Chapter 8

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A/N: Hey guys! There's going to be a lot of updates over the next few days since I have WAY too much time on my hands. On January 2nd, there won't be an update (I'm spending the day with extended family) and I'm going to try and get this book finished (there are 15 chapters in this book, including the prologue) and get started on book 2 before I go back to school on the 5th. 

Another week had passed, and Ahsoka had been asked to meet with Kanan on the Ghost, and away from the rebel fleet. She was meditating and had opened a Jedi Holocron that Kanan had lent her. Jax was with her since he had requested to come with her. In the Holocron, there was a hologram recording of Anakin, of one of the lightsaber technique videos he had recorded during the Clone Wars.

She heard the door open, and Ezra stepped inside, sitting across from her.

"Keeping your saber moving is key to deflecting The fire of multiple adversaries," Anakin said through the video. "Move in motion, one into the next, into the next, and so on. I've made some... adjustments to the classic form four techniques that I think you'll find work well against droids and other ranged attackers. Here, I'll show you," He ignited his saber, and deflected a shot. "One." He changed his position and deflected another blaster bolt. "Two. Three. Four. Five." Again and again, he deflected the bolts.

"He's amazing," Ezra commented. "I've watched these recordings to help me with my own saber training."

"You should have seen him in person," Ahsoka replied. She opened her eyes. "Anakin Skywalker. He was my master."

"Kanan said he was the greatest warrior the Jedi had in the Clone Wars," Ezra said in awe.

"He was powerful," Ahsoka said in agreement. "Rarely lost a battle. But what would have surprised people was how kind he was. He cared deeply about his friends, and looked out for them until the end."

"Rex said that he was the best General to fight under," Jax said. "But he doesn't know what happened to him."

"Practice these exercises mindfully, and you'll see improvement, I promise," Anakin said in the recording.

"Do you know what happened to him?" Ezra asked Ahsoka.

The hologram faded out, and the Holocron closed back again. "The last time I saw him he was rushing off to save the Chancellor," She sighed. "Then everything changed. The war ended, and the Jedi were accused of treason. One by one, they were hunted down."

"By the Inquisitors," Ezra said.

"Or worse," Ahsoka added grimly.

"Speaking of Inquisitors," Kanan said, entering the room. "Ahsoka, what do you think about us doing the hunting for a change?"

Ahsoka stood up. "When you defeated one, two more came. Who's to say we wouldn't multiply our problems yet again?"

"And there's Vader," Ezra added.

"I don't disagree," Kanan said. "But the fact remains that we can't protect our friends from Vader and his Inquisitors. I can barely protect you."

"I don't need protecting," Ezra said.

"It's times like these that Anakin and I would turn to someone like Obi-Wan, or Master Yoda. They always had the answer," She paused. "Well, almost always."

"Then maybe we should ask Master Yoda," Kanan said.

Ahsoka's eyes widened. Master Yoda is alive? She thought.

"What do you mean, 'we should ask Master Yoda'?" Jax asked. "I thought he was dead."

"He isn't," Ezra said. "When Kanan and I went to the Jedi Temple on Lothal, he spoke to me."

"We should go now," Kanan said. "It should give the rebellion a little bit of protection, too."

Ahsoka nodded. "Let's go."

The four of them headed to the Phantom and flew off after Kanan told Hera that they were leaving.

Ahsoka got on her comm. "Hey, Rex." She said.

"Commander," Rex responded. "What's up?"

"Okay then, Captain," Ahsoka responded, smirking. "Jax and I are going to be gone for a little bit. Don't panic, we'll be fine."

"Okay," Rex said. "See you soon. Jax, when you get back, you want to play a game of Sabacc?"

"Yeah, sure," Jax said. "Sounds fun."

"Bye," Rex said, and the connection ended.


They landed on Lothal, and Ezra said, "It's good to be back."

"Ezra," Ahsoka said. "You're from Lothal?" No wonder they found a Jedi Temple on this planet, with Ezra's strong connection to it.

"Yeah," Ezra replied. "This place is my home."

"That's cool," Jax said. 

They walked to a big stone, in the shape of a cone, with markings all around it. They stood in the circle, and Ezra turned to Ahsoka.

"Here it is," Ezra said. "If you and Kanan stand here, you can use the Force to open the Temple."

"I cannot," Ahsoka replied.

"Why?" Ezra asked.

