Chapter 8: Taking it Slow

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Scott and Josie looks at him in shock, "What?"  They both say.

"What do you mean, 'Mate'?"  Stiles asks, eyeing Peter weirdly.

"Look at them.  See how protective he is of her.  And remember what his face looked like when he found out that Kate took her hostage.  He looked like he was about kill someone.  I bet you have been feeling sparks every time you touch her, right?" Peter asks, chuckling.

Scott looks over at Josie behind him, mate?  Could it be?  But...He thought....He slowly reaches up to caress her cheek and feels sparks and shocks shoot over his fingertips.

"He has been looking at her funny since the police station."  Stiles mutters.

Scott drops his hand and turned back to Peter.

"Ah, young love.  It's a beautiful thing." Peter wipes away a fake tear.

"He's talking about a soul mate, Scott.  You found your other half." Derek says.

Josie's eyes widen and Scott's jaw drops.

"Josie?"  Lydia waves her hand in her face.

Josie jumps and shakes her head, "What?"

"We're here."  Lydia points at the office.

After Peter said Scott and her were mates, Scott has been keeping his distance.  He believes he doesn't want to rush into a relationship so fast. Josie follows Lydia into the office and Kira takes off towards her classes. She was very grateful for Lydia's help. So, she's got her schedule now, and has already cleared her permission of using a laptop in her classes for a program she signed up for. Communication Access Real-time Translation, otherwise known as CART. (I had this program when I was in college to help me understand the teacher in class. I never had this in high school but I sure wish I did.) CART basically is a program where you need access to the internet and connect with Skype. CART provides you with another person from anywhere who is called a Captioner aka a CART provider who types out anything that is being heard so the deaf can know what is being said, as long as there is a microphone. Which Josie has.

The teacher is basically suppose to wear the microphone so the captioner can hear the teacher. Lydia takes Josie's schedule and frowns a little.

"We don't have many classes together. But don't worry, at least we got lunch. Your first class is down that way and go right. It's the third door on the left. You're going be ok?" She asks.

Josie starts to nod but she could see in her eyes what she means, double meaning. She sighs and nods, "Yes. I'll be ok. Thanks, Lydia." She smiles and Lydia returns one.

"Well, I'm going to go. I'll see you later." Lydia waves and takes off, leaving Josie to her thoughts.

After discovering they were mates, not much was said besides that Scott offered her a ride home. Josie was a little nervous riding a motorcycle but Scott assured her that he was a safe driver. He gave her the extra helmet (not sure if he's got one) and they took off to her house. One the way, Josie kept wrapping her arms tighter around his waist. Scott couldn't help but smile. She felt right in his arms. Josie was glad her mom didn't come out when they arrived. She takes off the helmet and he places it back on the holder.

"Thanks for the lift." She says.

He takes his off and smiles, "It's no problem."

Josie wanted to ask him a question but, she was nervous.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I was just wondering. You said you were a supernatural creature. What exactly?" She asks.

He sighs, "I'm a werewolf. Like Derek, but...different." He says, hesitantly.

She frowns, "What do you mean?"

"There's three types of werewolves. Alpha, beta, omega. You can tell which is which from the color of their eyes. An omega has yellow eyes, a beta has blue, sometimes yellow eyes, and an Alpha has red eyes. But, the eye colors, there's another reason. I'll tell you about that later though." He says.

Josie bites on her bottom lip and kicks a pebble gently while looking down. Scott couldn't take his eyes off her lip. He thought his heart was going pop out of his chest as she looks back up at him.

"What color are yours?" She asks.

He sighs and looks around to make sure no one was looking and looks down back at her. He closes his eyes and summons his wolf side, just his eyes. He slowly opens them and waits for her reaction.

"An Alpha." She smiles. "This is really cool."

He cocks his head and pushes his wolf side back, amazingly it was easy for him to do that. "Normally, people would be running for the hills after seeing all this." He smiles.

"I'm not normal. I love the weird world. I have to admit, it's scary knowing so much is real. Kate scares me. Those big...bone guys....they were scary as well. But, I like it." She chuckles.

"I like how different you are. And you kicked those 'bones guys' asses." He smirks.

Laughing, "I was terrified! But, Derek was in trouble and I wanted to help." She says.

