Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for not updating yesterday, I was busy. For all of you wondering what Jax looked like, he's in the picture above. Also, there are some mentions of suicide (not direct, but it's still there) so if it triggers you, just skip the paragraph when it comes to it.

A few days passed, and Hera alerted Ahsoka that they were coming back, and should be back at the command ship by the hour.

Ahsoka was very excited, but she also couldn't hold worry from creeping up inside her. What if Rex didn't love Ahsoka anymore, or just didn't like Ahsoka in general? Why wasn't he answering his transmissions? How much has he changed since the last time they saw each other?

Ahsoka was pacing the hallway of the ship, and Jax was trying to calm her down. "Mom, calm down." Jax insisted. "It'll be fine." But Ahsoka could sense that Jax was nervous about meeting his father, too.

"You're nervous," Ahsoka said. "I can sense it."

"And you're not?" Jax replied.

"Touché," Ahsoka said.

Suddenly, the Ghost crew walked into the hallway, and Ahsoka and Jax turned around.

Rex appeared from the back of the group and folded his arms behind his back. He looked different, he had grown a beard, and he had gone bald. He did have the accelerated growth, though, so it was understandable. Ahsoka certainly had changed too.

"Commander," Rex said.

He certainly wasn't acting differently, and he seemed happy to see Ahsoka again.

"You got old," He said.

Ahsoka laughed, all of her worries slipping away. "Had to happen sometime, Rex." She wanted to hug him, but hesitated for a second, then leaped up and wrapped her arms around him. He seemed surprised at first and then relaxed, and he put his hands on Ahsoka's back.

I missed you. Ahsoka thought. Jax stood behind them with a smile on his face, but he still seemed a little bit nervous.

"I'm glad you're still alive," Rex said.

Ahsoka stepped back, her hands still on his shoulders and his on her waist. "You too."

"Well, I wouldn't be, if it weren't for these guys," Rex said, gesturing to the Ghost crew.

"Thank you," Ahsoka said. "For trusting my friend."

"It wasn't easy." Kanan admitted, "It's still not."

Rex looked down.

"Nothing worth doing ever is," Ahsoka said. She turned to Jax. "Jax, this is Rex." She tried to send a mental message of don't tell him yet, and he seemed to get it.

"Hello there," Jax said, offering his hand. "I'm Jackson."

Rex took it. "You look human, but you have some markings like Ahsoka. Is he your son?" He asked. He looked slightly betrayed.

"Yes, he is my son," Ahsoka said. "He's 15 years old." Please figure it out on your own. I don't want to have to explain this. Ahsoka thought.

"Wait," Rex said. "You came back about 15 years ago. Is he...?" He trailed off.

"Yes, Rex," Ahsoka said. "Let me reintroduce him. This is Jackson Tano—"

Jackson cut her off. "Son of Ahsoka Tano, and Captain Rex of the 501st Clone Battalion."

"I never knew..." Rex said, his eyes widening, a large smile spreading across his face, wrinkles in the corner of his eyes turning upwards.

Ezra walked up to Ahsoka and Rex. "Wait. Why didn't you tell us that Rex was Jax's dad?"

"Because, to be honest, I didn't know how Rex would react. I also didn't want you to walk up to him and tell him that he had a son. It would've caused some... difficulties." Ahsoka replied with a small smile.

"I would've freaked out," Rex said. "I mean, I am now, but less than if you would have walked up to me and said that."

Ahsoka laughed. "It's so good to see you again, Captain."

"You too, Commander," Rex replied.

"I'm leaving," Zeb said. "They're going to start kissing or something right now."

Ezra punched Zeb. Ahsoka felt her montrals darken. "Garazeb," Hera threatened. "Just for that, you're cleaning the Phantom tonight."

"Oh, come on," Zeb complained.

"Let's go back to the Ghost," Kanan said. "Commander Sato probably has another mission for us."

The crew left, and Chopper laughed at Ahsoka and Rex, and Hera scolded him, and then Rex, Ahsoka, and Jax were alone.

"So..." Rex started. "What's been going on with you?"

"Not much, you know," Ahsoka said. "Just the usual, like joining an illegal rebellion, doing undercover missions, and running from the Empire."

"Sounds boring," Rex said sarcastically. "Hey, Jackson, right?" Rex asked, turning to his son.

"Yessir," Jax replied. "I go by Jax most of the time."

