Chapter 18 Bakery Woes

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           Two days later, Marinette goes downstairs to the bakery and sees a funny sign outside the door. She thinks that it is strange it was not there earlier this week. She is about to go check to see what it says but gets a phone call from her father.

           "Oh, hello, dad," Marinette says.

         "Hi, Marinette," Her father replies.

        "Dad, when are you coming home?" Marinette asks afraid to hear the answer.

        "Marinette, I am not coming back.  I have decided to sell the bakery and to move in with some family members in China,"  Tom explains.

         "What sell the bakery?" Marinette asks in shock.

         "Correction, I sold the bakery to a buyer who I admit gave me a rather nice price for it," Tom tells her.

        "He agrees to keep it open until you decide if you wish to join me in China or stay," Tom remarks.

     "What do you mean?" Marinette asks again.

     "I mean I would prefer you to move to China as well, but I rather let you decide for yourself if you do not,"  Tom answers.

      "I see, how much time do I have to decide?" Marinette asks.

      "You have two months,"  Her father replies.

      "Yes, father, I understand," Marinette tells him.

        "I love you," Tom says.

        "I love you too, father," Marinette says. She hears him hang up.

             Marinette knows now without looking at the sign that it says sold. The only thing she does not know is who bought it. She can only hope whoever it did not get angry if it takes her a while to make a decision.  Somehow whatever she picks will be hard for her.

           Adrien arrives at the bakery to help Marinette out with the orders as his father has decided he needs more time off from photoshoots.  He has no idea what made him to this decision, but he is just happy to see her. He frowns as he reads the "Sold!" in big, bold letters on a sign outside the door. This could only mean one thing, Marinette's father must have gotten rid of the bakery.

        "Marinette, you there?" Adrien calls out.

        "Yes, do come in Adrien," Marinette says.

        "Mari, I saw the sign and I-I..." Adrien starts to sob all over again as he speaks.

         "Adrien, my dad said I have a choice on rather I move to China or not," She begins to say.

          "China?" Adrien asks.

        "Yes, he is moving there but says I have two months to decide rather I  join him there or not," Marinette explains.

          Adrien does not say another word, he hugs her and thinks I will miss you.  He feels as if today is the last time he will see her.  Somehow he knows she will leave him behind to be with her father.  He can not see her doing anything different. Besides, if she did stay where would she live?   

       Marinette hugs him in return and thinks Adrien I can not leave you. She knows it might seem crazy now, but how can she move to China and leave the boy she loves behind?  She has to find a way to remain here even if it hurts to be without her father. She has to for her sake and Adrien's. 

       "Marinette, whatever you decide I will support you," Adrien replies.

        "I know you will,"  Marinette says sadly. She feels sad that she can not be with him and still have her father close by. Yet somehow in time, she believes she will heal from the wound her father's move put her through far better than she would if she lost Adrien.

       Adrien does not know what she is thinking. He knows whatever she decides will be hard. He does not wish to lose her, but he has no plans to tear her apart from the only family she has left.

      Alya runs to the bakery as soon as she can since she did get a text from Marinette right after Marinette spoke to her father, but before Adrien came by. Now, she enters the place to see Adrien and Marinette embracing.  She thinks those two look great together. She takes a photo.

     "Adrien, and Marinette, I am here," Alya blurts out.

     "Yes, we can see that Alya," Marinette states.

    "Alya, nice to see you," Adrien says, but glares at her.

      "Marinette I can not believe you sent me a text to say your father is moving out of the country and the bakery is sold.  Wow, girl," Alya remarks.

          "Did she tell you her father told her she can move as well or stay here?" Adrien asks. He holds Marinette's hand as if he is afraid to let go.

          "No, " Alya states.

      "He is right, my father did, but I have two months to tell him my decision," Marinette says.

            "You are not going are you, best friend?" Alya asks with tears in her eyes.

           "I honestly do not know, Alya," Marinette responds. She knows she does not want to leave her boyfriend she loves or her best friend let alone Paris, but can she leave her father?  Ugh, she can not decide. At least not yet, it is way to hard when she barely found out the news today.

          "Marinette, how about we three go out to see the sights for  a bit?" Adrien asks.

           "Sure, Adrien, let me grab my sketchbook," Marinette answers. She goes to her room, grabs her sketchbook, and returns. She sees Nino kissing Alya.

            "Adrien, come on let us go and leave those lovebirds alone," Marinette states with a smirk.

                Marinette and Adrien head out the door, only to have Nino and Alya follow close behind them. The four friends, well two couples, go to look around Paris for what they believe might very well be the last time ever. 

               Once at the Effiel Tower, Adrien gets on one knee and holds out the pink ring box in one hand with it open to show a cute ring with pink jewels on it, a diamond in a heart shape in the middle, with a cat symbol next to it and a ladybug symbol on the other side. 

            "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, will you marry me?" Adrien asks.

            Marinette wishes to say yes, but how can she? She is not so sure.  Sure she wants to marry him, but how can she promise him anything when the future is so uncertain.

          Find out more in Chapter  19   

        -Summer out!

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