Chapter 8

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Scene Starts at Karthik and Keerthi's Engagement....

Prabhas and Vikram passed Keerthi's room....

Prabhas and Nandhini felt something weird in their mind....

Nandhini(mindvoice): Why am I getting this feeling again? My heart is racing fast! I can feel that Prabhas is somewhere near me! Is this true? Did he come today to Karthik's and Keerthi's Engagement? No no! He cant be here! I don't know where he is! I heard that he's in a different country but dont know where! But this feeling I got it few weeks ago! But why? Is he really here?

Prabhas(mindvoice): Why am I getting this feeling again and again? Is she here today? I can feel that she is somewhere near me? Why is my heart yearning for her when she betrayed me? What is happening with me....

Prabhas and Nandhini were lost in their thoughts....

At the same time someone entered into Karthik's and Keerthi's Engagement Day....

That person had a smile on the face and greeted Karthik and Keerthi's Family! Both families were clueless as they don't know who it is....

Then that person went and sat on a chair and was busy with her phone as the function hasn't started yet....

In the mean time someone came near that person whilst talking to other people.... It's Priya....

She was talking with her other University friends.... They were all laughing and giggling....

Then she looked around the hall and she got shocked seeing that unknown person....

Priya(mindvoice): Why is this person here? Did Karthik or Keerthi invite this person? Oh no! Prabhas, Nandhini, Vikram and Preethi are here! If this person see them a major problem will be created! What do i do now?

Priya was thinking then she got an idea

Priya(mindvoice): Idea! Lets tell this to Arjun!

Priya: Guys I'll be back!!

Priya was very nervous and she went looking for Arjun. She was looking for him everywhere....

Then she thought he might be in the food area!

Priya went to the food area!

She finally found him eating Gulab Jamun with his other friends....

Priya rushed towards him....

Priya: Arjun!!

Arjun and his gang turned around....

Arjun noticed that Priya is nervous....

He excused himself from his friends and went towards Priya....

Arjun: What happened Priya? Why are you so nervous?

Priya: I cannot tell you anything here.... Come with me now!

Priya pulled Arjun whilst he was halfway eating his gulab jamun....

Arjun: Hey Hey!! Wait wait let me put this away....

Arjun put his Gulab Jamun on a table and went with Priya....

Priya brought Arjun to the function hall....

Arjun: What happened Priya?

Priya: Look over there..!!

Priya pointed to that person....

Arjun confusingly turned around and saw that person....

Arjun was shocked....

Arjun(shocked): Meera??😳😳

The unknown person is Meera....

This is Meera!!

You will know who she is and about her character in the upcoming chapters....

Arjun and Priya were clueless on why Meera is here today....

Priya: Arjun what do we do now? If she see's Prabhas and Nandhini or Vikram and Preethi she'll make this as a huge problem....

Arjun: I know but what do we do? Does Prabhas know that she's here?

Priya: I don't know! But we have to make her go from here!!

Arjun: But how? If Prabhas know that she's coming to the event today we won't be able to do anything!!

Priya: But why?

Arjun: You know why! That Meera is his cousin! You know he believes whatever his family or cousin's say the most! We have to handle this carefully!! We need to make sure that Meera does not meet Nandhini!

Priya: Hmm....

Arjun and Priya are tensed thinking what is going to happen next..!!

Yes, The unknown person is Meera!! She is Prabhas' Cousin!

Why did she coming to KK's Engagement? Did she get invited to their Engagement Party?

What is Meera's Motive?

Why are Arjun and Priya got tensed when they saw Meera?

Why are they thinking if Meera see's Prabhas, Vikram, Nandhini and Preethi in one place that a problem will be created?

What Happened?

Keep Guessing!!

To Be Continued....

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