Chapter 7

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Hi Everyone,

I'm soo sorry for not uploading the chapters because I've been busy with my Sister's Wedding and then I couldn't get my head around with ideas for me to write this chapter for a while! I'm really sorry about that!

Now I am free to upload them!!

Sorry for making all of you wait!!

Chapter 7 Starts Here....

Scene Starts at Starbucks....

Karthik and Keerthi are thinking about something for a long time!

Karthik: What would have happened between them when we left there?

Keerthi: I'm also thinking the same! Vikram and Preethi, Prabhas and Nandhini break up? They were the most popular couple at University!

Karthik: Something has happened! We really should find out about it soon!

Keerthi: Shall we ask Vikram and Preethi?

Karthik: No we shouldn't! I know they said they'll let us know the whole story but we shouldn't ask them!

Keerthi: But why?

Karthik: They might not tell us the whole truth!

Keerthi: Who shall we ask then?

Karthik: I don't know! But we need to ask someone who was very close with them and knew what happened exactly!

Keerthi: But first lets focus on our marriage then we can execute a plan calmly!!

Karthik looked at Keerthi and smiled at her! Keerthi side hugged Karthik happily....

After 1 week

Its Karthik and Keerthi's Engagement Day....

Karthik and Keerthi were very happy and they were getting ready....

The guests has started to arrive and Karthik and Keerthi's family were welcoming all the guests.... Whilst they were welcoming them a car came in.... Keerthi's Family were happy to see that person! It's our Nandhini and Preethi....

Nandhini was wearing a beautiful Pink Saree with simple jewellery....

Preethi was wearing a red and yellow anarkali with simple jewellery....

Both of them were looking gorgeous....

Keerthi's Family greeted Nandhini and Preethi....

Karthik's family does not know them as Karthik never introduced them to his parents....

Keerthi's Mum: Hi Nandhini and Preethi! How are you?

Preethi: We are good Aunty! How are you?

Keerthi's Mum: I'm good darling!

Nandhini: How are you uncle?

Keerthi's Dad: I'm fine! How are you?

Nandhini: I'm good Uncle! Aunty where is Keerthi?

Keerthi's Mum: She's getting ready da!

Preethi: Can we go and see her?

Keerthi's Mum: Of course! You can!

Nandhini and Preethi hugged Keerthi's parents and went inside the function hall to meet Keerthi....

Then they were going towards Keerthi's room....

At the same time another person got down from the car. Karthik's family saw them and they were really happy!! It's Prabhas and Vikram....

These are Prabhas and Vikram's outfit and there were some girls who were standing outside there and just talking!

They were all drooling over them and kept staring at them....

Prabhas and Vikram didn't bother about that and they went up to Karthik's Parents!

Prabhas: Hi Aunty!

Vikram: Hi Uncle!

Karthik's parents greeted them and hugged them!!

Karthik's Mum: Its been so long since we've met you! I'm soo happy that both of you came today!

Vikram: Mee too Aunty!! I really miss your food!

Karthik's Dad: Then you should come to our house regularly to get good food!!🤣🤣

Vikram: Is it because Aunty will stop asking you to do stuff?🤣🤣

Karthik's Dad: Ermm!! 😑😑

Karthik's Mum: Ohh thats why you call them regularly when they were studying at University?🤨🤨

Karthik's Mum was frowning at her husband! Karthik's Dad didn't know what to say! He did a weird face expression! (The expression we normally do when we get caught)....

Prabhas and Vikram laughed at them!

Karthik's Dad Frowned at Vikram!!

Vikram: Leave it Uncle!😂😂

Prabhas: Anyways Aunty where is Karthik?

Karthik's Mum: He's in his room getting ready! You can go and see him!

Prabhas: Sure aunty! See you later!

Karthik's Mum: See you!

Prabhas and Vikram went inside the function hall and they were walking towards the grooms room!

Scene Shifts to Keerthi's Room....

Nandhini and Preethi went inside Keerthi's room....

Preethi: Hii Keerthi!!

Keerthi turned around and she was so happy to see Nandhini and Preethi! She got up from her chair and she hugged Nandhini and Preethi!!

Keerthi: Yaay!! I'm soo soo happy that both of you made it today!! I thought you wouldnt come!

Nandhini: How can we miss our best friends Engagement Day?

Keerthi smiled at them!!

Keerthi: Come come!! Sit down!

Keerthi sat on her chair and Nandhini and Preethi sat on the sofa next to Keerthi!

Keerthi, Nandhini & Preethi were talking happily whilst Keerthi is getting ready!!

At the same time Prabhas and Vikram were coming towards the Brides Room as they were looking for the Grooms Room!!

Prabhas and Vikram passed Keerthi's room....

Prabhas and Nandhini felt something weird in their mind....

Nandhini(mindvoice): Why am I getting this feeling again? My heart is racing fast! I can feel that Prabhas is somewhere near me! Is this true? Did he come today to Karthik's and Keerthi's Engagement? No no! He cant be here! I don't know where he is! I heard that he's in a different country but dont know where! But this feeling I got it few weeks ago! But why? Is he really here?

Prabhas(mindvoice): Why am I getting this feeling again and again? Is she here today? I can feel that she is somewhere near me? Why is my heart yearning for her when she betrayed me? What is happening with me....

Prabhas and Nandhini were lost in their thoughts....

At the same time someone entered into Karthik's and Keerthi's Engagement Day....

Who is that person came to Karthik and Keerthi's Engagement?

Will Prabhas and Nandhini meet at KK's Engagement?

What is going to happen next??

Keep Guessing!!

Let me know your thoughts in the Comments!

If you like this story please can you share it with your friends who are on Wattpad and Support me!🤗🤗

Sorry for any mistakes! I just wrote this Chapter and didn't proof read it as I wanted to post this Chapter because I didn't post anything for a while!

Do let me know if there's any corrections! I'll change them!

To be Continued....

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