Chapter 6

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A/N: Bonus chapter because I didn't update yesterday!

A few weeks had passed, and Rex and Ahsoka couldn't have been happier. They weren't able to see each other much, though, with both of them going on missions with what seemed like every day, but Jax was getting to know his father, and he was acting a lot happier and didn't seem as worried about the fact that any of them could die at any time, or about the new Inquisitors that Ezra, Sabine, and Zeb had discovered. Rex had gone on a mission with Kanan to rescue Ezra, and he had vented to Ahsoka about his relationship with Kanan. They couldn't stop bickering, and Jax told her that he was getting tired of it. Thankfully, Jax hadn't been captured with Ezra. Ahsoka had been traveling so much that she hadn't been able to see her family much, and she was pretty sure that Jax was fine with it. Scratch that. She was 100% sure he was fine with it. He always complained about going on missions with Ahsoka. And they hadn't run into the Inquisitors again, so Ahsoka wasn't too worried about Jax running into them.

Ahsoka wanted to know how many of them there were. She had killed two, Kanan had killed the Grand Inquisitor, and now there were two more. Ahsoka had the worst luck in the world.

The Ghost was now on a planet and was laying low for a while.

Ahsoka walked up to the Ghost, and Kanan came out.

"This is unexpected," He said. "Don't get me wrong, it's always good to see you, but it usually means there's trouble."

"What I have to say is Jedi business," Ahsoka said.

"Then I guess I qualify," Kanan said.

"You qualify more than I do," Ahsoka replied, smiling.

Ahsoka followed Kanan into the host and they went into what she remembered to be Kanan's room in the Ghost.

"I've been monitoring transmissions from Mustafar to find out more about the Sith Lord," Ahsoka said.

"And?" Kanan prompted.

"Information about him eludes me," Ahsoka replied, putting a hand on her chin. "But I've learned more about his Inquisitors. It seems they have a secondary mission to make retrievals."

"We know they hunt Jedi," Kanan said. "What else are they after?"

"At this point, I could only guess. I've managed to decode two sets of coordinates. I'm on my way investigate the first—"

"And you want me to check out the second," Kanan finished. "I'm in."

"You should have Ezra join you," Ahsoka suggested.

Kanan laughed. "Don't worry. He's already briefed on the mission."

He opened the door, and Ezra stumbled forward and fell on the ground. He quickly stood up and brushed off his pants.

"Hey," he said smoothly. "She did say this was Jedi business."

Ahsoka smiled. "Bring Zeb as well. He proved himself against the Inquisitors before."

"So, where are we going?" Ezra asked.

"I'll see you two later," Ahsoka said, leaving the Ghost.

She walked towards her ship, a small A-wing she had borrowed from the Rebellion, and left the atmosphere of the planet and jumped to hyperspace. When she arrived at the coordinates, all she saw was a small transport that she looked up at. She turned to ask Jax to stay, but then remembered that he was with Rex for the day on Garel. They were practicing Jax blocking shots with his lightsabers, and his aim with a blaster.

He was loving having a dad.

Ahsoka pulled towards the transport and docked with the ship, then went inside the ship. She traced her hand over burnt marks, lightsaber marks, and saw only one living person. She was older and was trapped under a piece of metal.

"Help," she called weakly. "I'm here."

"It's okay," Ahsoka said. "You're safe now."

Ahsoka reached out her hand and the woman took it.

"Help my grandchild," she rasped.

"Your grandchild?" Ahsoka asked. They were taking children?

"They took her. The red blades," She said. "They knew that she has it."

She's Force-sensitive. Ahsoka realized. She put her hand on the back of the woman's head and held her up.

"She... has... it." She said.

"Shh," Ahsoka said soothingly. "Rest. You need to rest." she stroked her cheek. Ahsoka couldn't imagine what would happen if someone took Jax. She'd tear down the galaxy to find him. "I will find her," she promised.

"Please," she rasped.

Ahsoka set the woman down and stood up, sending her waves of serenity and peace so that she could relax. She walked back to her ship, glancing back at the now-sleeping woman.

She climbed in her ship and went back into hyperspace, back to the planet she had come from. The Inquisitors had probably taken the child from the woman and we're picking up another one to recruit them for the Empire—and the Sith.

