Chapter 10

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Back to the story....

Chapter 10 starts here....

KK's Engagement....

Arjun was walking towards the brides room!

Whilst he was going there he heard a noise from a room....

He stopped and turned around towards the room....

He got shocked....

Arjun(mindvoice): Vikram! Preethi! What is going on here?😱😱 Oh noo what is happening over here?

Arjun started to scratch his head in confusion 😂😂

When Arjun saw through the room window Vikram and Preethi were hugging each other!

One hand Arjun left happy that they've reunited! But on the other hand he was confused thinking how they were reunited! Whilst he was thinking he saw Priya coming towards him!!

Priya saw Arjun and she came towards him....

Priya: What.....

Arjun closed her mouth

Arjun(whisper): Shh.... Dont speak!! Look over there!!

Arjun pointed towards the room window....

Priya turned towards the window and got shocked to see Vikram and Preethi talking to each other lovingly....

Priya(whisper): What is happening Arjun?

Arjun(whisper): Thats what I'm also thinking! How come they are talking to each other like this? Didnt they say that they were separated?

Priya(whisper): Yeah!! Thats what I thought too! Lets go and ask them whats happening....

Without letting Arjun to answer Priya opened the door and went inside the room....

Arjun followed her....

Vikram and Preethi saw Arjun and Priya and got shocked!!

Both of them were silent and they were nervous....

Vikram: Arju....

Arjun: Dont say anything!! Priya and I saw you guys talking and hugging each other from the window....

Vikram and Preethi didnt know what to say....

Priya: What is happening here? Both of you guys said that you were broken up! But today we are seeing that you guys are together? What os actually going on?

Preethi: Priya.... Actually we wanted to say this to you guys but we didn't get a right chance to tell you!!

Arjun: What is it?

Preethi: Everything you know os the truth! We did break up 4 years ago.... Then....

Priya: Then....??

Preethi: Then we reunited!!

Arjun and Priya got shocked but at the same time they were really happy for them..!!

Arjun: What are you saying Preethi..??

Vikram: She is saying the truth Arjun! But Prabhas or Nandhini does not know about this?

Arjun: What?

Preethi: Yes Arjun! They don't know about this! They are still thinking that we have broken up!

Priya: But why are you guys hiding this?

Vikram: We don't want them to get angry or feel guilty that our lives are getting wasted because of them!!

Arjun: Preethi! You know Nandhini's condition at the moment! Then how could you hide this from her?

Arjun just blurted it out....

Priya, Preethi got shocked....

Vikram was really confused!🤔🤔

Vikram: What?? What's wrong with Nandhini??

Arjun , Preethi and Priya didnt know what to say....

Arjun: Ah....

Priya: He meant that Nandhini will get stressed out which isn't good for her? And she will remember everything when shes not thinking about it? Thats what you meant right Arjun??🤨🤨

Arjun: Ah.. yeah yeah! Thats what I meant!!

Vikram: Thats truee!!

Priya: The engagement is going to start soon!! Lets go! Preethi come come!!

Priya dragged Preethi with her and Arjun followed them!

They went from there!

They feel relieved....

The camera focuses on Vikram....

Vikram(mindvoice): Why did they all get nervous? The reason Priya gave me sounds not convincing to me! Something has happened! Why are they hiding it from us? Specially Preethi! Need to figure out what is actually happening!!

Preethi and Priya went to Keerthi's Room....

Keerthi: Where did both of you guys go?

Preethi: Sorry!!

Priya: Nandhini would you mind going and ask Aunty and Uncle when Keerthi should come down?

Nandhini: Sure!!😊😊

Nandhini went out from the room!! Priya locks the door up!

Priya: I just need to let both of you know something!

Keerthi: What is it?

Priya: Meera is here!!

Preethi got shocked after hearing her name! Keerthi was really confused!

Keerthi: Who is Meera?

Priya: I'll let you know later! But she caused a lot of problem between us! She's Prabhas' Cousin! Prabhas will believe her blindly! If she see's Preethi or Nandhini everything will collapse!

Keerthi got shocked!

She signed Priya that Preethi is here....

Priya: She knows everything! And coming to Preethi's topic she fooled us cleverly!

Keerthi: What did she do??

Priya narrated what happened a while ago!!

Keerthi was shocked and at the same time she is happy for Preethi!!

Keerthi: Why did you hide this from us you naughty little girl?🤨🤨

Preethi: Sorry!!☹️☹️

Preethi did a childish act! Priya and Keerthi laughed at her!! They hug each other!!

Keerthi: I'm soo soo happy for you! Hope Prabhas and Nandhini will also reunite soon!!

Preethi: Mee too!!

Same scene happened in Karthik's Room!!

They were talking casually....

Then Prabhas/ Nandhini went into Karthik/Keerthi's Room and told them to come downstairs!!

They were leaving the room when Nandhini got a phone call and went somewhere noiseless to answer the call....

Karthik, Prabhas, Vikram and Arjun were going downstairs when someone accidentally poured juice on Prabhas' shirt....

So Prabhas went back to the room to clean his shirt up....

Vikram, Arjun and Karthik were happy that it happened as they dont want him to see Meera!!

The couples went down and went on the stage....

The couple looked so beautiful!!

This is Karthik and Keerthi's Outfit....

Vikram was on the stage but Preethi cautiously stayed behind so Meera won't see her....

Keerthi & Karthik felt really bad for Preethi, Prabhas and Nandhini....

They want their best friends to see their engagement but due to Meera Preethi is unable to come to the stage!

And whereas Prabhas and Nandhini are unaware of it....

