Chapter 17 Tragedy Strikes Again

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        Marinette's POV:

            Marinette is busy sketching a bit since today is a slow day for the bakery. It is Wednesday and so far she has not had a single customer. She wonders if anyone will ever show up anyways.

            She hears her phone buzz twice before she glances at it.  She sees two text messages from her father.  Strange she has not heard much from her folks since they left for an anniversary trip. She does wonder how things are going for them both.

           She decides to read the texts to find out. She gasps as she sees the bad news from her father.

           "Oh, no!  This is bad," Marinette says to herself.

           "My dear father must be devastated," Marinette remarks with tears in her eyes.

    *Author's note: Here is a copy of the text Tom sent to Marinette for those who wish to read them:   Tom Cheng to Marinette 

               Sorry to inform you that your mother and I have been in an accident.

                  Tom Cheng to Marinette message 2

                   I will be alright, but your mother is dead.  I am sorry to have to give you such bad news.

                    I will send you answers about the bakery later.  

            Tikki's POV:

             Tikki wonders what has brought such hysterics to her holder today. It is not that bad that the customers are few in numbers. It is the middle of the week and the place is usually more packed on the weekends anyways.  She can not help but notice the reaction came after Marinette looked at her cell phone.

    "Marinette what is the matter?" 

       Tikki thinks the last thing I need is for Marinette to get akumantized. She shudders to think what Hawkmoth might do to her if she fails his mission. She knows he is way eviler than the heroes realize.

        She gets no answer as Marinette shoves the phone towards her. She reads the recent messages from Tom Cheng and gasps.  She knows now why Marinette is in tears.

           "Marinette, I am so sorry about your mother," Tikki says sadly.

               Tikki does her best to try to comfort Marinette the best she can under the circumstances. She recalls how happy Marinette is when Adrien is around. She thinks that it is it I will call Adrien. Maybe he can help, Marinette to be less sad.

                Narrator's POV:

                     As Tikki dials Adrien's number, Marinette drops her sketchbook and runs upstairs. She is not sure what to do now.  How can she know to respond to such horrible news about her mother?  She was not prepared for not even being mature over time and having finished high school. She thought her mother would always be there for her.

                   Adrien hears his phone ring and smiles when he sees the caller is identified as Marinette. He answers right away,  "Marinette, are you alright?"

                     Tikki disguises her voice to sound like Marinette.  "Adrien, come quick, it is about my parents, please, come!  I need you,"  She says.

                      Adrien senses from her tone of voice something is wrong. He asks his father's permission to cancel all his photoshoots.  Gabriel is not too happy about the idea but agrees to it just the same.

                 Tikki hangs up, takes the phone back to Marinette's room, and sets it down on the computer desk, then hides. This way Adrien will not see her by accident later when he comes to check up on Marinette.  She sure hopes he can help her holder and friend.

                    Adrien's  POV:

                    Adrien thinks do not worry Marinette, I will be there soon.  He runs out the door.  He arrives at the bakery within minutes. He gets no answer when he knocks, so he picks up the key he recalls Marinette mentioning was behind the hedge inside a funny box and uses it to unlock the door.

                 He enters, sees the dropped sketchbook, picks it up, puts the spare key in his pocket, closes the bakery door, puts a sign in the window to read Closed.  He goes upstairs to check on Marinette.  He gets no answer when he knocks at the door.  He is about to leave when he hears sobs.

              Adrien tries the doorknob and finds it is unlocked, so he tiptoes into the room.  He sees Marinette's phone on her computer desk, Marinette lying on her stomach on her bed, and a journal nearby.

             "Marinette, I came as soon as I could, love," Adrien says.

            Adrien gets no answer other than Marinette's sad sobs. He walks over to her and gently wraps his arms around her. He does say another word while he hugs her.  He decides to wait until she is ready to talk.

               Marinette's POV:

              Marinette recalls she went strange to her room not long after she got the bad news. She was too upset to care about the bakery anymore. She misses her mother and will never see her again. She misses her father too but has no clue what his plans are now.         

            She worries about her and Adrien's future.  She wonders how will things impact us and will we drift apart?

              She feels strong, yet gentle arms embrace her. She knows it must be Adrien as she thought she heard his voice. She sure hopes it is him since she is not in the mood to deal with anyone else right now.

             Marinette lifts her head and turns around so Adrien lets go of her.  She looks at him in surprise. 

         "How did you know to come?" Marinette asks.

           Adrien frowns, then answers, "Goodness, Marinette, you gave me a call that sounds urgent."

            Marinette thinks ah, so Tikki did call Adrien for me. She decides she must find a way to thank her properly later.

