks up at him, feeling the anger inside him build. He reaches and grabs the bar.  Parrish nods and grabs the other end, together they begin to pull the bar.  Chris screams in pain, but still kept pulling the bar with Parrish.  It still wasn't enough.  Suddenly, Parrish could feel something building inside him.  His eyes begin to glow a copper color. 


Stiles and Sheriff makes their way to Derek's loft.  They see Derek looking around his trashed loft, several light-bulbs were shattered.   Braedon kneels on the floor, picking up items.  She gets up and stands next to Derek.

"What the hell happened?" Stiles exclaims in shock.

"It was supposed to be a date."  Braedon says.

"They were both here?"  Stiles asks.

"And they're both gone."  She says.

Derek looks over to his couch, seeing claw marks over the cushions and a condom packet, he groans in disgust, "If Scott isn't dead when we find him, I'm going to kill him." 

Stiles feels his phone vibrate, it was Lydia. 


"Scott's been taken."  Lydia says.

"Scott and Josie.  We just don't know where."  Stiles says.

"Mexico."  Deaton speaks up as Lydia and him were at the Vet.  "And if you want to save their lives, that's where you're going too." 

"There's something else.  Kate is planning to cut their bond." Lydia speaks up.

"But, if she does that she'll kill Josie and Scott." 

"Not if there was a way to prevent their death." Deaton says. "There's a ritual, a very risky one that allows both mates to survive without the bond.  But, there's a catch.  If they lose their bond, they will lose it forever.  Their feelings will never been the same for each other.  They'll be just empty shells." 

"Why would Kate want to keep them alive?" Stiles asks.

"I think the important question is, why would she keep Josie alive?"  Lydia says.


Scott groggily wakes up and sees he was strapped to an altar.  Surrounded by animal bones.  He notices he was back at the church in Mexico.  He hears footsteps approaching and senses it was Kate.

"Tell me, Scott.  They ever teach you the myth of Artemis and Actaeon in school?"  She asks. 

He looks up, yanking on the straps, he felt so weak.  He looks around and sees wolfsbane on the altar.  He looks over to Kate and sees the Berserkers with her. 

"No? I didn't think so.  Well, Artemis was a goddess.  And Actaeon was a hunter that happened to see Artemis bathing naked one day.  This did not make the goddess too happy.  In fact, she was so angry, Artemis turned Actaeon into a deer and this sent his own hounds into a frenzy.  He was actually torn apart by his own hunting dogs."  She walks around, tightening the straps as she explains the story. 

She picks up an animal skull, it looked like a helmet, he eyes her in panic.

"What are you doing?"

She chuckles, "I'm not gonna turn you into a deer."

"But you are about to become something unrecognizable to your friends.  They won't know what they're fighting.  Or killing."  She says. 

He watches her in horror as she lifts the skull, hovering it near his face.

"Kate, hold on...No, Kate, no.  No, Kate.  Don't.  No, no. No! Wait.  No, no! Kate, don't! No! Stop! Wait, no...!!!!!"  Scott screams in terror as she places the skull over his face.  He could feel he was losing himself.  He was becoming what he has feared the most.....

A monster.

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