Chapter 9: Family-Murdering Axe Murder

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Melissa leads Sheriff Stilinski down to the morgue of the hospital, showing him what was left of the Walcott family. She unzips one of the body bags reviling the body of Mrs. Walcott with sharp, deep wounds.

Melissa and Sheriff Stilinski both look in horror at the site, "Now I know why he hasn't spoken a word to the psychologist yet." She says.

"He's going to be in shock for a while, isn't he? This was his whole family?" He says as they look at the line of body bags.

"Mother, father, older brother.
Sean was the youngest." Melissa says, nodding.

"And the only one that got away.
The question is from what?" Sheriff asks as he looks at Mrs. Walcott.

"From who? These wounds weren't caused by claws and fangs. These are deep cuts, a combination of sharp and blunt force trauma." Melissa points out.

"That's what the ME said." Sheriff nods. "Some kind of axe." He starts to look at the door then back at her, making sure he's discreet. "Uh, I just need to make sure that we didn't have to, uh..."

"Involve the boys?" Melissa finishes for him.

The Sheriff nods, "If this is everyday homicide instead of the supernatural kind, then maybe we can give them the day off from the world of murder and massacres." He says.

"When do we get a day off?" She shrugs and chuckles. Making the Sheriff laugh with her. She zips up the bag and leads him out of the morgue.


Malia, Josie, and Lydia were chatting in the hallway, heading towards class. Malia liked how funny Josie was. She was laughing as she got to the door but stops and looks at the board full of mathematical problems that had her brain spinning in circles. Josie and Lydia didn't seem to have noticed Malia trying to slip out. She would have made it if it wasn't for Stiles. He pushes her back into the classroom with her whining.

"I hate math." Malia complains. "It's pointless."

"It's school. School is important, and math is essential." Stiles walks her to her desk and sits behind her.

"To what?" She scoffs.

"Knowing how much to tip at restaurants." Stiles clicks his tongue and winks.

Lydia looks over at Stiles in disbelief and rolls her eyes, "And other less important things like medicine, economics, engineering." She says, sarcastically.

"Tipping." Stiles fills in.

Josie watches their lips, listening in to their conversation as she sat behind Lydia.

"Just ignore Stile's comment. I hate math, too, but in a weird way, they're both right. Math is very important. If you want help, we could form a study group. I could show you a few tricks." Josie says.

"I'll take all the help I can get." Malia smiles.

Josie returns a smile and gets up to give the teacher her microphone while explaining to her why this is important. The teacher smiles and places it on her blouse.

"Ok. Can you hear me ok, Josie?" She asks.

Josie watches the screen for a response from her Captioner. The computer beeps and she gives her teacher a thumbs up.

"All right, volunteers to the board." The teacher announces. "Lydia, Diego, Malia."

Malia's head snaps up, "Um I didn't volunteer." She stutters.

The teacher began erasing notes off the board, "Well, You did now. To the board." She says smiling.

Malia looks at Stiles, who was smiling and giving her an encouraging two thumbs up, but she growls lowly at him that wipes the smile off his face.

Josie reaches and pats his back and mocks his thumbs up. 

Stiles scratches his head but nods. He suddenly jumps and and looks at his cell, his face becoming pale, more than he already was. Josie looks over to the teacher making sure she wasn't looking and looks over at Stiles' phone. It was a news alert. 'TRIPLE HOMICIDE. DEVELOPING...'

After class was over, Josie follows Stiles and meets up with Scott and Kira. Scott couldn't help but smile when he sees her but his smile drops when Stiles mention the news.

"An axe murderer?" Kira exclaims.

Josie's eyes widen in shock as she watches their conversation. She gasps as Scott takes her hand in his as they walk in the hallway. She couldn't help but gasp at the feel of the sparks. He looks down a her and smiles then turns back to their friends.  Josie smiles shyly then turns back to listen.

"A family murdering axe murderer." Stiles corrects.

"I already heard about it." Scott says.

Stiles stops in his tracks, "What? You did? How?" He asks.

"My mom called me. She knew we'd see it on the news." Scott says as he turns to face Stiles.

Stiles claps his hands, "Perfect, let's go."  He starts to leave, but Scott goes to his locker.

"We've got Econ in five minutes." He says, hesitantly.

