Chapter 9

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Scene Starts at Karthik and Keerthi's Engagement....

Arjun and Priya are tensed thinking what is going to happen next....

At the same time Prabhas came out from Karthik's room and he was on the phone talking to someone....

Arjun coincidentally saw that and got more tensed....

Arjun: Priya! Look Prabhas is there! What are we going to do?

Priya: I actually dont know! Oh god! When we plan something something else is happening!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Arjun: We shouldnt get tensed at this time! If Meera see's us she'll suspect us! We need to make sure that Meera does not see Nandhini or Preethi here!

Priya: Yeah we do need to make sure about that!

Arjun: Also has Nandhini and Prabhas met each other?

Priya: What do you think Mister?🤨🤨

Arjun; What?

Priya: If they met each other would Nandhini and Prabhas will be here still? Or would this engagement happen this peacefully and smoothly?

Arjun made a weird face!

Arjun: Yeah! I didnt think about that!

Priya: Very good Lover!🙄🙄🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ What am I going to do with this guy when I get married to him?🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Arjun: You don't need to do anything!

Priya: Very Funny! Now what shall we do? We need to make Nandhini and Prabhas meet each other without Meera being here!

Arjun: I think that's impossible for now! But we do need to think something!

Priya: Hmm yeah! Make sure Meera does not see Prabhas! Otherwise she wont leave until he leaves from here!

Arjun: Okay! I'll take care of that! You make sure that Nandhini or Preethi does not meet Meera here! As I have a feeling that she came here with a plan! Which can be explosive like a bomb! Dont forget about that!

Priya: I wont! Okay I'll go now! You take care over here!

Arjun; Mm! Sure!

Priya went from there and she went to Keerthi's room! Arjun was still there and he kept an eye on Meera and Prabhas!

Arjun(mindvoice): I hope nothing bad happens today! Otherwise this will ruin the entire day! Our plan will fail totally!!


Few days before Karthik and Keerthi's Engagement....

Karthik, Keerthi, Arjun and Priya met each other at Karthik's House....

Arjun: Why did you call us here buddy?

Karthik: I'll tell you! But at first Keerthi and I need to know something..!!

Priya: What is it?

Keerthi: What happened between Prabhas, Nandhini, Vikram and Preethi?

Arjun and Priya got shocked....

They didnt expect this question from them!!😳😳

Karthik: We saw them but I went to meet Prabhas and Vikram and Keerthi went to meet Nandhini and Preethi! They said they broke up! What happened?

Arjun: No.... Noth.... Nothing Happened Buddy! Why are you asking this to us?

Karthik: Don't Lie Arjun!

Priya: We actually dont know anything!

Karthik: I dont trust you guys!

Keerthi: Just please tell us the truth! We really care for them! Please Priya! Arjun bro please! Just tell us what happened! You guys must know about this!

Arjun and Priya went silent they didnt know what to say!

Priya: To be honest! Yes they do have a problem....

Karthik & Keerthi got shocked! 😨😨😨😨

Arjun looked at Priya shockingly!

Arjun: Priya!!

Priya: Wait Arjun! But Keerthi, Karthik! We cannot say anything as we've promised Nandhini and Preethi that we won't tell anyone about it! We are very sorry!

Keerthi: Then what do we do? We cannot see them like this! It's literally making us really upset! We knew how they were during their University Days! They never behaved like this at all!

Arjun: When we got to know the truth it was very shocking for us! But unfortunately like Priya said we cannot say the truth to you guys!! You will have to ask Nandhini about it!

Priya: But all we can say it that Prabhas and Nandhini does not know they both are living in London!!

Keerthi and Karthik got shocked after hearing this!

Karthik & Keerthi (shocked): WHAT??😳😳

Arjun: Yes! They don't know they are living London! By this information you can see they have a huge problem between them!

Karthik and Keerthi felt really bad for them!

They never knew a huge problem will be created between them....

Priya: We also want to reunite them! But we actually don't know what to do!!

All four of them thought for awhile!!

Karthik: I got an Idea!

Arjun: What is it?

Karthik: As Prabhas and Nandhini does not know where they are they wouldn't know that we've invited them!!

Arjun: Okay! What about that?

Karthik: So why don't we make them meet in our Engagement Day?

Everyone got shocked after hearing that!

Priya: But won't this create another issue and make them drift apart more?

Karthik: The chances are less! In these 4 years wouldn't they thought about each other?

Everyone started to think!

