Chapter 11

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Prabhas has put his last shirt button Nandhini came out from the Bathroom....

Prabhas turned around to see who it was....

Prabhas was shocked to see Nandhini.😱😱😱😱

Nandhini saw Prabhas and she was shocked as well!!😱😱😱😱

Prabhas and Nandhini's face lit up in happiness.... They haven't seen each other for so long! Their heart were jumping in happiness....

Their Eyes welled up with tears....

Both of them took a half a step near each other then suddenly they stopped....

Their gang was really happy seeing that!!

They were curious thinking what is going to happen next....

Both of them remembered what happened in their past....

Prabhas face slowly started to change in anger....

Nandhini's face went dull and sad....

Their gang saw this....

Prabhas was about to leave from there in anger....

Their gang came in....

Including Vikram and Preethi....

Prabhas and Nandhini got shocked seeing them!! Specially Vikram and Preethi holding their hands together....

Nandhini(mindvoice): What is happening here? Why are they here? When did Vikram and Preethi unite? Oh God!! What is going to happen now? Does Vikram knows the truth? How is Prabhas going to react after seeing them? Oh God what am I going to do now?

Nandhini had so many unanswered questions!!

Nandhini was getting tensed when she is thinking how Prabhas is going to react....

Karthik: Prabhas, Why are you angry?

Prabhas(angry): Why is she here?😡😡

Everyone got shocked by his anger mode....

Prabhas(angry): Why aren't you answering me?😡😡 IS IT YOUR PLAN TO MAKE ME MEET THIS PERSON WHO I NEVER WANTED TO MEET IN MY LIFE?😡😡

Prabhas screamed at them....

They jumped backwards by his words and anger....

Arjun: Prabha....

Prabhas(shouts): SHUT UP!!😡😡 You know that I don't wish to meet her! Then why did you guys tell me to come today when you knew she was coming today?

Karthik: Why are you getting angry Prabhas.... Its Nandhini!! She's our friend too!!


Then Prabhas turned towards Vikram and Preethi.... His anger went to the next level....

Prabhas: I thought my brother is also my side! But I didn't know that you'll also betray me like this! You know what happened! Then how can you reunite and still like her sister? I never expected this from you Vikram!!😡😡😡😡

Vikram and Preethi were really nervous....

Preethi: Pra....


Nandhini couldn't hold her anger....

Nandhini: STOP IT PRABHAS!! She's my Sister!! You cannot yell at her like that!!

Prabhas turned around....

Prabhas(sarcastically): Haha....

Prabhas: Look at what she's saying! I don't have rights to yell at her! You are the reason why I'm shouting like this! 😡😡

Nandhini: Prabhas....

Prabhas: STOP IT!✋✋ I don't want to hear a single word from you! I never ever thought you'll betray and stab me from my back like this!! Because of you my whole family suffered!! Because of you everything collapsed!! Everything is because of you!! You're a liar! A cheater! I don't even want to see your face!!

Prabhas left from there angrily....

Nandhini was really upset.... 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Karthik and Keerthi were shocked by seeing Prabhas' anger....

They then realised that their fight is really big.... Vikram went behind Prabhas....

Everyone was upset.... Preethi went near Nandhini....

Nandhini saw Preethi and hugged her and started to cry further....

Everyone was really upset by seeing her cry like this....

Keerthi went to Nandhini....

Nandhini looked at Keerthi....

Then Karthik brought a chair then Keerthi made her sit down on the chair....

Everyone else also sat down on a chair near Nandhini....

Keerthi: Nandhini.... We know yourself and Prabhas are in a fight! But we didn't know it would be this big for hum to react like this.... What actually happened between you guys?

Nandhini didn't know what to say....

She remained silent....

Karthik: Please Nandhini.... Please don't hide anything from us anymore.... We really want to know the truth!

Nandhini knew that she can't hide anything now....

Nandhini wiped her tears....

Keerthi: Please Nandhini! We really care for you! Please tell us the truth....!!

Nandhini: I will tell you the truth under a condition!!

Keerthi: What condition?

Nandhini: You guys should promise me that you will not tell this truth to Prabhas or Vikram or to any of his family!!

Keerthi and Karthik were shocked hearing that😳😳

Nandhini: Will you promise me?

KK had no other choice so they promised Nandhini that they won't tell the secret to anyone....

Nandhini then remained silent again....

Keerthi: We've promised you!! Please tell us what happened....

Nandhini: I'll tell you guys what happened from the beginning so you'll understand everything properly....

Nandhini: 4 Years ago........

Why Prabhas is really angry with Nandhini?

What actually happened between them?

Why did Prabhas blame everything on her?

How did Vikram Preethi Reunite....

What will happen in their flashback!!

Will Nandhini tell KK the whole truth? Or Half?

As all of you were waiting the flashback is going to start from next Chapter!!

Are you guys excited??

Hope you guys liked my Mini Chapter!!

If I get lots of Comments and Votes this will give me motivation to write the next chapter quickly and post it so you guys will be able to read them ASAP!! ☺️☺️

Lets see what is going to happen in the Flashback....

To be Continued....

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