"Because I am no longer a Jedi," Ahsoka said, putting a hand on Ezra's shoulder. "It was my choice. I left the Order. It's probably best if you two open it. Jax technically isn't a Jedi either, we just use the Light Side of the Force."

"Alright then," Ezra said. "Kanan,"

Ahsoka and Jax stepped back, and Kanan and Ezra stepped forward. They outstretched their hands, and the rock slowly raised out of the ground, going higher and higher. She surveyed her surroundings and saw Morai circling around the Temple.

Hello, she said into the Force. I haven't seen you in some time.

Well, her friend said. You haven't been on natural ground much.

I've been busy! Ahsoka protested.

"Hey," Ezra said, opening his eyes. "Where's the door going?" There was an opening in the temple that disappeared quickly. The Temple kept rising until another doorway opened.

The two of them brought their hands back to their sides. "This is new," Ezra commented.

"Well, new problem, new door," Kanan said.

"I've never been to a Jedi Temple," Jax said. "This is so amazing."

"Chop, stay here," Kanan said sternly to the droid. "Keep an eye out."

Chopper beep an I will, and the group headed inside.

The doorway entrance was long, and it led to a large room. They all looked around, and the door closed behind them.

Ahsoka turned to Ezra and Kanan. "How did you contact Master Yoda here?" She asked.

"Well," Kanan said, embarrassed. "He kind of...contacted us."

"I thought I was dreaming when I first heard Master Yoda's voice," Ezra said.

"And I was meditating," Kanan added.

"Then perhaps that's a good place to start," Ahsoka said, and they all knelt and closed their eyes, clearing their minds.

They all sat there for a few minutes, and then Kanan said, "I see a doorway."

"Where?" Ezra asked, looking around. "I don't see anything."

"I don't," Jax added, following Kanan's gaze.

"Neither do I," Ahsoka said.

"Last time we spoke to Master Yoda we were separated," Kanan said. "Maybe this is my path alone." He stood up.

"Be careful!" Ezra called after him.

"Don't worry," Kanan replied over his shoulder. "I wouldn't do anything you would do." Ezra glared at him, and then Kanan disappeared.

"Where'd he go?" Ezra asked. "He just disappeared."

"As you know, these temples can be tricky," Ahsoka replied.

"Yeah," Ezra said. "I know."

"The Force is tricky in itself," Jax said.

"You got that right," Ezra said.

They closed their eyes once again, and a few moments later, Ezra said, "You knew Master Yoda,"

"Yes," Ahsoka replied. "He taught almost all of the younglings in the Temple, at one point or another."

"Kanan described him to me," Ezra said. "Small, green, and wrinkly, it's pointy ears."

Ahsoka smiled. That was Master Yoda.

"But he didn't know what he was really like," Ezra said.

"I'm not sure anyone did," Ahsoka replied, closing her eyes once more. "He was wise, but when I was young, he seemed happier. As the Clone War dragged on, he carried a great burden, a deep sorrow, as if he knew that one time was ending, and another beginning."

She opened her eyes, and Ezra was gone.

"Mom," Jax said. "I'm not a Jedi, and neither are you. How can you be sure that the Temple will help us?"

"The Force works in mysterious ways," Ahsoka replied.

"That's helpful," Jax said sarcastically. "Wait, I think I see something. It looks almost like a... person?"

"Go," Ahsoka said. "It's meant for you to go see it. I'll be fine."

"Okay," Jax said, and he stood up, and then after a few moments, disappeared into the darkness of the Temple.

Ahsoka closed her eyes again, and after a moment, she heard a voice.

Ahsoka, it said. Anakin! She thought. It was his voice. Was he still alive? Or was he what she thought he was, what the only conclusion she could make of the Sith Lord. Or was it was she hoped, that it was her master giving her a message about Vader. Or even just a message to reassure her.

Why did you leave? It asked. Where were you when I needed you?

Ahsoka opened her eyes. "I made a choice. I couldn't stay." She whispered.

You were selfish.

"No!" She yelled, her voice hoarse with distraught.

You abandoned me! You failed me! Do you know what I've become?

Tears formed in Ahsoka's eyes, and she heard the breathing of Darth Vader. The loud inhale and exhale from his mask.

"No," She whispered. It couldn't be. "No!" She screamed, and ignited her lightsaber, turning around, but she saw nothing. Tears raced down her cheeks. It can't be. Anakin would never! She sighed and put her lightsaber away.