              "Thanks for coming," Marinette says sadly.

            Adrien's POV:

           "I would do anything for you, Marinette," Adrien says. He holds her hand glad she does not mind.

             "I know and that is what makes it so hard," Marinette tells him.

               Adrien feels as if his heart will break as she speaks to him. He thinks she is not breaking up with me, is she?  He sure hopes not after all they have been through together.

               "Mari, what is this all about my love?" Adrien asks.

                 Adrien waits to see what she says but feels as nothing can prepare him for her answer.

           Marinette's POV:

               Marinette sees the pain in Adrien's eyes and can sense it in his voice. She does not want to hurt him but is not sure how to make things work either.  She squeezes his hand as if to say please do not hate me.

                 "Adrien, my father sent me two texts, see," Marinette begins to tell him.

                   Marinette reaches for her phone with the opposite hand than the one Adrien holds and shows him the messages.  She feels as if her heart will break all over again.  She sees him read them slowly then sees him look at her with tears of his own.

                 "Mari, I am sorry about your mother, I know how it feels," Adrien chokes up as he speaks.

                   Marinette looks at him with sorrow as she nods her head to encourage him to continue with his words.  She feels him squeeze her hand again. 

                    "My mother went missing at least ten years ago, and I know it is not the same, but in a way, it feels as if it is somehow," Adrien explains.

                     "Oh, Adrien, I do not know what the news means for us," Marinette blurts out.

               Adrien's POV:
                 "What do you mean?" Adrien asks.

                    "I mean, I am not sure if my father will keep the bakery or sell it," Marinette says sadly.

                   "What will I do if he decides to move back to China?" Marinette asks.

                        "I see, you do not want to leave me, and I do not want to lose you,'' Adrien remarks.

                         "If your father does move, I can not make you stay as much as I love you," Adrien says sadly.

                           Adrien hugs her and feels her shake from sorrow, pain, and worry about the future. He kisses her cheek, and whispers, " I love you and I will never stop, Mari, I promise."

             Plagg's  POV:

            Plagg remains hidden inside Adrien's t-shirt pocket the whole time since it is way too hot outside for jackets to be worn today.  He feels tears form in his eyes as well. He does not want to see Adrien and Marinette drift apart. Not when those two have gotten closer since they became boyfriend and girlfriend.  He thinks it is unfair how life threw them both such a huge curveball. 

              He hopes Marinette will not have to move and the bakery is not sold. He knows he would miss the croissants, and other special treats at the place. He also knows if she did leave it would break Adrien's heart and Marinette's at the same time.   He does not want to see either of them sad.

            He can only hope for the best for them both as it is not his place to interfere no matter what happens in the long run.  He gulps as he realizes there is a possibility Tikki might end up with a new holder and Chat might have a new Ladybug to work with soon. 

          Plagg can help the sobs that make their way out of his eyes. He feels so sad about the unfairness of it all.  Why should Marinette and Adrien be the ones to suffer when they already have sacrificed so much already?

     Tikki's POV:

      Tikki remains hidden inside the purse that is on the chair in Marinette's room. She overhears the whole conversation between Adrien and Marinette. She feels sad for them both. She sure hopes everything works out since she does not want a new holder.  She also wishes to see Adrien and Marinette remain together and happy. She wishes to see Plagg happy too since she knows if Marinette moves, Chat Noir might quit.

       She feels tears stain her cheeks. She wishes there was some way she could ensure everything remains as it always was but even she can be sure that it will.  It is not her job to interfere in the decisions Tom makes for his family or for what happens with Marinette.

       Marinette's POV:

          "I love you too, Adrien,  and I promise it is forever," Marinette tells him.

              Marinette has no idea how much her promise to him will be put to the test in the days, weeks, and maybe even years to come.  She just knows for now she needs him. She lets him hold her close and begins to relax.  

             "Adrien, promise we will keep in touch no matter what happens to us," Marinette says.

                "I -I promise, Mari," Adrien says.

              "Good, because I promise as well," Marinette says.

                  *Author's note:  No customers show up at the bakery that day. It turns out many people heard about the tragic news to do with Marinette's parents and out of respect for Marinette and her father they chose to stay home.  They did not want to bother the grief-stricken young lady.  

                 Little does anyone know, but there is a certain person interested in buying the bakery should Tom decide to sell it.  Tom has not told Marinette yet, but he has made a few phone calls concerning the business.  He wants to be sure about his decision before he informs her about it all.  

         Find out more in Chapter  18

         -Summer out!

Chapter published June 24, 2020

  Edits made June 28, 2021

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