Ahsoka heard banging on the door that she was at, and opened it, stepping out to see the two Inquisitors. Kanan, Ezra, and Zeb all lying on the ground.

Ezra looked up at her, and the female Inquisitor's mask folded back.

Ahsoka ignited her lightsabers and flipped them around in her hand.

"Unexpected," The Inquisitor commented. "But not unwelcome."

"Ezra," Ahsoka said sternly, without moving her gaze. "Get the youngling to the ship."

Ezra nodded, and Ahsoka winked at him.

Ahsoka jumped at the Inquisitors and landed with her lightsabers, but they blocked it, and

Ahsoka bounced off. The female kept jumping at her, and the male following. The male was just walking behind the female, his lightsaber spinning.

She heard Ezra telling Zeb and Kanan to go to the ship, but she didn't pay much attention.

The female Inquisitor poked her lightsaber towards Ahsoka, but she dodged it. The female was quick and was trying to use her speed to confuse Ahsoka, while the male followed her, his lightsaber spinning. Ahsoka Force-pushed the female and then the male came at her, and she pushed him back, and he didn't get up, but he was still alive.

The male doesn't seem to be very good with a lightsaber. Ahsoka thought. But he makes up for it in strength.

The female ran to her, and Ahsoka kept jabbing, and the female spun her lightsaber to block, and she dodged most of Ahsoka's hits.

She's faster. Ahsoka thought. And better at dueling.

"I know why you want the children," Ahsoka said angrily. The Inquisitor spun her lightsaber at Ahsoka's face, and Ahsoka dodged it.

"Well, who doesn't want to be a mother?" The Inquisitor retorted arrogantly.

Oh, you have no place to talk, Ahsoka thought. You worthless Imperial slime.

The Inquisitor aimed for Ahsoka's neck, but Ahsoka blocked it as it was raised, and the Inquisitor spun around and Ahsoka jumped back to dodge the hit.

She got in a lock with the female and held the lightsaber there, the female trying to overpower Ahsoka.

Ahsoka glanced back and saw the male running at her, and she pushed the female forward with one of her sabers and jumped behind the two Inquisitors.

The male ran to her, his lightsaber raised. His form is terrible. Ahsoka thought.

She stepped to the side as he brought his lightsaber down, and he hit a pillar and fell.

The female Inquisitor charged at her. Ahsoka blocked it using both of her sabers and held it for a second, and then struck towards the female's stomach, and kicked her back. She skidded to a stop by the pillar where the male was, and Ahsoka turned off her lightsabers and kneeled, closing her eyes. The female lunged at her, and Ahsoka put her hands where the female was holding her lightsaber, Ahsoka turned it off. The Inquisitor looked at her in surprise. Ahsoka stood up and pushed the Inquisitor back using the Force. Ahsoka walked up to the Inquisitor and put her lightsaber to the Inquisitor's neck.

"You are beaten," Ahsoka said.

The Inquisitor laughed, and Ahsoka looked up and saw Imperial troops coming in. "It looks like you are the one that is beaten," she said.

The Inquisitor ignited her lightsaber and spun it towards her using the Force. Ahsoka jumped up and The two Inquisitors stood up, the male recovering from his head injury.

"Hmm. Your capture would please Lord Vader," The female Inquisitor said. Oh, I'm sure it would. Ahsoka thought.

Ahsoka heard her comm beep and saw the Phantom taking off.

"Tell your master he'll have to wait," Ahsoka said. She put her lightsabers on her belt and jumped as the male Inquisitor's lightsaber was thrown at her. She Force-jumped to the building above them, and the Phantom's door opened, and Ahsoka lept in. She walked up to the front and looked at the two younglings, one of them with their mother.

"That was crazy," Zeb said, wrapping Ezra in a side-hug. "But worth it."

"They're Force-sensitive. I've seen this before." Ahsoka commented. "A Sith Lord attempted the same thing back during the Clone Wars. But the Jedi Order stopped him."

"And now there's no Jedi Order to protect them," Kanan said. He turned around in his seat and looked at the children, a smile on his face. "Okay. I guess that task falls to us now."

Ahsoka smiled. They were the Jedi Order now, even though Ahsoka wasn't technically a Jedi. But she still followed the code. Well, mostly, at least. She would protect these younglings just as she had when she was a Padawan. She would give her life to save the new generation of Force-Users.

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