Karthik: Except both of you we dont know the exact issue! If you guys think about it at least they will be thinking or missing them! Wont they?

Arjun: The Chances are possible! But we actually don't know if this will work out?

Keerthi: It will work out! After Karthik and I met them we met each other and the thoughts we got it both of them haven't moved on with their lives! They both are upset when they talk about their past!

Karthik: Plus Prabhas gets really angry! If both of them meet each other and we create a space for them to speak about the differences and the issues they had there are chances of them reuniting right?

Priya(smiles): Yes! I think you are right!

Arjun: Priya....

Priya: It will Arjun! We wanted to do something but we didn't get a chance to do it! Lets try this! We've now got Karthik and Keerthi's support to reunite them right? There isnt any harm for us to try this plan!

Keerthi: Yeah I think we should go ahead with this plan!

Arjun thought for awhile!!

Arjun: We'll go ahead with this plan! But how are we going to make them see each other?

Mute Conversation is happening....

They all smile at each other! They give a group hug!

Flashback Ends....


Arjun(mindvoice): I need to tell this to Karthik first!! No no! Then he'll some how will try and get the truth out from my mouth! He does not know who Meera is! Oh God what do I do now? Argh! Tension Tension Tension Tension!!

Then someone tapped Arjun's Shoulder....

Arjun turned around! It was none other than our Vikram!

Vikram: What are you doing here? Are you going crazy like before during our University Days?

Arjun glared at Vikram!!

Vikram laughs at Arjun!

Vikram: I'm just kidding buddy! What happened? Why do you look tensed?

Arjun: Ah..... No.... Nothing. Vikram! Im not tensed I'm chilled out....

Arjun tried to act that he's chilled out but Vikram did not believe it!

Vikram: I know you if you are tensed or if you are chilled out! Tell me the truth!

Arjun: Nothing Vikram!

Vikram was getting ready to punch Arjun!

Arjun's eyes widen up in shock....

Arjun: Buddy! Don't punch me!

Vikram: Then tell me the truth! What happened!

Arjun: I'll tell you the truth!

Vikram: What is it?

Arjun: Meera is here!

Vikram got shocked hearing that!!😨😨

Vikram(shocked): What Meera?😨😨

Arjun: Yes! Not only that!

Arjun paused for a second....

Vikram starred at Arjun!

Arjun: Nandhini and Preethi are also here!!

Vikram's face lit up in happiness then he quickly changed his expression....

Arjun noticed that....

Vikram: Okay! So what?

Arjun: I think you know about Meera and her attitudes! I don't want any nonsense happening here!

Vikram: Yeah I know! I dont want anything to happen like that too!

Arjun: Do you know she's coming today?

Vikram: No I don't!

Arjun: What about Prabhas?

Vikram: I don't know about that! But how does she now Karthik and Keerthi? She never met them or knew about them!

Arjun: That's what I was thinking as well!

Vikram: Arghh!! She just get into my nerves! We cant do anything now! She'll make a scene out of it! Lets see what she does....!!

Arjun: Hmm!!

Vikram: You stay here I'll go to Preethi to let her now to be careful....

Vikram accidentally blurted that out under pressure after seeing Meera!

Arjun was shell shocked....😱😱😱😱

Arjun: What did you just say?

Vikram then recollected what he just said and bit his tongue....

Vikram: Ah.... I just said I'll go to Karthik's room and let him know about this..!!

Arjun: No you said something else!

Vikram: N.... No buddy! I didn't say anything else! I need to go know! I'll see you later!!

Vikram walked fast from that place without letting Arjun say anything....

Arjun(mindvoice): What is going on? I know what he said! He said he needs to let Preethi know about this..!!

He thought for awhile....

Arjun(mindvoice): Then this means.... Vikram and Preethi are together? No no! He said he broke up with her?! What is happening! These people are mad at confusing everyone!🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Arjun immediately went from there and he was going towards the brides room!!

Whilst he was going towards the brides room he heard a noise from a room!

He stood there and turned towards the room!

Arjun was shell shocked!! 😱😱😱😱

What is Meera's Plan?

What is she going to do?

Why did Arjun get shocked?

Will Prabhas, Nandhini, Vikram & Preethi meet each other?

Will Prabhas get to know the truth in the next episode or not?🤪🤪

Will a problem going to be created in KK's Engagement?

What are your guesses?

Please Vote, Comment and Share!!😊😊

Author Note: If it's getting boring please let me know! I'll finish KK's Engagement scene in nexts episode..!! Sorry if it was boring!!

To be Continued....

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