"Did the Argents teach you how to fight like that?" He asks.

Josie stops laughing and Scott hears her heart beat a little too fast, "Um, Mr. Argent taught me, yes." She says.

He frowns, he was about to ask, but she cuts him off, "Look, I had an issue in my past and I'm not ready to open that up yet." She says.

"I'm sorry." He takes her hand gently in his, feeling the sparks again. She moves her hand around his, feeling them as well.

"What are we going to do about this? I mean, we just met this afternoon and we're mates?" She asks.

Scott looks at their hands, brushing his fingers against her skin, "We could take it slow. One day at a time." He says. His skin trembles at the feel of hers.

Josie sighs and lets go of his hand, Scott didn't want to stop feeling her but he did.

"Ok. We could do that." Josie gives him a small smile. She turns to look at the house and sees movement. "Oh, I better go. My mom is probably wondering where I've been." She says.

"Ok. Good night, Josie." Scott says.

She sighs, "Good night, Scott."

Josie sighs and stops at her first class. She introduced herself and got her laptop set before class started. As she students began to fill the class, her heartbeat skipped when Scott comes in. He looks over and sees her, smiling like a goof. She gives him a smile and a wave. He sits in his seat which was next to hers.

"Hi." He says.

She giggles, "Hi."


Earlier before classes started, Scott and Stiles, dressed in gym clothes, were walking to the field. Scott was internally freaking out after Coach Finstock told him to show up for tryouts. What if he wasn't team captain anymore?

"Of course you're still team captain. You got your grades up just like Coach told you to, right?" Stiles asks.

"Yeah, but he never told me I was back on the team. He just told me to show up for tryouts today." Stiles could see the panic in Scott's eyes. He tries to get it off his mind.

"We got bigger things to deal with anyway." He waves it off. "Did you tell Argent yet?" He stops as they get to the edge of the field.

"Ah, I texted him but he didn't get back to me." Scott says.

"You told him his sister, Kate, came back from the dead over a text?" Stiles looks at Scott like he couldn't believe what he just said.

Scott couldn't get a word out at first, "I didn't have the money call France." He mutters.

Stiles scoffs, "Yeah, you think you got money problems? Try paying for an MRI and a visit to Eichen House."

"Another notice?" Scott asks.

Stiles nods, "Yeah, this one said 'final'." He sighs and shakes his head. "Now, what the hell are we even doing here anyway? We got like a 117 million problems and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team is not one of them." Stiles mutters.

Scott couldn't help but look over Stile's shoulder, out on the field. A young boy with spiked dark brown hair, blue eyes, Scott guesses he was a freshman.

Stiles looks over at what he was looking at and neither of them could believe their eyes. The new guy was set as goalie and he never missed a single ball being thrown at him. Not one. It almost looked supernatural to them.

"Who the hell is that?" Stiles asks.

The new boy took off his helmet and smirks proudly. One of the team members give him a bro-fist, "Nice, Liam, you might just be our first ever freshman captain." One of the players say.

Stiles and Scott's jaws dropped, "Okay, maybe we should practice just a little bit." They both take off towards the field.


Meanwhile, at the hospital, Melissa and Sarah were following up with the new Doctor.

"The nursing staff's already spread too thin." Melissa goes over with Dr. Geyer with the budgets.

"I know there's never a good place to make cuts, but this hospital has seen a bizarre amount of damage and the insurance isn't going to cover it. We have to cut back." He says as they step off the elevator and walk towards the nurse's station.

"Maybe we can pull some money from the pediatrics." Sarah suggests.

"Your shift is over. And your shift is now starting." He looks over at both of them. "I'm exhausted just looking at you." He chuckles, referring to Melissa.

Sarah and Melissa scoffs and chuckles.

"Please, go home and get some sleep, Melissa." Dr. Geyer says.

"Okay." Melissa sighs. "I need dinner first."

"Melissa, it's 7:00 a.m." Sarah laughs. Melissa looks shocked.

Suddenly the door bursts open, a young boy with blood covering his hands slaps his palm on the door as he comes in, a bloody hand print smears on the glass. He collapses in sheer exhaustion on to the floor.  Fear still in his eyes.

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