"Okay then, Jax," Rex said. "I assume you're good with some kind of weapon? Blaster? Or do you use a lightsaber?"

"I use both," Jax replied. "What am I supposed to call you, anyway. Captain? Rex? Dad? Father?"

"Whatever you want," Rex said. "But if you want my opinion, dad seems weird and 'Father' seems too formal."

"Okay then, Daddy-o," Jax said with a grin.

Ahsoka facepalmed and Rex laughed. "That's worse," Rex said.

"Jackson Tano, you are so embarrassing sometimes."

"Your welcome," Jax replied.

"He gets that from you," Ahsoka said, pointing at Rex.

"Sure," Rex replied. "You're the one who would never stop bickering with the General. He gave you that nickname for a reason."

"I've changed," Ahsoka said.

"I can see that," Rex said. "You're not the reckless kid I used to know."

"Oh!" Jax exclaimed. "I forgot that Ezra challenged me to a lightsaber duel. I got to go. See you later." He winked and ran off.

Ahsoka looked at Rex. "Let's introduce you to Commander Sato."

Rex nodded. "Alright."

Ahsoka walked into the briefing room and saw Commander Sato talking to Wolffe, who had a bead (trimmed slightly differently than Rex's) and the military cut, and who she assumed to be Rex's brother, Gregor.

"Commander Sato, this is Rex," Ahsoka said.

"Good to meet you," Sato said. "It's always nice to have more allies."

"It's good to meet you as well," Rex replied. "I'm ready to do my part."

Ahsoka glanced between the two. "I'd best be going. See you later."

Rex gave her a nod, and Ahsoka walked out of the room.

She walked back to her living quarters, taking shaky breaths. She walked into her quarters and flopped on her bed.

She groaned. "Why are feelings so kriffing difficult?"

"No idea." A voice said. Rex.

Ahsoka sat up. "Rex!" She exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you," Rex said, sitting next to Ahsoka.

"About?" Ahsoka asked.

"Why didn't you tell me I had a son?" Rex said. "I wish I could have been there for him. I could have been there for you. I wish I could have seen my son--our son--grow up."

**Trigger Warning**

Ahsoka stood up angrily and turned away from Rex. "You think I wanted to raise him alone?" she crossed her arms. "I tried to contact you. All the time. But you didn't answer. I wanted you to be a part of his life, but if you had just picked up when I called you, you could have. You have no idea how much I wanted to tell you. I found out I was pregnant right after that ship crashed. I wanted to tell you. Force, you have no idea how much. But at that point, it would have been too dangerous. So I laid low for a few months, and that's when I tried to contact you. I wanted you to be there when I was sick in the morning. I wanted you to be there when I gave birth. When Jax said his first word. When he started walking. When I needed to go on a dangerous mission that I didn't know if I would come back from. But I didn't want you there just for Jax, I wanted you there for me, too. I wanted to have someone who knew exactly who I was. What I went through. I wanted to wake up in the morning and have you next to me. I wanted to have a shoulder to cry on. I just wanted someone. But I didn't have that.

"I couldn't have that. So you know what I did?" Ahsoka turned around and glared at him. "I held it all in. For Jax. Because I was not going to make him an orphan. I couldn't leave him and wait for the Empire to find me. I saw what it did to me. And when he was asleep, I would cry. Wishing that things were different. I would wake up the next morning as if nothing had happened. Do you have any idea how hard that was? No. You don't. Because you weren't there."


"Ahsoka..." Rex said, reaching a hand forward.

"Get out," Ahsoka said. "And don't come near Jax."

Rex gave Ahsoka one last look, and he walked out of the room.

Ahsoka put a hand on the bridge of her nose. She sighed. She laid back down on her bed and put her head on her knees, drawing them close to her chest.


Ahsoka didn't know how long she was there, but later Jax came into her room.

"Hey, it's dinner time--what's up with you?" Jax asked, walking over to her.

"I was talking with Rex," Ahsoka said, standing up.

"I'm assuming it didn't go well," Jax said.

"No, it didn't," Ahsoka said. "I told him not to go anywhere near you."

"Ah, threats," Jax said, pointing a finger. He stood up and looked at Ahsoka. "Let's go talk to him. I'm sure we can work things out."

"Jax, it's not that easy--" Ahsoka started, but Jax was grabbing Ahsoka's hand and pulling her towards the dining room.

