Chapter 7

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The next day, Ahsoka woke up to Rex shaking her awake, a crazy grin on his face.

Ahsoka groaned and sat up. "What's going on?"

"Commander Sato has given us permission to go to Seelos," Jax exclaimed. "We're getting the stuff Rex left there!"

"We're leaving in an hour, just us, Wolffe, Gregor, Ezra, and Hera," Rex added. "So you might want to get up."

Ahsoka smiled. "Sounds great," she said. "You're lucky I just finished a project."

"That's why I waited to ask," Rex said, his smile growing wider.

Ahsoka stood up and kissed him. "You're the best."


They landed on Seelos, and Ahsoka saw the wreckage of two Imperial walkers and a Republic walker.

"You lived in a walker?" Ahsoka asked.

Rex shrugged. "It felt like home."

"Yeah, and it's all we could afford," Wolffe grunted.

Jax ran into the walker, which was still mostly together. "This is so cool!" he exclaimed.

Ahsoka took Rex's hand and they followed their son into the walker. Ahsoka looked around and felt a wave of nostalgia. It felt like she was back in the War again, and she could see why Rex and his brothers chose to live in it.

"Hey, we've still got our old helmets!" Rex yelled as Wolffe and Gregor walked in the walker.

"Not bad," Gregor said, picking one up.

Rex walked forward and grabbed one, tossing it at Ahsoka. "Ahsoka, look at this one,"

Ahsoka turned it over, taking in the sight of it. It was a 332nd helmet. The one with her markings on it.

"Rex," Ahsoka said softly. "How did you get this?"

"It was Ridge's helmet," Rex explained. "I kept it. He told me when he died I could have it. So I took it."

Ezra and Hera came into the walker. "This place is a mess," Ezra commented.

"It's been through a lot," Gregor said, patting one of the walls.

"Hey, it's Cody's old helmet!" Wolffe said, throwing a helmet at Rex.

"The Phase I helmet," Rex said with a smile.

"How did Cody let you get a hold of that?" Ahsoka asked. "He was pretty protective of his armor."

"Fives stole it from him," Rex said with a sad smile. "He gave it to me. And then I gave it to Wolffe so that it would stay safe."

"Who's Cody?" Ezra asked.

"A clone commander," Hera replied.

"212th battalion," Ahsoka added. "Second in command under Obi-Wan Kenobi."

"What happened to him?" Ezra asked.

Ahsoka glanced at Rex. "I'm not sure," Rex replied. "Last I heard, he was with the Empire. High command under Vader."

"Oh," Ezra said, avoiding Rex's gaze.

"It's fine, kid," Rex said. "Do you want one? We've got plenty."

Ezra nodded frantically. "If that's okay."

Rex smiled and then tossed Ezra a white Phase II helmet. "Tell Sabine to have fun with it."

Ezra looked at the helmet. "Thanks, Rex."

Ahsoka handed the helmet she was holding to Jax. "Keep this," she said.

"Are you sure?" Jax asked. "I'm not sure--"

"Jax, it's fine," Gregor said. "You're our blood. It's only right."

Jax grinned. "Thanks."

"Ahsoka, why does that one look like your face?" Ezra asked, pointing at the helmet in Jax's hand.

"Ezra," Hera scolded him. "You could have worded that differently."

"Sorry," Ezra apologized.

"No need," Ahsoka replied. "The clones did it for me as a gift when I... when I was about to go to Mandalore."

"That's wizard," Ezra said, his eyes wide.

"You should have seen her face," Rex said, wrapping an arm around Ahsoka's waist. "Artoo recorded it, but I don't know where the footage is now."

"That whole day was a big blur," Ahsoka said. "A lot happened."

"Yeah," Rex agreed with a sigh. "I'm going to grab some datapads, and then I think we can leave."

"Sounds good," Hera said. "Is there anything else you want to keep?"

Gregor looked around. "Nah, just the helmets and datapads. I think we've got a few blasters lying around, too."

"Let's get those," Hera said.

Gregor nodded and walked to where Rex was. They both emerged a moment later.

"Let's go," Rex said. "We got what we came for."

Wolffe shoved his helmet on his head. "Yeah, I'm ready to go. It's all dusty here."

And put the helmet he was holding on his head and looked around. "Wow!" he said, his voice ringing with fascination. "This has a thermal scanner, night vision, and an airlock!"

"Jax, you can drool over your helmet later," Ahsoka said with a sigh. "But we need to get going. We can't be here forever."

Jax nodded "Okay," He turned his head to Ezra. "Ezra, race you!"

Ahsoka smiled as the two boys raced out of the walker. Rex walked over to Ahsoka. "Remember when we did that on Mandalore?"

Ahsoka nodded. "Yeah," she replied. "And I beat you."

Rex rolled his eyes. "How was I supposed to beat you?"

Hera cleared her throat. "Um, can we leave? I don't trust those two boys alone with Chopper in my ship."

Rex shrugged. "She's got a point."

Ahsoka smiled. "Let's go." She walked out of the walker and into the Ghost and saw Jax and Ezra on the ground, Jax sitting on Ezra's back.

"Jax!" Ahsoka scolded. "What are you doing?"

"Um," Jax said awkwardly. He stood up. "We were racing. Didn't you hear us?"

"Yes, but I didn't realize racing meant sitting on top of others!" Ahsoka said, rubbing her temples.

"But what if it does?" Jax said with a shrug.

"Jax, just don't do it again," Ahsoka said.

"And Ezra!" Hera said as the boy stood up. "I would have thought you to have more sense! You're a Jedi! Act like it!"

"Sorry, Hera," Ezra apologized.

"I'm sorry, too," Jax said.

"Now, since that's over, I'm going to get us out of here," Hera said. "Please behave."

"We will!" The two teens said in unison.

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