They want to do something but they don't know what to do....

Whilst they were thinking....

The camera focuses on Meera where she gets a phone call....

After awhile she got up from the place and started to walk towards the stage....

Karthik and Keerthi were confused....

Meera came up to the stage and spoke to their parents....

Then their parents brought Meera next to KK....

Karthik's Dad: Karthik Keerthi.... She said she's your friend and she needs to go early as she has some important meeting to attend....

Meera came forward to KK....

Meera(smile): Congratulations!!

KK: Thank You

KK slightly smiled at them....

Meera took a photo with them....

Then she saw Arjun, Priya and Vikram.... Who were next to KK

Meera(whisper): Keep in your mind Nandhini will not be able to enter into Prabhas' life again.... He's mine....

Meera gave an evil smile at them....

Karthik and Keerthi were really confused on what is going on....

Arjun, Priya and Vikram were giving an angry look at Meera....

Then Meera got down from the stage and went from there....

Preethi, Arjun, Vikram, Priya, Karthik & Keerthi felt relieved that Meera went from there but at the same time Arjun, Vikram & Priya was very angry on Meera and KK felt confused about why Meera said that....

KK signalled each other they'll ask them later about it....

Then Prabhas came to the Engagement Hall and standing on the stage....

Everyone felt relieved that he didn't meet Meera.... Preethi saw Prabhas....

She felt soo happy seeing him after a long time..!!

But she felt sad that she couldn't talk to him..🥺🥺

Preethi(mindvoice): It's really nice to see you bro after a long time! I really really hope you forgive Nandhini! I'm sorry bro! I can't say the truth to you! 🥺🥺😢😢

Preethi got emotional....

Her eyes started to well up with tears....

After awhile Nandhini finished her phone call and came near the stage....

She saw Preethi and told her to come there....

Preethi refused but Nandhini forced her amd brought her up the stage....

They were standing behind the parents....


KK Engagement happened....

Karthik and Keerthi happily exchanged the rings....

After they exchanged the rings Karthik kissed Keerthi's cheek....

Keerthi Blushed ☺️☺️

Everyone cheered, clapped and teased the couple.... The couples were blushing....

Prabhas turned towards Keerthi and he saw someone behind Keerthi's Parents but he couldnt see who it was....

Then someone called Prabhas' name then he turned around to talk to that person....

At that time Nandhini and Preethi came forward to congratulate Karthik and Keerthi....

They congratulated them and at the same time Nandhini saw Prabhas but she didnt see his face....

She was thinking who it is then she got distracted by her friends talking....

Then Preethi and Nandhini got down from the stage.... Then Karthik signalled Priya....

Priya went with them....

Then Karthik also signalled Arjun then Arjun also went towards Prabhas and casually talking with him and they got down from the stage Vikram followed them....

Then they all were eating and chatting in a different room of that hall....

Karthik and Keerthi took all the photos with family, friends and everyone....

Then finally all the guests started to go from there.... Karthik and Keerthi took lots of couples photo then after a while the photographs were taken and they got down from the stage....

Then they went to find their friends....

Keerthi saw Nandhini was talking with Priya and Preethi in a room....

Then they went to the eating area where they saw Prabhas was talking with Vikram and Arjun....

Karthik(whisper): Keerthi I think they havent met each other! Why haven't they seen each other all this time?

Keerthi(whisper): That's what I'm thinking as well!

Karthik(whisper): Let's make them meet!

Keerthi(whisper): But don't know what's going to happen next?

Karthik(whisper): First lets see.... First lets make them meet alone!

Keerthi(whisper): Okiee!

Karthik went to the boys gang....

Then Keerthi went to the girls gang....

Keerthi winked at Priya and Preethi....

Then they somehow went from that room....

They went to the eating room where Keerthi signalled Karthik to make Prabhas go to the room....

Then Karthik winked at Arjun and Vikram....

Then Vikram purposely poured gulab jamun on Prabhas....

Prabhas: What again? You know I've already struggled wiping the previous mark off from my shirt! Now you poured Gulab Jamun on my Shirt! Do you know how sticky this will be Vikram?

Vikram: Sorry!!😑😑 I didn't mean to do it!!

Karthik: Dont worry Prabhas! Just go to the room and there will be my shirt you can wear that!!

Prabhas: What about for you?

Karthik: Come on man! Do I only have one shirt with me! Ive got plenty! Don't worry!

Prabhas thought for awhile then he decided to go to the room....

Everyone was happy! Vikram and Preethi were nervous about what's going to happen if they see each other! 😑😑

Prabhas was walking towards the room....

In the mean time Nandhini went to the Bathroom....

Then Prabhas opened the room door and then closed it....

Then he took of his shirt and was changing into Karthik's Shirt....

Whilst he was buttoning his shirt up the gang came there and peeped throught the door....

They were shocked thinking where Nandhini is.... Everyone was nervous....

After Prabhas has put his last shirt button Nandhini came out from the Bathroom....

Prabhas turned around to see who it was....

Prabhas was shocked to see Nandhini.😱😱😱😱

Nandhini saw Prabhas and she was shocked as well!!😱😱😱😱

Finally KK's Engagement is finished!!☺️☺️

Finally Prabhas and Nandhini met!!

What is going to happen next?

How will they react?

Will Prabhas give a chance to Nandhini to talk to him?

Will Prabhas and Nandhini reunite?

What was their actual problem?

Why did they get separated?

Keep Guessing🤪🤪

If You want a Mini Extra Episode Today, I would like lots of Comments and Votes from lots of people who would/ likes my Story!!

To be Continued....

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