Ahsoka walked in, Jax still with her, and Jax shoved her in a seat in front of Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor.

"I'm getting rations for me and you," Jax said. "Have fun."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "Wolffe, how have you been? It's good to see you."

"Good to see you, too," Wolffe said. "And I've been good."

"That's great to hear," Ahsoka said with a smile, glaring at Rex. She looked at Gregor. "I don't believe we've met."

"No," Gregory said. "I had amnesia shortly after the war began, so I didn't fight in the war until the end."

Ahsoka nodded. "And your chip malfunctioned."

Gregor smiled. "Yep. I still got it removed."

Jax came back with their meal. He sat down next to Ahsoka. "So, I heard that a certain Togruta and a clone captain had a small dispute."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "Jax, never become a therapist."

Jax grinned. "And I wanted to help solve this dispute. Now, Mother, what are you angry at Rex for?"

"Mind your business," Ahsoka said, taking a bite out of the ration bar.

"Now, that's no way to talk," Jax said. "Let's start again. Rex, what made you angry at my ever-so-helpful mother?"

"She got angry at me," Rex said.

Ahsoka felt her anger flare up again. "This would never have happened if you--"

"Let's not fight again," Jax said. "Mother, care to answer?"

"Why are you calling me that?" Ahsoka said. "You're never formal about anything."

"And you're avoiding my question," Jax pointed. "I can't help you if you don't answer my questions."

"She's mad because I never answered her calls," Rex said.

"And were you ignoring her?" Jax asked.

"Of course not!" Rex exclaimed. "I never even got your calls!"

"What?" Ahsoka asked. "You never said that!"

"I was trying to!" Rex said. "But then you cut me off!"

"And kids, that's why we should listen to people," Jax said teasingly. "Sharing is caring!"

"Jax, you're a disgrace," Ahsoka grumbled.

"You raised me," Jax said. "Now, is this situation solved?"

"Think so," Rex said.

Ahsoka nodded. "Yeah."

"Now hug each other," Jax prompted.

Ahsoka glared at Jax.

Rex's face grew red.

"Come on," Jax said. "Kiss if you feel like it."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "No."

Rex sold up and walked around the table and wrapped his arms around Ahsoka. Ahsoka practically melted. She forgot how much she liked being in his arms.

Rex kissed her montral, and Ahsoka felt her lekku darken in a blush.

Ahsoka stood up and locked eyes with Rex. She leaned forward and kissed Rex, feeling his bushy beard on her face. Her heart was racing, and she definitely wasn't thinking right.

Rex stiffened, but relaxed into the kiss, putting a hand on one of Ahsoka's lekku.

She heard a cheer, and broke off and away Ezra, pumping a fist in the air.

"Ezra," Ahsoka said, her voice flat. "What are you doing?"

"Uh..." he said. "Nothing?"

Jax smirked at Sabine. "I wondered how long that would take. Sabine, you got my credits?"

"You guys bet on this?" Rex exclaimed.

"Duh," Sabine said. "I bet that you two wouldn't get back together for another day, Ezra bet a week, and Jax said at least an hour. Zeb thought it'd take a minute, but guess who was wrong? And anyway, Kanan was fine with it."

"And Hera?" Ahsoka asked.

"She doesn't know," Ezra said nervously.

"I don't know what?" Hera said, walking into the room.

"Nothing!" Ezra said, jumping back. "Nothing."

"Uh-huh," Hera said. "Ahsoka, what were they doing?"

"Betting," Ahsoka replied.

"On what?" Hera asked.

"Ezra?" Ahsoka said.

"Oh, why do I have to say it?" Ezra complained. "Fine," He grumbled. "We were betting on when Ahsoka and Rex would get back together." "Oh, I can't say much about that," Hera said, waving a hand. "Kanan and I were too,"

"Seriously?" Rex said. "Was it that obvious?"

"Kind of," Kanan said, appearing next to Hera and putting an arm around her shoulder. "I mean, you two did have a kid together."

"You two were almost as obvious as these two," Sabine said, pointing to Hera and Kanan.

"What do you mean?" Kanan asked.

Sabine facepalmed. "You two are so oblivious sometimes."

Ahsoka smiled. "They are."

"Oh, you have no room to talk," Jax said. "You would talk to me all the time about how you wished you could see him again." he pointed at Jax.


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