"All right.  Did you forget about the family murdering axe murderer?" Stiles asks, sarcastically.

"Did you forget your dad's the sheriff?"  Scott asks back. "They want us to stay out of it."

"Are you guys kidding me?" Stiles scoffs, looking at all of them.  "There's a family murdering axe murderer and we're not going to d anything about it?"

"Maybe we should just let the adults handle it."  Josie suggests. 

"Yeah.  It's about time we deserve a break at least."  Kira says.  "I gotta go to class.  See you guys later."  She makes sure Josie sees her wave.  Josie smiles and waves back. 

Stiles stutters and scoffs as she leaves then turn back to Josie and Scott, "So, all of you, you just want to stay here, school, go to class."

Scott makes an 'eh' face.

Stiles shakes his head in disbelief, "Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life." He mutters and takes off.

"See you at tryouts?" Scott calls out.  Stiles flings his arms in frustration. 

Scott looks up and hears the bell, "Was that the bell?"  Josie asks. 

He looks down at her and nods and lets go of her hand to grab his books, "Can you meet me at the field after tryouts.  I want to talk to you...about...something.  It won't be long.  Okay?"  Scott says nervously.

Josie smiles and nods, "Ok.  Sure.  I'll just text my mom letting her know I'll be getting a lift home." She says. 

"Great.  See you then."  Scott quickly grabs his books and kisses her lips quickly before Josie realizes what he just did.  She stood there in shock trying to process what just happened. 

Scott quickly made his way to class and got into his seat.  He leans on his desk then just realizes what he just did...

"Oh, god."


Braedon slaps a small file on to the coffee table as she faced Peter once again. 

"Next time, give me a harder task." She smirks and sits down. 

Peter reaches for the file and opens it, sighing in disappointment, "This is nothing I don't already know."  he scoffs. 

"There wasn't much to find about her.  She's clean as whistle.  Well, almost clean." She says. 

"What do you mean?"  Peter asks. 

"4th page." She hints.

Peter flips a few pages and reads the notes, smirking, "My, my, guess she's not so innocent as we thought."  He says.

"There's another thing." Braedon says hesitantly.  "7th page."

Peter flips and reads carefully, then looks up to her in shock, "So, that's where that bastard has been hiding.  Damn.  I knew she smelled familiar."  He laughs at how ironic it was for him. 

"Too bad she beat you to it.  She beat everyone to it.  I read the police reports, he was doing it again." She says.

Peter shakes his head, "Hard to believe anyone would want to bear children with...him.  Maybe he hid his other side better than we think if..." Peter looks at the file, "Sarah was so willingly to consummate with him."

"Actually, by the look of these pictures I've found..." Braedon hands him a small envelope. "She looked more than willing.  I think he really loved her.  But, when Josie was born.  His true colors started to show.  Out of every one of his kind, he carries such a violent nature." She says. 

"But, Josie doesn't seem to carry that.  She seems like the opposite." Peter says.

"Before his death, he tried to off her.  I think he was trying to awaken her.  And I think he succeeded.  Look at the weather reports I added.  Since the year of his death, the weather has been hit with unexplained phenomenon.  She's dormant now though." Braedon says.

"Yeah, but for how long?"  Peter asks. 

"You're acting like it's the end, Peter.  This girl, she's not a weapon of mass destruction.  You know her kind.  She's rare.  And I checked her mother, she doesn't carry it.  John and her were the last.  The last one, she didn't have anyone to hold on to, but this one does. The true Alpha existed 100 years ago till today.  Throughout those 100 years, they have been dying off or killed..."

Peter cuts her off, "Yeah, by themselves.  I know how their power works when they lose control.  John left me a reminder when I found out."  He says, giving her a bitter smile, referring to a hidden scar on his back hip that not even his wolf side could hide.

"If she is what you think she is, then McCall is never gonna let her go.  Besides, it's her fate to be with him." She says.

Peter slaps the files back on the table and gets up, "Like I don't know that!" He shouts in frustration.  Braedon didn't look amused.  "That girl, " He points out the window. "is the answer to all werewolves problems.  She is basically the rock that holds them all together." 

"With her by Scott's side, that just makes him more powerful. More powerful than you." She says. 

Peter scoffs, "And it makes Scott an easy target.  After all, when you go after a king, always take the queen."

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