She fell on her hands and knees, and tears streamed out of her eyes. "No, no." She kept repeating.

--Jackson's POV--

Jax followed a person who was wearing a mask with gold marks on it towards a new room. He had no idea who the person was, but he had a feeling that he could trust them.

sat down in the room and started meditating again. The person touched his head, and he immediately saw a vision. It was overwhelming. He had never had a vision before, but his mother had told him about them.

He saw them in a dark place, with a red pyramid on a large incline. He saw someone with yellow, blood-streaked eyes, Kanan being struck in the face with a lightsaber—a red lightsaber. He saw his mother fighting Vader. "I won't leave you!" His mother's voice said. "Not this time." Why would she say that? He saw three Inquisitors, one being stabbed by the yellow-eyed person, but Jax couldn't make sense of who it was. He saw one Inquisitor be cut in half, and another use their lightsaber as a flying mechanism and fall after it broke. He saw his mother, looking down a flight of stairs. "Running away again, Lady Tano?" A snake-like voice asked. He saw his mother, laying on the ground, dead. No! Jax thought. She can't die! The image changed. "He's on our side!" Ezra said.

Jax opened his eyes, and the Temple had started rumbling. He ran back to the room he had come from and saw his mother with tears on her face. "Mom?" He asked. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Ahsoka replied, wiping her eyes with the side of her arm. "I'm fine. Let's go." She whispered something to herself, but Jax didn't catch it. The two of them raced towards the door, and they met up with Ezra and Kanan.

"Kanan, Ahsoka, you won't believe what I—!" Ezra said.

"Tell us later, come on!" Kanan said, cutting him off, and they ran towards an opening.

"Up ahead!" Kanan said, pointing to a doorway. "A way out!" They all kept running, but Ahsoka stopped for a second, looking behind her, but Jax kept running. He knew his mother would catch up.

The four of them got to the ship, and they were all winded from their run.

--Ahsoka's POV--

Ahsoka was still crying when she heard footsteps where she was. "Mom?" It was Jax. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yeah," She wiped her wet eyes. "I'm fine." She lied. She wasn't. Her master could never have done the things that Vader had. But deep down, her instinct told her it was the truth, no matter how much she didn't want to believe it. No. She thought defiantly. Anakin was dead. He wasn't Vader. She squashed down the thought.

"Let's go," She paused for a second. "There's still a way." She whispered. The two of them ran towards the door, and they all met in an opening.

"Kanan, Ahsoka, you won't believe what I—" Ezra said.

"Tell us later, come on!" Kanan said, cutting him off. They ran towards the nearest opening.

"Up ahead!" Kanan said, pointing towards a doorway. "A way out!" Ahsoka nodded but felt a presence. She looked behind her as Kanan, Ezra, and Jax kept running.

Master Yoda! Behind her was Yoda, sitting on a log. How he was there, Ahsoka didn't know. Yoda waved at her, and she smiled. She nodded at him, and then kept running. She ran out the door, and Kanan, Jax, and Ezra were only a little bit ahead of her. The door closed behind them, and Chopper swooped in on the Phantom.

He beeped a reply.

"He says the Imperial forces are on their way." Ezra translated. They all jumped into the Phantom, and Chopper flew out of the atmosphere.

They all stood there, gasping for breath.

"I saw Master Yoda," Ezra said.

"Saw him?" Kanan asked, dumbfounded. "What did he say?"

"He said to find Malachor," Ezra said. "Who's Malachor?"

Kanan and Ahsoka looked at each other. Jax's eyes widened. He had heard of the legends that Ahsoka had told him when he was little.

"Malachor isn't a person," Ahsoka said grimly. "It's a place."

Ezra looked at the ground.

"Why would Master Yoda want us to go there?" Jax asked.

"I don't know," Ahsoka replied. "We'll go to Malachor as soon as we can, Ezra. We just need to find a base first."

"Okay," Ezra said. "Okay."

"Ahsoka, did you see anything?" Kanan asked.

"Nothing important," Ahsoka lied. "You?"

"I--I got Knighted," Kanan said sheepishly.

"Congratulations," Ahsoka said to her friend. "You've earned it."

"Thank you," Kanan said humbly, bowing his head.

Chopper jumped to hyperspace, and the rest of the trip back was quiet.

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